The Cut by Carol Lynne: Kings of Bedlam MC Series, Book One (10 page)

Read The Cut by Carol Lynne: Kings of Bedlam MC Series, Book One Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #contemporary erotica

BOOK: The Cut by Carol Lynne: Kings of Bedlam MC Series, Book One
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Stake knew better, but he held his tongue. Instead, he bent and gave her a deep kiss he hoped would comfort her. There were many ways to punish a man, and eventually, Gordon would be sorry he didn’t choose jail time as his option.

“What about the cuts on your chest. You claim Gordon cut you with your own knife. Is that still the way you remember it?” Jack asked.

Santana nodded.

Jack tore his hat off his head and thumped it against his leg. “Ma’am, the only fingerprints on the knife you turned over to me at the hospital belong to you and Mr. Wills’. Our technicians haven’t found a single print on that knife belonging to Pete Gordon.”

Santana buried her face against Stake’s chest.

He wrapped both arms around her and leaned his rested his chin on the top of her head. “So, what now?”

“We’ll continue to investigate, but at this point, if we were forced to arrest someone, it would probably be Miss Rogers.”

“We came to you for help,” Stake spat, seething at the idea that Santana was, in any way, responsible for what had happened to her. “We told you Gordon was out of control with power in this county, and we’d need outside help to see justice done.”

Jack slammed his hat back on his head and narrowed his eyes. “And from what I understand, part of the power Sheriff Gordon wields is a direct result of his affiliation with the Kings of Bedlam. A club you conveniently forgot to tell us you’re a member of. Any lawyer will claim the Kings have a beef with Gordon and are merely trying to get rid of him.”

“The Kings have nothing to do with this,” Stake growled.

“So you say.” Jack started to turn around but stopped mid-way. “At this point, we don’t have enough evidence to charge Miss Rogers, and we probably won’t continue to spend tax dollars on the case. Count yourself lucky, Miss Rogers. I know the justice system doesn’t always work the way it should, but putting an innocent woman in jail isn’t something I’m willing to do. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough to put Gordon away.” He continued on, jumping off the porch to the ground below. “I wish things had turned out differently, believe me. The best thing you can do is to avoid Gordon as much as possible from here on out.”

Stake watched the Rangers leave. He waited until he heard the SUV pull out of the driveway before speaking. “Gordon won’t get away with it. I promise.”

“I don’t want you to end up like my dad,” she whispered.

He swung her up into his arms and headed for the cabin. The revenge he would enact could wait while he branded Santana as his. “Are you on the pill, bug?” he asked, carrying her to his bedroom.

She shook her head.

For the first time in his life, he wanted to empty his seed inside a woman, not any woman, his woman. “We’ll take care of that tomorrow.” He laid her gently on the bed and immediately pulled her shirt over her head. “Tell me you’re okay with this?”

“You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted.” She unzipped her shorts and pushed them down and off.

Within seconds, she was spread out before him like a sacrificial lamb. As much as he hated the thought of another man touching her, he needed to know a few things. He pushed his jeans down, giving Santana her first glimpse of his cock. While digging a condom out of his wallet, he gave her time to look her fill, unsure of how many naked men she’d seen in the past. “Are you a virgin?”

She bit her lower lip and slowly shook her head from side to side. “I wish I was, but I was tricked into giving it to someone who only wanted
and not

“Who?” He tried to control his temper at the thought of someone using her. How many men would he end up killing before he defended the woman who was quickly becoming his entire world? He crawled onto the mattress and bracketed her body with his. On his hands and knees, he stared down at her, waiting for her answer.

“It doesn’t matter. It was a long time ago when I was in high school.” She touched his chest before running her hands down his body. “I’m yours if you want me.”

He watched as one of her delicate hand cupped his balls as the other wrapped around his dick. His body shivered at the contact, proving, once again, that her touch was different. The need to brand her, to make her his outweighed his desire to kiss and lick every inch of her. “I need to fuck you.”

She smiled for the first time since the Rangers had intruded. “I’d like that.”

He moved to a kneeling position and ripped open the condom package. It felt so wrong to sheathe himself, but neither of them were ready to face the consequences of unprotected sex. He paused in the process of rolling the condom down his length. He’d always sworn he’d never settle down and have kids, but now that he had Santana, he could easily see himself settling down, even if kids still weren’t an option for him.


He blinked several times before continuing. Protection in place, he insinuated himself between her thighs. “Wrap yourself around me,” he instructed as he guided the head of his cock to her wet pussy. He drew his crown up and down her slit several times before slowly pushing inside.

Santana pressed her palms against his chest. “Wait,” she gasped, closing her eyes. “You’re so much bigger than Robby was.” Her eyes popped open, and she stared up at Stake, obviously realizing what she’d let slip.

“Langers?” He closed his eyes. Fucking hell, he hated that asshole.

“It doesn’t matter.” She moved her hands to his back, trying to pull him deeper. “I’m okay, now.”

Jealousy had never played a part in his life, and the rage that threatened to overwhelm him had little to do with that damned green-eyed monster, and everything to do with the cop who’d used the woman in his arms.

“Please don’t.”

He opened his eyes and stared into twin kaleidoscopes. “I’m gonna kill him.”

She rolled her eyes. “If you started killing everyone who treated me like shit, this place would turn into a ghost town, and you’d be sitting on death row.”

Lowering himself, he sank his cock into her heated depths. Shame filled him, once again. “And I’d be at the top of the list, wouldn’t I?”

Santana broke eye contact, giving him his answer. “You never treated me like shit because you forgot I was alive.”

He’d give anything to go back and change the past. “I’m here now, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” He took her mouth in a deep kiss as he began to rock in and out of her pussy.

A moan escaped her as she wrapped her legs higher around his back.

