The Changeling Princess (33 page)

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Authors: Jackie Shirley

BOOK: The Changeling Princess
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We morphed into Mists and continued our journey across the swamp. If we came across a giant insect, I’d morph back to the Changeling Princess and reverse the power of the crystal, returning the insect to its original size. I think I actually increased the insect’s life span. They were using up their energy quite rapidly because of their large size.

Wade was happy when we were eventually out of the swamp. We landed on the ground and morphed to our human form.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be afraid of a small bug again not after what we’ve been through.”

That’s good, Wade because there’s a really big spider crawling up your pant leg.”

Wade jumped a good two feet off the ground. He was slapping his leg and I couldn
’t stop laughing.

I’m going to get even with you for that.”

I’m, I’m sorry for teasing you.” I tried to stop laughing. Wade smiled and then he laughed too.

I was taken by surprise when Wade took me in his arms.
“You own me a kiss for scaring me like that.”

It was a simple kiss that instantly turned passionate. When our lips parted, we were both breathing hard. I tightened my grip around Wade
’s neck and whispered, “I think I owe you two kisses.”

* * *

Our travels led us to a crystal buried deeply in a sand dune in the middle of a small desert. I didn’t feel the presence of any Demon creatures, but I half expected a giant scorpion to come running over a sand dune. We dug up the crystal and I rendered it useless by draining its power.

I discovered another crystal near the top of a large mountain. We saw some oversized sheep like creatures and one large bird circling overhead. After I drained the crystal of its power, I reduced the large bird to its original size. The sheep were totally non-aggressive, so I left them as they were. Without the power of the crystal, the creatures would eventually return to normal size.

We were still in Mist form when we tracked down a crystal that was located in a large settlement in a beautiful valley. The settlement was quite picturesque with its snow covered mountains as a backdrop. Sitting on top of a hill, overlooking the settlement was a large structure that loomed over the valley like a fortress.

Wade and I morphed back to the same appearances we
’d used in Castle Town. The first thing I noticed was the faint scent of a creature with unusual powers. “Are you picking up anything unusual?” I asked.

Wade concentrated.
“I’m picking up something, but I’m not sure what it is. My senses aren’t as strong as yours.”

I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. Do you still have a cloaking spell in your Witch’s bag of tricks? That would come in handy if there’s anyone in the settlement who can detect our scent.”

Wade stood back and went into deep concentration, his eyes glazing over as he raised his hands towards the heavens.
“Wa-sume, ba-mento-la-zonda-da-tinka-da-inta-el-razasda.

Wade smiled at me.
“Consider yourself cloaked.”

I smiled back.
“Let’s walk down to the settlement. I need to stretch my legs.”

* * *

We walked down the cobble stone streets wearing our robes. There were merchants lined up on both sides of the street and business was brisk. The settlement reminded me of Castle Town, but the citizens were a little different. Their necks and noses were much shorter and their skin was much lighter. Another noticeable difference was their pointed ears. I thought they looked more human than Torks or Rens and they weren’t nearly as tall. I didn’t feel like a midget anymore.

Do these people remind you of humans?” I asked seriously.

They sure do, and they’re extremely good looking.”

That’s what I was thinking. I find it strange we don’t see any older people. There seems to be lots and lots of children, but no older people.”

’s scanned the towns people like a hawk. “You’re right, but I’m sure there’s a good explanation. Maybe we should change our shape and blend in with the crowd?”

I nodded my head as we stepped off the main street. We spent the next couple of minutes morphing into close copies of the town
’s people.

You’ve got the sexist ears I’ve ever seen,” Wade said as he stepped toward me with a gleam in his eyes. He just couldn’t resist being silly.

I pushed Wade away giggling.
“Let’s get serious. We’ve got more work to do.”

No one was wearing a robe, so I decided to change our clothing. The men in the village were wearing short tunics with leggings. Most of the women were wearing long dresses and a bonnet. Using my power of telekinesis, I forged similar clothes for Wade and myself.

