The Chequer Board

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Authors: Nevil Shute

BOOK: The Chequer Board
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Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven



Mr John Turner first on June the 25th last year. He came to me on the recommendation of a general practitioner at Watford: I have the letter before me.


I should be grateful if you would make an appointment to see a patient of mine, Mr John Turner. Mr Turner has been suffering from attacks of vertigo and fainting: I have been attending him consequent on a fall which he suffered in the Strand Palace Hotel, when he was unconscious for some minutes. I have found some apraxia, and the sight of his left eye appears to have become subnormal in recent months. In view of a severe head injury which he incurred in the year 1943 I feel that an intracranial lesion may be at the root of his trouble, and it is upon this diagnosis that I would like you to see him.

Mr Turner is married, but has no children. He is in some branch of the food business, and lives in a style corresponding with an income of £800-£1,000 per annum.

Yours very sincerely,          
V. C. W
, M.B., B.S.

Mr Turner came to see me by appointment that afternoon. The first thing I noticed when my receptionist
showed him in was the scar. It stretched as a deep indentation from a point about an inch above the left eyebrow up into the hair on the crown of the head, over four inches long. It was a deep cleft in his forehead, red and angry-looking.

The rest of Mr Turner was not very prepossessing. He was about forty years old, with a fresh complexion and sandy hair, going a little bald. He had a jaunty air of cheerfulness and bonhommie which did not fit in well with my consulting room; he was the sort of man who would be the life and soul of the party in the saloon bar of a good-class pub, or at the races. He was wearing rather a bright brown suit with a very bright tie, and he carried a bowler hat.

I got up from my desk as he came in. “Good afternoon, Mr Turner,” I said.

He said, “Cheerioh, doctor. How’s tricks?”

I smiled. “I’m all right,” I said. I motioned him to the chair before my desk. “Sit down, Mr Turner, and tell me what you are complaining of.”

He sat down with his bowler on his knee, and grinned at me with nervous cheerfulness. “I’m all right,” he said. “You won’t find much wrong with me, doctor. May want a bit of a tonic. You know,” he said confidentially, “this wound on my napper frightens people. I tell you, straight, it does. Every doctor that I go to gets the wind up and says I ought to see a specialist. They’ll none of them touch me. If I want my corns cut, they say I ought to see a specialist.” He laughed heartily. “I’m not kidding you. They get the wind up.”

I smiled at him; one has to create confidence. “Does the wound give you any trouble?” I asked.

He shook his head. “None at all. Throbs a bit, now and then. The only trouble I get is at the hairdressers’ when they come to cut my hair—it don’t half fox them.” He laughed again. “Not that I’ve much to cut, now.”

I pulled my pad towards me. “Let me get down the preliminaries first,” I said. He gave me his age, address, and occupation; it seemed that he was a flour salesman. “Cereal Products Ltd.,” he said. “I went to them in 1935 and then went back to them again after the war.”

I picked up the letter on my desk and glanced it over. “I see that you told Dr Worth about attacks of giddiness,” I said. “Do those come very frequently?”

He said, “Oh no. Might be two or three in the last month. They don’t last long—just a few seconds, or maybe half a minute.” He laughed nervously. “Sort of make you feel you want to hold on to something. I think I want a tonic, doctor. I told Dr Worth …”

“Yes,” I said, writing on my pad. “How long since you had the first of those, Mr Turner?”

“I dunno. Couple of months, maybe.”

I glanced again at the letter. “Dr Worth says that you had a fall in the Strand Palace Hotel,” I said. “How did that happen?”

“Well,” he said, “it was like this. We have to do a bit of entertaining in my line—it all goes on the firm, you know. Well, to cut a long story short I was in the American Bar last Thursday with Izzy Guildas and another Portuguese—Jew boys, you know, but good types all the
same—and I suddenly passed out cold. Fact, I’m telling you. I passed out cold, and fell down off the little stool onto the floor, clean out. When I came to I was in the lavatory lying on my back on the floor with somebody splashing water on my face, and my collar all undone. I wasn’t half in a mess, I tell you.”

I said, “How long were you unconscious, Mr Turner?”

“I dunno. Maybe three or four minutes.”

I made a note on my pad. “When you came to, did you feel any pain?”

“I had the hell of a headache. I was sick, too.”

“What time of day was this?”

“About eight o’clock in the evening. We were just going to have dinner. I was looking forward to that dinner.” He laughed.

“What did you do? Did you see a doctor in the hotel?’

He shook his head. “I sat about in the lavatory for half an hour or so till I felt better, and then I went home by underground and went to bed. The wife made me stay in bed in the morning and see Dr Worth.”

“I see,” I said. I made another note. “Had you been drinking heavily, Mr Turner?” I asked. “Forgive me for such a question, but I have to have the facts.”

He laughed again. “I been tight often enough not to mind talking about it, doctor—you ask anyone who knew Jackie Turner in the war. But, matter of fact, I hadn’t had a lot. I had a couple of pints at lunch, and then nothing till we went to the American Bar that evening. I had one dry Martini, and Izzy was just ordering the second round when I passed out.”

“That’s quite moderate,” I said.

He took me up. “I wish you’d tell that to the wife. She don’t half carry on about the beer I drink. But I think beer’s best. I started to lay off spirits the thick end of a year ago. I got a sort of throbbing, so I stick to beer, mostly.”

