The Devastatingly Beautiful Series (30 page)

BOOK: The Devastatingly Beautiful Series
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I called Eddie yesterday. He’s meeting me in Kansas. We’re finishing this once and for all.

“So what’re we doin here, boss man?” he says, hands in his pockets.

“Just reminding him who we are, Roe. That’s all,” I say, grabbing the metal bat from my suitcase. “Just a little reminder.”

Walking into the warehouse, Eddie whistles when the lights above Rob turn on. Holy shit he looks terrible! I smile to myself, knowing that’s my doing.

“Hey fucker,” I say, kicking his chair that he’s tied to over. He grunts when his shoulder hits the concrete. Reaching down I take the gag out of his mouth. He spits at me initially, then gasps for air.

“You look like shit, Rob. You should really do something about that,” I snicker, then slam the bat into his pretty little face. Blood pours from the split in his cheek, but it only kind of calms me.

I need more.

“Fuck dude,” I hear Eddie laugh from behind me.

“Pick him up,” I growl to the warehouse crew. They scramble to get the chair upright, then back away into the darkness.

“You ever,” I say, then bring the bat down onto Robs kneecap, hearing it shatter under the metal bar. “Ever,” I grunt when I swing even harder at the same kneecap. “Think about talking,” I swing at his shin and he howls out in pain, blood flying from his mouth. “Looking, or THINKING about my girl again, I’ll make sure you never see outside the four cold walls of that room you’ve been in. Ever again,” I growl, slamming the bat against his hands. He screams out and I start to calm down.

Eddie comes up from behind me and takes the bat before I smash in Rob’s dick with it.

“You mind?” he asks, grinning. I grin and back away.

“Have at it,” I say.

Eddie smiles at Rob, then brings the bat down on his shoulder you can literally see it flatten. Holy shit that’s fantastic!

“Let’s take care of that other one now,” he growls, shattering the man’s other shoulder.

Rob’s broken, bruised, and bloody, and my mood just keeps getting better and better.

“Throw him back in the room. Wait until his wounds heal themselves, then,” I crouch down and take his face in my hands, squeezing his broken jaw. He winces, and when I slap his cheek a few times he finally looks at me. There’s barely any life left in those dark as night eyes.


“Then, when they finally decide to let you go, I will have you followed for the entire rest of your pitiful fucking life. If the thought of ever touching another woman the way you touched my girl ever crosses your mind, I’ll have your ass hauled back here, and we’ll do this all over again,” I growl, then take the bat from Eddie and with all of my strength swing right between his legs.

Dropping the bat on my way out the door, I smile to myself as Eddie claps slowly and Rob screams.

“That’ll do,” I mutter. “Time to get back to my girl.”

“You have fun with that. I never thought I’d see the day that my wingman is scooped up. Dude, this kind of sucks,” he whines and laughs.

“One day, Eddie. You’ll find yours,” I grin and start the car.

“Right. No thanks. You know I don’t do that,” he grimaces.

“Sure. You just wait.”

I didn’t think I did either, but now that I found her, I can’t imagine a life without her.


It’s been about three weeks since she has been home, and each day that goes by that we aren’t engaged I get more and more antsy. I know I had to wait for an opening, but hell if I didn’t want to skip the romance and go straight to a chapel to marry her right away. Each day gets better and better with Molly. She still has her times when a flashback reminds her of what she went through, but she’s being so strong about all of it.

I’m taking her to a winery in Missouri this weekend. I had to wait three weeks for a reservation, but once they found out who I am they have been incredibly accommodating. I have four different manager’s word that the cabin will be filled with Calla Lilly’s when we arrive, and I have had the ring in my pocket for months.

I’m ready, I just pray that she is.

She doesn’t know where we are going. All I told her was to make sure she was off work early and I’d take care of everything else.

