The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (101 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

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“Once we start ashore”
: Heinl, Robert,
Victory at High Tide,
p. 40.

to resist such a great personal
: author conversations with Fred Ladd, 1963.

“the Navy will take you in”
: Heinl, Robert,
Victory at High Tide,
pp. 40–42; Manchester, William,
American Caesar,
pp. 576–577; Blair, Clay,
The Forgotten War,
pp. 231–232.

“Spoken like a John Wayne”
: Smith, Robert,
MacArthur in Korea,
p. 78.

“an astonishing course of deceit”
: Blair, Clay,
The Forgotten War,
p. 236.

“you’d best get on with your briefing”
: Goulden, Joseph,
pp. 209–210.

according to John Chiles
: Blair,
The Forgotten War,
p. 229.

outside the reach of the Chiefs
: author interview with Matthew B. Ridgway.

ten months younger than he was
: Oliver P. Smith oral histories at Columbia University and U. S. Marine Corps History Division.

Marines and Army, in the command
: Oliver P. Smith’s personal log at U.S. Marine Corps History Division.

“mercurial and flighty”
: Russ, Martin,
p. 17.

airpower was another thing
: Ibid., p. 208.




his mind-set, and his personality quirks
: author interview with Chen Jian.

as the most likely target
: Goncharov, Sergei, et al.,
Uncertain Partners,
p. 149.

“I have never considered retreat”
: Shen Zhihua, Cold War International History Project, Winter 2003, Spring 2004.

“the stuff of legends”
: Simmons, Edwin H.,
Over the Seawall,
p. 23; author interview with Edwin H. Simmons.

while relatively few Japanese surrendered
: author interview with Edwin H. Simmons.

“that read easier in newspapers”
: Oliver P. Smith oral history at Columbia University.

“I’ll see that they are carried out”
: Alexander, Joseph,
The Battle of the Barricades,
p. 19.

without confirmation from Division
: author interview with Edwin H. Simmons.

“to kill a handful of green troops”
: Toland, John,
In Mortal Combat,
p. 205.

“We have been bastard children”
: Ibid., p. 210.

Few people have suffered so terrible”
: Heinl, Robert,
Victory at High Tide,
p. 242.

“a callous indifference to casualties”
: Ibid., p. 294.

“The public relations brigade”
: Goulden, Joseph,
p. 241.

“invite you to all our landings”
: Weintraub, Sidney,
MacArthur’s War,
p. 204.

“the greatest conflict of interest”
: author interview with Jack Murphy.

was scarier still
: author interview with Jack Murphy.

its full implications much too late
: author interview with Matthew B. Ridgway; Ridgway, Matthew B.,
The Korean War,
pp. 46–62.




senior Chinese Nationalist officials had very good intelligence
: author interview with Robert Myers.

consequences of such an encounter:
Koen, Ross Y.,
The China Lobby in American Politics,
p. 83.

“is here in Washington where its lobbyists”
: Zi Zhongyun,
No Exit?,
pp. 243–244.

“a little more friendly to us”
: Ibid., pp. 278–279.




“probably more bloodied”
: Foot, Rosemary,
The Wrong War,
p. 103.

“and the Congressional Medal of Honor”
: Halberstam, David,
The Best and the Brightest,
p. 324.

“a shift in the balance of power”
: Foot, Rosemary,
The Wrong War,
p. 52.

“some early affirmative action”
: Ibid., p. 43.

“bigoted influence of the China Lobby,”
Kennan, George F.,
Memoirs 1925–1950,
pp. 490–493.

“in a time of despair”
: Ibid., pp. 102–103.

“the more unsound it would become”
: Ibid., p. 488.

“why should we hesitate?”
: Ibid., p. 73.

“up to a surveyor’s line and stop”
: Acheson, Dean,
Present at the Creation,
p. 445.

“The Hiss Survivors association”
: Foot, Rosemary,
The Wrong War,
pp. 69–70.

“had adopted a hawkish stance”
: Bradley, Omar, with Blair, Clay,
A General’s Life,
p. 558.

“a ratification of actions”
: papers of James Webb, Harry S. Truman Library.

“the neatness of the phrasing”
: Isaacson, Walter, and Thomas, Evan,
The Wise Men,
p. 532.

“to take on the entire Joint Chiefs”
: author interview with Lucius Battle.

“a superhuman effort”
: Isaacson, Walter, and Thomas, Evan,
The Wise Men,
p. 540.

“There is no stopping MacArthur”
: Weintraub, Stanley,
MacArthur’s War,
p. 163.

“terrible, terrible defeats”
: author interview with Frank Gibney.

“We love you as the savior of our race”
: Spurr, Russell,
Enter the Dragon,
p. 428.

“wasting your valuable time”
: Weintraub, Stanley,
MacArthur’s War,
p. 162.

