The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)
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shrugged, “I don’t think that will happen.  You have a part of your dad’s genes.  I don’t think you would die.  I’d hope you change.”  I am happy to hear he feels that way.  I squeezed his hand hoping he understood that I felt the same.

“Enoc has my dad told you anything about my mom?”  I watched him carefully to read his response. 

e let go of my knee. “Just what he has told you.  I do know someone that is doing some research for me.” 

He turn
ed away from me but I grabbed him and made him look at me. “Well do you know anything?” 

He shrug
ged and turned away from me, “Not yet.  I am very confident that this historian I know will be able to find what you’re searching for.  When I know something concrete I will let you know.” 

I cross
ed my arms over my chest, “Why won’t you tell me now?” 

“I don’t
really have any new information yet.  I wanted to make sure my lead had everything so he could explain what he finds correctly. I promise, I will tell you as soon as I find out something.” Enoc knelt in front of me. “I want you to get your answers too.  Then maybe I’ll get what I want.”

Did he really just say that?
  Oh I hope it means what I want it to mean.  “What do you want?” I asked playfully. 

“I want you Olivia”
he said as he gave me his mouth watering smile.  He got up and walked away heading to the top of the hill. 

watched Amber swim over to the side, “Hey Olivia you alright?”

I st
ood up and stretched, “Yeah, if I don’t pass out from Enoc’s gorgeousness.” 

Amber motioned
for me to get into the water, “Follow me, I have something that will help get your mind off of your
.”  She motioned for Grace to follow too.

swam over to the edge of the falls where water was falling into the pool.  It was loud and we had to shout to be heard.  We followed her towards the falling water.  I watched as Amber went under.

“Amber? Amber
!” I yelled. 

I d
idn’t see her for a moment then she popped up literally in front of me. 

“Follow me
we’re going under” she said as she grabbed my hand. 

Like a chain reaction I reach
ed out and grabbed onto Grace.

he said were going under, hang on!” I shouted as I motioned to Grace going under the water.

I watch
ed as Amber’s brown hair disappeared beneath the water as she pulled me under and I pulled Grace.  I was under for only a few seconds when I felt Amber pull me upwards.  When I surfaced I blinked away the water from my lashes.  Grace quickly surfaced after I did. 

I t
ook in the view of the stone room.  I could feel and hear the water falling at our backs as warm water splashed my shoulders.  Amber helped me out of the water.  I stepped onto the cold stone floor. 

“It’s amazing.  H
ow did you know about this?” I asked while I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. 

I came out here once last year when I visited.  There were some local kids here and they showed it to me.” 

was so glad they showed her this, it was perfect. I saw a bit of rough stone outlined the room.  I walked over to the wall and ran my fingers along the edge.  I barely heard Amber asking Grace about Ryan. 

I shout
ed over the water towards them, “I am going to look over there,” pointing to my right. 

Amber look
ed my way and waved giving me the go ahead. I heard her yell, “Be safe and don’t go too far.”

y!” I yelled back as I continued to run my fingers over the stone rocks that made up the cave wall.

I s
aw a light at the end of the tunnel and headed towards it.  I wondered where it would lead.  I felt adventurous and excited about seeing something new. 

“Hey this leads to the other
falls,” I yelled back. They must not have been able to hear me over the roar of the water.  Otherwise I would have gotten a response. 

continued to feel along the wall of stone.  I was surprised when I fell into a hidden room in the shadows. I touched the edges and realized it was a small room. Wow this is so amazing. I couldn’t believe my luck.  I wouldn’t have found this if I didn’t have my hands on the wall.  I could barely see.  I started to head out of the room, sliding my hand along the wall letting it guide my way.  The cool rock wall stopped and my fingers ran over a warm, smooth firm chest.  It startled me and I jumped back hitting the back wall.  Instantly I reached up to touch my necklace, letting it calm my nerves. I stretched my hands out in front of me.  I soon recognized the bright green eyes staring straight at me. 

“Jason, what are you doing here?  How did you find me?”
I whispered. 

I sensed
him move closer to me.  He stopped when my hands pressed against his naked warm chest. 

am always watching you Olivia.” He whispered close to my ear. 

“You can’t be here, if Ryan or Enoc find you, they will kill you.  Please go, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
  I pushed away from him. 

He d
idn’t move but leaned in closer his eyes were bright in the darkness.  He reached for my hand and rubbed his thumb over my mark.  I heard him growl.  He grabbed my arm and held it around his neck.  He held me close and I closed my eyes thinking
what am I doing
? My heart raced and shivers coursed down my body.  I rested my head on his chest.  He reached for my hand and rubbed his thumb over my mark again.  I instantly began to feel the peace I felt earlier.  It was like the sun that warmed everything it touches.  Or the way a hummingbird wings beat quickly.  He let go of my wrist and I held him to my chest, my fingers wound themselves in his brown hair.  I felt at peace standing here holding him. I didn’t want to move because I didn’t want whatever was happening to stop.  He pressed his body into mine.  His hands were demanding as he pushed me up against the wall.  The stone was cold against my bare back and I shivered.  His hands framed my face and I closed my eyes enjoying the way it made me feel. 

