The Dawn of Dae (Dae Portals Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: The Dawn of Dae (Dae Portals Book 1)
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Rob didn’t seem to mind the fact I hadn’t shaved, and his eyes followed my every movement as I shifted my weight and crossed my legs the other way.

“I assure you I will not be a liability.”

“I’ve seen Kenneth without his shirt on. He might look lean, but there’s no real muscle on him.” I wrinkled my nose, knowing full well the elite had gone out of his way to run around without his jacket and shirt to try to entice me into his bed.

Those days were the ones Lily hated me the most.

Kenneth was attractive enough, but I liked him better with his clothes on.

“You’ve been around Kenneth when he’s not wearing a shirt?” Rob’s gaze shifted from my legs and swept upwards. He focused on my face, and his mouth twisted into a scowl.

“Strategic planning on his part,” I murmured, and because I wanted him to understand what it was like to feel like a piece of meat, I snapped my fingers and gestured at his jacket. “You’ll wear your tie out if you keep fiddling with it like that. Do you have the goods or not?”

Rob snorted pulled his tie over his head. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the end whipping at me. I had no idea how he managed it, but the loop settled around my right hand. “Do you really want to know?”

“Don’t like being bossed around, do you? If you want to stay underfoot and in my way, you better not be a slob under that shirt, Rob. I don’t need you getting in my way while I’m working.”

With a twist and a tug, Rob tightened his tie around my wrist. “If you want to see me demonstrate my strength, Miss Daegberht, try to pull free. You won’t.”

“You’re not very useful as property if you can’t follow simple directions,” I muttered, shaking my head. At the same time, I gave the tie a firm tug. Rob kept his grip on it, taking a single step closer to me. “Let’s see what you have under that shirt of yours, dae.”

Narrowing his eyes, Rob unbuttoned his jacket and slid out of it, shifting his hold on his tie from one hand to the other. He tossed the jacket onto the end of the bed. Kenneth wore looser shirts, probably to hide the fact his chest wasn’t nearly as nice as his face. Rob’s slick shirt clung to him, and as he went to work unbuttoning his shirt with one hand, I watched with interest.

There was nothing pudgy about Rob; a hint of muscle showed, and his chest was as tanned as his arms, unlike Kenneth, who was pasty beneath his clothes. I yearned to touch him, to find out if his skin was as smooth as it looked.

Rob tossed his shirt on the end of the bed to join his jacket. “Are you satisfied yet?”

Instead of causing him misery, perhaps I’d make my payback for his claims far more enjoyable for both of us. “Not even remotely,” I murmured, giving the tie another tug.

Rob drew closer, staring at me through narrowed eyes. “Is it a demonstration you’d like, then?”

“Perhaps,” I evaded.

I knew how fast dae could move from my experience with Arthur; Rob was faster, and before I could do more than gasp, he had his tie wrapped around my left wrist and both of my arms over my head. The pressure against my bandage was enough to make me aware of the dull ache. He braced one knee on the edge of the bed beside me, leaning over so his forehead touched mine. “Ties are very useful things, aren’t they?”

Part of me was absolutely terrified Rob held my hands hostage. Another part of me, the one that wanted his pants to join his jacket and shirt on the bed, was thrilled by his speed and strength. I gave a tug, careful of my left wrist, to find he had an iron grip. “I’m not sure how your skills in tie usage will help me sniff out information on Terry Moore.”

Rob laughed. Leaning forward, he whispered in my ear, “You asked for a demonstration. You didn’t specify what sort of demonstration you wanted. I heard you gasp, Miss Daegberht. I surprised you. I’m fast. You can try to break free if you’d like. You won’t. For a practical use of this specific skill, I’ll keep your prey immobile while you carved out payment for what he’s done. That’s useful to you, is it not?”

Rob’s breath was warm on my neck, and I shivered. I gave another experimental tug at the tie, wiggling my right hand in an effort to free myself. However he tied the knot made it tighten with my efforts, until it was so snug I couldn’t shift the tie let alone remove it.


