The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)
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What are you going to major in?” 

I was excited to tell him
. “I plan on becoming a teacher.  I would love to meet Lilly and Isaac sometime.” 

His eyes
widen with excitement, “Really?”

Stretching I sa
id, “Yes, they sound really nice and if they’re anything like you they’ll be amazing.” 

I blush
ed but turned away not wanting him to see me embarrassed. 

you think I am amazing?”  He got up and came to stand by me.  I could feel him at my back.  Waving my hand in the air I responded, “Yeah, well you did save my life.”  Smiling to myself I could hear the joy in his voice. 

“Okay, your tur
n,” he said.

I said I would love to become a teacher.  I find kids fascinating in how they see the world and how excited they are to learn.  If during that time, I happen to meet someone I wouldn’t mind being married and having a family.  However life seems to have its own set of rules for me.” 

He laugh
ed, “I know how you feel, and everything can change so quickly.” 

I d
idn’t know what he was talking about but I got the feeling it was about me.  He leaned his body into mine, as he brushed my hair away from my neck sending tingles down my spine. His breath was warm on my neck and I almost forgot to breathe. 

I stu
ttered my next words, “I love popcorn because my mom, dad and I used to have a movie night.  I grew up on it and I love it.  The salty buttery taste brings back such wonderful memories for me.  Mm, yummy.” 

I felt
him tense as a deep rumble came from his chest.  The warmth dissipated as he stepped back allowing me a moment to gather my thoughts. 

“So what
was your happy moment?” 

I don’t even have to think I know exactly what it is. 
“When I was in the third grade we had a father daughter dance.  I remembered my mom dressing me up in this soft pink Cinderella dress with cap sleeves.  She even did my hair up with a little crown.  I just remembered feeling like a princess.”  With a sad smile I continued, “It was the last time I spent time with my dad before he left.” 

wasted no time and wrapped his arms around me.  Shielding me and comforting me.  I leaned back and looked into his bright blue eyes.  The gold flecks sparkled. They captivate me and I couldn’t seem to look away.  Not that I wanted to.  His arms pulled me closer and I imagined he could feel the thump of my heart beating against his chest.  The moment our skin touched was like a volcano erupting. 

“Last question
,” he said, “regret?”

He look
ed at me and with fierceness I have never felt before pressed his lips to mine.  He wrapped his hand in my hair increasing the pressure of our kiss.  My knees buckled but he continued to hold me up.  His lips tasted perfect.  It was beautiful like a lightning storm.  Very slowly he moved to my neck and trailed small kisses that made me squirm. 

s,” he said. 

shot through my body.  I felt like I might pass out if that was even possible.  Very slowly he moved away. 

With deepness in his voice h
e said, “I’ve regretted not doing that the first day I met you.”  He then turned, ran, and jumped off the cliff. 

I d
idn’t know how long I stood there but all I could think was WOW!  That was freaking fantastic.  Oh my gosh, I couldn’t wait to tell Amber. I did a little happy dance.  How could I be so lucky to have such a great guy interested in me?  It was almost unfathomable.  All I could think was he kissed me again.  I hoped this wasn’t a dream and if it was I hoped I never would wake up.

Chapter 10

From a distanced I watched Amber, Ryan and Enoc talk.  It was frustrating that I couldn’t hear what they were saying.  This was one of those times it would have been nice to hear like a wolf.  They seemed guarded and quite suspicious as they looked around sporadically.  Every time I looked over at Enoc I thought about our cliff kiss.  How he makes me blush just by one of his looks is ridiculous.  I needed to be better at guarding my thoughts.  I was like an open book.  Turning my attention from Enoc I noticed Grace covering and loading the leftover food into the picnic basket. As she headed over towards the blankets I stepped away from my thoughts and asked, “Grace you want some help?”

replied quickly, “Sure.”

As she
shook the colorful quilt out I reached out to take the other side.  Once the blankets were folded I moved onto loading towels and supplies back into our large beach bag.

Amber c
ame walking over and before she even stopped I questioned, “You, Ryan and Enoc were gone a long time, is everything okay?”  Amber nodded not giving any hint or further information. 

Grace interrupt
ed, “Everything is packed, you guys ready to go?”

We respond
ed in unison, “Yeah.” 

“What’s up with the guys?”  Grace ask

“The guys smelled something and they want
ed to check it out.” Amber answered.  

I was
thankful that I am not the only one that asked or even noticed that something was up.  I was even more surprised when Amber answered Grace even though I asked the same question just a few moments earlier. 

Amber continue
d, “They said they would meet us at home.” 

