The Click Trilogy (10 page)

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Authors: Lisa Becker

BOOK: The Click Trilogy
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From: Renee Greene – April 4, 2011 – 9:56 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Candy Musings

Oh Shelley.  Just let me enjoy the attention for once.


From: Shelley Manning – April 4, 2011 – 10:02 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Candy Musings

You’re right.  You deserve it.  I won’t rain on your parade.


From: [email protected]/GoBucs428 – April 4, 2011 – 10:05 AM

To: [email protected]/PRGal1981

Subject: Hi!

Hi.  I’m Ethan.  I recently moved to LA from New York and am experiencing a bit of culture shock.  It’s a bit strange to not see anyone walking around.


I grew up in Columbus, Ohio (Go Bucs!) but went to college and grad school at NYU.  I spent two years in the Peace Corps before returning to NY as a banking analyst.  I know it sounds boring, but it’s really not that bad.  ;)  I enjoy the outdoors, but also love to curl up on the couch with a good book or to watch a movie.  Most important, I’m obsessed with peanut butter cups.


Anyway, you seem like a really fun and outgoing person and I think we have a lot in common.  If you’re interested, check out my profile and maybe we could talk.


From: [email protected]/PRGal1981 – April 4, 2011 – 10:17 AM

To: [email protected]/GoBucs428

Subject: Re: Hi!

Well, I have this theory that no one walks in LA but we all own treadmills.  So even though the weather is nice all year round, we won’t walk outside, but we’ll walk in our houses.  Strange creatures are we Los Angeleans.  At any rate, I digress.  I really appreciate your email.  You sound like a great guy.  But, I’ve recently met someone – through this site, so there’s hope for us all ;) – and I’m kind of looking to see where that goes.  But, good luck in meeting someone.


From: [email protected]/GoBucs428 – April 4, 2011 – 10:22 AM

To: [email protected]/PRGal1981

Subject: Re: Hi!

Strange Los Angeleans, indeed.  Well, thank you for your nice note back.  Good luck with this guy.  I bet he’s a lucky one.


From: Renee Greene – April 4, 2011 – 10:29 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Profile on Hold

I am writing to request that you please hide my profile from viewing until further notice.  My ID# is 49628; Screen Name: PRGal1981.


From: [email protected] – April 4, 2011 – 10:32 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Profile on Hold

Profile has been hidden until further request.


From: Renee Greene – April 4, 2011 – 10:41 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: On Hold

Just put my profile on hold.  Got a nice email from a guy that was pretty cute and charming, and I felt so bad saying that I couldn’t continue to talk with him because of Matt.  Not that bad, though.  I’m THRILLED to report that I’m dating a handsome, funny, smart, romantic and just plain wonderful man.  Hurrah!  I just wish I didn’t have to go to NY tonight for a business trip.  Three days in NY meeting with home decorating magazines for a client is usually my idea of a fun time.  But, now that I have a man – yeah! – in my life.  I just want to spend time with him.


From: Shelley Manning – April 4, 2011 – 11:08 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: On Hold

That’s a pretty big move, sweetie, giving up someone cute and charming when you’ve only known this guy for a week or so.  Are you sure you want to count your chickens?  What happened to not wanting things to move too fast – a la Valentine’s Day desperado doctor?


From: Renee Greene – April 4, 2011 – 11:37 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: On Hold

Oh these chickens have been counted and are ready to hatch.  He is WON-DER-FUL!  I can’t believe my luck meeting him.  He loves my favorite band, is incredibly romantic and thoughtful, and thinks I’m funny.  Yes!  He laughs at my jokes.  It is fast, but when it’s right, it’s right.  Remember, you said you wouldn’t rain on my parade.


From: Shelley Manning – April 4, 2011 – 1:15 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: On Hold

Okay, okay.  I’ll keep my big mouth shut.  I guess because I’m not a romantic at heart, I have a hard time believing in this whole “Love at First Sight” thing.  But, I know you do and I do hope this works out.  Good luck in NYC.  Mwah! Mwah!


From: [email protected] – April 4, 2011 – 3:46 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Safe Travels

Hi there.  I know you are leaving tonight for your trip to New York.  Just wanted to send a quick email wishing you a safe trip.  I remember how you mentioned you hate to fly.  Three days in NY with décor magazines.  Sounds like a big snooze to me.  But, if you were going to be there, I know it would be heavenly.  If you have time, drop me an email or give me a call while you are there.


From: Renee Greene – April 4, 2011 – 4:12 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Safe Travels

Thank you for your sweet message.  I can see where a manly man like you would not want to be sitting around with a bunch of editors from home magazines.  But actually, I’m really looking forward to it.  It’s usually pretty grueling to go from one interview to the next with a client, but it’s fun to be in the editors’ offices and get to see preview copies of the magazines.  You know what a junkie I am for all of that stuff.  Anyway, I’ll drop you an email from the Big Apple.


From: [email protected] – April 5, 2011 – 4:26 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Miss You!

