The Bunk Up (The Village People Book 1) (17 page)

Read The Bunk Up (The Village People Book 1) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom,Andie M. Long

BOOK: The Bunk Up (The Village People Book 1)
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My jaw drops when an old diving helmet slowly emerges out of the water, followed by an upper torso wrapped within a wetsuit. My eyes widen when the bottom half climbs out and I’m met with the biggest goddamn package I’ve ever seen.

“Jesus Christ!” I murmur, unable to tear my eyes away from the huge lycra enclosed snake. I’m seriously impressed. I flick my hair over my shoulder as I pull my top down and plump up my cleavage a little more.

The swimmer pulls off his helmet.

“Eh?” I puff out when Frank’s beaming, near toothless smile fixes on me and Sam as he tucks the helmet under his arm.

“Afternoon, pretty tits!”

Frank,” Sam shouts, completely unfazed by Frank’s entrance.

His smile grows wider when I force my eyes up to his face. “Sugar nips.” He blows me a kiss and I shudder.

“Uhh, afternoon

Giving me a nod, he climbs out of the pond and wanders towards the pub. The ducks take his disappearance as an all clear and descend back to the pond. Once again, all is right. I blink to myself, wondering if I had actually imagined the previous five minutes.

“Well?” Sam pushes
“Are you and Frazer banging your bits together or not?”

I stare at her for a moment, unsure what she’s talking about. Assuming she’s talking about sex, I shake my head and then nod. “Well, sort of.”

“Sort of? Are you locking genitals or not?”

What the hell does ‘locking genitals’ mean? All I can picture is two male deer locking antlers, but instead of antlers, large penises protrude from their foreheads as they bash them together in some male show of dominance.

Genuinely puzzled, I lean towards her and I lower my voice. “Do you mean are we screwing each other?”

“Of course. What the fuck did you think I meant?”

Tempted to answer her with my deer scenario, I shrug and go with the flow. “For a moment I thought… never mind.” I smile
“Yes we’re, uhh, locking genitals,” I answer slowly.

Sam claps her hands in such a way that I sneak a glance around and make sure we’re not suddenly descended on by a harem of seals. She screams loud enough to make my eardrums hum in pain. “I knew it!”

“I take it this is exciting news.”

“Hell yes
” She beams. “This village hasn’t had anything exciting happen since MaryAnn smoked too much pot and thought she was Mary’s little lamb and tried to show Bob how white her fleece really was.”

I wonder if that’s some attempt at humour but when Sam shivers with the memory, I realise that
no, MaryAnn actually did smoke too much pot one evening. I then realise I want to meet MaryAnn; she sounds a hoot.

“So, come on,” she urges excitedly
“Is it love or just mind-blowing sex?”

This reminds me that she’s one of many rolls in the hay Frazer has had.

“Nosy much? It’s just sex.” There’s a niggle in my chest and I cough to get rid of it. It doesn’t appear to want to shift and I grimace at the strange feeling, rubbing at the pain. “We’re just having fun. It’s nothing serious.”

Sam nods and blows out a breath in relief. “Good, ‘cos Frazer’s not one to settle down. And I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt, Daisy. Just keep it at fun and then…”

I nod, rubbing at my chest. “Bloody indigestion.”

She blinks at me. There’s a question in her eyes when she sees my grim expression. Her amusement instantly disappears and she sighs. “Oh, Daisy.”

“What? It’s just heartburn. I’m okay…”

“No it’s not. It’s hurt,” she says softly.

” I shake my head. “Really…”

Her glare is fierce and I wither slightly under it. “Does Frazer know you’ve fallen for him?”

“I haven’t! I’m not some stupid, clingy blonde bimbo. I know it’s just fun, and that’s… fine.”

“Fine,” she repeats with a slow nod of her head.

“Yeah,” I whisper. “Fine.”

“Right. Fine.”


