The Dating List (19 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"I have one or two more things to do in the kitchen
then we'll eat. John would you give me a hand?"

John got up and followed Mary into the kitchen,
leaving Mindy and Colin alone.

"I'm so sorry, Colin. When your mother said you were
coming to dinner, I thought you were
high school, not
teaching high school. I thought this was simply a friendly dinner
invitation, not a fix-up."

"Guess I now know what they think of my

"I'm so sorry." She rested her hand on his arm for a
moment. "I'm going to make an excuse…"

"Don't do that. Please stay. My mom's a very good
cook, and you'll be sorry if you miss one of her meals. Besides, it
gives me a chance to torture them a bit."

"Oh, no. I couldn't."

"Please. Please stay. I promise not to make you

"I could use a good meal. April's still learning to
cook…she has a long way to go." Mindy laughed.

Mary returned to announce dinner was ready. Colin and
Mindy joined his parents in the dining room. He held out Mindy's
chair, noting the look of relief on his mother's face. A steaming
bowl of Mary's spaghetti with homemade meatballs was passed around.
Garlic bread and a tossed salad also made the rounds. John poured
red wine and everyone ate.

"Colin, I'd love to meet your girlfriend. Is she
coming up to see you soon?"

Colin almost choked but he caught Mindy's eye and
played along. Trying hard not to smile, he answered her.

"She's coming this weekend. Will you be here? We
could grab a drink at Homer's."

"I'm sorry, I have to go back. A friend is performing
and Friday is his opening night. Are you coming to New York?"

"Over spring break."

"Great! I'll give you my number and we can go out
four of us. I date a couple of actors I know…mostly as friends. You
must come and see Harry's new play. He's going to be absolutely

"That sounds great," Colin said, stealing a side
glance at his mother.

Her face always gave her away and it was obvious to
him she was not enjoying his new
with Mindy.
Especially if it included Leah. After a light apple dessert, Mindy
made her excuses and left. Colin kept his tongue until he and his
parents were seated in front of the fireplace in the living

"What the hell did you think you were doing? Trying
to fix me up with April's friend? I'm in a committed relationship.
How dare you?"

"Are you in a relationship, Colin?" Mary asked.

"Damn right I am."

"Watch your language. That's your mother," John

"What right do you have to try and fix me up?"

"It's just that Leah is much older than you…if you
want to have children…which I always thought you did…"

"Oh, so that's it! Leah's a couple of years older.
Okay. I get it. That's nobody's business. I don't care how old she
is. I love her. You can't do a damn thing about it. Get it! Stop
trying to control me!"

He moved toward the front door. Mary put her hand on
his arm to stop him.

"Colin, I—"

"What? What, Mom? You're sorry? You don't like Leah,
don't approve of her. Fine. Then you don't have to see

"Don't say that! It isn't that we don't like her.
She's bright, charming…but we thought someone younger might be
better for you."

"I don't want someone younger. I'm tired of girls. I
want a woman, a real woman. And that's what I have. I've never been
happier. Why can't you be happy for me?"

"The boy's right, Mary. We shouldn't have

"I'm not a boy, Dad. I'm a man."

The silence in the living room was thick, like a
London fog. John stared at the floor. Mary cast worried glances at
Colin who steadfastly refused to look at her.

"You've insulted me with your disapproval…rejected
the woman I love. I'm going home. We won't be seeing you this
weekend." Colin marched to the front door.

"Wait! Colin! Please don't leave angry," Mary called
after him.

He hesitated at the front door. "What do you

"I'm sorry. Please don't tell Leah about this. Your
father's right. I shouldn't have meddled. It's just that…well,
never mind. We've been over that already. If you've chosen her,
then we'll accept your choice."

"Great. You'll accept her. Don't bowl me over with
your enthusiasm."

"Take what you can get, son. We're not used to fancy
older women from the City. We'll accept her, like your mom says.
She's a nice person and all. No problem there."

"You won't have to worry about her for long. She's
going to Paris in a few months."

"Permanently?" Mary asked.

"To live. She's got a job designing there. She'll be
taking my heart with her."

"Oh, Colin. I didn't know. I'm sorry, son," Mary
said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah? I'll bet. We're going to enjoy every minute we
have together."

He bent down to pet the pugs, who were crowding him
and wagging their tails.

"Of course, Colin. Please, bring her around whenever
you want. We promise she'll get a warm greeting from us," John put

"I wouldn't be comfortable with her here anymore.
It's late."

With that, Colin walked out to his car. He stopped
when the door of the Davenport's house opened. Giselle stood in the
door talking to a man thrown in shadow by the light from inside.
She kissed the man on the cheek then he turned to go. Colin slipped
into the shadows to avoid being seen. When the door closed, the
streetlight shone a dim beam on the man. Colin rubbed his eyes then
stared hard.
Damn! That's Grey!

Chapter Twelve


Colin put Leah's suitcase in the bedroom then joined
her in the kitchen. She put on the kettle to boil.

"I brought some Chai tea…thought you might like it.
God, it's cold in here!"

She rubbed her hands together and stomped her feet.
Colin turned up the thermostat.

"I forget you have Florida blood," he teased.

"Next time I won't need to bring a suitcase, I'll
just wear everything."

"I could warm you up in the bedroom."

"But I'd have to take my clothes off first…it's too

"I can start here with your clothes on."

He came up behind her, pushed the collar of her ice
blue cashmere sweater out of the way and nibbled on her neck. Leah
eased back slightly, resting against his hard chest. His hands
wound around her waist for a moment before moving up over her

"I've been waiting all week to do this," he

The scent of her perfume intoxicated him. The
ultra-softness of the cashmere over her breasts drove him wild.
Never had he touched anything so soft and so sexy at the same time.
His teeth captured her earlobe, eliciting a moan from deep in her
throat. She placed her hands over his to warm them.

