The Clockwork Scarab (19 page)

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Authors: Colleen Gleason

BOOK: The Clockwork Scarab
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“I’ll take on all the bets,” I said, thinking of the pouch in my pocket. “If I lose, I’ll pay them all.”

Pix had taken me by surprise twice already, showing up in unexpected places and catching me off guard. Then he’d
slunk back into the shadows, leaving me gawking after him. Now it was my turn to set
off balance.

A loud roar erupted. “Winnah!” The small crowd surged closer and then retreated.

“Now, damme, ye made me miss it!” grumbled the man next to me. “Who won?” he shouted over the uproar, then turned away in disgust. “Damn. Pix lost me two pound notes this time!”

“Pix lost?” I couldn’t help but grin with satisfaction.

“No, dammit, ye fool. ’E won. ’E always wins. I thought f’sure that bloke would have pinned ’is ’and down.”

My grin grew broader. Now I was even more determined to play. Making sure my cap was low over my forehead, I pushed my way to the table. Between my disguise and the guttering, uncertain lights, I was sure not to be recognized. I was careful not to look directly at Pix or to give him a clear view of my face.

“I challenge the winner.” I wasn’t surprised when the men exploded with guffaws and jeers. Fine with me. To convince them I was serious, I had to pull the pouch from my pocket. When I loosened its ties and tossed it on the table, the crowd quieted as a swath of coin spilled out in the dim light. “My bet.”

“Well, there, boyo. If yer wantin’ t’give up yer gilt so easy, who’s t’argue?” said Pix. Settled back in his seat, in a satisfied pose, he looked around the crowd, laughing. When he glanced at me, his smile was expansive, as if he were a king granting an audience.

I took care not to meet his eyes, pretending to flex my fingers in preparation for the contest. I knew my hands were too small and slender to be a man’s, but I hoped I’d be mistaken for a boy. A foolish boy.

“Why ye want t’give us yer brass, there, lad?” asked a stout man behind me. He was standing so close, he bumped up against my chair. The others had also crowded in so much I found it hard to breathe. “Ain’t no one ’ere ever beat Pix. Wha’ makes ye think

right. I hadn’t really thought that part through, had I? And drat
the last thing I wanted was to be recognized by my opponent before I slammed his wrist onto the table. Blast. “I—er—”

“The lad’s got t’be sodding drunk,” someone shouted before I could answer. “But he’s got flim, so I’m after havin’ a piece of it! The pansy wants t’give up ’is money and ye’re gettin’ soft about it?” A coin clanged onto the table, and all at once, others began to rain onto the scarred, dark wood. Someone began to collect the bets and separate them into two piles: mine, with only two small coins—and everyone else’s.

Pix lounged in his chair, jesting with the crowd. My opponent seemed to know everyone. He had a small glass of some amber-colored liquid, which he brought to his lips more than once.

“Well, then, shall we, boyo?” he said when the bets stopped coming. He placed his elbow on the table and opened his hand.

Looking at that long-fingered, masculine hand and sleek, muscular arm, I felt a flock of butterflies release in my belly. “Aye, let’s get to it.” I hoped it sounded like something a man would say.

I rested my elbow on the table and reached for Pix’s hand, hoping he wouldn’t notice that my palm was slightly damp. Strong, warm fingers closed over mine, grasping firmly as his thumb settled on the back of my hand. A shock of awareness flashed through me as our palms touched intimately.

Gentlemen wore gloves at all times, and I couldn’t remember a time I’d touched a man’s bare hand, except that of my brother. There was heat and texture. His skin was rough at the tips of his fingers, smooth on the inside of his palm. I felt the coarseness of a smattering of hair where my fingers curved near his wrist. And strength.

go!” someone bellowed, and I immediately felt the pressure against me.

It was nothing. Pix was testing me. He expected to be able to slam my hand to the table whenever he was ready, and I decided to allow him to think so.

I kept my attention on the sight of our two hands entwined, one square and brown, and one slender and pale, and I made my expression appear tense. I allowed him to ease my hand backward a bit. He was hardly putting any effort into it.

Neither was I.

Pix turned away from the table, still pressuring my hand. “I’ll ’ave another one, Bilbo,” he called, lifting his glass. There was only a small portion left, and he slammed it back with an enthusiastic gulp.

“Come on there, Pix! We ain’t got all night. Finish it up so’s we get our glim!”

“Nay,” called another. “Two pence on the lad iffen he ’olds off Pix another two minutes. Put sumpin’ into it, laddie!”

I hid the excitement in my eyes, staring down at the table as a whole new round of bets rained onto the surface. How long could “the laddie” keep him off? they asked.

And that was when I started to put more pressure back.

Slowly, slowly
just a bit, until our hands were upright again.

And then I pushed a little more, waiting for Pix to pressure me back. I knew he was playing with me, but he had no idea how the tables were soon going to turn.

Easy, easy
I tried to appear as if I were struggling.

I pushed, easing him ever so slightly backward as he talked and joked with the others. Then all at once, while he was in the middle of a sentence, it was as if a mechanism switched on: his muscles tensed, his fingers flexed against mine. And he stopped me cold. Just stopped, didn’t push me back.

I fought back a smile. And I put a little more pressure against him.

His muscles tensed more as our palms ground against each other. He continued shouting out jests and even took a
drink from his replenished glass as he held steady against my pressure
and shifted me back just a little.

And then

Smooth and steady, I increased the pressure. My muscles tensed as I eased his hand back toward the table

The spectators noticed, and they were shouting now. Encouragement to me and jests to Pix. Pennies and other offerings tumbled into my betting pile, charging me to hold him off a little longer. No one expected me to win. They believed Pix was playing with me.

