The Child Whisperer

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Authors: Carol Tuttle

Tags: #Parenting & Relationships, #Parenting, #Early Childhood, #Babies & Toddlers, #Child Development

BOOK: The Child Whisperer
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Author’s Note


Why Every Parent and GrandparentShould Read This Book

Could You Be Wounding Your Child And Not Even Know It?

What is a Child Whisperer?

What Is Your Goal as a Parent?

How to Become a Child Whisperer

Introduction to Energy Profiling

The 4 Types of Children

Type 1: The Fun-Loving Child

Type 2: The Sensitive Child

Type 3: The Determined Child

Type 4: The More Serious Child

How to Profile Babies and Toddlers

Which Type is My Child?

How to Identify Your Child’s Secondary Energy Type

The 4 Types of Parents: Motivations, Challenges, and Tips

Popular Parenting Approaches That Do Not Work for All Types of Children

The Real Reason Children Rebel

How Your Family Culture May Be Wounding Your Child

How the Public Education System May be Wounding Your Child

How Your Religious Culture May Be Wounding Your Child

What About Labels?

The Top 5 Things I Did That I Am Really Proud of as a Parent

What I Would Have Done Differently If I Knew This Earlier

Using Your New Found Child Whisperer Skills

Appendix A: Dressing Your Children True to their Type

Appendix B: Additional Resources

About the Author

What Parents Are Saying About Carol’s
Child Whisperer and Energy Profiling Techniques

“In just one short week of learning and applying Carol’s parenting techniques, I have learned more about how to parent my children in ways that really work than I have learned in 28 years of life. I have also had amazing ‘light bulb’ moments, not only about my children, but also about my childhood, my parents, and my siblings. I can already tell that Carol’s formula really is THE better way to parent. I can hardly wait to learn more!”

—Suzette Pace

“Your system has probably been the biggest influence on my parenting than any other book, website, system, etc. I have a PhD in clinical psychology with a specialty in family and couples’ therapy. You can imagine that I have extensive training in that area, but your system is the one I refer to on a daily basis. It completely changed how I relate to my own children and often how I relate to their father. It also helps me relate to clients professionally and help them in the changes they are trying to make in their lives and relationships.”

—Elizabeth Bonet

“I am always saddened by how conditioned parents are to be more concerned about what other people think (strangers, even) than what is best for their child. Thank God that is changing! We are in a whole different energy and your parenting book is ‘right on!’ in supporting and feeding this change. A parenting book that respects the children and heals the parents—love it!”

—Kristine Bolstridge

“Where do I begin? Carol’s system has transformed my life, and my family’s life. I am a better mom, wife, sister, daughter and just a better human being. If I had to narrow down how Energy Profiling has helped me as a parent to just one thing it would be how it has saved the relationship between my 10-year-old Type 4 daughter and myself (Type 2). Now that we understand each other we respect and like each other a lot more. I shudder to think of the path we would still be on if I had not been blessed with Energy Profiling.”

—Tausha Hansen

“Your message of Energy Profiling is needed in the field of education at all levels. As my 10-year-old said in May as she attended our annual homeschool convention for the first time, ‘Energy Profiling needs to be here, Mom. All these people need to learn about it!’ That is just one of many places it is needed, and for that I have to concur with her wholeheartedly.”

—Sheila Sierts

“I have a Type 4 son, and from the time he was 14 months on, I was baffled by how to raise him. I looked in the community and medical fields for answers, but they had no real suggestions; so true to my Type 4 nature, I went back to school for a masters degree. Surely academia had the answers I was searching for.

I certainly did find answers, but the most enlightening was when my friend recommended your book. It brought insight. . .and aided me in better understanding the research I was composing. Following the completion of my Master’s paper and graduating, I’ve been able to continue to study the principles you teach, and I appreciate so much the simplicity and applicability they bring. I even cited your book in my paper—look at that, you’re even in academia (although I’m sure it won’t be the first or last time!). Thank you.”

—Jenny Jones

The Ultimate Handbook
for Raising Happy, Successful, Cooperative Children


Best-selling author of Remembering Wholeness

and Discover Your Personal Beauty Profile

Copyright © 2012 by Carol Tuttle

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, sound recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the author, except as allowed by law.

The Child Whisperer™, Dressing Your Truth®, Energy Profiling®, Energy Type™, and Type 1™, Type 2™, Type 3™, and Type 4™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Carol Tuttle Enterprises, LLC.

ISBN: 978-0-9844021-3-7

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012916781

First Printing October 2012

Cover Photo: Debra Macfarlane

Cover Design: Timothy Kavmark

Text Design and Layout: Sea Script Company

Live Your Truth Press

[email protected]

Other books from Carol Tuttle

The Path to Wholeness

Remembering Wholeness:

A Personal Handbook for Thriving in the 21st Century

It’s Just My Nature:

A Guide to Knowing and Living Your True Nature

Dressing Your Truth:

Discover Your Personal Beauty Profile

Author’s Note

by Carol Tuttle

s you read this book, you will notice that many sentences pair the singular word child with the plural pronoun them.

For example:
When you understand your child’s nature, you can better help them develop their natural gifts and talents.

I recognize that the singular noun and the plural pronoun do not match up, but I have chosen this usage deliberately. No singular, gender-neutral pronoun exists in English, and using
throughout would interfere with the book’s conversational tone.

Most importantly, this book is meant to be a comprehensive manual for parents of all children, regardless of gender. I chose to use the word
to avoid any misunderstanding about which gender this information applies to. Every time you encounter the word
in reference to your singular child, I hope you recognize that I honor your child as a unique and singular individual.

As you read, you will also find stories of children and their parents. The stories’ purpose in the text is to illustrate specific principles and provide real-life experiences you may identify with and learn from. While they are an important supportive element, this book can also be read from start to finish without them.


y deepest and most sincere gratitude goes to my editor, Kathy West. Kathy spent many hours helping me put this amazing book together. True to her Type 2 nature, she took all the content and stories that we gathered over months of research and helped me compile it to flow so beautifully. Thank you, Kathy, for living your truth and helping me write this amazing book, which we both know will help many parents.

Thank you to my husband, Jonathan, for being the great father he has always been to our five children.

Thank you to my parents who did the best they knew how with very little insight on how to raise a go-get ’em, Type 3 daughter like myself.

I appreciate the assistance of the other editors who worked on this book, Mike Fitzgerald and Beth Farrell.

Thank you to our amazing graphic artist, Timothy Kavmark, for his beautiful cover design. And to our entire team at Live Your Truth, LLC—especially my son Chris, our CEO; my son-in-law, Tanner, our President; my son Mark, our Social Media Manager; my daughter Anne, and daughters-in-law, Sarah and Jaleah, who are Experts in our programs. Thank you for your dedication to helping people worldwide live their truth and love it.

Thank you to my amazing customer support team, especially Kristine, who helped gather numerous stories.

My love and thanks to my growing nest of grandchildren who show me every day what it is to live our truth simply and clearly.

My many thanks go out to the parents who shared their stories and insights with me. You and your families are living proof that this information can transform lives and relationships. You are an inspiration to every parent who aspires to become a Child Whisperer!

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