The Crown Jewels (18 page)

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Authors: Honey Palomino

BOOK: The Crown Jewels
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“Jewels, Jewels…” I murmured, thrusting into her. She licked my cheeks, my eyes, over and over, lapping her long tongue —

“Your Royal Highness!”

I woke with a start to Bertolf’s voice. Willy was on top of me trying to lick me awake.

“The Dog was licking you, sir,” Bertolf stated.

“Oh, yeah, um…” I said, pushing Willy off of me. “Right.”

“Good morning, My Lord.”

“Good morning, Bertolf,” I mumbled. “What time is it?”

“It’s eight a.m., My Lord. You have a breakfast scheduled, and then a meeting with the head of a charity, and —,”

“— clear my schedule. I don’t want to do any of that.”

“Very well.”

“Have any other disasters of epic proportion occurred yet today?”

“No, sir. Not yet, at least,” Bertolf replied with a wink. Every now and then, when we were alone, he made an attempt at humor.

I crawled out of bed, my cock shrinking when the cold air hit it.

“Fire, Bertolf. Make a fire, it’s fucking freezing today,” I said. Bertolf nodded and began putting wood in the fireplace. I walked over to my balcony and looked out the doors over at Jewel’s room. Her curtains were still closed, and the thought of her lying naked in bed where I’d left her, her warm sweet body snuggled under the covers, made my cock swell in spite of the cold.

Bertolf looked at me standing buck naked by the windows and offered some advice.

“Perhaps if you put on a robe, My Lord…”

“Whatever. Hurry up with the fire,” I said, walking into the bathroom. I left the door open, which I knew drove Bertolf crazy. Making Bertolf lose his cool used to be one of my favorite things to do. After all these years together, he was used to me, though, and there wasn’t much I could do that would shake his calm exterior.

I walked back out and warmed myself by the quickly growing fire.

“Thank you,” I said, “that’s better.”

“My pleasure, My Lord,” he replied. He walked into my closet as I sat by the fire and brought me my robe. “Your robe, sir?”

“You have a problem with my schlong, Bertolf?”

“Of course not, sir. But your…schlong…seems to have a problem with the cold,” he said, gesturing to my shriveled, cold cock.

“Very funny, Bertolf,” I said, taking the robe from him and putting it on.

“Thank you, sir,” he replied with a smile.

“Bertolf,” I said, leaning back into my chair and closing my eyes. “How in the hell did everything get so fucked up?”

“Actually, sir, I have a theory about that.”




After Vicky left, I dressed quickly and called my father. I had no idea how to handle this, to handle her and the growing hatred that she seemed to have for me. I hadn’t told my father about the crown being found with my necklace, because I didn’t want him to think that I’d actually been the one to take the crown.

But it was time he knew everything, if Vicky hadn’t told him already.

“Good morning, Jewels,” he answered.

“Hi, Dad,” I replied. My voice sounded just like I felt.

“What’s going on?”

“We need to talk. Everything’s gone wrong, Dad. Have you talked to Vicky?”

“Not today,” he replied. “I did talk to her yesterday, though. She told me about what was found in your safe.”

“It’s not my safe, Dad. It’s a secret safe, in my room. I had no idea it was there. I didn’t put those things in there!” My voice cracked, threatening to spill over into tears. I was beyond frustrated.

“Calm down, sweetie. Nobody thinks you stole anything.”

“That’s not true, Dad! Vicky does! Vicky hates me!”

“No, she doesn’t,” he replied. “She told me she thought you were absolutely delightful and she’s excited to have you as a member of the family.”

“Right. Before all this drama began, maybe. Before she figured out that Will and I had a relationship in college. Before she became convinced I stole her most precious crown.”

“I think you’re over-exaggerating, Jewels. Vicky’s convinced the police will do their job and get to the bottom of this. If it helps, I’ll talk to her.”

“Okay, I guess it couldn’t hurt,” I murmured. “I really have no idea what to do.”

“Darling, if you’re uncomfortable there, I can always get you another hotel room. You don’t have to stay there. I never predicted things at the palace would get so…spirited.”

The thought of staying at the hotel was appealing, but just as I was about to agree, Will’s face flashed in my mind. Last night had been absolutely magical, and I loved being close to Will. In fact, I was hoping for a repeat tonight.

