The Border Vixen (36 page)

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Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: The Border Vixen
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Parlan Fife shrugged. “Who knows,” he admitted. “The eldest is a lad, and I’ll teach him to man my boat. At least I’ll have someone here to watch over me as I grow older. They’re good bairns, though I fear for the two little lasses because of their mams.”

Remembering Old Mother and her sad, lonely existence, Fin understood.

“Da! What have ye brought home?” A buxom redhead appeared in the door of the cottage. She turned her head back, calling, “Sibby, come and see what Da has brought us.” She strutted forth from the dwelling, smiling, hands on her ample hips. “Welcome, laddie!” Her blue eyes surveyed him from the top of his head to his booted feet, lingering thoughtfully on his crotch just long enough to make Fin flush. She giggled. “I’m Lily.”

“Ohh, he’s a big fellow.” A second woman had joined them. She was much like her sibling but that her eyes were gray. She too examined him thoroughly, licking her lips as she did so. “Is he for us, Da?” she asked their father. Her hand reached out to touch Fin’s bearded face as the tip of her tongue touched the center of her upper lip.

“The lad will remain for ten days in return for his passage across the river,” Parlan Fife told his two daughters. “He’s been in prison since the big battle last autumn.”

,” the two sisters said, looking meaningfully at each other. “What’s his name, Da?”

“My name is Fingal Stewart,” Fin answered them.

“Is the meal ready?” their father asked them.

“Shortly, Da,” Sybil said.

“Would ye like me to shave that beard from yer face?” Lily asked Fin.

“Aye, I would!” Fin replied. Seeing these two women, he wondered if he should have offered the ferryman a coin, but then it was better that Parlan Fife not know he had any coin. He would have to find a place to hide the little purse, for he had no doubt these two wenches would go through his belongings given the opportunity.

Lily led him into the cottage and set Fin upon a straight-backed chair. She removed his shirt, running her hands over his broad chest and back with little murmurs of appreciation. She brought a basin of hot water and a sliver of white soap. Then hiking up her skirts, she sat on his lap, facing him as she shaved the thick black beard from his face. It was not an easy project, and it took time to accomplish. Her bare bottom rubbed and bounced across his crotch. In short order he was hard as iron.

Lily smiled into his face as she shaved him. “Unlace yer breeks, laddie, and take out what I suspect is a fine bit o’cock. No one will know if I sheath ye while I work. How long were ye imprisoned?”

He didn’t argue with her. “Five months,” he said as he followed her instructions, rubbing himself against the inside of her plump thigh.

Lily put down her razor, reaching beneath her skirts with her hand as she rose up slightly. Her fingers tightened about his length as she guided him to where she wanted him, and then sank down to encase him fully. “Aah, darlin’, that is so good. Can ye wait but a moment for me to finish, and then we’ll go for a little jog together,” she said, smiling. Lily quickly finished, scraping the several months of beard from his face.

She wiped the remaining soap from his skin. Then she leaned forward to kiss him, her tongue plunging into his mouth as her lips parted.

Her shameless aggressiveness surprised him, but Fin quickly gained a mastery of the situation as his hands clamped about her waist. He held her tightly, controlling her movements, for her abstinence had made her too eager. If he had to spend ten days of his time giving pleasure to these two sisters, he would show them what pleasure was truly like. And it was not a quick tumble-and-be-done. Lily’s blue eyes began to glaze over as she came close to her pinnacle.

It was at that point Fin ceased all movement. The lass’s eyes flew open in surprise, and he said to her, “I will give ye what ye want, sweeting, but ye will remember that both of us must gain pleasure. And pleasure is not gained quickly, but slowly, slowly, and with great patience. Now, are ye ready, Lily?”

She nodded slowly. He watched as her eyes widened. A little moan escaped her lips as the big cock plumbed her depths until she wanted to scream, but he silenced her with a hard kiss, and then with a fierce hard thrust that gave her exactly what she wanted. Lily shuddered several times, and then fell forward onto his shoulder.

“Yer such a slut,” Sybil said, coming to tell them the meal was ready. “Could ye not wait until tonight, Lily? Well, I get him first later,” the gray-eyed redhead said.