“Wade, you look great, but the important thing to remember is that your clothes are made from a force field. You’re actually wearing a suit of armor.”

So are you, Janis, but you don’t need the protection.”

That’s not true. The Changeling Princess is indestructible, but Janis French isn’t.”

I stand corrected.” 

We were back on the street again when suddenly, everyone moved to the side of the road, clearing a path for a huge cat like creature walking towards us. The creature was definitely a Demon. His fur was solid black and glossy, he walked upright and he was at least seven foot tall. He looked like a cross between a human and a black panther.

Leading the way was a leashed dog-like creature that was extremely vicious. I sensed immediately that the citizens were terrified. Several small children were throwing flower in the path of the creature, but I sensed they were doing it out of fear. It was time to ask some questions.

We are strangers to this valley,” I said to a man standing next to me. “What do you call yourselves?”

We are Quills,” he answered with a smile.

And what do you call that large creature parading down the center of the street?”

He Peace Maker. He protect citizens of Haven Town. He work for Queen Neela.”

Is he the only Peace Maker in Haven Town?” I asked in a friendly tone.

No, many Peace Makers. They all over Haven Town. They live on top of hill with Queen Neela.”

I don’t see any older people. Where have they gone?”

When you reach forty, you go to Haven.”

I could hear Wade
’s thoughts.
Heaven? You’ve got to be kidding me. How corny can you get?

I answered back
with a whisper. “It’s perfect. The Queen has found a simple way to seduce her victims without anyone being the wiser. I hate to think of what happens to a citizen when they enter Heaven.”

I found out there was going to be a ceremony later in the evening. Their ruler, Queen Neela was going to admit two new citizens into Haven. The public is invited, so we were definitely going to be there. I was positive Queen Neela was the one who controlled the crystal.

I continued asking questions and learned that the Queen was immortal. She was also the most beautiful woman in the valley. I also learned that Haven Town held contests to determine the most beautiful girl in the settlement. What I found interesting was that the contest winners were never seen or heard from again after they moved into the fortress to live with the Queen.

Wade chimed in with his opinion.
“I know this is going to sound silly, but this beauty contest sounds like a new version of the Snow White fairytale. Instead of looking into her magic mirror to locate her competition, the evil Queen just holds a beauty contest every year.”

That would be an easy way to eliminate her competitors. Haven Town gets creepier and creepier by the minute. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”

Food! That’s the best idea you’ve had all day.”

* * *

We ended up at a pub for dinner. Wade and I were both delighted when we found out the local eateries served beef. The pub had a pleasant atmosphere that added to the enjoyment of the meal.

A steak certainly sounds good right now,” remarked Wade as he viewed the menu. “The steak comes with a mug of ale, so that’s an added plus.”

And the price is only one ohm. “Maybe the ohm is the national currency on this planet. I’d be interested in finding out where it’s minted.”

So would I,” said Wade, looking extremely serious. “When we find that out, we’ll probably discover the source of the power on this planet.”

The rib steaks were as delicious as any I
’d ever tasted. The term “melt in your mouth” didn’t come close to describing how tasteful the steaks were. In fact, this happened to be the first time I could recall Wade not saying a single word during his meal. He’d just take another bite and roll his eyes.

After we finished our meal, I handed the waitress an ohm for a tip. To my surprise, she said,
“Thank you, you are very generous.”

It looks like tipping isn’t a new idea here. It’s only a matter of time before it spreads over the entire planet,” Wade commented.”

You’re probably right. We’ve got some time to kill, so why don’t we fly around and check the valley out.”

Wade grinned.
“I was wondering how long it was going to take before you asked me for a date.”

We morphed into invisible Mists as so
on as we were outside the pub.
Is the cloaking spell still in effect?
I asked.

Yes it is.

Good, I’m ready when you are.

Up, up and away.

I asked for that, didn’t I?