“No, Dad. I don’t want to rock the boat any more. I’ll stay here,” I said.

“Okay, darling. Let me know if you change your mind.”

“Thank you, Dad.”

“Don’t worry. This will all work out, Jewels. I guarantee it will.”

“I hope you’re right…” I said, my voice trailing off.

“I’ve got a meeting in ten minutes, love. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“No. Thank you for talking to me.”

“Of course, darling. Call me anytime you need me.”

The phone clicked in my ear, and I threw myself back on the bed. I was starving, but after that visit from Vicky, the last thing I wanted to do was see her again. I picked up the phone and asked one of the staff to bring breakfast to my room.

Why leave if I didn’t have to? Why subject myself to embarrassing accusations? Everyone was probably whispering behind my back anyway.




Bertolf slowed the limo to a crawl in front of the mansion. It rolled to a stop in front of the huge heavy wooden front doors and he got out to open my door.

“Shall I wait for you, My Lord?”

“Yes, Bertolf. Please do.” I walked up the steps and lifted the heavy lion’s head knocker and dropped it. Within seconds, the door opened and Jasper, Seraphina’s butler, opened the door.

“Your Royal Highness!” he exclaimed. “What a surprise!”

“Hello, Jasper. Nice to see you. Is Seraphina available?”

“Yes, sir. Come in, please. I’ll let her know you’re here.”

“Thank you, Jasper,” I said, as she disappeared, leaving me standing alone in Seraphina’s house. A spiraling grand staircase led to the second floor, ending at a large landing at the top that was home to a huge portrait of Seraphina. I looked up at the painting of her and smiled.

She’d been so excited to have that commissioned by one of the most famous painters in Sweden several years back. I’d teased her mercilessly about it, much to her dismay.

Her clipped footsteps sounded behind me and I turned, giving her a huge, charming smile and embracing her warmly. Stiffly, she hugged me back.

I smiled down at her as I pulled away.

“Seraphina, darling, it’s so good to see you,” I said. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she smiled back.

“You too, Will, why are you here?” she asked.

“Is there somewhere we can talk? Privately?” I asked.

“Of course. Let’s go into the library,” she replied, turning and leading the way. I’d spent a lot of time here over the years, and not much had changed. We walked into the library and she shut the door behind us.

“New draperies?” I asked.

“What?” she asked. “Oh, yes. A few years ago.”

“It’s been a while…” I murmured, walking around slowly.

“Yes, it has,” she replied quietly as she sat on a sofa, watching me.

I circled the room, and then joined her on the couch, taking her hands. She looked at me suspiciously, but let me hold them.

“Sera, it was really great to see you at the party the other night,” I began.

She laughed and shook her head.

“You hardly knew I was there, Will,” she said, pulling her hands away.

“That’s not true, darling,” I said, taking her hand back. “You know how those balls are. So many people insisting on a moment with you. It’s never-ending and quite boring.”

“You looked quite entertained, actually,” she said.

“Entertained?” I asked. “Quite the contrary.”

“Will, why are you here?” she asked.

“Yes, excellent question!” I said, staring deeply into her eyes. “I want us to get back together, Sera. Will you give me another chance?”




I hadn’t heard from Will all morning. After finishing my breakfast, I stayed in bed reading, still hesitant to leave my room at all. The last thing I wanted to do was see Vicky again.

I was hoping my father could talk some sense into her. That he could somehow convince her that I wasn’t a thief. She seemed so convinced that I was the cause of all the trouble, and I hated it.

Maybe I shouldn’t have talked to her the way I did. Maybe I shouldn’t have stood up to her like that. She was the fucking Queen, after all. But did that give her the right to talk to me like that?

It was becoming harder and harder to see what my father saw in her, now that I’d seen this side of her. She was ruthless. Selfish. Extremely protective of her treasures, apparently. Maybe if I was the Queen, I’d be the same way. But who knows? I would never be a queen.

The thought of someday being a princess was completely absurd, though. Princess Jewels. What a joke. I have to admit though, that when I was seeing Will long ago, I’d played around with the idea secretly.

Of course, I’d never have told Will that and I’m glad I never did, considering how everything turned out. Just like I’d never told him I loved him. Even though I was pretty sure that was what it was.