We both take sips of our coffee and steer our gazes anywhere but on each other. My cheeks are red raw with… something, and Sam keeps licking her lips as though she’s desperate to say something but can’t quite word how to voice it without hurting my feelings.

“So,” Sam suddenly says a little too enthusiastically. “How about me and you tomorrow night
Netflix and chill?”

I stare at her with wide eyes. “Sam, I had no idea. Oh, love. I’m not that way inclined.”

Confusion crosses her face. “Sorry?”

“Well, you know the…” I wave my hand about
“…‘thing’ with ‘Netflix and chill’?”

She shakes her head, looking at me like I’ve just licked my own nipple in front of her. “What ‘thing’?”

Swallowing, I smile. “Never mind.”

She narrows her eyes on me. “Have you been to MaryAnn’s today?”




As soon as I walk through the door to the cottage, Frazer is on me. His hands are in my hair and his lips slam over mine. He moans, kissing me almost aggressively as my back meets the front door.

“Christ!” I murmur, replicating his vigour.

“I missed you,” he mumbles against my lips, his teeth nipping into my lower one and sending a bolt of fire through me. “Mmm, you still taste of coffee.”

In one swift move, he has my dress over my head and his mouth is back on my neck. His hands are everywhere, sliding down my back, then up my sides, then cupping my boobs, then back down to my bottom.

“Frazer.” It’s all I can say as I climb his body like an ambidextrous monkey. His need for me is intoxicating, and I start to become drunk on his desire for me.

He hoists me against his hard body, his hands cupping my backside when my legs swing around his waist. His kiss is hungry, the low moans coming from him making my belly heat with excitement.

“Daisy,” he mutters as his kisses pepper across my jaw. “Shit, Daisy. I need to be right inside you, right now.” The absolute need in his voice causes me to tighten my legs around him and shamelessly grind myself up and down.

Spinning me around quickly, he leans forwards to drop me on to the table.

Only, the table isn’t there.

It’s six inches to the left.

The air gushes from my lungs in a sinister wheeze when half of my back hits the arm of the couch and we bounce off to the side. My back thuds on the floor and Frazer thuds on top of me.

But he doesn’t even bat an eyelid. His cock is out of his sweatpants and inside me before I can catch my breath.

The animalistic groan that tears from him makes my mouth dry. Wrapping my legs around him I draw him further into me, relishing in the thickness of him stretching me to almost burning point.

There’s a passion in his eyes that engulfs me and when he pulls out slowly and then slams back in, I can’t help but close my eyes and cry out.

His hands trap my wrists and he holds them above my head as his fucks become furious and crazy, his desperation for me making me as wild as him. My hips lift to each of his thrusts and every one of my moans is met with one of his feral growls.

Suddenly pulling out of me, he flips me over and pushes my legs up until I’m on all fours. His hands reach under me and he pulls down the cups of my bra, freeing my breasts for his eager fingers.

He’s back inside me within seconds and I can’t help but arch my back at his swift but delicious entry.

I’ve never known him to be this wild with me. It’s almost like he’s been fraught with worry that I wouldn’t ever come back.

“Daisy!” he growls, pinching my nipples roughly as his mouth finds the tender skin behind my ear. “Fuck, Daisy!”

My climax sends me spiralling and I cry out his name as every single joint in my body creaks under the pressure.

“FUCK!” he roars as he pulls out of me and I feel his cum spray across my back. The sounds he makes, the raw and untamed gratification in those few groans have me closing my eyes and cherishing the moment. I want to turn and watch him, see the ecstasy on his face, in his beautiful eyes. I want to see his soft smile on me, witness the admiration staring at me as he looks at me.

Biting into my lip when I realise what I’m doing, I cough and scramble forwards.

Frazer stares after me when I lift a hand, my back to him as I try to hide the stupid tears that are tugging at my sore eyes.

“You okay, Daise?”

“Uh-huh,” I utter. “Toilet.”

