The Devastatingly Beautiful Series (28 page)

BOOK: The Devastatingly Beautiful Series
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Her lips feel God-damned blissful against mine. It takes every ounce of self-control I have not to grab her and kiss her like I’ve wanted to for the last two months. Instead, I move my hand slowly down her arm and rest it on her hip, earning a small moan from her lips. Her body still responds perfectly to my touch, but I can tell it’s a very controlled response. She isn’t letting go, not yet. If this kiss is the only thing I get for a while, I’m okay with that. I’ll wait until she’s ready for more. She’s worth it.

When she eventually breaks the kiss, she pulls back and looks at me. At first her expression looks confused, then she breaks into a massive grin. Her eyes are finally coming back to life. There’s my girl.

“Thank you,” she says quietly.

“I love you, Molly.” It’s the only logical response I have for her. I love her. I’d do anything for her. She smiles, her green eyes brighter than they have been since I found her.

“I love you too, Tatum. Forever and Always.” I closed my eyes and take a deep breath to stop the tears that threaten to fall from her earth shattering words. My world is complete again.


We spend the better part of the morning lying in bed. Our hands intertwined, playing with one-another’s fingers, talking about everything. She brought up the newscast from last night, telling me she heard about Rob. I have nothing to tell her, though. I promise her it isn’t me that took him, and that I don’t know where he is, but I can’t give her anything else. She seems a little put off that he’s still out there, but I assure her she’s not in any danger. God, I pray I’m right.

I missed her so much, that wasting a day in bed just talking doesn’t feel like a waste at all. She told me her first night back that she isn’t the old Molly, but I see glimpses of her every now and then. Like that smile this morning, I was able to bring her out of her shell.  Eddie knocks on the door a little before lunch and asks if we want anything. Molly sits up immediately and smiles.

“Oh my GOD I’m starving!” she squeals. “I get to pick?!”

Even though I should be upset that she’s not even used to choosing her own food, I can’t help but laugh at her, she’s so damn cute and doesn’t even know it.

“Ha-ha,” Eddie can’t help but laugh either. This woman’s strength and determination to return to normal is so beautiful. “UH… sure. What’re you feeling like?” He gives me a look that tells me I’m gonna owe him big once she starts rattling off her order and all I can do is smile.

I owe this man my life.

She orders a shit ton of food for both of us. This woman has never been afraid to eat in front of a man.

“Geeze, you think you are gonna eat all that babe?” I laugh as Eddie left.

“I haven’t had a complete meal in two months. I could eat a horse I’m so hungry,” she says.  I laugh, trying to lighten the mood that comment wants to wrap around me. It’s so miserable to think about what she went through that I try not to, but every now and then I’ve noticed those comments come out of her. I don’t want to discourage her from talking about it, though, so I’m learning to just let it roll off my shoulders.


She ends up eating the majority of what Eddie brings back for us, surprisingly. I’m no longer worried I’ll never see her curves again, as she puts down more food than Eddie and I combined. Thank God. I love her however I can have her, but her curves were one of my favorite parts about her.

My phone rings shortly after lunch and I notice a Texas area code. I quiet Eddie and Molly and answer, knowing who is on the other end.

“Tatum, this is your father.” 

“Did you get a new number?”

“I did for now. There has been a lot happening. I want to make sure you are safe.” What the hell?

“Yea dad, we are. I actually have Molly right now.”

“I know. I need to tell you something. Who else is there?”

“It’s just Molly, Eddie, and I.”

“Put me on speakerphone.” I do as he asks, placing the phone in the coffee table.  Everyone says hi to him, thanking him for the help the last two months. My father speaks with Molly for a brief moment. Then the line falls silent.

“What I have to tell you all will never be spoke of again, understood? No questions, either. This needs to be a quick phone call,” his domineering voice comes through the line. The one that he uses on his enemies. It’s spine chilling hearing the change in my father’s mood so suddenly. We all agree and he continues on with his story, not wasting any time getting to the point.

“I have Robert Delany. I was there yesterday. I went in to kill him… to get him out of your lives. Son, I’ve failed you so many times. I’m so sorry. It didn’t go as planned, but he’s here now. In the warehouse.” Well fuck me. He did it.

I knew that my father had men following us but I didn’t know he was here! Holy shit.

Looking over to Eddie, he’s fucking smiling and shaking his head. He doesn’t say anything, though. What’s there to say?

Molly, however, is frozen in place. Her jaw is dropped and her eyes cast down towards the table.

