The Click Trilogy (4 page)

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Authors: Lisa Becker

BOOK: The Click Trilogy
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From: [email protected]/PRGal1981 – February 8, 2011 – 2:43 PM

To: [email protected]/CSUMD1008

Bcc: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: SO SORRY

Brandon, that’s really sweet, but I think I’d be more comfortable if we waited until after Valentine’s Day.  It’s just a lot of pressure.  I’m sure you understand.


From: [email protected]/CSUMD1008 – February 8, 2011 – 6:20 PM

To: [email protected]/PRGal1981

Bcc: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: SO SORRY

I’m not feeling pressured at all.  If anything, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life.  I know this may sound strange, but I can really see there being a future between us.


From: Shelley Manning – February 8, 2011 – 6:32 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

STALKER ALERT!  STALKER ALERT!  “Future between us”?  He hasn’t even met you yet, let alone seen you naked.


From: Renee Greene – February 8, 2011 – 6:41 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

Yeah, this is WAY too much, too soon.  Oh, and believe me, once they see me naked, they can’t image a future WITH me.


From: Shelley Manning – February 8, 2011 – 6:45 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

Stop it right now.  You know how I feel about you constantly putting yourself down.  Now repeat after me, “I am a beautiful, smart, wonderful woman and any man would be lucky to see me naked.”  (You’re a goddman supermodel for Christ sake!)


Do it.  Do it!  DO IT!!!  I’m waiting…


From: Renee Greene – February 8, 2011 – 6:52 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

I am a beautiful, smart, wonderful woman and any man would be lucky to see me naked.


Okay, back to the matter at hand.  What do I say back?


From: Shelley Manning – February 8, 2011 – 8:12 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

Tell him you’re feeling pressured and that this just isn’t going to work out.



From: Renee Greene – February 8, 2011 – 8:14 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

Do I need to call him or can I do it over email?  As you well know, confrontation is not my strong suit.


From: Shelley Manning – February 8, 2011 – 8:17 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

Sorry sweetie, but I think you need to call him.  If you hadn’t spoken to him on the phone yet, an online kiss off would be fine.  You can do this!


From: Renee Greene – February 8, 2011 – 8:20 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: SO SORRY

You’re right, as usual.  UGH!  This is going to be painful.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  In the meantime, going shopping tomorrow afternoon for a blue dress for Tiff’s party.


From: Renee Greene – February 10, 2011 – 9:02 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Awkward Conversation!

Well, I
got a hold of him.  He really does work some insane hours. Let’s just say, “Yikes!”

What an awkward conversation.  Long story short (I know, a rarity for me!), I explained that
was the one feeling pressured and it’s just a bit too much too soon.  So, I thought it would be best if we just went our separate ways.  He went on and on about how he always does this. He meets a great girl (which was weird because we haven’t even met yet!) and gets too ahead of himself and scares her off.  He just kept apologizing over and over and asking if I would reconsider.  Maybe he and the Cuddler need to get together for a good cry.  As for me, I’m diving into a can of frosting.


From: Shelley Manning – February 11, 2011 – 10:10 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Awkward Conversation!

I’m so proud of you, sweetie.  You’re really growing.  (And don’t make a crack about growing width-wise from the can of frosting.  I know you were thinking that.)  You really are making great strides toward becoming the confident woman I know you are.  Kudos!


From: Renee Greene – February 11, 2011 – 10:12 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Awkward Conversation!

Ha!  The minute I read that I’m growing, of course the frosting and weight put-down came to mind.  You really do know me so well!  I’ll see you Sunday.


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 10:36 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: What happened last night?!?

Hey there.  Why aren’t you answering your phone?  Did you get lucky at Tiff’s V-Day party?  I sure did.  Trouble is, I can’t really remember anything after my third glass of her famous blue punch.  I woke up at home – alone – but my face is all raw and blistery.  Fill me in…please!


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 10:52 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

Morning, sunshine.  Can’t remember a thing, huh?  Well, you had quite a night.  Quite a night indeed.

As I recall, when I left around 1:00 a.m. (alone!), you were on a marathon make-out session  with a young man who had a wee bit of stubble.  I believe he shaved that morning as he usually does.  But, that darn 5:00 shadow creeks up quickly.  So, that basically means your face has rug burn.


