The Boys from Binjiwunyawunya (51 page)

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Authors: Robert G. Barrett

BOOK: The Boys from Binjiwunyawunya
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Norton shook his head slowly and looked at George Brennan, completely without expression.

‘Now,' said Price. ‘If you've finished arguing about bloody money George, I might get myself another drink.' Price stepped behind the bar, picked up the Scotch bottle and looked over the top at the others. ‘Anybody else want one while I'm up?'

Robert G. Barrett
The Godson

I wonder who that red-headed bloke is? He's come into town out of nowhere, flattened six of the best fighters in Yurriki plus the biggest man in the valley. Then he arrives at my dance in an army uniform drinking French champagne and imported beer like it's going out of style. And ups and leaves with the best young sort in the joint... Don't know who he is. But he's not bloody bad

Les thought they were going to be the easiest two weeks of his life. Playing minder for a young member of the Royal Family called Peregrine Normanhurst III sounded like a deadset snack. So what if he was a millionaire Hooray Henry and his godfather was the Attorney General of Australia? Les would keep Peregrine out of trouble ... So what if he was on the run from the IRA? They'd never follow him to Australia...

The Godson
moves at breakneck speed from the corridors of power in Canberra to the grimy tenements of Belfast, to climax in a nerve-shattering, blood-spattered shootout on a survivalist fortress in the Tweed Valley.
The Godson
features Les Norton at his hilarious best, whatever he's up against – giant inbreds, earth mothers, jealous husbands, Scandinavian au pair girls, violent thugs and vengeful terrorists.

If you thought Australia's favourite son could get up to some outrageous capers in his previous adventures, until you've read
The Godson
, you ain't read nothin' yet!


Robert G. Barrett
Davo's Little Something

All easy-going butcher Bob Davis wanted after his divorce was to get on with his job, have a few beers with his mates and be left alone. But this was Sydney in the early eighties. The beginning of the AIDS epidemic, street gangs, gay bashings, murders.

When a gang of skinheads bashed Davo's old school friend to death simply because he was gay, and left Davo almost dead in an intensive care unit, they unleashed a crazed killer onto the city streets. Before the summer had ended, over thirty corpses had turned up in the morgue, leaving two bewildered detectives to find out where they were coming from.

Robert G. Barrett's latest book is not for the squeamish. Although written with lashings of black humour the action is chillingly brutal – a story of a serial killer bent on avenging himself on the street tribes of Sydney.


Robert G. Barrett
Mele Kalikimaka Mr Walker

Les Norton's Hawaiian holiday should have been just like in the tourist brochures. Balmy days, blue seas, palm trees swaying in the moonlight. And it would have been if Les had minded his own business. But what are you supposed to do when a cop you know and an old friend are in trouble? Especially at Christmas?

The detective was okay. But Norton's old friend turned out to be the biggest brothel owner in America. Madam to the Stars. Through her, Les met Mitzi Moonkiss; he also met the Japanese Yakuza, lesbian geisha girls and every time he put his head out the door some boofhead US marine was looking for a fight. And these were all the nice people. Somewhere in the middle a crazed serial killer was on the loose with a bayonet. Aloha, Les.


Robert G. Barrett
The Day of the Gecko

When Les Norton moved into his old flame Side Valve Susie's flat in Bondi for a few days while she was out of town, everything should have been a piece of cake – except Price and Eddie had other ideas. Waverley Council were demolishing Bondi baths and there were two bodies buried under the handball court. The man to get them out? Major Garrick Lewis, aka, The Gecko.

With Norton for company, The Gecko literally took Bondi in his stride; and everything that went with it Mossad hit squads, the KGB, ASIO, yobbo builders looking for trouble, loose women looking for action. For once, Les was flat out keeping up.


Robert G. Barrett
Guns 'n' Rosé

Norton needed a holiday.
, as long as it was out of Bondi. Price was only too willing to oblige. Les could have his house at Terrigal. All he had to do was look after George Brennan's nephew for a week while he was there. Sounded okay to Norton, and it was better than spending his own money.

Jimmy Rosewater was young, cool and the original brown-eyed handsome man. He loved good wine, going to restaurants, going linedancing and the ladies loved him. This suited Les nicely.
, Jimmy was also supposed to be in gaol. Before he knew it, Norton was fighting off the usual yobbos looking for trouble, sex-crazed feral aunties and getting shot at by nutty bikies. That was during the quieter moments. And all the time Les had a feeling Jimmy was up to something. He
had a feeling ...

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