“What are you going to do with him?” Her voice is shaking and I see her hands were starting to do that same. He sighs.

“That’s up to you and Tatum.” He pauses. He’s leaving it up to us? “Molly. I did it for you… and Tatum. He deserves to be able to love someone for the rest of his life, and you deserve his love my dear. The only way you two will ever have closure is by doing this together… whatever ‘this’ may be.”

“I…..” She looks at me and smiles. “Thank you Mr. Savage. I owe you my life.”

“Nonsense. Now I need to run. I’ll be in contact soon.” He hangs up promptly, leaving the three of us stunned.

I look at Eddie, still smiling, and then I turned towards Molly. She’s beaming at me, so fucking gorgeous it’s hard to contain myself.

“Dude, your dad fucking rocks,” Eddie says, almost laughing. “I’m grabbing my shit, then we are getting out of here. Get your stuff and meet me out front.”  He gets up and heads to his room, leaving the two of us together and alone.

I watch Molly bite her lip and I know what she’s thinking.

“We’re not killing him, Molly. That’s not who we are.”

Her head moves and she looks at me, eyes glistening.

“You know… ever since the day he took me, I prayed that he would die. I thought I wanted the worst, harshest, most torturous death for him. Now though? Now that I could have that? I just want to be free.” She’s shaking her head and lets a tear roll down her cheek. “I can’t make this decision, Tatum. I can’t kill someone, but I can’t let him go either.”

“Leave it to me, babe. I’ll take care of him.”

I’m not sure how, but I know of a few ways to make sure he’ll never bother her again.

“You know, Tatum, I think I may just keep you,” she says, standing. Her arms go around me and she gives me a deep kiss, full of every emotion I’ve been missing the last few months before moving on to pack up her few items.

This woman blows me away. Every time she opens her mouth something amazing comes out of it. I shake my head, laugh it off, and grab my things to throw back in my suitcase, happy that this is the final time I have to come home from a trip to find my Molly.

Now we head home, together, to begin a new chapter in our lives.


Tatum has all of my ID’s and paperwork ready at the airport, something I hadn’t even thought about. He’s on top of everything and it really blows me away. I can’t even imagine what he went through the last two months, constantly traveling, thinking he was going to find me in each city he traveled to, only to be let down and have to come home alone.

Alone. I never want to be alone again. I never want to feel the type of loneliness that I felt at that house. If I could, I’d stick by Tatum’s side all day every day. Before all of this happened, I thought that I wanted to keep my independence, not have to rely on anyone else. After being what I’ve been through, though, I realize that it’s okay to have someone you rely on. As long as you don’t lose yourself in the process.

As we sit on the plane heading back home, I glance at Tatum. His hand is wrapped around mine and his thumb is rubbing my hand slightly. He’s watching his movements, deep in thought about something. I know he’s still unsure of how he should approach me, but I’m more than ready to be with him again. This morning was so wonderful that I almost begged him to take me then. I’m not afraid of him, and I’m not afraid to be with him. We got past the biggest hurdle that we needed to last night.

I’m hoping for this next hurdle to be a lot more fun. As long as I can keep my cool.

Finally, walking into the house, my home, I notice how immaculate everything is. A man like Tatum has a lot of good qualities, but cleaning house this thoroughly isn’t one of them. I turn to look at him and he’s smiling at me. I cock my head silently and raise an eyebrow.

“Fine. Betty cleaned it for us. What, you don’t think I could do this good of a job!?” he tries to act injured, but it’s all a joke. He knows, just as much as anyone that has lived with him, how messy he is. It’s funny, for someone that comes from so much money, he sure lives like he’s never had a dime to his name.

I laugh and head upstairs. Not stopping in the bedroom, not heading to my office to check emails that I’m sure have piled up. I go straight to the bathroom and start slowly taking off my clothes. I need a shower more than anything. I need to wash off the last few months, and I need Tatum to help me. I hear him approach behind me and turn to look over my shoulder as my shorts fall to the floor.

“What are you doing, Mol?” he asks, tense, standing in the hallway looking at me like he could devour me.

“I need to shower…. I need to get clean.” Without taking my eyes off him I continue taking off my layers. He walks slowly towards me, every layer I take off he gets about a foot closer.

When he’s just inches away from me, so close I can feel his breath on me, the only thing between us is his clothes. His breath is coming in heavy. He rests his forehead on mine and closes his eyes.

“Are you sure about this, Molly?” he whispers, his hands cupping my face.