Enoc wave
d catching my attention and I swooned at his dimple.  I smiled as Enoc took off into the woods a light bursting in the twilight.  I was brought back to Amber and Grace when Amber coughed, “Don’t think I didn’t notice how long you and Enoc were gone.  You got some explaining to do.  Plus the exultant energy coming off you both was dang near tangible.”

“Later, let’s just get this stuff loaded up.”  I said avoiding the question.

“The guys couldn’t help us load this crap before they took off?” Grace mumbled under her breath.

We all bu
mbled around in the near dark and I struggled to see past the black swim tubes.  Grace carried the beach bag and Amber stumbled while carrying the basket and blankets. 

“You okay Amber?” 
I asked as I reached out to help steady her. 

Yeah, next time I need to wear boots not flip-flops.  Plus with it getting darker I can hardly see.” 

, “Ha, whatever, I know you see just fine in the dark wolf girl.”

When we ma
de it back to sunshine I released a breath of relief, “Finally.”

Once everything
was loaded into the back of sunshine we hopped in.  The sun was starting to set and the trees casted eerie shadows on the road.  Amber wasted no time turning on the heat. Living in the mountains still got cold once the sun started to set.  As Amber backed out I saw a florescent yellow flyer flapping under the passenger front window wiper.  Rolling down the window I reached around and grabbed the flyer off. 

“What is
it?” Amber inquired. 

I read the
single line written on the back of the flyer.
Olivia if you change your mind come to 183 Grubstake in the small town of Dove Creek, Jason.
  I felt a mixture of anxiety and excitement at the sentence. 

“What is it Olivi
a?” Amber asked for a second time. 

“It’s from Jaso
n,” I answered quietly.

Amber shoved
my shoulder and said, “Stop staring at it.  What does it say?” 

Running my fingers over the sentenc
e, “Olivia if you change your mind come to 183 Grubstake in the small town of Dove Creek, Jason.” 

I look
ed over at Amber and noticed her drumming the steering wheel with her fingers.  I looked at Grace and she was chewing on her nails. 

“What?” I ask
ed frustrated. 

Grace look
ed at me, “What do you think?  This could be a trap; he could be setting you up.  I mean how well do you really know him?” 

I turn
ed away and looked out the window, my lips pressed tightly together. 

like to think he won’t hurt me.  He has had multiple opportunities to hurt me and he hasn’t.  Plus you know there is some kind of connection between us.” 

Pressing my finger to the window I scribble
d.  Amber noticed my uneasiness and reminded Grace about how Jason saved me from Jeremy.  How he and I responded to each other when he touched my birthmark and how he said he recognized it.  She rattled off more things but I knew she said it for my benefit and to reassure herself more than Grace.  Amber was definitely an Enoc fan.

then explained to Grace about what happened in the small hidden room inside the cave.  How Jason warned me that Caleb was coming personally to capture me. 

He wants me to meet him at his parents’ cabin, hence the address on the flyer.”  I waved it in the air for dramatics. 

Grace snatched
it out of the air and read it, “Well, what did you say?"

I told him that my father’s pack would be able to take care of me.  I don’t know why this is so difficult. I mean I think Jason is handsome.  But this isn’t like me. I am not this open especially to a stranger.  I know it’s crazy and I can’t explain it.” 

Amber turned
her headlights on and the black road lit up, the yellow strip reflecting in the dark.  Amber looked at Grace in the rearview mirror. “I think it has to do with her mark.”

Grace lean
ed on the seat, “What do you mean?  What happens with the mark?” 

I ran
my fingers over my mark, “Every time Jason touches my mark I forget all my worries.  I am consumed with the feeling of peace.  It’s like in that moment all there is… is him and me.” 

drummed the steering wheel.  “So if he didn’t touch you, do you think you would react differently?” 

I tr
ied to think back to my encounters with Jason.  “When I first met him he touched my mark and I almost kissed him.  At the movie theatre he touched it again we actually kissed.   Last but not least the cave. 

Holy Crap, yeah I think you’re right Amber.  It isn’t until he touches my mark that I react.”

“Well maybe you should test your theory out.  Next time you see him, don’t let him touch your mark and see what happens.
  See if you can keep your emotions in check.”


Heck I don’t have anything to lose and maybe it will help me learn for sure if that is what is triggering my reaction.”

tapped my shoulder, “Well, what about Enoc? Do youlik

I turned
to look at her as I rested my arm over the seat, “That is what is so confusing. I am definitely attracted to him.  He is gorgeous and when he is near I get this electricity coursing through my body.”  I felt flustered like I wasn’t giving them the right explanation for how he makes me feel. “I’m not explaining it well enough.  Enoc and Jason are both different. When Jason touches my mark I forget about all the heartache I felt when I lost my mom.  Or the confusion I feel about my dad, the pack or even Enoc.  It is like I don't have a care in the world.  I just feel peaceful.  The hurt, sadness and worries I have… have all vanished. With Enoc I feel everything, I feel so alive.
Oh man,” I said slapping my hand to my forehead. “I totally forgot to tell you both.  Enoc kissed me while we were at the falls, again.  It was incredible.  It was so… let me just say I almost passed out.” 

