The Boy Who Went to War (28 page)

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Authors: Giles Milton

BOOK: The Boy Who Went to War
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Also by Giles Milton


The Riddle and the Knight

Nathaniel's Nutmeg

Big Chief Elizabeth

Samurai William

White Gold

Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922


Edward Trencom's Nose

According to Arnold

Children's Books

Zebedee's Zoo

Call Me Gorgeous!

Picture Acknowledgements

Courtesy of Wolfram Aïchele:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 10
Photo 11
Photo 12
Photo 13
Photo 17
Photo 20
Photo 18
Photo 33
Photo 25
Photo 41
. AKG-Images:
Photo 14
/Bildarchiv Pisarek,
Photo 26
Photo 27
/Ullstein Bild,
Photo 30
Photo 32
Photo 34
/Ullstein Bild,
Photo 35
. Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz:
Photo 29
. Corbis/Bettmann:
Photo 39
. Getty Images:
Photo 16
/Time & Life Pictures,
Photo 23
Photo 24
Photo 36
Photo 37
Photo 38
/Time & Life Pictures. Courtesy of Peter Rodi:
Photo 19
. Schoeningh & Co., Luebeck:
Photo 15
. Stadtarchiv Pforzheim – Institut für Stadtgeschichte:
Photo 21
Photo 22
Photo 28
Photo 31
Photo 40


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Academy of Fine Art, Stuttgart

Adenauer, Konrad

Aïchele, Alexandra

Aïchele, Benedikt

Aïchele, Erwin (Wolfram's father); after end of the War; as artist/art teacher; attitude to Hitler and the Nazis; draftings after Allied landings in Normandy; and the English; job at Fine Art School, Karlsruhe; and Kraft; at start of War; and a tramp; visit to Wolfram at Marienbad; on Wolfram's return from prison camp; and Julius Zorn

Aïchele family
see also individual family members
; flying the Nazi flag; and the Nazis in the mid-30s; and refugees; traditions; and wartime household management

Aïchele, Gunhild (Wolfram's sister)

Aïchele, Marie Charlotte (Wolfram's mother); 1942;; 1944; 1945; after end of the War; attitude to Nazism; depression; on Elsässer's memorial service; feeding the family; and the Gestapo; and the Moroccan occupation of Eutingen; and the Pforzheim bombing; visit with Wolfram to Tiefonbronn; on Wolfram's return from prison camp

Aïchele, Reiner (Wolfram's brother)

Aïchele, Walter (Wolfram's uncle)

Aïchele, Wolfram: in 77th Infantry; art
see under
art; birth; in Brittany; call-up; childhood life, early; Crimean posting; death of maternal grandparents; diphtheria; early attitudes to Nazism and Hitler; and Hitler Youth; at Marienbad sanatorium; marriage to Barbara Rodi; move to Paris; in Normandy; and the Normandy Campaign; in Oberammergau; as prisoner of war; Reich Labour Service
Reich Labour Service; resumption of life after the war; return home from American prison camp; surrender to the Americans; teenage employment; teenage interests; training as a
(wireless operator); transported to America; transported to England; in the Ukraine


United States of America, World War II

anthroposophical movement

anti-Semitism; in 1930 Nazi political programme; deportation of Jews; German underestimation of Nazi; Goebbels' call for the elimination/extermination of Jewry; Kristallnacht; mass executions; Nazi extermination programme; Reich Citizenship Law; Russian Jews under Hitler's invasion; SS orders against; taught in universities and schools; Wagner and

Aron, Gustav

art: books; folk art; influence of maternal grandmother on Wolfram; Nazism and; Orthodox; present exhibited work of Wolfram; Wolfram's childhood art; Wolfram's father and; Wolfram's post-war pursuit of; Wolfram's teenage passion



Austria: incorporation into German Reich; Wolfram cycling in


Babei (a Turkmen)

Bacherer, Col. Rudolf

Bad Wimpfen

Baden state, Wagner and

Bader, Franz

Barbarossa, Frederick


Barth, Arthur

Baum, Otto


Becher, Otto; and Rust

Becker, August

Becker, Werner

Beckmann, Max

Beer Hall Putsch

Bergen-Belsen extermination camp

Berlin; Olympic Games


Bloch, Margot

Boedicker, Herr, Wolfram's grandfather

Boedicker, Johanna, Wolfram's grandmother

Boedicker, Marie Charlotte
Aïchele, Marie Charlotte

book burning

Brenner, Walter



Britain: British requirements for settlers in Palestine; declaration of war on Germany; German pre-war attitudes to the British; RAF
Royal Air Force