“Once I start, I won’t be able to stop. I’ll be gentle, I’ll go as slow as you need… but once this starts it’s not going to stop until we have both had enough. It’s been too damn long.”

“I promise you, I’m ready. I need this. I need you. I need us,” I whisper, then kiss him, slowly starting helping him out of the layers that are still between us.

He turns on the shower and steps in, helping me in after him. Washing my hair first, then the rest of my body, he covers every area. I knew what he is doing because it’s exactly what I need. He’s washing away everything from the last two months. Every touch made me need him more and more. Only a few times I had to chase away the thought of Rob’s hands on me, but Tatum doesn’t need to know that. This is easier than I thought, and I’m getting more and more courageous as time goes on.

When it’s my turn to wash him, I take my time. His body changed in the last few months too, but he’s still the most beautiful man that I’ve ever laid eyes on. His body is still hard in all the right places, still ready for me just by a single touch. I close my eyes, memorizing everything just by touch.

We stay in the shower, memorizing everything about each other’s bodies, until the water runs cold.

“Do you want to head to the bedroom?” he asks, his voice held so much hope I couldn’t help but smile.




Patience. Patience. Patience. The term keeps replaying in my head as I wash every inch of her perfect body.

Fuck, this is hard!

Tempting as taking her right there in the shower is, I need this time to be better than a quick fuck. We both need to take our time with this.

I lead her to the bedroom, her entire body pulsing with need. I’ve never seen her so ready yet so apprehensive. I need to go gentle with her… at least the first time. And I hope to God that we have more than just a first time tonight.

Before she sits on the bed, she drops the towel on the floor. Christ she’s breathtaking. The room was dark, the hallway light shining in enough to make it bright enough to see, but not bright enough to make out all of the bruises on her body. The curves on her body still present but not as defined, she looks at me and I almost melt to a damn puddle on the floor. That saying my brother taught me, not to let the woman see how much you are affected by her? I’m throwing that shit out the window. That’s bullshit. This woman deserves to know how much I worship her every damn day and every damn night, and it starts now.

I kiss her, harder than we’ve kissed since I got her back, and pray that she doesn’t pull back or flinch. Instead of hesitating, she takes that as an invitation to wrap her arms and legs around me, and I grab her ass to hold her up. Holy shit she feels so fucking good pressed up against me. I barely register the pain in my arm from my stiches, but I don’t fucking care.

I lay her on the bed and stare for a moment at this beautiful, wonderful, strong woman that is all mine.

“Damnit Molly, you don’t know how beautiful you are do you?”

She didn’t answer, her eyes grew wide and she shook her head.

“It’s ok... you don’t have to say those things. I know how I look right now.”

“No, don’t you dare do that. You are fucking beautiful... inside and out. Whatever thoughts you have going on up there in that head of yours, forget them. Let me make you forget them.”

Crawling on the bed I start with her feet and kiss my way up her legs. Purposely skipping my favorite part, I move to her hands and do the same. Then I kiss her mouth, tasting her, before moving down her body to the spot I want most.

She has goose bumps from the nibbles, and when I reach my goal, she tugs at my good arm and pushes her knees together.


“I’m sorry… not that. Not tonight,” she whispers as the tears threaten. Fuck fuck fuck!

“Molly I’m so fucking sorry. I got carried away. You tell me what to do. I don’t want to fuck this up,” I beg. I’m not one to like the woman to take the lead in the bedroom, but if that’s what she needs then I’m game. The last thing I want to do is freak her out.

“I want you inside of me, Tatum. I need you to be,” she tells me, and without any hesitation I crawl back up to her as she wraps her legs around me. Those are the only words I need to hear.

“I love you, Molly,” I whisper, right before I slide into her. Shit she feels so fucking good. I don’t ever want to leave this place of bliss, but the urge I have to continue the friction wins as I slowly begin my retreat. Her eyes are locked on mine and I couldn’t look away if I wanted. I know she’s chasing the demons away, but at the same time she’s truly enjoying this re-uniting of our souls. The sounds she’s making are enough to make me finish before this truly begins.

“Faster, please Tatum,” she begs, breathlessly. Those three words, though, send me over the edge.

Slamming into her, praying to God I’m not doing more hurt that good, I find a rhythm that has her screaming from pleasure in minutes. Feeling her tighten around me, feeling the warmth of her around me, sets me into the best orgasm I think I’ve ever had.

Shit I’ve missed this.



This is exactly what I need from him. I have never felt so connected to another human being as I do right now with Tatum. The fact that the entire time I never even thought about the last two months gives me so much hope for our future that I’m crying before I even knew what’s happening.

