The Darkest Night (13 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: The Darkest Night
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“No hitting,” Reyes said, and Maddox had never heard a more lethal tone.

A battle raged in Aeron’s eyes before he lowered his arm. Had he lied? Was the gods’ decree already taking root? Was he fighting the need to hurt Danika? “Calm her down, then, or I
knock her out.”

Reyes didn’t move, just shifted the direction of his gaze. Tears poured from Danika’s eyes, making the terror banked there glisten.

“Don’t let him do this,” she whispered in that same broken tone Ashlyn had used. “I helped you, just like you wanted. Don’t let him do this,” she repeated.

As quickly as Reyes had leapt to her defense, Maddox half expected him to give in to her plea. He was mistaken.

“Stop fighting him,” Reyes commanded, showing no mercy. “We need that medicine, and he is the only one who can take you to get it. You won’t even scratch him because you can’t afford to anger him. We clear?”

A look of betrayal passed over her face. “Why can’t he go into town alone? Why can’t he buy the pills at the nearest drugstore?”

“Maddox,” Ashlyn said. “I’m better. Swear. I don’t—”

He squeezed her shoulder gently, but did not reply. Interrupting the trio would only increase the tension. Besides, he knew Ashlyn was lying. Pain still lingered in her eyes, glowing brightly.

“Aeron is taking you into the city,” Reyes continued. “He will not rape you. You have my word.” A muscle ticked below his left eye. “He would not know what to buy on his own—you must go.”

Silent, shaking, Danika studied his face through the watery shield of her lashes. Searching for truth? Or for comfort? Finally she nodded, a single, nearly impercepti
ble incline of her head. She straightened and took a wobbly step toward Aeron.

Without a word, Aeron grabbed her wrist and stalked to the room’s only window. Its arching glass led onto a wide terrace. Danika did not protest, even as he unlatched the pane with his free hand, the glue Maddox had used earlier nothing to his superior strength. Cold air instantly blustered inside, virginal snowflakes swirling through the room. He released her wrist only to grip her waist and lift her onto the window ledge.

“Stop him,” Ashlyn rasped as Danika peeked over the rail and laughed bitterly, a little hysterically.

“What are you going to do?” the blonde demanded. “Throw me? You’re all liars, you know that? I hope every single one of you rots in hell.”

“We already are,” Reyes said flatly.

Aeron gripped Danika’s shoulders as he joined her, then spun her so that she faced him. “Hold on to me.”

Another bitter laugh. “Why?”

“So you’ll live.” Large wings suddenly sprang from hidden slits in his back. They were long and black and looked as soft as gossamer, but the ends were pointed, sharp as knives.

Ashlyn gasped in shock. “I’m better. I swear I’m better.”

Maddox stroked her cheek, hoping to relax her. “Shh. Everything will be fine.”

Danika’s eyes widened unnaturally. “Stop!” She tried to wrench herself from Aeron’s grip, tried to race back inside the room, but he held tight. She reached for Reyes. “I can’t do this. I can’t! Don’t let him take me, Reyes. Please!”

Expression tormented, Reyes stepped toward her…stretched out his arms…scowled…dropped them to his sides.


“Go!” Reyes shouted.

Without another word, Aeron jumped, falling from view and taking Danika with him. She screamed, but that scream soon became a gasp, the gasp a moan. Then the two came into view again, soaring through the air, Aeron’s wings flapping gracefully, rhythmically.

“Stop him,” Ashlyn breathed. “Please.”

“I can’t. I wouldn’t even if I could. Do not worry for her. The wings of Wrath are strong, well able to hold Danika’s slight weight.” He searched the room for Reyes, who paced from one corner to another. The man was gripping a dagger by the blade rather than the hilt and blood was dripping from his white-knuckled hand onto the floor.

“We need water and coffee,” Maddox told him, remembering Danika’s instructions.

Reyes planted his feet and squeezed his eyelids closed, as if he fought for control. As if he teetered on the brink of a total meltdown. “I should have taken her myself, but walking would have taken too long. Did you see how frightened she was?”

“I saw.” Maddox didn’t know what else to say. Danika’s fear was nothing to him when compared to Ashlyn’s pain.