“Perhaps,” I conceded, staring up at my hands. Rob held the tie just out of reach of my fingers in one fist. When I relaxed my arms, his grip loosened. I lunged for his wrist, my fingers slapping against his skin as I sought purchase. He laughed, giving the tie a jerk to restrain me.

“You enjoy provoking me,” Rob accused, pulling away so he could grin at me. “What are you after?”

I widened my eyes. “A bad partner could get me killed—or caught. If you can’t keep up with me and do what you’re told, you’ll be in the way, and you’ll screw me over. You’d get away with it. I’d be expelled from Bach studies and sent to prison to rot for the rest of my life.”

“Under no circumstances will I permit you to be imprisoned,” Rob snapped.

“That’s part of the job, Rob. I don’t exactly do legal work.”

Rob growled something under his breath before saying, “And neither does Kenneth Smith, and if he lands you in hot water, he’ll burn for it.”

“No one crosses Kenneth and gets away with it. He’s too influential.”

“You’re mistaken.
will cross him and ruin him the instant he even thinks about turning on you.” With his cheek twitching, Rob pulled away from me, forcing me to sit straighter by lifting my arms higher. “You have no idea how much I want to keep you like this, tied up and unable to get into any more trouble. What should be illegal is how good you make that silk look.”

I sucked in a breath, my eyes widening. Kenneth only wanted me because he had already slept with the rest of his bitches,. I was no match for the other women he recruited, and my scars over the years hadn’t helped matters any.

I was average and plain. My skin was the wrong color, too bronzed to be properly Caucasian-American, but too pale to be properly anything else, either.

“You don’t believe me.”

“I’m scarred.”

Rob lowered my arms, worked his finger between the tie and my right wrist, loosening the smooth fabric. He freed me, but before I could pull away, he caught hold of my arm and pulled my hand to his mouth. His lips found one of the scars, and he kissed my skin, light and gentle. “Then I’ll just have to show you how wrong you are, one scar at a time. I told you; your hands tell a story. Yours is one of strength and courage in adversity. Any man who fails to see your worth at a single glance isn’t worth your attention.”

“Bullshit,” I stammered. With women like Lily around, why would anyone consider me? My scars weren’t badges of pride; they were proof of my crimes, and all of the things I had done to break free of society’s hold on me—of Kenneth’s hold on me.

I’d lost count of the number of times my boss had made some snide, stupid comment about me investing some of my earnings in creams to make my hands more like a proper lady’s.

“Then why don’t you allow me to demonstrate,” Rob murmured, stroking his hand down the length of my arm to my shoulder. He didn’t push hard, but he took me by surprise, and I sprawled on the bed. Leaning over me, he pressed his fingertips to my throat, tracing his way down towards my collarbone. He trailed a single finger along the line of a thin scar from a stray piece of glass in a broken window.

When he reached the collar of my nightgown, he dipped his head down and pressed his mouth to my throat. I gasped at the heat of his lips and the way he flicked the tip of his tongue over my scar. A shudder ran through me. My skin shivered at his touch, and heat spread through my chest.

I tensed beneath him, and Rob captured my hand again, pressing my palm to his chest. “Am I to your satisfaction?”

The way his mouth moved against my neck made me squirm. His muscles flexed beneath my hand. He guided my hand down over his ribs to his stomach. The subtle definition of his muscles promised strength, and I was torn between discovering if the rest of him was as supple and making a run for it.

My hands had a mind of their own and skimmed over his chest, stroking up to his shoulders. He pressed into my touch, sliding towards me and pinning me beneath him.

Rob kissed his way up my throat, and with every brush of his lips, I wanted more, holding my breath in anticipation of his next touch. “That was only one scar,” he whispered in my ear. “Which one should I play with next?”