“Oh God, oh no no no...” Tatum starts getting frantic, but I can’t turn the waterworks off.

Instead, mid tears and mid meltdown, I start laughing. No worries, just a crazy lady here who can’t decide if she wants to laugh or cry! He stops and looks at me like I have two heads.

“Are you okay?” he asks. I’m able to calm myself enough to answer, but not without taking a few deep breaths.

“Am I okay? Babe that was the BEST fucking thing that ever happened to me. I’ve never felt so connected to you, and not once did anything bother me…”I trail off because that’s a lie. He knows it, but thankfully he doesn’t push the topic. Next time, definitely. I just need a little time.

He laughs and kisses me again. “Oh thank God! I honestly was freaking out that I hurt you or that I was too rough.”

“Never,” I say, and we kiss again. This time, though, the kiss doesn’t break for a long time. I could get used to this for the rest of my life.


The next morning, when I wake up, Tatum is nowhere to be found. There’s a note on the counter from him that he had to run to the store for breakfast items and he had made coffee already for me. These little gestures are reminders of how much he cares for me and I couldn’t feel luckier.

Waiting for him to get home, I pull out my laptop and start checking e-mails. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to keep the business afloat even with the last two months pay missing, but it will be tight. Of course I have an e-mail from my mom, but it seems like everything was ok on her end. Did she not know what happened? I then check my work e-mail to find that nothing is out of place. There are no hate e-mails about missing shoots or prints not being delivered, there’s nothing. What? That’s not right, I had a wedding and a ton of family shoots lined up for the last two months. Hopping over to my bank’s page, I check my account and sure enough, the payments that were scheduled to be made by those clients were made in full and then some.

What the hell?

I hear the door close and Tatum walks in the kitchen with arms full of groceries. I laugh as he tries to set everything down on the table but half of it ends up falling.

“Holy cow that’s a ton of food! We can’t have needed all that!” I laugh as he starts putting everything away. His steps pause when I say it and immediately notice why. The fridge is empty, there was nothing in the pantry and the only thing on the counter is a banana. “Shit, I’m sorry Tatum. I didn’t think…”

“It’s fine. Cooking was difficult while you were gone, I just didn’t have it in me. BUT now that you are back I plan on spoiling you with the one dish I know how to make!” Wow he’s in a great mood. I know we both slept soundly last night, no nightmares, not much tossing and turning. It’s amazing how good two people can be for each other, and it’s even more amazing that I’ve found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and he’s staying with me after everything I’ve been through.

“Hey babe?” I decide to ask about the money.

“Yea?” He keeps back and forth from the table to the cabinets, putting everything away as fast as he can so he could make me breakfast.

“Would you happen to know how my photography business seems to be running smoothly, even though I’ve been missing from the shoots for the past two months?” That gets him to slow down.

“Oh yea?” he asks, the can of soup he’s holding has suddenly become very interesting.

“Yup. I just signed on, expecting a slew of angry emails and empty bank accounts. Instead, I have one e-mail from my mother who I don’t think knows anything about what happened, no other e-mails, and very, very happy bank account.”

He sighs, defeated, and sat at the table next to me.

“Fine, you caught me. I’ve been keeping up with the business as much as I could, anything I couldn’t handle the assistant helped out with. Oh, I hired you a new assistant. I’d rather be the boyfriend anyway. And your mom.... well they didn’t know. Not until this morning at least.” He smiles and I’m so stunned by this I’m not sure how to react.

“You did the shoots?”

“What, am I not good enough?!” he feigns hurt, laughing at my reaction to him. “Molly, the man I hired as your new assistant actually is a huge success with the clients. He’s fantastic… you are going to love him. Trust me.”

“I don’t know what to say. Um... thank you?” I’m so confused by it all.

“Don’t thank me. I know how much you love that studio. When you lost the Delany gig I knew you would be taking a huge hit financially so I threw myself into it when I wasn’t on the hunt for you. I didn’t sleep much at all when you were gone so it was a good way to help keep my mind occupied.”

Shit the Delany job. They didn’t pay me a dime. My soaring mood is kicked down a few notches. I was really betting on getting the land next to my studio, I had my heart set on it. Now I’ll just have to pray no one else buys it up before I’m able to scrounge up the money needed to buy and renovate it to my liking.

“Well thank you, I appreciate it. Would you mind if we went in today? I kind of miss it.”

“Absolutely, babe,” he smiles, then gets to work fixing me breakfast

I’m one lucky girl.

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