, open your eyes and look at me” he commanded. 

I open
ed them.  “But I can’t see you,” I said. 

He held
my face between his hands making me look up into his eyes.  I could feel his breath on my lips.

“I know but I can see you.”
  He moved closer to my mouth and I anxiously awaited the kiss.  The next thing I heard was Amber’s voice.  It sounded like she was literally standing in front of me.

“Olivia, where did you go?
” I heard her speak to someone, “Maybe she went down the other tunnel, let’s check there.”

My head was
confused but all I did was keep staring into Jason’s luminous green eyes.  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I want you to meet me somewhere.  You need to be somewhere safe.  Caleb plans to come for you himself.  Please say you will meet with me?” I could hear the desperation in his voice.  He released me from the wall and very softly kissed my neck swirling his tongue along the curve.  I could feel his breath across my neck right before he inhaled my scent. 

about my friend Amber, I couldn’t leave her.” Or Enoc I thought.  “My dad’s pack can take care of me.” 

Jason continued
to speak, “I have a cabin we can go to where you will be safe.  I also know more about the mark on your wrist.  Please come with me?” 

Letting go of him I step
ped back, “What do you know about my mark?” 

He pull
ed me back to his chest “If you come with me I will tell you.” Taking my hand he pulled it to his lips twisting it he kissed my mark.  Once again my pulse calmed and I sighed filled with peace.  He then stepped away from me. “I will let you know where to go.  I hope you decide to come.  Don’t worry.  I’ll see you soon.  I’ll come back for you Olivia, I promise.” 

I sa
t there unable to move, stunned. The warmth of his lips still lingered on my wrist but for only a moment.  How could I feel drawn to someone I barely know?  Let alone my attraction to Enoc?  What is that all about?  I needed to talk with Amber. Touching the wall I let it lead me out of the small room. I headed back towards Amber and Grace. Once I get to the larger room I hollered at them.  They came running up, “Where were you?”

lied, “I got lost.” 

were so worried, we couldn’t find you.”  Amber said hugging me.

“Well now that you’re here, I am starving.  Let’s go eat.”
Grace jumped in the water and dived under the falling water. 

Amber reache
d for me, “Olivia are you okay?” 

I wrap
ped my arms around her hugging her, “No, I don’t think so, everything is so confusing.” 

’s wrong?”  I grabbed Amber’s hand and squeezed. 

away from her I mouthed one word “Jason.”

Saying nothing she nodded h
er head and held my hand while I told her everything that happened. 

Chapter 9

Thank goodness for Amber.  She let me freak out and get everything off my chest before we headed back to join the group for lunch.  Karen had helped Grace put together some delicious avocado ham sandwiches.  My stomach started rumbling in anticipation.  I couldn’t help the sigh of bliss I made when I bit into the fresh avocado.  It was sprinkled with a little salt that helped bring out its flavor.  It was perfect.  I couldn’t decide between the wide varieties of fruit Grace packed, so I ate a little of everything. The grapes and apples were crisp and the strawberries were sweet. 

It was such a
difference to see the girls eating so dainty as Ryan and Enoc engulfed their sandwiches.  Grace reached in to grab a sandwich but Ryan slapped her hand away snaking the sandwich from her. 

, come on, save some for us.  You already had one at least let me get one.” Amber whined.

completely ignored her and bit half the sandwich off in his mouth.  Talking around a mouthful he said, “Well stop eating all prissy and what not.  You know you don’t eat like that at home.” 

Grace ch
oked on the slice of cucumber she was eating. Jumping up she ran over to Ryan grabbing a handful of grapes and squeezed them over his head.  The juices ran down his face and he just took another big bite of his sandwich pretending like he didn’t have a care in the world. 

This surprised us and Grace until he jumped up quickly.
“You’re gonna pay Gracie.”

Grace took off running as Ryan chased her into the water.
Man I loved watching them goof around, it seemed like they never stopped.

sat back on the blanket licking the juice from the honeydew off her fingers.  Amber reached her hand out to Enoc, “Well if we don’t have to pretend could you hand me another sandwich Enoc?”

“Ha, ha that a girl.” I
cheered on. 

Popping a
strawberry in my mouth I watched Ryan and Grace dunk each other in the water laughing.  Ryan held Grace in place, “Say mercy.”