“without regard to dark hints of possible disaster”
: Ridgway, Matthew B.,
The Korean War,
p. 45.

“someone ready to give it a try”
: Ibid., p. 44.

“old and even pitiable without his hat”
: Thompson, Reginald,
Cry Korea,
p. 87.




just to do ordinary shopping
: Panikkar, K. M.,
In Two Chinas,
p. 23.

“deportment of a queen”
: Ibid., p. 25.

“for whose culture she had no great”
: Ibid., p. 27.

“what can atomic bombs do there?”
: Ibid., p. 108.

“MacArthur’s dream has come true”
: Ibid., pp. 109–112.

“mere vaporings of a panicky Panikkar”
: Isaacson, Walter, and Thomas, Evan,
The Wise Men,
p. 533.

their real problem was that long border
: Foot, Rosemary,
The Wrong War,
p. 81.

was around 60,000 deaths
: Chen Jian,
China’s Road to the Korean War,
pp. 153–154.

“I will respond with my hand grenade”
: Chen Jian,
China’s Road to the Korean War,
pp. 153–154.

he knew the population better
: author interview with Chen Jian.

the half person, he said condescendingly
: Ibid.

“a 1,054 page whitewash”
: Foot, Rosemary,
The Wrong War,
p. 44.

and asked for Chinese
: Shen Zhihua, Cold War International History Project, Winter 2003, Spring 2004.

apparently agreed to
: Chen Jian,
China’s Road to the Korean War,
p. 161.




136 of 199 division commanders
: Laquer, Walter,
Stalin: The Glasnost Revelations,
p. 91.

“Every crime was possible”
: Djilas, Milovan,
Conversations with Stalin,
p. 190.

“Revolution is not a dinner party”
: Bloodworth, Dellis,
The Messiah and the Mandarins,
p. 62.

“not even a fart”
: Li Zhisui, Dr.,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao,
p. 117.

unlikely to invest their military
: Djilas, Milovan,
Conversations with Stalin,
p. 182.

“Chairman Mao will reconsider”
: Goncharov, Sergei, et al.,
Uncertain Partners,
p. 29.

“he needed no instructions”
: Ibid., pp. 29–30.

“Long live Comrade Stalin!”
: Ibid., p. 62.

“had never read
Das Kapital

: Ibid., p. 88.

“This is feudalism”
: Ibid., p. 105.

Stalin’s fiftieth birthday
: Laquer, Walter,
Stalin: The Glasnost Revelations,
p. 179.

“as the starting point of time”
: Ibid., p. 183.

the bodies of potential rivals
: Li Zhisui, Dr.,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao,
p. 122.

“to its original greatness”
: Ibid., p. 124.

“served to order, like food”
: Ibid., p. ix.

“neither is as close as Chairman Mao”
: Laquer, Walter,
Stalin: The Glasnost Revelations,
p. 189.

“a needle up his ass”
: Li Zhisui, Dr.,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao,
p. 261.

“the head of the Bulgarian party”
: Ulam, Adam B.,
Stalin: The Man and His Era,
p. 695.

Again they refused
: Goncharov, Sergei, et al.,
Uncertain Partners,
p. 85.

“You know that Chinaman”
: Talbott, Strobe (editor),
Khrushchev Remembers,
pp. 239–240.

“I am here to do more than eat and shit”
: author interview with Chen Jian.

mutual instinct for misunderstanding
: Talbott, Strobe (editor),
Khrushchev Remembers,
p. 239.

“meat from the mouth of a tiger”
: Bloodworth, Dennis,
The Messiah and the Mandarins,
p. 101.

“an abiding hatred of the Soviet”
: Ulam, Adam B.,
Stalin: The Man and His Era,
p. 695.

with an urgent request for Chinese troops
: Chen Jian,
China’s Road to the Korean War,
p. 172.

the terrible dangers in store
: Ibid., pp. 173–175.

“is nothing to be afraid of”
: Li Zhisui, Dr.,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao,
p. 125.

“how can we stand aside”
: Chen Jian,
China’s Road to the Korean War,
p. 182.

“and last, as a leader”
: Peng, Dehuai,
Memoirs of a Chinese Marshal,
p. 7.

giving his teeth a greenish pallor
: Li Zhisui, Dr.,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao,
p. 99.

“Only our general”
: Ibid., p. 383.

“let alone provide for our parents”
: Peng, Dehuai,
Memoirs of a Chinese Marshal,
p. 161.

or roughly 130,000 men
: Chen Jian,
China’s Road to the Korean War,
pp. 195–196.

“How many bombers”
: Ibid., p. 201.

“may cause great harm”
: Ibid., p. 202.

for the majority of battle commanders
: Ibid., p. 207.



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