The meal was rabbit stew served in a bread trencher. Fin ate it all. It had been months since he had experienced such a good meal. His host’s ale was nutty and flavorful. He was curious as to how the ferryman could keep such an excellent table, but perhaps his daughters’ talents accounted for it. Or possibly poaching and thievery supplemented his income, for traffic across the river right now couldn’t be busy. When the meal had been cleared away and the bairns put into their cots, Parlan Fife bid his guest a good night with a grin as his daughters came to fetch Fin.

They brought him into a little chamber that was almost entirely filled by a large bed. A little table was set between the bed and the wall. Upon it was a single short, fat candle that burned with a smoky light. There was a single window, shuttered now with the night. The two sisters wasted no time divesting themselves and Fingal Stewart of their garments. He managed to pull off his own breeks, thereby hiding the purse of coins from them, for he had not yet had time to find a place to secrete it.

They ran their hands over his naked body, exclaiming over it as if they were judging a prized stallion. Well, Fingal Stewart thought, amused, he was to be their stallion for the next few days. He turned them about finally, pulling their backs against him, one arm about them, a hand reaching up to fondle their breasts. He liked their breasts. They were round and familiar. He pinched the nipples of the breasts. The two sisters yelped excited, high-pitched squeals. “To the bed with ye,” he told them, pushing both women forward. He was reminded of a similar situation he had found himself in with two ladies many years ago in France. It had been a satisfying time.

Fin lay between Lily and Sybil, an arm about each. “What shall we do, lasses?” he asked them.

“Ye’ve already had Lily once,” Sybil said plaintively. “I want to be fucked!”

“Then make me want ye as yer pretty sister did earlier,” Fin told her. “Ye could begin by sucking my cock. That should put it in prime condition to pleasure ye, lass.”

Sybil didn’t hesitate. She scrambled from his embrace and into position between his legs. “Ohh, even at its rest ye’ve a fine, big cock,” she complimented him. She hoped he knew how to use it, but then, the sounds her sister had earlier made seemed to indicate that he had a talent of sorts. She began to use her own talents licking and sucking upon him; burrowing beneath him to take his pouch into her mouth, and using her tongue to manipulate his stones until his fine cock was upstanding.

Fin’s head was spinning with delight. Lily, minx that she was, had placed her cunny directly over his face. Her female scent was intoxicating, he thought as he licked her, tasting her cream. He didn’t know which of them was exciting him more. They were both going to be more than satisfied if they kept it up, and he suspected they could. But could he? He pushed Lily aside, growling at her, “Stay wet for me,” and then he reached out for Sybil. “Get up here, and get on yer back,” he told her.

Then mounting her, he began to fuck her. He drove her hard and deep for several long minutes as she writhed and moaned beneath him. Finally he felt her sheath convulsing, and Sybil screamed with her delight as she bedewed the tip of his cock with her juices. He withdrew from her, still hard as a rock, and eager for more. Lily was waiting for him. Plunging into her, he used her over and over again until she too was shrieking with her pleasure. Pushing her aside finally, he reached for Sybil again.

“Do my ass,” she begged him. “Yer so big. I want ye in my ass!” She rolled over into a kneeling position, her buttocks elevated high for him.

He obliged, but was careful as he entered her. He quickly found she was as easy to access there as her sheath had been. She had known more than one cock in her ass. He pumped her with slow, long, majestic strokes of his cock as he grasped her hips to hold her steady. Finally he felt his own release coming, to his great relief. He loosed his juices into her, and she moaned, “Jesu! Jesu! Ye know how to give joy, laddie.”

The rest of the night progressed in similar fashion. The two sisters were insatiable in their lust for a male partner. They had no qualms, and would do anything he asked as long as he satisfied their needs. He was astounded at his own strength, considering the past few months. But then he was obviously a lustful man himself, and his needs had been suppressed these past months with his illness. He was obviously at his full strength once again. Servicing these two wenches for the ten days would take a great deal, but he knew he was a man of his word. Besides, he still needed to know more of the state of Scotland before he struck out for Edinburgh again.