I hope you got the flowers I sent to the hotel.  I wasn’t able to send a very long note with them, but wanted you to know that I give these flowers to you to show you how I miss the warmth of your heart and the entrancing beauty of your eyes.  I wish I could be near you this week to feel the softness of your skin and the tenderness of your lips.  My heart skips a beat every time I think about you.  From all my heart, Matt.


From: Renee Greene – April 5, 2011 – 8:02 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Fwd: Miss You!

Holy cow.  No one, not even during the three years I was with Derrick, has ever said such incredibly sweet, beautiful and romantic things to me.  I feel like I’m going to melt.


From: Renee Greene – April 5, 2011 – 8:15 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Miss You!

Thank you so much for the incredibly beautiful flowers and sweet email.  I don’t know how I got so lucky to meet such a romantic at heart.  Looking forward to seeing you when I’m back.  I’ll call you when I get in.


From: Shelley Manning – April 5, 2011 – 9:22 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Miss You!

JEEZ!  This guy is really a ROMANTIC!  I can’t even believe this.  The only time a guy has ever been this way with me was during a really awesome orgasm ;)


From: Renee Greene – April 5, 2011 – 9:32 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: Miss You!

You are wicked, wicked, wicked.  And, I love it.


From: Renee Greene – April 9, 2011 – 9:02 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: This is IT!

Tonight is THE night.  This is it!  I don’t know what makes me more excited.  The fact that I’m going to sleep with Matt or that I’m going to end my year+ long affair with celibacy.  It’s been so long, I hope I remember what to do.  Yes, yes, I know.  It’s like riding a bicycle.  Let’s just say that from what I remember, it was A LOT more fun than riding a bike.


We’re having dinner at La Croquette (tres romantic) and then I’m going to ask him back up to my place.  Hurrah!  And, I got my legs and bikini waxed and am wearing sexy underwear.  Nothing’s gonna stop me now.  I’m telling you, Shelley, this could be L-O-V-E.


From: Shelley Manning – April 9, 2011 – 10:16 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: This is IT!

L-O-V-E or L-U-S-T?  My goodness.  I’ve known you since college and I’ve never known you to sound like such a tiger.  Can’t wait to hear all of the juicy details.   Mwah! Mwah!


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 3:03 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Wow! WOW! WOW!!!

Wow!  I forgot how great sex could be.  It had been entirely too long.  He is PER-FECT.  I’m telling you, this man is it.  He has everything I’ve been looking for in a man.  I need to buy Mark a gift to thank him for forcing me into this whole Internet dating thing and bringing this PER-FECT man into my life.  God bless Mark.


From: Shelley Manning – April 10, 2011 – 12:26 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Wow! WOW! WOW!!!

God bless Finlay?  Have you gone mad?  I think a gift is a great idea.  Perhaps a good lay…or a new set of coasters…or a pair of pliers to get the stick out of his ass…


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 12:32 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Wow! WOW! WOW!!!

Did I ever mention that you are wicked?  I was thinking more along the lines of tickets to a concert or a game.  I think he would enjoy something like that.  I’ll get on the web and figure it out.


From: Shelley Manning – April 10, 2011 – 12:41 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Wow! WOW! WOW!!!

Thank you for not reminding me that
hooked up with him.


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 12:42 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Wow! WOW! WOW!!!

I’d pretty much forgotten, until now since you reminded me.  Thanks.  Will do my best to keep that little factoid in my back pocket for future mocking.


From: Shelley Manning – April 10, 2011 – 12:44 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Wow! WOW! WOW!!!

Super!  Wish
could forget.  Sadly, although I have no memory of that incident, the scars are still forever with me.


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 3:35 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Should I be worried?

Okay, it’s been a day and Matt hasn’t called.  What do you think that means?  Is that a bad sign?


From: Shelley Manning – April 10, 2011 – 5:26 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Should I be worried?

A day.  Sweetie.  Be realistic.  Maybe he had to suddenly go out of town on business.  Maybe he’s working late.  Maybe he isn’t feeling well.  It’s only been a day.  Way too early to start panicking.


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 5:28 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Should I be worried?

Maybe I’ll call him.


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 5:34 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Should I be worried?

Okay, just left him a message and told him that I had such a great time the other night and I can’t wait to see him again.  Told him to call me.


From: Renee Greene – April 10, 2011 – 5:39 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Guy’s Perspective

Hi Mark.  Hope the project is going well.  I know you are super busy writing code.  And, maybe that’s why you didn’t answer the phone.  But I need a guy’s perspective on something.  So, everything with Matt was going great.  We talked on the phone ALL the time.  He made these beautiful, sweeping romantic gestures and wrote/said the most beautiful things to me.  And then, all of the sudden, he hasn’t called or emailed at all.  What could that mean?


From: Mark Finlay – April 11, 2011 – 1:13 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Guy’s Perspective

Sorry.  Just coming up for air.  Major deadline looming.  Give it another day or two.  Maybe he’s just busy with work like me.


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