Grace shout
ed, “Okay I give… you big lug.” 

, I said say Mercy,” he teased. 

“Ahhhh…mercy, I give Ryan mercy.”

He dunked her one more time before swimming
over to a tube.  Grace came up sputtering water.

shouted, “Next time I am going to get the girls to help.” 

I could hear her mumbling under her breath,
“I don’t know what Amber see’s in him.”  I was surprised nobody else seemed to notice the comment. 

I c
ouldn’t believe how lucky I was to be here with my friends having such a good time.  I was loss in thought when I heard… “Hey Olivia, do you want to jump with me?” 

I looked
up at Enoc and just stared trying to process what he just asked.  But dang that smile he sure makes it hard to concentrate. 

ah, sure” I replied.  

offered me his hand and helped me stand up.  I used one hand to wipe down my legs to wipe off the dry sand.  I looked over to tell Amber but noticed that she had joined Ryan and Grace out in the water.  They’re having a tube war, each one balancing on their tube trying to knock the other one off.

Enoc d
oesn’t let go of my hand as we walked at a slow pace to the top of the waterfall.  The energy coursing up my arm while he held my hand was starting to feel like a part of me, it was comforting.  I wanted to reach out and wrap my arms around him but I didn’t.  I wanted to kiss him until I blushed, oh great now I am blushing just thinking about kissing Enoc.  I let my hair drop over the side of my face to cover my burning cheeks. Letting out a long breath I thought thank goodness for long hair.  Enoc squeezed my hand and I sneaked a peek.  Enoc smiled.

What?”  I asked. 

“You know we’ve kissed you don’t have to be shy around me.” 

I blushed and giggled.  Oh man I feel like a little kid.  Enoc laughed and bumped me with his shoulder, pulling me along.

“I like to see your eyes and smile.”

I looked down like the dirt had become the most fascinating thing.  I only looked up when I felt his hand on the side of my face. Enoc tucked the fallen strands of hair behind my ear.  I smiled and he smiled back.  He was so sweet and gentle.  If there was ever going to be a moment when he should kiss me, it should be now.  He leaned down and I closed my eyes expecting his lips to touch mine but what I feel was his breath on my ear.

’re here.” Enoc whispered. 

My eyes pop
ped open and I looked around unsure how we reached the top so quickly.

I looked around for a place to sit.
   I was embarrassed because I was totally expecting a kiss. “Uh Enoc, you wanna sit and talk for a bit?” 

Enoc stop
ped walking and pulled me over to the ledge overlooking the falls.  Sitting down we dangled our feet over the ledge.  We sat in silence as we watched the others play down below.  Enoc broke the silence and with ease tells me, “Just because last night is over doesn’t mean I stopped liking you.  I do like you and I still want to get to know you better.” 

I was
giddy hearing him say it again. I looked up and smiled.  It must have been contagious because he smiled back.  “I like you too Enoc. I would like to know more about you.” 

raised his hand up fingers extended.   “You can ask me five questions.  But whatever you ask me you have to answer in return, deal?” 

Tapping my finger to my temple I
teased, “Hmm… let me think.  Okay, where do you see yourself in five years? Um what is your favorite food and why?  Happiest moment… and um, tell me something about your family.  Last but not least what is a regret you have?” 

“Wow, is that all?
” he asked as he ran his hand through his thick wet hair.  “Just kidding those are great questions.”

’s muscles flexed as he leaned back on his elbows, his lower back resting on the ground.  I could tell he was processing my questions.  He really shouldn’t look that gorgeous.  I couldn’t help but stare at him.  I just wanted to lick him.  Oh crap think of something, anything else.  Shoot no not his deep suck you in gorgeous blue eyes or his yummy bare chest.  Gosh not working.  I felt him shift and his eyes locked on mine.  Uh think about gross things.  He is so going to know, I am attracted to him.   Liver, dog breath, worms, chickens what the crap chickens?  I’m startled when he sits back up and runs his finger down my brow, smiling. 

at’s with the face?” He asked pleased.

I d
idn’t say anything.  Slapping his hand away I said, “Oh, don’t you play all innocent. I know you know.” 

He smiled
, dang that smile.  “I know what?” He asks sarcastically.

Slapping his should
er, “Fine, answer the questions Mr. I don’t know.” 

He laughed
and it’s contagious I can’t help but join him. 

In three to five years I hope to be married with a child or two.  I want to still remain the Alpha of my pack.” 

“How old are you?” I

He answer
ed, “I am twenty-three and how old are you?”

“I am eightee
n,” I replied. 

“What was the next question?” Enoc ask
ed a little distracted. 

“Umm the
next question was favorite food.” 