None of them arose from their communal bed before midday the following noon. But once up, the sisters went about their duties as if nothing extraordinary had happened. Fin, on the other hand, felt as if he had been dragged across the moors by a team of wild horses. He knew if he was going to survive Lily and Sybil, he would have to be the master of them both. Once awake, that early afternoon they had both dressed quickly and left him. It had given him time to look about the chamber and see if there was someplace he might secrete his cache of coins. A loose board just beneath the bed proved the perfect place. He then dressed himself and went to find the sisters.

“We’re low on wood,” Lily said as he entered the common room of the cottage.

“I’ll fetch it for ye,” he told her. “Where’s yer sister?”

Lily shrugged. “If ye want to be alone with me ye can,” she said seductively, coming over to him and her hand going to his crotch to fondle him.

He removed the hand firmly. “Behave, lass,” he said. “I’m fair worn-out with the two of ye. I’ll get the wood. Ye find Sybil. I would speak with both of ye.”

There was a neat pile of wood on one side of the large cottage. He gathered up several big pieces and brought them into the common room where both sisters now waited for him. Setting the wood down, he turned about and said, “Ye both seem to have a great appetite for cock, my lasses, don’t ye?”

They giggled at him.

“Yet I am but one man. I’m worn-out with yer lustful games of last night,” he told them. “For the rest of my term of servitude, I’ll take one of ye into bed with me each night. Ye’ll alternate with each other. I’d like to live long enough to get home to Edinburgh,” he said to the pair.

“But last night was such fun,” Sybil said, pouting.

“Indeed, lass, I cannot recall ever having had such a night,” Fin admitted. “But yer father’s price was that I service ye for ten days. He did not say how, just that I do it. If ye would both be well fucked in that term of days, then ye must do as I say. Which of ye is elder?”

“I am,” Sybil said.

“Then tonight ye’ll be the one sharing a bed with me,” he said. “Now, where is yer da?”

Lily laughed. “He’s gone off to visit a lady friend for a few days,” she said. “He said he could hear us all the night long, and it made him randy for a woman of his own.”

“Then until he returns,” Fin told them, “I am the man of this house, and ye’ll obey me, and do my bidding.”

“And if we don’t?” Lily said mischievously.

“I’m not above smacking bottoms,” Fin answered, and they both giggled.

Parlan Fife remained away for almost the entire ten days Fin owed him for his passage across the border river. Fin didn’t blame him at all, for he imagined that living with Lily and Sybil when they were in need of a man to assuage their lust wasn’t easy. As Fin had spent the winter nursing a dying old woman, Parlan Fife had spent a winter with two randy young females in need of a strong male cock. Fin hoped that by the time he left them to travel onward, the two sisters would be satiated for at least a few weeks.

His time in the cottage took on a sameness. Each day he did the household chores that needed doing for the two sisters. They seemed to have a flock of sheep they tended to, which was obviously what helped to supplement their income. He helped them with the animals too. When night fell, and the meal was over, the three children were put to bed. They were good bairns, and gave no trouble. Then he would take either Lily or Sybil into the big bed to pleasure the night long while the other sister slept in the little chamber with the bairns on a pallet.

Fin was not sorry to see the ten days coming to an end. His own months of long-enforced celibacy had been broken by the sisters, and his lusts were more than satisfied for the time being. He was ready to be on the road again, and another bit of his memory had bloomed. He had a devoted servant named Archie, and Iver was a man-at-arms.

Parlan Fife returned smiling and looking pleased two days before Fin was to depart the cottage. He announced to his daughters that he was marrying his Katie at midsummer, and that the cottage was now theirs. “Yer both more than old enough to manage on yer own,” he said. “It’s unlikely either of ye will wed. A man doesn’t want a wife whose road has been so well traveled as yers has been. We’ll not be far away if ye need us, my daughters.” He turned to Fin. “Well, ye look as if ye have survived these two.”

“I have,” Fin admitted. “But I’ll be on my way the day after tomorrow.”

“Ye’ve kept yer agreement,” Parlan Fife said. “I’ve no complaints, although I imagine the lasses will.”

“I suspect if one, or both of them, took up yer ferry boat, they might get more traffic,” Fin suggested.

The ferryman nodded his head in agreement. “What do ye think, lasses?”

“I know if I saw a pretty girl on the other side of the river offering me a ride, I would surely take it,” Fin told them.

“Ye can have the boat too,” Parlan Fife said generously to his daughters.

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