“You feel so good,” he whispered against her lips as his hips snapped, creating a staccato beat as their flesh slapped together. “I want you on the pill so I can fuck you whenever and wherever I want.”

“You can already do that,” she panted in his ear.

He gave her a quick kiss. “Not yet, but soon.” He reached down and centered her clit between his thumb and forefinger. Pinching the sensitive nub, he nearly lost it when she bucked under him. “Yeah, move for me,” he urged.

With a soft groan, she locked her legs around him and started to move under him, meeting each of his thrusts. Fuck, it was a beautiful feeling to be with someone who actually meant something to him. His mouth sought hers in another dance of tongues. Christ, had he ever enjoyed kissing so much? Usually fucking was a way to relieve stress and the bullshit of the day, but everything felt different with Santana. He’d worried that his attraction had more to do with her need for protection, but as he buried his cock time after time, he realized protection had nothing to do with the way she made him feel.

“Stake!” she cried while her body shook with the force of her climax.

“So fucking beautiful,” he groaned as he pumped inside her twice more before burying himself deep. He shot into the condom, wishing again that the fucking thing wasn’t between them. Soon, he told himself as he collapsed on top of her.

He rolled to her side and removed the condom. “I need to talk to the club, and I’m gonna need you to come with me.”

She shook her head. “I can’t go there.”

“Yes, you can.” As much as he wanted to make love to her all night long, there were things that needed doing. With Gordon free, it was only a matter of time before the sonofabitch tried to get at her again. “I need to meet with my brothers because it’s important they agree that you’re under the club’s protection from now on.”

He didn’t want to worry her, but he needed to be honest. “Gordon’s days are numbered, and I need them to accept that.”

She snuggled against him and rested her cheek on his chest. “You have a great body.” She traced the words tattooed sideways up his torso. “The road is eternal, the wind constant,” she read. “That’s beautiful. Did you come up with that?”

Stake shook his head. “I read it somewhere, but it always stuck with me. “It’s the reason I ride. It’s a feeling of freedom that I can’t explain to people who don’t own a bike.”

He cupped her left breast. “But, enough of my body. I’m torn between wanting to never see you wear a bra again and asking you to put one on to hide these gorgeous tits from the brothers at the club.”

“I don’t want anyone but you,” she said. “But I’ve seen your collection of magazines, so I know you’re rather fond of tits.”

Fuck, and didn’t that make him feel like the luckiest man on earth. “Most of ‘em in those magazines are fake. I hate fake tits.” He rolled to his side and scooted down to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. “Yours are fuckin’ perfect.”

“No bra it is then,” she replied with a giggle.

The sound was so unexpected it caught him off guard. He released her nipple. “That’s the first time I think I’ve heard you laugh since…” his voice trailed off.

She shrugged. “I feel good.”

“I hope to make you feel really good later after we get back from the club.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Making you feel good has become my new favorite pastime.”


Chapter Five




Wearing her favorite pair of denim shorts and a tight red tank top, Santana climbed onto the back of Stake’s Harley. It would be the first time since her dad was sent to prison that she’d been on a bike, and knowing she was on Stake’s bike made it so much better. She settled as close as she could get and rested her hands on his muscular abdomen.

He shook his head and moved her hands to rest on his cock. “This is where I want your hands whenever you’re with me,” he said over his shoulder before starting the bike.

She pressed her cheek against the soft leather of his cut and held onto his groin as he rode out of the driveway. She’d remembered to pile her hair on top of her head before putting on the half-helmet and as the wind whipped across her face, she was grateful for it.

Freedom. She recalled Stake using that word earlier when he’d talked about riding. He was so right. As they wound their way over the ribbon of county roads in the darkness, she felt like a different person. All the worry of being left behind by him vanished, replaced by the kind of hope she’d never allowed herself. One thing she was sure of, she would take care of Gordon herself. Stake had already given her more than anyone ever had, and she refused to use that connection to rid the world of an asshole like the sheriff. If she screwed up and went to prison, at least she’d known what kindness really felt like.

* * * *

Stake parked in his usual spot and helped Santana off the bike. Before releasing her, he unbuttoned her shorts and shoved his hand down the front to her pussy. He slid his fingers up and down the wet slit. “You’re so fucking wet. I knew you were my kind of woman.” He sank two fingers inside her pussy and gathered some of her cream before removing them. Holding her gaze, he tasted her sweet juices and shook his head. “I’m a lucky bastard.”

She lowered her chin, breaking eye contact. “I’m the lucky one,” she whispered.

The club door opened and light spilled out into the parking lot. He buttoned her shorts before wrapping an arm around her waist. “You ready for this?”

She shrugged.

“Stay close until I have to speak with Cecil. When that happens, I’ll find someone I trust to keep an eye on you, and whatever you do, don’t take shit from any of the club bitches,” he warned.

“Have you slept with a lot of them?” she asked.

He stopped walking and turned her to face him. “What I have or haven’t done with any cunt in that building has nothing to do with you. Got it?” He started to leave it at that, but decided to go a step further. “I told you, you’re mine, and I’m yours. That’s something no one else can ever claim.”

She licked her lips. “I’m nervous.”

“That’s good, because some of my brothers don’t know fuck all about how to treat a lady. That’s why you need to stick close until I have time to school the bastards.” He pressed his lips against hers and thrust his tongue inside before pulling back. He grinned and shook his head. He didn’t have a clue as to how one little thing could bring him so easily to his knees.

He opened the door of the club and ushered her inside, keeping a tight hold on her hand. He nodded to his brothers as he wove through the tables to the bar. “Beer?” he asked her.

He could tell that by the way she contemplated the question that the offer worried her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “It’s a beer. Don’t worry, I won’t let you drink too much.”

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