But then he’d left. A coward’s departure that had ripped my heart and any fantasies that I harbored into pieces. He seemed so different now.

Perhaps that’s what the years do to us, though. We grow up, mature, become stronger, more responsible people who don’t shy away from commitment and love.

Is that who Will was now? He was definitely more of a man now. More masculine, more settled in his skin, even more confident, but in a little bit quieter way, as if he wasn’t as obsessed with trying to prove himself as he used to be.

He’d hurt me so much in the past, and despite my best efforts, my heart was opening up and letting him in again. My body was begging for him again.

I desperately hoped I wasn’t making another huge mistake. I didn’t know if I could survive being hurt by him again.

These were the last few days of my twenties. I’m be going back home after my birthday. Back home to my quiet, stable, boring life, where castles and Prince’s and jewels and wicked Queens only existed in the fairy tales I read to my students.

But now that I was here, all I wanted for my birthday was more night alone with my incredibly sexy Prince.




” Seraphina exclaimed. “You can’t be serious.”

“But I am, darling, I am. Seeing you the other night made me realize what an ass I’ve been. Your beauty, your intelligence,” I said, “your delightful charm. I never should have thrown it all away. I was a fool.”

“Will, I don’t think —,” she began.

“—hush!” I said, putting a finger over her lip. “Let me finish.”

I smiled when she stopped and I continued. “I was awful to you. I’ve realized now that nobody else is suited for me the way you are. You understand how demanding my life as a Prince is. You’ll make a lovely Princess. Can we please start over?”

“Will, stop,” she said, pulling her hand away and standing up. She walked over to the roaring fireplace, and turned back to me. Her eyes looked at me with suspicion. “Why are you doing this? It’s so out of the blue.”

“I know, I know,” I agreed, walking over to her. I reached out and caressed her cheek gently. “But it’s all true.”

“Will, I saw the tape of you and the girl in the green dress,” she replied.

“Ah, that. Yes, I’m sure you did. But who hasn’t by now? It’s been run in every country by now.”

“Exactly. So if you’re involved with someone else, why are you here?”

“That’s just it, darling. The girl in the tape? She’s nobody. She’s a rube that was thrust into my life by my mother. She’s marrying the girl’s father. That’s not been announced yet, so keep it to yourself. But you know how I am. I was just having a little fun, that’s all. There’s nothing between us. For fuck’s sake, she’s about to be my step-sister, it was nothing.”

“It didn’t look like that,” she replied.

“Well, trust me when I tell you that’s the case. There’s been so much drama going on since she arrived, I can’t wait for her to leave.”

“I see,” she said. I pushed a strand of long blonde hair behind her ear and smiled at her again.

“You, Seraphina, it’s you. You’re the one I want. It’s always been you. I was just too young, too afraid of getting married. I never should have hurt you like that, darling. Can you ever forgive me?”

She looked up at me silently, her eyes darting to my lips. I lowered my head and kissed her. Her lips quivered under mine, and she softened beneath me. I opened her lips with my tongue and slid inside, kissing her deeply for a moment before pulling back.

Her lips parted. Breathlessly, she looked up at me.

“I have to tell you something,” she said, her bottom lip shaking. “And once I do, you’ll probably change your mind about all of that.”

“Darling,” I said, pulling her into my arms. “I love you. I’ll never change my mind again.”

“Will…” she began, hesitating again.

“It’s alright, darling, what is it?” I pushed.

“The night of the party. I did something terrible. I feel awful about it now, but I was hurt by the way you walked away from me right in the middle of our conversation. It was humiliating.”

“I’m so sorry, my love, I was very preoccupied. I shouldn’t have been so rude to you.”

“I know. I over-reacted. Big time. I had way too much champagne. I saw you leave with that girl and I followed you.”

“You followed us?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, Will. I stayed far enough behind that you wouldn’t see me. And then you went into the vault together. I stood outside the doors listening….” she said, dropping her head in shame. “…listening to things I never should have heard. And then you came running out and she came running out a few minutes later, wearing that emerald necklace. The one I loved so much. I was devastated that you would give her a piece of the Crown Jewels, but you’d never given me anything like that when we were together.”

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