The Dating List (17 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

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He pulled his four-wheel-drive SUV into the driveway
of the big Victorian house which started a cacophony of barking
from inside. By the time they started up the walk, they were
assaulted by the two Andrews' family pugs, jumping up to plant wet
kisses on unsuspecting faces. Leah laughed as the male leapt up to
lick her face. Colin tried to pull him down but the persistent pug
made another attempt and connected.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to warn you about the dogs.
That's Buster and this one is Daisy."

"They're adorable!" Leah laughed as she wiped her
cheek with her hand. The dogs ran to the front door then back to
Colin and Leah. When front door opened, Leah caught her first
glimpse of Colin's parents. Mary, an attractive brunette, wearing
an apron had her arms wrapped around her torso. John, tall with
thick silver hair, wore a dark plaid flannel shirt held an unlit
pipe in one hand and the doorknob in the other.

Mary engulfed her son in a quick hug while her
husband motioned them inside. Colin took Leah's hand and led her
into the warm entryway. After introductions were made, John took
coats then ushered the lovers to the blazing fire.

"What's your poison?" John asked. "I've got the hard
stuff, red wine, white wine…"

"A glass of red wine would be great."

Mary took off her apron, folded it then laid it on
the arm of the sofa while she sat down. She picked up her glass of
white wine and took a sip as her eyes examined Leah. John handed
out drinks then sat down.

"So tell me, Leah, what do you do?" John asked,
sitting back against the sofa.

"I'm a clothing designer."

"Who do you work for?"

"I'm going to be working for Lady Jeanne."

"Never heard of her. You, Mary?"

"I think she has a line of very expensive lingerie,

Leah nodded. John blushed.

"Undies, huh? Live in Manhattan?" John asked,
changing the subject.

"Actually I'm staying with a friend in Connecticut
right now. But I do apartment sit in Manhattan for a friend when
she comes up here. You might know her, Nina Wells. She and her
husband, Clint Hayworth, have a weekend house somewhere in Pine

"Oh, that short, actress lady and the tall fella she
lives with?"

"He's her husband, John," Mary corrected.

"That's them," Leah grinned before taking another sip
of her wine.

"So you don't have your own place?" Mary asked.

"Not right now. I'm going…"

"What's for dinner?" Colin interrupted.

"All your favorites: roast beef, scalloped potatoes
and green beans almondine." Mary grinned at her son.

"Great. I'm starved."

"Have a piece of cheese. I thought we could take a
little time to get to know Leah first."

Mary picked up the small platter and handed it to

"Are you from New York?"

"Born and bred. I've lived there all my life."

"Breathe a little clean country air while you're
here, might put some meat on your bones," John said.

Color flooded Leah's face as she sensed John's

"Leah's bones are just fine…better than fine, in
fact," Colin said.

"Are you working on any special designs now?" Mary

"I am. I'm taking costumes from the Old West

"Are you sure we can't eat now?" Colin asked,
interrupting again.

His cheeks turned pink.
Can't talk about going to
Paris. Can't talk about what I design. Hmm. Who am I supposed to

"Colin! Don't interrupt," Mary said.

"Have you lived here all your life, John?"

"Yup. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy visiting the city
but I'm always glad to get back to the peace and good air up

"I haven't seen much, but the little I've seen is
beautiful. Colin's apartment is much nicer than I thought it would

"He makes decent money at the school." Mary stiffened

"No, no, I meant…you know, guys sometimes have messy
places…sort of thrown together." Embarrassment tinged her cheeks

"The apartment in the Dailey's house is quite nice.
Laura's a talented seamstress. I believe she made the bedcovers and
curtains," Mary said.

"Hell, Barney can fix anything. So can their nephew,
Gavin, for that matter," John added.

A heavy silence hung in the air like a rain cloud.
Leah fidgeted with the hem of her sweater. Colin wiped his palms on
a napkin while Mary and John continued to look Leah over.