Brüning, Heinrich

Bulge, Battle of the



Chamberlain, Neville

Cherbourg; Fortress


Christianity: Christian community of Pforzheim and the Nazis; closure of churches under Stalin; Nazi assault on Christian teaching; Orthodoxy; paganising/replacement of Christian festivals

Christmas traditions

Clara (maid)

Communism; and Hitler; and the Nazis

Cotentin peninsular





Dachau concentration camp


Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State

Decree on Demolitions on Reich Territory (Nero Decree)


Demolitions on Reich Territory, Decree on (Nero Decree)

Dimbleby, Richard

divorce, on racial grounds

Dix, Otto

Dollman, Gen. Friedrich

Donitz, Admiral Karl

Dorothea, Sister

Dresden; air raid





Ebert, Friedrich

educational propaganda

Elsässer, Rolf

Emsheimer, Blondine

ethnic cleansing
see also
Nazism: extermination programme

Ettal kloster

Ettal, Mount

Eutingen: American occupation; blowing up of bridge; French prisoners of war; Hitler Youth branch; Hitler's visit to; murder of a British pilot; Nazi Party in; and the Nazi revolution; occupation of; and the start of war; surroundings; Tunisian occupation of; villa; village


Falley, Gen. Wilhelm

farms, Swabian



folk art

Frank, Hans

Freemasonry; Reuchlin Masonic lodge

French prisoners of war

Frey, Adolf


German art
see also

German economy

German Infantry: 1st Battalion, 1050th Infantry Unit; 77th Division

German patriotism

German prisoners of war: and the end of the war; in France; French post-war plans for using; Peter Rodi; Wolfram and his comrades

German Sixth Army

German war casualties (World War II); Pforzheim bombing

Germanic traditions

Gestapo: 1937; deportation of Jews; and the Rodis; and Wolfram's mother

ghetto, Pforzheim

Glasser, German officer


Goebbels, Joseph; presentation of Kristallnacht; Propaganda Ministry

Goering, Hermann

Goesser (a prisoner of war)

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Göppert, Herr (prisoner of war)

Gradenwitz, Herr

Gretel (friend of the Haas family)

Gruber, Camp

Guggenheim family

Gurs, Camp


Haas, Frau

Haas, Hannelore
Schottgen, Hannelore

Haas, Herr

Halder, Fritz

Hallig island

harvest festivals

Hebel, Mr 231

‘Heil Hitler' salute

Hennecke, Admiral Walter

Hess, Rudolf

Heydrich, Reinhard

Hicks, Sgt Doug

Hillenbrandt, Dr

Himmler, Heinrich

Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig von

history, Nazi version of

Hitler, Adolf; 1930 election; 1933 election; adulation of; and the Allied Normandy Campaign; and art; assassination attempt; assurances of avoiding war; and Austria's incorporation into German Reich; birthday; and Chamberlain; and the Communists; Crimean campaign
see also
Crimea; cult of the Führer; death; decree on Hitler Youth; ‘Heil Hitler' salute; invasion of Soviet Union;
(racial breeding programme); in mid-1930s; monologues; Nero Decree; and the Olympic Games; order of mass executions; and the outbreak of war; and Poland; Reich Citizenship Law; rise to chancellorship; signing of Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State; SS orders against enemies of Nazism; Sudetenland crisis; visit to Pforzheim; War advances

Hitler Youth

Hoch, Frau


Ilse (maid)

Issel, August


Jahnke, Lt. Arthur

Jews: anti-Semitism
anti-Semitism; deportations; emigration to Palestine; Jewish immigrants in England; law concerning declaration of Jewish origins; of Pforzheim; Reich Citizenship Law; Russian; yellow stars


Karlsruhe; court; Fine Art School; Organisation I

Katz, Adoph



Knab, Hans

Kraft, Herbert



Kuppenheim, Lilly

Kuppenheim, Rudolf

Kursk, Battle of


Lang, Werner

Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de

Le Havre

Le Vretot

League of German Girls

(racial breeding programme)

Lehman, Frau (cleaning lady)

Lemberg (Lvov)


Lieutenant W.