Reyes rubbed a hand over his jaw, smearing a trail of crimson on his skin. “Water? Coffee, you said?”


Seemingly grateful for the reprieve, Reyes strode from the room. Obviously Maddox wasn’t the only one in the fortress who suddenly had woman troubles.

A short while later, Reyes returned with the desired items and set the tray on the edge of the bed. That done, he left again. Maddox doubted he’d return. Shaking his
head in pity—if Reyes felt for Danika half of what Maddox felt for Ashlyn, he was destined for a world of hurt, and not the kind he craved—Maddox reached over Ashlyn and gripped the tepid glass of water. He slid one hand under her neck, tilted her head, and placed the rim of the glass at the seam of her lips with the other.

“Drink,” he told her.

Stubborn, she pressed her lips together and gave a slight shake of her head.

“Drink,” he insisted.

“No. It will hurt my—”

He dumped the contents into her mouth. She sputtered and coughed, but she did swallow most of it. Several droplets trickled down her chin. He tossed the empty glass onto the floor, heard a

Ashlyn glared up at him, accusation in those amber eyes. “I said I feel better, but that doesn’t mean I feel great. My stomach is still sensitive.”

His mouth edged into a frown. Caring for a human was difficult, that was for sure. He did not apologize for forcing her to drink, however. What she needed, she would get. Whether she wanted it or not.

He gripped the mug of coffee, and his frown deepened when he realized it was cold. Oh, well. It would have to do. “Drink,” he ordered. For whatever reason—he still wasn’t ready to ponder it—she was important to him. She mattered.

She was not escaping him. Not through death or any other means.

Ashlyn gave no indication that she’d heard him and certainly no hint of her intentions. In the blink of an eye, she shot out her arm and knocked the mug out of his hand. The movement was weak, but the ceramic hit the floor and shattered, leaving a black, caffeinated river.

Twin spots of color dotted her cheeks. “No,” she said, drawing out the single syllable with relish.

“That was uncalled for,” he chastised, brushing moist strands of hair from her temples, savoring the feel of her silky skin.

“I don’t care.”

“Fine. No coffee.” He stared down at her, this woman who had shaken his entire world. “Do you still wish me to let you go?” The question left his lips before he could stop it. He hadn’t meant to put the request before her, since he intended to keep her by whatever means necessary, but there was a need inside him—a foolish need—to give her whatever she desired.

She looked away from him, over his shoulder, past the wall, a peculiar intensity claiming her expression. Several minutes ticked by in silence. Torturous minutes.

He fisted the pillow. “It is a yes or no question, Ashlyn.”

“I don’t know, okay?” she said softly. “I love the silence, and I’m beginning to like you. I’m grateful to you for taking care of me.” She paused. “But…”

But she was still scared. “I told you that I’m immortal,” he said. “And I told you that I am possessed. The only other thing you need to know is that I will protect you while you’re here.” Even from himself.

What a change the last hours had wrought in him. Yesterday—this morning, even—he had thought to take her body, question her, then kill her. Yet he had since done everything in his power to keep her alive. And he was no longer certain what questions he wanted to ask.

“Will you protect the other woman?” she asked. “The one who helped me?”

Unless someone figured out a way to defy the Titans, he doubted anyone could protect the healer. Not even
Reyes. But he gave Ashlyn a gentle squeeze and said, “Do not give her another thought. Aeron will take care of her.” That was not a lie.

Ashlyn nodded gratefully, and he experienced a twinge of guilt.

A few minutes passed in silence. He watched her, happy to note that her color was returning steadily now and the glaze of pain was fading. She watched him, too, her expression unreadable.

“How are demons able to do good deeds?” she eventually asked. “I mean, besides what you’ve done for me, you’ve done great things for the town with your donations and philanthropy. The people believe angels live here. They’ve believed it for hundreds of years.”

“How can you know that they’ve believed such a thing for so long?”

A tremor swept through her and she looked away. “I—I just do.”

No, she had a secret, something she didn’t want him to know. He cradled her jaw and forced her eyes back to him. “I already suspect you are Bait, Ashlyn. You can tell me the truth.”

Her brow puckered, those dark, golden slashes drawing together. “You keep calling me that like it’s something foul and disgusting, but I have no idea what bait is.”