Oh yeah, I love Chinese, my mom would make this amazing sweet and sour chicken.”  He rubbed his stomach and licked his lips, like he was getting ready to eat. 

Wow, I wish I was sweet and sour chicken. 
I licked my lips and Enoc froze.  I didn’t move either.  I kept telling myself I should look away but I didn’t want to.  I started to lean in when he cleared his throat.  I shook my head, and forced myself to pull back. 

“Um what wa
s question three?” Enoc asked breaking the moment. 

I cross
ed my legs and turned facing him.  I had to think before I answered.  “It… it was a happy moment you had.”

Enoc’s eyes twinkle
d and I sat back excited to hear what he was going to share.  Enoc laughed to himself before beginning.  “When I was growing up we would play games.  One of the games was an original, you know hide n seek.  One day when I was seventeen we played it as a family.  I thought I was getting pretty good at it and was excited to play.”  He smiled again lost in thought.  “Well we played it a little differently.  We would seek someone in the family.  That day my mom was the one that would hide.  We gave her a ten minute head start.  She had to run, hide and make it back to base without anyone finding her.  I remember me and my brother arguing over who was going to win and my father teasing us saying he was.  When the time was up we shifted and took off tracking her.  My mom was amazing.  We each took off following different trails.  I was so sure I was on her trail.  I remembered when I ran the wind was a little cool.  It felt nice and I felt so free and happy.  I was startled when I heard a snap.  I turned toward the direction of the snap, knowing my brother had headed in that direction.  Before I got close I saw her and took off on a full run for her.  She had this funny smile on her face and before I had time to think why, I was swinging upside down by my leg.  I shifted and my mom walked up to me laughing. I will never forget what she said.  ‘Sorry honey, I gotta run your dad’s not gonna fall for that trick.’ She kissed me, laughed and took off running.  A few minutes later they all showed up.  Cutting me down they told me how mom made it back to base and how Isaac my brother also fell for the same trick I did.  What made it funny was that my mom was pregnant at the time.  I just remembered having so much fun and laughing so much.  It was one of my last and favorite memories I had with my family.” 

I laughed picturing his mom outsmarting those three men with a big round belly.  “She sounds wonderful.”
I smiled and he responded, “She was.”

“Okay you still have two more questions to answer.” I urged excited to learn more. 

The energy around us shifted from remembrance to sadness
as Enoc looked off towards the dropping sun. “There are five people in my family, my mom, dad, younger brother and little sister.”   Enoc dropped his head his face masked with grief.  “My parents died two years ago and now it is just me, my little brother and sister.” 

“Oh I am so
sorry” I said wrapping my arms around him.  “What happened?” 

Letting go and pulling back I could still see the
raw grief in his eyes.  “You don’t have to tell me, it is okay.” I sincerely said. 

He grab
bed a hold of my hand like it was a lifeline away from his memory.  “No, I want you to know.  It was two years ago when both my parents were killed.  A semi-truck driver was drinking and hit their vehicle head on.  The officers said they were killed instantly.” 

I squeeze
d his hand.  My heart broke because I knew how he felt.  “I am so sorry; I know how difficult it is too, to lose someone you love.”

He pull
ed me back into his chest.  I felt safe in his arms.  I thought I was comforting him, but it felt like he was comforting me.  I let go and rested my head on his shoulder.  I waited for him to continue. 

“I have a little siste
r, her name is Lilly.  She is six.  She is the most beautiful princess.” 

His eyes li
t up and he smiled.  Dang that smile, it is so breathtaking. 

She looks a lot like me, in that she has curly black hair and baby blue eyes.  She is so much fun.  She starts kindergarten this fall and I am going to miss her.” 

I could
tell he loves her.  “Will she go to public or private school?” I asked. 

Neither, the pack has a teacher that will teach her at home.  When she is older and more in control of her ability to shift then she can choose whether to be taught at home or at public school.” 

Jokingly I sa
id, “I guess you can’t miss her too much if she is still going to be at home.”  I bumped him with my shoulder.  He laughed and bumped me back.

also have a little brother, but I guess he isn’t very little anymore.  He has been living in Italy for the past two years.   He just graduated from high school and decided he wanted to come back home.” 

“Oh, so what is his name?
  Will he be starting college in the fall?” 

“His name is
Isaac and yes he will be going to the community college in a couple of months.” 

Wow, is that how quick school is coming up.  I totally forgot with
everything going on.  I stood up to stretch my legs. 

“Maybe we will see him around.
We plan to attend that college too.  After I was attacked by Jeremy and found out about my dad Amber moved what little belongings I had to my dad’s house.  We were planning on staying in the dorms after my mom died so I already had packed up and had gotten things ready to move into the dorms.  I guess it worked out like God intended because I found my dad and now Amber and I will just live here and go to school.”

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