"Getting warmer?"

She nodded.

"You look gorgeous and you feel…incredible."

His hands felt her chest rise and fall faster as his
fingers found her peaks, hidden in the rich, dense wool.

"Warm enough to take something off?"

Leah broke from him, took his hand and led him into
the bedroom. The whistling of the tea kettle stopped her. She
looked at him.

"Tea can wait."

He switched off the stove then followed her into the
other room.




Swaddled in the pink robe Colin had bought for her,
Leah padded into the kitchen and turned on the tea kettle again. He
followed wearing his navy blue robe.

"We should invite your parents over here for dinner
tomorrow." She took down two mugs.

"They're tied up this weekend. Stuff with friends, I
think." He cleared his throat.

"Oh, too bad. I like them. Bet I'd like the rest of
your family, too."

Colin took out the milk as she placed the sugar bowl
on the counter. His palms started to sweat. This was not a topic he
wanted to explore. If his parents judged Leah to be too old, what
would his older sister, Barbara, think? A shudder traveled through
his body. He was closer to her than to Jenna, even though he and
Jenna were closer in age. At least Grey was on his side. Still,
this was no time to get into this with Leah.
No more family

"Let's be just us this weekend."

"It's going to be cold and windy, let's cook in. I
make a great beef stew."

"How about tomorrow? Tonight, maybe we should pick up
a pizza."

"Then we have to get dressed. Don't you have any food

Leah started opening cabinets then peered into the
refrigerator. She pulled out some cans and a package of hot dogs
from the freezer.

"How about franks 'n beans…and a canned


As they began preparations for dinner, Colin's cell
phone rang. He checked the display.

"Mac Caldwell! Kensington State."

He picked up the phone.


"Hi, Dean Caldwell."

"Hey, we've just wrapped up our search for the
Environmental Science professor and I wanted to call you right

Colin sat down on the sofa. Perspiration broke out on
his forehead, his pulse kicked up until he could feel it in his

"Unfortunately, we found someone who has more college
teaching experience than you do. This person was not my first
choice but I was outvoted by other members of the committee. I'm so
sorry. Don't lose heart."

"I understand, Dean."

"Look, there's going to be a cocktail party in New
York City over spring break. I'd like you to come. Some of the
other committee members will be there. I want them to meet

"Sure, I'll come. I haven't given up on Kensington

"Glad to hear it. I've got your address. My secretary
will send you a formal invite in the mail. You can bring a date,
too, if you want. "

"Great. See you then, Dean."

"I look forward to it."

Colin closed his phone. Leah sat on the edge of the
sofa, staring at him.

"I didn't get the job."

"Oh, Colin! I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

She moved closer, pulling him into a hug. He closed
his eyes.
Great, the love of my life is leaving in three months,
I'm still a high school gym teacher. Life sucks.

By six thirty, Leah and Colin were sitting at the
small table in his living room, eating franks and beans. The
heaviness of depression sat on his shoulders, weighing down his
spirit. His gaze trailed over Leah's beautiful face, down to the
place where the robe crossed over, hiding her body from his view.
He felt a stirring in his loins as he scooped up another

"One of my favorite romantic movies is on

He lifted his eyebrows in response as he chewed on a
piece of frankfurter.

. Can we watch?"

"We can watch anything your heart desires, baby."

He loved the way she lit up when he called her that.
She was his baby, his one-and-only. And he was hers. She'd said so.
Two weeks ago, Leah had told him she wasn't going to date anyone
else but him. He smiled as he recalled the nervousness she'd
displayed. Of course dating anyone else hadn't even occurred to
him. So he'd laughed and agreed he would be exclusive, too.
a joke. As if I could find a woman who could even come close to
His declaration made her grin and hug him.
With just a
smile and a squeeze she makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the

After dinner, they cleared up the dishes together.
Colin pulled a fleece blanket off the bed and set it on the sofa.
Leah scooped out Panda Paws ice cream into two dishes and brought
it to the coffee table.

"I wish we had this flavor in the city."

"I don't. Keeps you coming up here to satisfy your

"Silly. I come up here to satisfy my craving for
you." She shot him a flirtatious smile.

He was feeling better already.
Maybe I'll get
another chance at Kensington. Maybe I'll apply to Wellington
University, too. There's got to be a college job out there for

They cuddled together, eating their ice cream before
he switched on the television.

"I have an idea…a crazy idea," she looked at him with
mischief in her eyes.

He raised his eyebrows. "Nothing about you could
surprise me. Shoot."

"Is it too crazy for you to come to Paris with

Colin dropped his spoon and coughed. "What?"

"Come to Paris with me. Even if just for two months.
You have July and August off, right? You can be back in time to
start school again and we'll have two more months together."

"Me? Go to Paris? With you?"

"Is that so odd?"

"It's wonderful! It's brilliant!"

"You can stay with me, so you won't have to pay for

"I pay my share or I don't go." His brows

"Okay, okay."

"We're going to Paris!"

Colin jumped up, grabbed Leah, pulling her to him and
twirled her around the room. He stopped so his mouth could descend
on hers. His kissed her hungrily, his tongue pressing against her
lips until she parted for him. Her arms wound around his neck
pulling them closer together.

Colin stepped back, reining himself in. "Do you
really want me to go with you?"

"More than anything. A dream come true, making love
in Paris. I won't be alone."

"Are you afraid to go by yourself?"

"A little. I did everything with Hank. I've never
moved…alone except across town. Going to such a new, exciting and
fast-paced place is a little…well, daunting. But if you're with me,
I…I won't be afraid."

"I won't let you down."

"I know."

"Maybe I can find a job there, teaching English or

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