The Dark Imbalance (42 page)

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Authors: Sean Williams,Shane Dix

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Space Opera

BOOK: The Dark Imbalance
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Sol System:
an uninhabited system in a nonaligned region near the Dato Bloc, one known for its antiquity and a possible contender for birthplace of the Human race. Former home of the Sol Apotheosis Movement and many other such sects. (See Appendix.)

Sol Wunderkind:
genetically modified clone warriors designed and bred by the Sol Apotheosis Movement.

Solar Envelope:
a device intended to provide a jump shield large enough to enclose an entire solar system. Two prototypes were built by an early Kesh Government. “Asha’s Gauntlet” was used on one system, with disastrous results: the system’s primary sun, modified to power the Envelope, was exhausted within two months; the entire system collapsed shortly thereafter. Useless as a defensive weapon, and forbidden by the Convention on Extraordinary Weapons, the second Gauntlet remained in the hands of the Kesh until it was used in Palasian System.

Soul, the:
the local name for the orbiting ring of mineral-rich moonlets girdling Sciacca’s World.

the collective noun used to describe a loosely linked group of outriggers; from their means of traveling between systems, on the back of a naked real-space drive known as “the spine.”

a Surin word for someone who is both foolish and closed-minded.

an epsense adept from Taborca.

a relatively minor Caste found in the regions surrounding the COE. They exist in isolated clumps overseen by a governing body that guides rather than rules. They are social beings yet fond of isolation, giving them a reputation for occasional aloofness. They are technically accomplished, especially in the biological sciences. In stature, they tend to be slight and have hair covering much of their bodies. It is occasionally speculated that they have re-evolved from Low Caste status.

Surin Agora:
the ruling body of the loosely knit Surin nation.

a region in the Middle Reaches.

Tade, Rejuben:
238th Provost of the Guild of Xenoarchaeologists (see Appendix).


Teh, Sylvester:
transportee, Sciacca Penal Colony.

Tocharia 13:
a habitat maintained by members
of the
Zissis Caste.

to break free of the constraints of mundane Humanity. A being or Caste that has Transcended typically has an extremely long life span and spreads its consciousness across a number of primary containers—such as neural nets, quantum data vats, and the like. Transcended entities, singular or collective, are referred to as High Human and accorded the highest status.

the state of being Transcended. Usually achieved when consciousness research and computer technology overlap, allowing an organic mind to be downloaded into an electronic vessel, thereby gaining the potential for unlimited growth.

Trezise, Salton:
senior aide to Auberon Chase and envoy to the IEPC.

the world on which AIs are made in the region dominated by the COE. The AI factory was founded and is overseen by the High Human known as the Crescend.

a type of high explosive.

a covert organization operating within—but not without the official disapproval of—the IEPC.

Ustinik, Alwen:
a representative of the Commerce Artel.

homeworld of the Vax Caste.

a Caste renowned for its peculiar breeding customs.

Veden, Makil:
an Eckandar Trade Axis citizen and Commerce Artel ex-delegate. Deceased.

Vischilglin, Hue:
co-adjutant sent by the Rond-Spellor Outlook to assist the IEPC.

a Surin soldier, who has forgone his family name and taken the tide “Defender-of-Harmony.”

a Hurn pilot employed by the Disciples of Evergence.

Warfare Protocol:
the code by which war is conducted within and between those nations that trade with the Commerce Artel.

Wehr, Vani:
earned an Honorable Mention in ancient times for quick thinking on the Clarke Cylinder.

deity of the Skehan Heterodox.

an epsense-inhibiting drug.

Xumai, Jancin:
a Surin soldier who has taken the title “Fighter-For-Peace.”

a Caste not native to the COE region.

Yugen, Frane:
leader of Random Valence.

a Caste not indigenous to the COE region.

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