Slamming the bathroom door behind me, I quickly lock it and get in the shower. “What the fuck are you doing, Daisy?” I chastise myself. “It’s just fun. Just a quick shag. He doesn’t feel anything for you. He’s a whore. He’s a whore, he’s a whore…” I chant over and over as I try to make myself believe it.

This is reckless. Dangerous. I’m going to get hurt. Frazer doesn’t do relationships. And although I know I came out here to have fun, I’m just not as into random sex as I thought. Yes, I had been ready and willing with Frazer, but deep down I knew I had felt something there the moment I’d laid my eyes on him.

Time isn’t my friend. And at the end of the day, random hook-ups aren’t what will keep me warm at night, or give me a comforting smile every morning. One-night-stands won’t take care of me; they won’t hold me when I’m down. They won’t feed me soup when I’m ill, and they definitely won’t understand the little box I still have buried in the bottom of my wardrobe.

I’m falling. Foolishly.

And there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.




Chapter Twenty-One




I’ve no idea what I’ve done. Unless I had hurt her. I had gone at her a little too eagerly. But as soon as she’d stepped foot inside the door, my cock was hard and demanding its fill.

I’ve never had this raging desire to be near someone before. A niggle in the back of my head also tells me it’s nothing to do with sex
I enjoy just being with her, being close to her. Her smile, her scent, her humour, the silly things she says. And that fucking way she looks at me, like I’m the solution to all the things she craves.

I’m not.

She’s barricaded herself in the bathroom, and as I stand outside the door, worried, I swear I hear soft snivelling. Shit.


“I’m okay. Be out in a minute.”

She seems okay, so shrugging
I jog down the stairs and slip the kettle on. Grabbing a few bits, I fix us both a sandwich, my stomach growling with hunger after my cock had used so much energy.

Daisy stares at me as I hold out the plate. Her red eyes move down to my offering and then back up to my face.

“Have you been crying?”

She shakes her head a little too adamantly. “No
I got soap in my eyes.”


I follow her through to the lounge and settle beside her on the couch. “So,” I mutter stupidly as I fight for something to say to break the awkward silence.

She appears to be struggling with the sandwich, as if she can’t swallow it, and placing it on the table, she smiles. “Thanks but I’m not hungry.”

“You sure you’re okay?” Reaching out I place the back of my hand on her forehead, checking for any signs of a fever
but she doesn’t feel hot.

She stiffens under my touch, confusing me. “Yeah.”

For the first time, an atmosphere grows between us. Nothing silly comes out of Daisy’s mouth, and our banter dries up.


She shoots off the couch, blinking wildly. “I, uhh, have to go and meet my mother.”

Before I can stop myself, I snatch hold of her wrist and stop her bid for escape. “Did I hurt you?”

She appears to struggle with my question. Her eyes seek mine, her gaze probing as her teeth sink into her bottom lip. “I… You…”

Something is definitely wrong, but, again, she shakes her head and pulls back. “No. No, you did nothing wrong.”

She’s lying. I can see it in her eyes, in the way her pupils widen. She blinks again, most probably to hide her reaction.

“I can’t do this, Frazer.”

“Do what?”

Squeezing her eyes closed, she shakes her head and pulls away again. I let her go this time, watching her closely as she yanks on her shoes and shoots out of the door like she can’t get away from me fast enough.

Something grieves my gut and I flinch at the swirling sensation, a twist right in the pit of my belly.

It feels like Daisy is pulling away. Yet I can’t figure out why.

And I also don’t like the feeling that realisation leaves with me.




“So,” Tiffany purrs as her long talons skate across my arm.

I’d descended into the pub to avoid the late afternoon sun. Sitting in the cottage, waiting for Daisy to return so I could sit her down and make her tell me the truth
had become a fruitless exercise. So I had wandered down to the village to see if I could find her. The more I thought about it, the angrier I grew at her withdrawal, and I had to dampen the urge to sling her over my shoulder and cart her back like a goddam caveman.

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