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:05 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

Marathon make-out session, huh?  Sounds like me.  And who, pray tell, was my partner for this prolonged pecking?  Was it that shaggy-haired guy from the creative department at her ad agency?  Yum!  The guy who just moved into her building with the shaved head?  Yum!  The guy with the tattoo of the bird on this arm?  Extra Yum!


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:06 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

You really don’t remember?


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:08 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

No.  Should I be worried?


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:09 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

Are you sitting down?


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:10 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  What happened last night?!?

Okay, you’re starting to freak me out here.  Just tell me.


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:11 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

It was Mark.


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:12 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE JOKING!!!!


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:18 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

I’m sorry.  But it really was Mark.

You guys both got pretty bombed.  Tiff’s punch was a bit stronger than usual.  He slipped a coaster under your drink, you yelled at him for being crazy and next thing we know, you two are going at it.  And when I say going at it, I mean macking on each other like there was no tomorrow.


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:21 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

Oh God.  Oh God.  Me and Finlay.  Did we sleep together?  Dear God, please don’t tell me we slept together!


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:30 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

No, you didn’t sleep with him.  According to Tiffany, he passed out and you got angry, called a cab and went home.  If it’s any consolation, he’s a bit shaken up by your hook-up as well.

He called me this morning for a ride home from Tiffany’s.  That’s where I was when you called and I couldn’t very well talk to you while in the car with him.  I’m “working from home” and emailing now instead of calling because he’s in my bathroom tossing his cookies.  Poor guy.


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:36 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

I feel like I’m going to toss my cookies.  Not from having too much to drink, but from the thought of having hooked up with Finlay.  Oh sweet lord.  What the fuck was I thinking?


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:38 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

It happens to the best of us, my friend.


From: Shelley Manning – February 15, 2011 – 11:45 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

How will I ever face him again?  Better yet, how can I ever face all of those people at the party who now know this shameful news?  Most important, how can I look at myself in the mirror?  Ugh!  I’m going to take a shower and wash as much of this experience off of me as I can.


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 11:51 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: What happened last night?!?

I’m sure it will all fade into the distance as an old memory.  But, don’t think I’ll ever let you forget it.  ;)  Just kidding!


From: Ashley Price – February 15, 2011 – 2:03 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: What a spectacle!

Well, Shelley and Mark sure put on a show last night.  It was quite the spectacle, wouldn’t you say?


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 3:10 PM

To: Ashley Price

Subject: Re: What a spectacle!

Yeah, it was something to say the least.  I wouldn’t bring it up to either of them, though.  They are both a bit shaken up.  Mark is embarrassed at having a drunken hook-up at a party.  You know how he prides himself on his good manners.  Knowing he was involved in a sloppy make-out session in front of 40+ people is really upsetting.  And, Shelley is horrified because, well, no offense to him, it’s Mark.  ;)


From: Ashley Price – February 15, 2011 – 4:03 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What a spectacle!

Yeah, that was so not typical of Mark.  I can see where he’s feeling a bit uncomfortable.

But, I’m not surprised about Shelley.  She’s probably already worked her way through all of the men in Los Angeles and the only one left was Mark.


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 4:10 PM

To: Ashley Price

Subject: Re: What a spectacle!

Be nice now.


So, did you meet anyone at the party?  Do tell.  Do tell.


From: Ashley Price – February 15, 2011 – 4:15 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: What a spectacle!

Gosh no.  Tiffany is great.  I adore her.  But, the guys she hangs with aren’t really my type.  Why can’t I just meet a normal, successful, handsome man?  I’m thinking of calling Evan.  Don’t judge.


From: Renee Greene – February 15, 2011 – 4:18 PM

To: Ashley Price

Subject: Re: What a spectacle!

You’re preaching to the choir, my friend.  Preaching to the choir.  And regarding Evan, I’m not going to judge you.  I just want you to be happy and if Evan makes you happy, then call him.  But, I think you know deep down in your heart that he’s not the right guy for you.  If that’s how you feel, you need to figure out a way to move on.

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