"Do you want children?" popped out of Mary's mouth.
She slapped her hand over her lips but it was too late.

Leah stared at her as her eyes filled with tears.
Colin stood up.


"Excuse me," Leah said, reaching for her handbag,
blinking furiously. "Where's the bathroom?"

Colin took her by the hand to lead her down the hall.
Leah closed and locked the door. She rested her forehead against
the mirror over the sink then took several deep breaths.

She doesn't know you, Leah. Calm down. It's not a
shot. You're with her son. Breathe.

Leah stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes.
When she had composed herself, she returned to the living room.
Mary got up and put an arm around her.

"I'm sorry if my rude question upset you. Please
forgive me."

Leah stayed in the woman's embrace for a moment.

"It's okay. Doesn't have anything to do with you all
or Colin."

"Mary, I think it's time to go in to dinner," John
said, rising from the sofa then picking up the cheese tray.

Colin took Leah by the hand, sitting her next to him
at the table. John carved the meat while Mary passed around the
vegetables. More wine was poured and a toast was made.

"To Colin's new friend, Leah. Long and healthy life,"
John said, raising his glass.

Conversation turned to the death of Angus Davenport
and news of their friends in town.

Colin rested his hand on top of Leah's between
courses. She spied his parents each steal a glance at their coupled
Are they happy or unhappy? Can't tell. What if they don't
like me? I'll be gone in a few months anyway. Out of their lives
and their son's life, too.
She cast a wistful eye at Colin but
turned away before he noticed.
This might be harder than I
thought. Surely harder to leave him than the others. Enjoy the meal
and stop worrying.

Taking her own advice, Leah put a succulent piece of
roast beef in her mouth and savored the delectable flavor. Colin
entertained his parents with stories of their time together in New
York City. He was careful to avoid any controversial topics, like
where he slept. Mary and John appeared content to listen to his
stories and ask questions. After dessert, Colin stretched his arms
up, then made an excuse to leave.

Leah was grateful to get in the car. They entered
through the private entrance instead of going through Laura and
Barney Dailey's house. Once Leah shed her coat, Colin swept her
into his arms for a passionate kiss.

"You look so adorable, I've been dying to kiss you
all night."

"Why didn't you?"

"Kiss you in front of my parents? Don't think so.
They'd have us engaged."

"Didn't you ever bring a girl home?"

"Sure, plenty of times but nothing serious."

"Never kissed a girl, even a peck, with them in the

"Nope. Don't plan to start now. What they don't know
will save me grief."

"You think they don't know we're sleeping

"Haven't thought about it. Don't care to."

She laughed. "You are naïve. How do you think you got

"Don't want to probe that question, either. Come over
here. Let's not waste time." Colin had his shirt half unbuttoned, a
gleam of lust shone in his eye.

"Let me finish that for you," she said, grinning.

Sunday afternoon, Colin and Leah stopped at Homer's
for an early dinner. She planned to make a six o'clock bus back to
New York. As they drank their coffee, a reluctance to leave swept
over Leah.
Nice life up here.

"Your dream…before this one…the one about a house and
family…can I talk about that?"

She nodded.

"Was it kind of like what my parents have?"

"Sort of. Except the house was a simple farm house,
not a big Victorian. Don't get me wrong. I love Victorian houses
and your parent's place is fabulous. The farm house was always my
dream. Big old fashioned stove, maybe a wood burning stove, too.
Real acreage, not less than, oh…say, ten acres?"

"How many kids?"


The continued to drink their coffee in silence. Colin
sliced into a piece of chocolate cake with his fork.

"Why do you ask?" She cocked her head slightly.

"No reason. Just curious." He shoveled a big piece of
cake in his mouth, his eyes avoiding hers.

"You're not a 'no reason' kinda guy, Colin.

They sat quietly while he chewed. Leah sat back
against the booth and nodded when the waitress asked if she wanted
more coffee.

"Don't we have to get to the bus?" Colin asked.

"Plenty of time. Give."