* * *

We flew over the settlement at an altitude of three hundred feet. This gave us a good view of the valley and the surrounding farms. We were amazed at the variety of the food being grown. We saw everything from vegetables to wheat and several large cattle ranches. Some of the farms stretched all the way to the foothills of the mountains.

The settlement appeared to be quite prosperous with no visible signs of poverty. Upon closer inspection, we could see that the neighborhoods were filled with children. I estimated the population of the settlement to be somewhere between twelve and fifteen thousand.

Wade couldn’t resist joking about the children
. It’s obvious that the adults don’t spend all of their spare time watching the stars.

I thought you
’d come up with something like that. It’s apparent that having a big family is a way of life here.

And that
’s a good thing. I’m a firm believer in the old proverb ‘make love not war.’

paused before answering
. As long as we’re in this universe, I think you should spend more time looking at the stars.

I think I
’ve just been put down.

Maybe I can make it up to you when we get back to our own universe.

We saw several Peace Makers making the rounds of the settlement. Each Peace Maker had a form that resembled an animal. Aside from the cat-like creatures, I saw one who looked like a Minotaur, the mythical being from Greek Mythology. As I would eventually learn, anyone who committed a crime was arrested and never seen again. I was curious what happened to the town law breakers.






We ended up at the foot of the large steep hill where the fortress stood, waiting for the transition to Haven to take place. I estimated there were a thousand villagers in attendance to witness the event. I felt anticipation in the air, but I also sensed fear.

The platform for the ceremony was approximately forty feet wide and twenty feet deep.
“I wonder how the citizens will be transported to Haven.” I said to Wade.

Maybe it’s only a figure of speech and they’ll be escorted up to the fortress.” We heard the sound of horses approaching. Our questions would soon be answered.

The first to arrive were four Peace Makers riding horses. Directly behind the Peace Makers was Queen Neela, riding in a chariot pulled by two white stallions. It was an impressive sight as Queen Neela stepped out of her chariot and climbed the steps to the top of the platform. My senses were on fire because she was wearing a necklace containing a large green crystal. There was little doubt she had acquired her powers from the crystal.

Queen Neela was close to six feet tall with long slender legs and a tiny waist. She had waist-length jet black hair and the face of an angel. She was dressed in a black gown with a slit down one side to show off her shapely legs. I thought she was the most beautiful women I
’d ever seen. The problem I had with Queen Neela was the smell of evil radiating from her body.

Do you like what you see?” I asked Wade.

I see an exceptionally beautiful woman, but my senses tell me she’s an evil Witch. I assume her powers are boosted by the crystal she’s wearing.”

That would explain how she got to be so beautiful. She’d probable an ugly old hag without the crystal.”

Boy, what a waste of beauty.”

We watched as two Quills climbed the steps to the platform, followed by their families. They each hugged their family members and then walked forward toward Queen Neela. There was a hush over the crowd as Queen Neela raised her hands above her head.

“The time has come to send Jozwa and Helena to Haven. They have both been loyal citizens and they are going to receive their just reward. On your fortieth birthday, we rejoice because the afterlife is a place of joy and never-ending pleasure.”

Queen Neela turned her back to the crowd and placed her right hand over the crystal. The green glow from the crystal radiated across the platform, forming a portal twelve feet in diameter. Queen Neela led Jozwa and Helena to the portal
entrance and then paused, taking the time to hug them both. When they stepped into the portal, they instantly disappeared. The portal also disappeared from view. The crowd slowly disbanded and Queen Neela drove her chariot back to the fortress.

We have to decide on a plan of action,” I said as we walked toward town.

Why don’t we just snatch the crystal? It’d be easy to do with our skills.”

That’s no good because it would leave the Queen intact. Who knows what kind of revenge she’d take out on the citizens of Haven Town? I want to find out what’s going on in the Queen’s fortress. Let’s get a goodnight’s sleep and pay the Queen a visit in the morning.”

* * *

We were up early the next morning. We were both hungry, so we stopped at the local pub for a bowl of strawberries and milk. I liked my milk ice cold, so when no one was looking, I set my energy beam on low and chilled the milk.