As if to confirm this, he increased his pressure again. His fingers tightened, and I could feel the tendons in his wrist moving against mine. He inched my hand up a little until our clasped ones were vertical again. I even let him tip mine over, backward.

He pressured me all the way down, down
until my knuckles hovered above the table. The spectators were hardly paying attention, talking among themselves, slopping their ale and whiskey about. They knew the outcome, and some were already beginning to gather up their winnings.


Deliberately, I began to ease Pix’s hand back up. He increased his pressure, but I kept mine steady, and I was stronger. I advanced: solid, smoothly, effortless.

I could feel shock running through him when he realized I was pushing him back up—and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

His conviviality faded, and he turned from his conversations with the spectators. For the first time, he placed his other arm as an anchor on the table in front of him, where mine had been all along. Despite the fact that he continued to throw out an occasional jest or insult, he was now concentrating on the match.

By now, the audience had noticed the change. Whether they thought it was another ploy by Pix to draw it out wasn’t clear. But he’d almost won just a moment earlier, and now I had his hand back up and over
and easing downward.

I could tell he was now employing all his considerable strength; it wasn’t effortless for me to keep his hand from rising. I was having to work at it. But, inch by inevitable inch, I forced him backward. Down

He’d gone silent and dark with concentration. His muscles trembled with effort, but he couldn’t fight it. The crowd was quiet now too, and then all at once, there was a flurry of new bets flung onto the table. I hoped someone was keeping track of them, especially since my pile was swelling.

It was time to end it, and I eased his hand down
and then stopped. Just a breath above the table. Just enough that he knew he’d lost, but before the match was over.

For the first time, I raised my face. When our eyes met beneath the brims of our caps, I saw the shocked recognition in his
and then chagrin, followed by a flash of reluctant humor.

Having made my point, I relaxed the pressure, and he whipped my hand backward, up and over and
. My knuckles slammed flat onto the table.


Miss Stoker
Miss Stoker Is Paid with a False Coin

ongratulations, both genuine and jeering, abounded. Many hands reached out to grab their winnings, and a small pile was thrust in my direction.

I looked up and saw Pix shoving another healthy gathering of the loot: coins, small metal pieces, a slender gold chain, and a watch toward me. His gaze glinted with self-deprecating humor—an acknowledgment that I was the true winner.

That was the most fun I’d had in a long time. I grinned back and picked up the pouch to scoop in my winnings. I wasn’t paying attention until I felt one of the coins. It was an odd shape, with a raised texture, and I looked down.

It was an Egyptian scarab.

Blooming fish! I snatched it up before anyone else noticed and turned it over. On the bottom was an etching; it was too dim for me to see the details, but I was certain it was a drawing of Sekhmet. Shoving it in my pocket, I stood, and Pix rose as well.

“An’ ’ow about a word, there, boyo,” he said. He reached out and closed his fingers around my arm as if expecting me to bolt. “Two ales over ’ere, Bilbo!” He made a gesture to a table in the shadows. “The lad ’ere’s payin’!”

“Let go,” I said as we made our way between the last few people of the crowd.

To my surprise, he released me, and we settled at a table in the quietest corner of the place. My medievaler heart appreciated the simple bare-flamed candle sitting on a saucer, but the warrior in me recognized the danger of an open flame in a place such as this. Its flickering circle of light illuminated the very center of the table, and from below, up onto Pix’s chin, jaw, and mouth. I still didn’t know what color his eyes were. Although this was the third time I’d met him, I’d be hard-pressed to pick his face from a crowd. That was probably the way he wanted it.

We settled in our seats as the man behind the counter brought over two tankards and slapped them onto the table. I caught the strong, bitter scent of ale as its foam sloshed over the top of my mug and wondered if Pix expected me to drink it.

Bilbo glared down at me. “Thought you was lookin’ fer Cap Mago.”

“I was,” I replied in my gruff male voice. “But not anymore.”

“Awright, sonny, then pay up. Five shillings.”

I fumbled through my pouch and produced the money. When Bilbo left us alone, I looked over to find my companion watching me from behind his mug of ale. The expression
in his eyes sent a sharp bolt of heat through me. I tore my gaze away as warmth colored my cheeks.

“So ye couldna stay away from me, aye, luv? ’Ad to come searchin’ me out down in th’ stews.” He’d settled his elbows on the table, which brought his face closer to mine. “Were ye lookin’ t’do a bit o’ dabbin’ up wi’ me, then, luv?”

Although I wasn’t certain what the phrase meant, I had a sneaky suspicion it suggested something improper. I wanted to dump my ale on top of his head, but decided he’d probably enjoy that too much. And I did need information from him.

“That must be your fondest wish, considering how many excuses you’ve made to accost me in the last week.” My fingers curled around the mug, and I toyed with the idea of taking a drink.

Pix laughed, low and rumbly, sending pleasant shivers over my skin. “Go a’ead, luv, taste it. Ye paid fer it, din’t ye?”

“I’m not here to socialize.” Blast. I sounded an awful lot like the prim Miss Holmes. “And I certainly don’t intend to get drunk. I need some information.”

“Well, then, luv, ye’ve come to the right place. But I’m feelin’ mighty regretful ye’ ain’t ’ere jus’ ’cuz ye wanted t’swap a bit o’ spit. I promise ye, it’d be a right more excitin’ than turnin’ around a dance floor wi’ a dandy like Richard Dancy.”

So that bothered him did it? I placed my elbows on the sticky table, putting myself close enough to him that I could see the actual whiskers beginning to show along his jawline. In this proximity, even nearer than we’d been while arm
wrestling, I became aware of that pleasant, minty scent I’d noticed before. “Right, then, Pix. I’m wondering something.”

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