Both Amber and Grace start
ed giggling. 

“What do
you mean again?”  Grace pretended surprised. 

The smile on my face when I answer
ed was contagious. “Last night after the bowling challenge.  Enoc walked me home and he kissed me.  It was beautiful.  Like I was saying it isn’t bad how I feel with Enoc. I just feel so much it is overwhelming.  We have great conversation and I like having him close to me.  I know he will protect me and keep me safe.  I think I doubt what we have because when we first met I thought we had such a strong mutual connection.  Then the next day he just stayed away and didn’t really even talk to me, it was so confusing.  For almost a month he barely spoke to me, I thought I imagined the whole connection.  We talked after the bowling match and today at the falls. I was able to get a better sense of why he didn’t pursue me but it still hurt.  Not to mention anytime he is near me and especially when he touches me I have my own Fourth of July going on through my body.  It is like nothing I have ever felt.”

Amber look
ed in the rearview mirror at Grace and said, “You should have seen them together the first day they met.  It was powerful.  Even your mom noticed a difference in Enoc.  And Olivia you know your dad saw what was between you two also.” 

Out of habit I reach
ed up and played with my necklace, “I know.  I caught my dad watching us a couple of different times.  That is what is so frustrating.  I can’t understand how I can feel for two different people.” 

Amber covered
her mouth, “I can’t believe I didn’t think about it, I just assumed Enoc was your mate.” 

I reach
ed out and touched her shoulder to capture her attention.  “What are you talking about?” 

“The day you arrived, when Jeremy went after you and you fell down the hil
l, you were hurt really bad.  You had some broken ribs and a punctured lung.  Enoc knew he didn’t have time to get you the help you needed so he fed you his blood.” 

“He did what?

“He fed you---.” 

“I heard what you said,” I said waving my hands in the air.

Amber continue
d while I sat dazed. “That is why when you woke up you only had deep bruising.  It didn’t take you long to heal at all.  Remember what your dad said about giving someone your blood?” 

I reach
ed out to turn the vent towards me. “I remember he said that only an alpha can heal someone else. Or a wolf could heal themselves or their mate.  So Enoc is an Alpha and he was able to heal me, right?” 

s,” Amber responded. 

“So Enoc shared
his Alpha blood with me, it doesn’t mean he is my mate, does it?” I asked hopeful. 

Grace finally joined
the conversation, “Yes he shared his Alpha blood with you.  It doesn’t make him your mate but it doesn’t exclude him either.  When an Alpha shares his blood with someone it creates a connection between the two.  He can sense your emotions more.” 

Scratching my hea
d, “Well, is the connection permanent or does it diminish after time?”

I l
eaned back in my seat stretching my legs out on the dash.  “Enoc’s connection with you will diminish with time.  As his blood mixes with yours and yours continues to produce it will dilute his and the connection will cease.  If Enoc was your mate the connection would intensify and you would start to pick up on his emotions.  Has that happened to you?  Have you felt Enoc’s emotions or anything like that?” 

I rub
bed my hands up and down my legs more out of nervousness than being cold.

“No not that I
can remember. I would have definitely remembered that.  I have intense feelings when he is around but I don’t think I pick up on what he is feeling.  Well you’ve both explained some things but what exactly is a mate?”

Grace quickly and excitedly respond
ed, "A mate is someone your wolf calls to.  I’ve never had it happen to me before and I can’t wait.  I heard it was like having your souls connected.  They say that when a mate is claimed by their true mate they can communicate telepathically.  I do know that a sign of a true mate is when you start to sense how the other person is feeling.   It’s helpful in case your mate is in danger, hurt, lonely or happy.”

Grabbing my water I took
a sip.  “Well, what else can you tell me?” 

continued, “Well, when someone finds their mate there is a ceremony that is done that binds them together.  When the ceremony is done it means that you and your mate have claimed one another.  Only those who have found their true mates are allowed this special bonding ceremony.”

played with the cap.  “Well, what happens in the ceremony?  How do you even know that the person is your mate and you’re not just attracted to them?”   

Amber jumped
in, “Oh, you mean rhetorical or between you and Enoc? Well one can only find their true mate if they are… ya know pure.  That is why bloodlines are so important in the shape shifter culture.  One thing that is required is that each be pure.” 

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