Wade grinned.
“You should figure out a way to market your cold beam .You could make a fortune.”

Only you would come up with something like that. That’s what I like about you, Wade, you’re so entertaining.”

The next time I get you alone, I’ll show you just how entertaining I can be.”

I stared directly into Wade
’s eyes. “Oh how I love being threatened.”

After we walked out of the pub, I surprised Wade by leading him into a secluded area behind one of the buildings. I morphed into Queen Neela and wrapped my arms around Wade
’s neck. I ran my tongue over his cheek and spoke in a sultry voice. “Okay handsome, let’s see what kind of a lover you really are.”

Wade was speechless. When I ran my tongue into his ear, he tried to speak, but all he could do was stutter.
“What-what are you-you doing?” 

I kissed Wade on the cheek and stepped back, trying to control my laughter as I morphed back to Janis French. Wade still looked bewildered.

“Janis French, someday you’re going to get what coming to you. You’re the biggest tease I’ve ever met.”

I guess I got carried away. I saw the look on your face when Queen Neela stepped onto the platform and I just couldn’t resist teasing you.”

You wouldn’t have thought it was so funny if I’d torn off your dress and threw you to the ground.”

Now that’s something I didn’t think of. Do you want to try it again?”

Wade surprised me by pulling me into his arms.
“I wouldn’t trade you for a hundred Queen Neelas.”

What about the Changeling Princess?”

That’s Janis French on steroids, but she’s still not you.”

Wade took me into his arms. I closed my eyes and held my breath as Wade
’s lips came closer to mine. Suddenly Wade released me and pushed me back. I regained my senses and realized that Wade was just getting even with me.

How does it feel to be the butt end of a joke, Janis?”

Not too good, but I had it coming.” We were both laughing and I found myself hugging Wade again. “Do you want to kiss and make up?” I asked teasingly.

Now that’s a great idea.”

I looked forward to the day when Wade and I could have a normal relationship. I knew in my heart that I loved Wade, but finishing the mission was my top priority. I would have to control my personal feeling and take it one day at a time.

* * *

My plan was simple. Wade and I would morph into Mists and float up to the fortress. Once we were inside, it shouldn
’t take long to figure out what was going on. I made a pair of swords and shields and we were ready to go.

I’m ready to go when you are,” Wade said with a smile.

What, no up-up and away this time?”

Wade crinkled his nose.
“I was getting around to that.”

I morphed into the Changeling Princess before we became invisible Mists. When we flew over the wall surrounding the fortress, there was a small arena with several Peace Makers working out with each other. The fortress was much smaller than the one in Castle Town.

I sensed there were eleven Peace Makers inside the fortress, along with the Queen. Wade read my thoughts and we made a beeline for the Queen.

We drifted under the huge front doors and made our way down a long corridor. When we came to the Queen
’s quarters, I was surprised to see it wasn’t guarded.
I bet the Queen thinks she’s all powerful and doesn’t need protecting,
I said to Wade.

’ve got news for the Queen. In the next five seconds, she’s going to find out she’s mistaken.

We drifted under the door and materialized. The Queen was standing on the far side of the room, drinking what looked like dark red wine. When the Queen saw us, she abruptly lowered her glass and stared at us. It was then that we saw two hideous fangs protruding from her mouth. It didn
’t take a high I. Q. to put two and two together. What looked like red wine was actually blood and Queen Neela was a Vampire.

The Queen snarled with a vengeance as she grabbed the crystal hanging around her neck. Her eyes turned fiery green before blasting us with two quick energy bolts. We blocked the bolts with our shields and moved forward. The Queen backed up, continuing to snarl as the crystal began glowing brighter and brighter. I could feel the air around me intensify, making it more difficult to breath. Wade lost no time in forging a force field, protecting us from the power of the crystal. The Queen looked perplexed.

“Who are you?” she screamed.

We are warriors from a faraway land,” I said. “You are an evil Vampire and you’re reign of terror is over in Haven Town.”