I could only hold my breath for so long, and when I surrendered and gasped in air, Rob’s mouth sought mine. He kissed me hard, and for a heartbeat, I remembered the suffocating pain of Arthur’s touch on my throat. Rob erased my fear with the warmth of his body on mine, his hands stroking me and infecting me with the desire for more.

Breaking our kiss, he turned his attention to my scars again, and his searching, inquisitive mouth transformed the pain of old memories into pleasure more sensual than silk against my skin. His hands dropped to my waist, seized me, and slid me farther up onto the bed.

I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him to me, guiding his mouth to mine so he could kiss away the years I’d spent desiring another’s touch.

Chapter Twenty-One

I woke sprawled over Rob, my bare breasts pressed against his chest. One of his arms was draped over my back, holding me close while his other hand clasped mine in a gentle but firm grip. Yawning, I rubbed at my eyes with my free hand, considered getting up, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort.

The plush blanket I liked so much covered us, and the warmth of Rob’s body beneath mine relaxed me in ways I hadn’t experienced before.

After having listened to so many women complain about how the first time with a man hurt, I had believed the first time would be more for his benefit than for mine. Rob had turned my misconceptions upside down. Caress by caress, he drove away all memory of the pain and left nothing but pleasure in his wake.

I didn’t love Rob, but I loved what he did to me. The way he treated me like property still annoyed me, and I’d fight him every step of the way. However, the way he had driven me to desperation for his touch made me reconsider a lot of things, including leaving him in my dust.

I hadn’t been the only one satisfied, and I flushed at the memory of his desperation for my touch, until we had both been too exhausted to do anything other than sleep. Closing my eyes, I rested my cheek on his shoulder.

The pleasure I associated with a high tingled through me right down to my toes, all without the crash I had endured so many times. The weight of his arm around me kept me grounded, and I savored the feel of him.

None of the women, Lily included, had mentioned anything about the comfort and security in waking up safe and warm in someone’s arms. Was it something they experienced so often they took it for granted?

I didn’t want to return to flinching away from others, fearful of the pain their touch brought. As long as I kept still, quiet, and pretended to sleep, the moment didn’t have to end.


I tensed, as did Rob. His arm tightened around me, and he shifted beneath me. Holding my breath, I panicked and wondered what I was supposed to do. I was naked in bed with Rob, someone I had emphatically told my macaroni and cheese roommate I hated. Not only was I naked in bed with him, but I had lost count of the number of times I had enjoyed having sex with him before I had fallen asleep.

“What is it, Colby?” Rob grumbled, untangling his hand from mine. The blanket slid down to my shoulders, and the room’s colder air sent shivers running through me.

“Mommy. Mommy, Mommy,” Colby scolded, and at the disapproval in its tone, I groaned and squirmed in an effort to disappear under the blanket.

Rob trailed his hand along my back, and I sucked in a breath at the way his fingers slid across my skin. “Okay, okay. I’m getting up. Patience, Colby. It’s not
late. Give me a break already.”

“Mommy,” my roommate complained before I heard the squish of its departure.

“She liked it if you really must know, you wretch!” Rob called out before muttering curses. “Nosy pest.”

I blushed, as I had enjoyed him very much. Too embarrassed to say a word, I grabbed for the blanket so I could cover my head and hide.

Rolling over, Rob trapped me beneath him, ducking his head to kiss me. “Good morning.”

Rob teased me with his mouth, and I closed my eyes to savor the way his lips moved on my skin. He dropped a light kiss on my cheek before pulling away. “While I’d enjoy worshipping you again, we have work to do. I trust you’re satisfied with my stamina?”

My face was so hot I feared I’d combust. I opened my mouth and a strangled squeak emerged. Laughing, he kissed my brow and untangled himself from me and the blankets.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I have a few things to prepare, but there’s plenty of time for you to soak if you’d like.”

I was sore in places I hadn’t even known I had, but the thought of bathing with him intrigued me enough I murmured, “The tub’s plenty big enough for two.”

“While your offer is tempting, I have this urge to go kill someone we both don’t like. Why don’t you soak and then come join me?”

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