There was genuine confusion in her voice. Innocent or actress? “I’m not going to kill you, but I expect total honesty from you from this moment forward. Understand? You will not lie to me.”

Frowning, she said, “I’m not lying.”

Slowly his blood began to heat, the spirit once again making its presence known. He hurried to change the subject. Hearing more lies might cause him to snap, to hurt.
Bait or not, he refused to let it come to that. “Let us talk of something else.”

She nodded, appearing eager to comply. “Let’s talk about you. Those men stabbed you last night, and you died. I realize you came back to life because you’re an immortal demon warrior…thing. What I don’t know is why they did it.”

“You have your secrets, and I have mine.” He planned on keeping her here and keeping her alive, and because of that, he wouldn’t discuss his death-curse. She already feared him. If she knew the truth, she would despise him, too. Bad enough
knew what he had done to deserve such punishment.

More than that, if word spread of what happened to him every night, people might forget his reputation as an angel. Someone could snatch his body, cart him away, set him on fire or cut off his head and there was nothing he could do about it. He might desire this woman more than he’d ever desired another, but he didn’t trust her. Some of his brain, at least, was still in his head and not in his cock.

“Did you ask them to kill you so you could go back to hell to visit your friends down there or something?”

“I have no friends in hell,” he said, insulted.


“So nothing.” She opened her mouth to speak, but he squeezed her side. “It is my turn to ask the questions. You are not Hungarian. Where, then, are you from?”

She settled into his side with a sigh, curling her body around his, back to stomach. That she was comfortable enough to willingly lie with him like this delighted him. “I’m from the States. North Carolina, to be exact, though I spend most of my time traveling with the World Institute of Parapsychology.”

He flattened his hand on her belly and gently rubbed as he searched his mind for any reference to such an Institute. “And they are…”

“Interested in the supernatural. The unexplainable. Creatures of every kind,” she answered on a contented exhale. “They study, observe and try to keep peace between the different races.”

He paused. Had she just admitted to working for Hunters? Their hate-filled actions had always been carried out in the name of promoting peace for mankind. His brow furrowed in confusion. An odd thing to do, and certainly a first. “What do you do for them?”

She hesitated. “I listen in order to help find the creatures and any other objects of interest.” She wriggled uncomfortably against the mattress, no longer quite so content.

“What happens when you find these things?”

“I told you. They’re studied.”

When she did not elaborate, he stared up at the ceiling. His confusion intensified. Studied, as in killed? Was this a secret warning, her way of letting him know she did indeed work for Hunters? Did she work for them and
know it? Or was this Institute harmless and truly aiming for peace between the species? “Do the people you work with have tattoos on their wrists? A symbol of infinity?”

She shook her head. “No, not that I know of.”

Truth? A lie? He didn’t know her well enough to gauge. Every fanatical Hunter that had attacked the Lords in Greece—and even those in the forest surrounding the fortress yesterday—had been branded with a tattoo. “You said that you listen. What exactly do you listen to?”

Another hesitant pause. “Conversations,” she whispered. “Look, I thought I could talk about this, thought I
to talk about it, but I’m not ready. Okay?”

Violence sniped at that, and Maddox struggled to contain the demon. What was she hiding? “It doesn’t matter if you are ready to talk about it or not. You will tell me what I want to know. Now.”

“No, I won’t,” she said, stubborn again.



He was very close to rolling on top of her, pinning her to the bed and forcing the answers from her. Only the knowledge that she was still sick, still weak, held him in place. But he
get the answer one way or another. “Beauty, I ask only because I want to know you better. Tell me
about your job. Please.”

Slowly she relaxed. “People who work for the Institute learn to keep quiet about their jobs. Not many civilians would believe what we do. Most would just consider us crazy.”

“I will not think you crazy. How can I?”

She sighed. “All right. I’ll tell you about one of my assignments. Which one, which one,” she muttered, then clicked her tongue. “I know! You might appreciate this. A few years ago, I—uh,
the Institute
discovered an angel. He’d broken his wings in several places. While we doctored him, he taught us about different dimensions and gateways. That’s the best part about my job—with every new discovery we learn that the world is a bigger place than any of us ever realized.”

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