Lubbe, Marinus van der

Lvov (Lemberg)


Maginot Line

Malicious Gossip Law

Mann, Thomas


marriage legislation, Reich Citizenship Law

Marshall Plan

Mayer, Rupert

Melchior, ‘Captain Melchior'

Miggel, Erwin

Milton, Madeleine


Moroccan occupation of Eutingen


Moser, Lusas

Moses, Dr

Munich Agreement


Mussolini, Benito


National Socialist Party
Nazis Nazism
see also individual Nazis
: 1928 election; 1930 election; 1930 political programme; 1933 election; American action against Nazis after the war; anti-Semitism
anti-Semitism; assault on Bible and Christian teaching; and Austria's incorporation into German Reich; brownshirts
SA; and Communism; criminalisation of non-participation; and the culture of secrecy; death squads; early days of Nazi Party; extermination programme; flag; and German art; and Germanic traditions; Gestapo
Gestapo; Hitler Youth; ideology;
programme; Malicious Gossip Law; Nazi Party in Eutingen; Nazi Party in Pforzheim; Night of the Long Knives; propaganda
propaganda, Nazi; public holidays and festivities; Reich Citizenship Law; renaming of streets and schools; SA
SA (Sturmabteilung, brownshirts); SS
SS (Schutzstaffel); torchlit parades

Nero Decree

New York


Night of the Long Knives


Nikolaus, St

Normandy; Campaign

Nuremberg trials




Ohlendorf, Otto

Olympic Games

Omaha Beach

Operation Uranus


Otto the Great


pagan festivals

Papen, Franz von



Paulus, Gen. Friedrich Wilhelm von


Pforzheim; after Allied landings in Normandy; after end of the War; Allied advance on; Allied arrival in; bombing and aftermath; burning of books by Hitler Youth; Christian community of; ghetto; Hitler's visit to; Jewish community; Kristallnacht; Nazi Party in; Nazi renaming of streets and schools; and the Nero Decree; picture house; public morale; surroundings; and the vote on Austria's incorporation into German Reich; War years

Pforzheimer Anzeiger

Pforzheimer Rundschau

Philip, Hulde

Poland; SS orders against Poles

Probst, Christoph

propaganda, American

propaganda, Nazi; in German education; Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry

public holidays and festivities


race: anti-Semitism
anti-Semitism; Nazi ideology

Royal Air Force


Reich Citizenship Law

Reich Labour Service; medical exam for; Niederbayern camp; Wolfram's Crimean posting

religious festivals

reparation payments

Reuchlin Masonic lodge

Riemenschneider, Tilman

Ritzy (a

Rodi, Barbara

Rodi, Ev-Marie

Rodi family
see also individual family members
; American uncles; on Hitler's birthday; and the Pforzheim bombing

Rodi, Frithjof

Rodi, Gisela

Rodi, Martha Luise; after end of the War; and the Allied arrival in Pforzheim; and the Gestapo; and the Pforzheim bombing

Rodi, Max; and the Pforzheim bombing

Rodi, Peter; conscription into infantry; drafting into home defence; escape from prison of war camp; escape plans; as prisoner of war; reported missing in action

Röhm, Ernst

Romanian Third Army

Rommel, Erwin

Rothfuss, Werner


Royal Air Force; Pforzheim bombing
see also
Pforzheim: bombing and aftermath

Rublev, Andrei

Rundstedt, Gerd von

Rust, Bernhard


SA (Sturmabteilung, brownshirts)

St Maria Magdalena church, Tiefonbronn

Salamon family

Sanden, Ferdinand von der

Schaaff, Dr and Mrs

Schenkel (Hitler Youth leader)

Schiller, Friedrich

Schleicher, Kurt von

Schlieben, Gen. Karl-Wilhelm von

Schloss Linderhof

Schnurmann, Dr

Scholl, Albrecht

Scholl, Hans

Scholl, Sophie

School of Decorative Arts

Schottgen, Hannelore (née Haas); and the Pforzheim bombing

Schulz, Herr

Schulz, Kathe

Semashko, Nicholas

Shakespeare, William

Shirer, William

Siebert, Herr

Soucrain family

Soviet Union
see also
Crimea; Ukraine; Russian Jews under Hitler's invasion

Speidel, Hans

SS (Schutzstaffel); Death's Head regiments; Gestapo
programme; and the vote on Austria's incorporation into German Reich; and Wagner

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