I made a note. “You get this throbbing with whiskey, say, but not with beer?”

“That’s right.”

“Where is this throbbing, when you get it? Under the wound?”

“No—sort of right inside.”

I made another note. Then I passed him the silver box of cigarettes; he took one. I lit my own, and absent-mindedly slipped the lighter back in my pocket as I glanced over my pad.

“Were you very tired that night?” I asked.

He looked up at me quickly. “Funny you should ask that,” he said. “I was just about all in. I dunno when I felt so tired.”

“You’d had a very heavy day?”

He shook his head. “I’d not been doing much. I think I want a tonic. A good, stiff tonic, doctor—that’s what I need. I told Dr Worth ‘that’s all that’s wrong with me,’ I said.”

“Do you get this feeling of exhaustion very often, Mr Turner?”

He did not answer; he was fumbling with his lighter. The cigarette was held between his lips. He had taken the lighter from his jacket pocket with his right hand and held it for a moment as if to strike it with his right thumb, but his thumb did not move. The little finger
waggled to and fro instead. Then he took it in his left hand, and with some difficulty rotated the knurled knob and made a flame, and lit his cigarette. “I’m sorry,” he said, “What was that you said?”

“I asked if you felt tired very often.”

“I do sometimes. I didn’t used to. I’m a bit run down.”

“Are you left-handed, Mr Turner?”

He stared at me. “No.”

I said, “I saw you had some trouble with your lighter. Let me see you light it again.”

He pulled it out of his pocket. “You mean, light it with my right hand, doctor?” He was flushing a little.

“Yes. Can you do it with your right hand?”

He said awkwardly, “Well, I always used to, but it doesn’t seem to go, now.” He was fumbling with it. “I don’t seem able to put my thumb on to the knob.”

“How long have you had this trouble with it?”

“I dunno. Couple of months, perhaps.”

I did not want to frighten him. I said, “All right; never mind that now.”

He stared at me uneasily. “Rheumatism, that’s what it is. I knew a chap once lost the use of every finger on his hand—every bloody finger, doctor—all through rheumatism. He got it right by taking Kruschen salts. Every morning he took salts, much as would go on a sixpence. He never had no trouble since.”

He paused, and then he said, “I got some salts last week, and I been taking them.” He glanced at his thumb. “It’s much better than it was. It’s only the lighter I can’t seem to manage.”

“I’ll make a physical examination of you in a minute,”
I said. “First of all, though, tell me about that wound. You got that in the war?”

“That’s right,” he said.


He shook his head. “It happened in one of them aeroplanes. Twenty millimetre. It burst right in front of me; right inside the cabin.”

I made a note. “You were in the Royal Air Force in the war?”

He shook his head. “I was in the Royal Army Service Corps. I was on my way home from Algiers,” he explained, “by air. In 1943, that was. We come by Gib and then straight from Gib to the U.K., four of us, in a Hudson, with a crew of three. A Jerry jumped us over the sea somewhere around Ushant, a JU-88. He had four goes at us, but he couldn’t get us down. Over and over again he come at us, and his shells bursting on the wings and in the cabin every time. I got put out on his second run, so I didn’t see the end of it. They said some Spitfires came and drove him off.”

In the quiet peace of my consulting room I made my note. “You got back to England all right, then?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Mr Turner said. “The second pilot made a belly landing in a field by Penzance. There was him and me and another chap all in hospital together when I come to. That’s all that there was left, out of seven of us.”

I wrote again on the pad. “What was the hospital?”

“Penzance General Hospital.”

“That is the normal civilian hospital, is it? Not a service hospital?”

“That’s right. They took us to the nearest one there was.”

I made another note. “Who operated on you?”

There was silence. I glanced at him; he was troubled, evidently distressed that he could not remember. I tried to help him. “Was it a civilian surgeon?”

He looked up. “It was an Army doctor, a major. I know his name quite well. I had it on the tip of my tongue to tell you, case you wanted to know. But I can’t say it now.”

“Try and think,” I said. “It’s rather important to get all the records of your case together.”

There was a long pause.

“Never mind,” I said at last. “Do you remember what he looked like?”

“Oh, aye. He was a young chap with sandy hair like me, rather thin. He knew his onions all right. The sister and the matron said he made a rattling fine job of me. Well, he did, now, didn’t he?”

I smiled. “I should say so. Do you remember the date when this happened?”

“End of September 1943,” he said. “I dunno the day.”

I made another note. “That’s good enough. I can find out all I want to from the hospital.” I glanced over the notes that I had made on my pad, and then got up. “Now will you please take off your shirt, Mr Turner, and let me have a look at you.”

He got up and took off his coat. When it came to unbuttoning his waistcoat the same functional disability of the right hand became apparent; he had to use the left. I stopped him, gave him a pencil, and told him to sign his name on my blotting pad. He could do that all right. The
disability seemed to be confined to certain familiar actions, such as unbuttoning his clothes or lighting the lighter. For these familiar actions he had no control over his fingers.

Apart from that, I did not find much physically wrong with him. Reflexes were normal. Blood pressure was rather higher than it should have been, but that might have been due to anything. Heart, lungs, stomach seemed to be quite all right. When I came to examine his eyes with the ophthalmoscope, however, I found the disc of the left eye to be blurred and pinkish. That was the only physical sign of real trouble that I found. On giving him an eye test I found the vision of that eye subnormal in all ways.

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