He dropped his gaze while he played with cake crumbs
on his plate with his fork. Leah added milk and sugar to her
coffee, keeping her eyes trained on him.

"I guess I was…wondering if you'd consider that dream
again…if something happened to this dream. Not that I'm hoping for
that or expecting it! I expect you'll be a big success. Just
saying…if you were to change your mind about Paris or something;
would you consider that again?"

"Haven't thought about it. If something happens to
Paris…I'd have to start all over again. Who knows what dream I
might be pursuing then?"

Colin placed his hand over hers.

"If that should happen…God forbid…I hope your new
dream would include me."

Good question. Would it? Would I go back to that old
dream, pencil in Colin? Maybe. Leaving today is sure harder than I
thought it would be.

"Let's not go there. One dream at a time. Right now
this dream does include you." She pushed out of the booth, stood up
and grabbed her coat.

They drove to the bus station in silence. Colin went
to the ticket window. When he returned, he handed a ticket to

"Come back next weekend."


"You heard me. Come back next weekend, and the
weekend after…every weekend until I come to New York for spring
break. This is a ten ride ticket."

Leah stared at him.

"I want to be with you every minute you're not

Pulling her into his arms, he gave her a long,
passionate kiss. Applause broke out when they parted. Leah's pulse
raced, she felt lightheaded. Leaning against him for support, she
concentrated on bringing her breathing back to normal.

"Say you'll come," he whispered.

She stepped back, her gaze connecting with his and

"If you want me…"

He grinned, pulling her into his arms for a hug.

"Last call for the seven o'clock to New York," the
driver announced.

Leah broke, kissed him quickly then ran to the bus.
She waved to Colin as the bus rolled out of the station, heading
for the highway. Her finger touched her lips as she looked out the
Every weekend.
She smiled.
Pine Grove does have
its charm.
As the bus rolled along, Leah sat back, closed her
eyes and lost herself in a dream.

Chapter Eleven


End of March, New York City

As Carrie was laying out silverware for dinner, Grey
entered from the den, snapping his phone shut. He eyed the

"Dinner for four…Janice and Harv again?"

"Yup. Sorry."

"No apology necessary," he kissed her quickly. "I've
got to go out of town for a day or two tomorrow."

"Oh?" She cocked an eyebrow.

"Business. A new company." He paced for a moment
before plucking a bottle of red wine from the wine rack.

"Perfect. Meatloaf tonight." She folded napkins.

"Hmm, love your meatloaf."

"Love yours, too," she quipped, shooting him a wicked

"How much time do we have?" He sidled up to her,
placing his hands on her waist, his lips on her neck.

She checked her watch. "Not enough. They're due in
fifteen minutes."

"Damn! Still time for a little warm-up, though."

He continued kissing her neck then slid one hand up
her chest to capture her breast and the other under her skirt. He
squeezed her bottom before running his fingers along the edge of
her panties. Carrie dropped the napkins on the table and shut her
eyes. A low moan escaped her mouth as she lost herself in his
caresses. She gripped his shoulders to keep from falling as her
knees grew weak.
He can turn me to mush in seconds.

Carrie pushed her hips against him.
Feeling seems
to be mutual.
She chuckled in his ear. "You are so wonderfully
wicked," she whispered.

He moved back, a lusty light still gleaming in his
eye. "Chemistry…but I have to…uh…return to normal. They'll be here

"You could have taken me right here on the

"But now I've got your motor running and as soon as
they leave…we'll play."

He shot her his most sexy grin, making her laugh.
Before he could reply, the doorbell rang.

"You get it. I'm still…" Grey was in a tizzy until he
picked up a large bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and held it in front
of his pants.

Carrie moved to the front door but stopped. Grey gave
her thumbs up. She bit her cheek to keep from laughing as she
opened the door, admitting her parents. Hugs and kisses were
exchanged by all. Carrie avoided looking directly at Grey so she
could maintain a serious demeanor and not giggle. She had no desire
to explain to her parents what was so funny.

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