The Queen
’s face went through a rapid transformation, revealing her true identity. The once beautiful Queen was now disgustingly ugly, matching the ugliness of her soul.

I’ve ruled this town for over a thousand years,” she screamed. “You can’t defeat the power of the crystal. Wa-zola-mem-po- omba.”

There was a sudden puff of smoke and a cat-like Demon emerged. He was similar to the Peace Makers, but bigger and stronger. He was armed with a sword and shield, so Wade stepped forward, challenging the Demon. The Demon
’s roar was deafening.

The fight lasted less than a minute as Wade gave the Demon a quick lesson on the art of sword fighting. The final blow to the Demon
’s midsection literally cut the creature in half.

The Queen
’s scream was ear piercing. She was still holding on to the crystal as she began another chant. Before she could say another word, I hit her with a pair of energy bolts. To my surprise, the bolts were absorbed by a protective shield the Queen had placed around herself. I changed my tactics and forged a force field, completely encircling the Queen. The fear in her eyes told the whole story as I began reducing the size of the force field. The Queen’s protective shield crumbled, leaving her frail body completely unprotected. My force field got smaller and smaller until suddenly, the Queen exploded into thick black smoke. When I dissolved the force field, the room was filled with the familiar stench of a dead Warlock.

Yuck,” Wade said, holding his nose to block the stench filling the room. “The Queen got what she deserved, but I didn’t expect her to explode.”

That’s because the Queen was a Warlock.”

I knew that. Don’t forget, I’m a Witch.”

The stench was dissipating as I secured the crystal and we searched the Queen
’s quarters. Wade was running his hands over a wall when he detected a force field. “There’s a force field covering this wall,” he said as he stepped back to focus his energy beam.

Be careful,” I shouted. “You don’t want to destroy what’s behind the wall. Use your energy beam as a laser to cut an opening.”

Wade did as I asked and we entered a room that was downright chilly. The room was the equivalent of a wine cellar with shelves lined with wine bottles.
“Those bottles were filled are blood,” I said.

I’ll wager the blood was taken from the victims who supposedly went to Haven. I wonder what happened to the bodies?”

Seeing as how we’re dealing with Demons, the bodies were probably devoured.”

Wade frowned.
“I’m sorry I asked.”

As I had done in Castle Town, I doubled my height as I prepared to draw the energy from the Queen
’s crystal. I focused my energy beam to a fine laser and began boring a small hole, making my way slowly toward the source of the crystals power. When I reached the power source, I drew the power into my energy beam and watched as the crystal turned to a dull green. I had to take a deep breath to clear my head.

I guess we should check out the rest of the fortress,” said Wade. “I’m sure it’s filled with Peace Makers.”

We hadn
’t gotten twenty feet down the corridor when we were confronted by four Peace Makers. Our energy bolts made short work of them, leaving their scattered remains all over the corridor walls.

More Peace Makers from the arena area came rushing toward us. We opened fire as soon as they were in sight, stopping them in their tracks. The walls of the fortress were beginning to look like someone had smeared them with rotten meat. I knew Wade would have liked using his sword and battling the Peace Makers in mortal combat. He was a warrior at heart and it was easy to see why he had been chosen to be an Ivarr
’s companion. He was loyal, honest and fearless. 

We searched all the rooms in the fortress before going down to the lower area. We descended down a long stairway and found two Peace Makers roasting meat and two more who were eating at a nearby table. I didn
’t want their remains all over the room, so I focused my energy beam like a laser, cutting the two creatures in half before they could rise from the table. Wade attacked the other two creatures with his sword. I was amazed at how quickly Wade made short work of them.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to use your energy beam?” I asked.

Wade grinned.
“What’s the fun in that, besides, I needed the exercise?”

It was then that I saw a human arm on the barbecue pit.
“I guess we know what happened to Helena and Jozwa.” I saw a look of disappointment on Wade’s face. “It’s so sad,” he said.

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