When we arrive at the winery I check us in and we head towards the cabin. I’m a ball of nerves, which is nuts considering everything we’ve been through. Of course she’s going to say yes… right? I let her in the cabin first, following her in all the while fighting the urge to pull the ring out and get the proposal out of the way. Then maybe my nerves would settle.

Instead, I watch her take in the hundreds of flowers that have been elegantly placed around the room in vases. It’s beautiful, she’s beautiful, and if she says yes I will be the luckiest man alive.

“You did this?” she gasps when she realizes just how many flowers there were. “These flowers are expensive, though!”

I can’t help but laugh at her. “Baby, don’t forget I’m fucking loaded,” I’m able to get out through the laughter.



I wasn’t sure what to expect this weekend, but so far after the flowers last night and the delivered breakfast this morning I may never want to go home. It’s so beautiful here, hills everywhere, our room overlooking the vineyard. I honestly could stay here, snuggled up with this man, forever.

He said tonight we are dining in, but he has no food to prepare so I’m guessing it’s going to be delivered again. I’m perfectly fine with that, sometimes I don’t feel like sharing him. I smile to myself, thanking the Lord every day that I was freed from that house in Maine and that I’m strong enough to work through my problems. That’s not saying I’m totally better, but I’m getting there day by day.

When dinner arrives there’s a white flat box under the tray. Tatum sets it aside not acknowledging it, and we sit to eat. I’m curious, but I know he has something up his sleeve. The entire time we’re eating he keeps glancing at the box. I notice it, but don’t call him out on it. I also wasn’t going to call him out on his weird behavior. After dinner he takes me out to the patio, along with the box. When he opens it I see white pop-up style lanterns. Weird, but okay.

“I know this looks strange, but I saw these the other day and thought they were pretty cool. They are sky lanterns. You can write anything you want on them, light this bottom part here, and it will float away, into the night sky.” He smiles at me as he continues. “I know you have been through a lot so I thought maybe sending up some prayers, or something, would make you feel good.”

I’m speechless. This man is the most thoughtful, extraordinary, beautiful man, both inside and out. When I first saw him walk into the café less than a year ago I couldn’t help but judge him by his Hollywood looks. I’ve always shied away from the beautiful ones, because I’ve always thought they were too conceited to be fun to be around. Tatum has totally killed my perception of people with money. He’s everything a typical rich and privileged kid isn’t, and I love him for it.

We get out a few of the lanterns from the box and start to write things on them. After making one for our babies, one for friends lost, and one for love found we release them into the dark night sky. They’re beautiful, dancing together as they floated away. I feel a tear slip down my cheek and wipe it away quickly before he notices.

I watch our lanterns float through the sky, then notice others rising up from the balcony under us.
Huh, someone else is doing these too, that’s pretty cool.
As I watch them rise, though, I read what was on them and smile to myself. Four lanterns in a row rose at the same time above our balcony. Each has one word in bold letters written on them: “Will-You-Marry-Me?”

Well if that isn’t the most romantic proposal ever I’m not sure what is.

I turn to tell Tatum to look up as the lanterns float away, but as I do, I notice he isn’t standing behind me anymore. He’s down on his knee with a singly Calla Lily in his hand. My stomach drops as the realization sets in and my hands start to shake.

Those were meant for me, those lanterns were mine to read

“Molly Ward, I don’t have enough words to tell you how you make me feel. You make me want to rise every morning to tackle the day together. You make me look forward to bed every night with you by my side. You make every waking hour of my life one hundred times better just by breathing. I was a shell of a man when I thought I had lost you forever, my life isn’t worth anything without you in it. You make me a better man in every sense of the word. Molly, you complete me. You took my shattered heart and healed it. I would love to do nothing more than spend every minute of my life trying to prove to you how much I love you.” He pauses as he stands and walks closer to me. Nestled inside the bloom of the flower is the most beautiful, ornate, unique diamond ring I’d ever seen.
Holy shit.

“Molly, will you marry me?”

Tears are running down my face by the time his beautiful speech is over. I never thought I’d find someone that would make me feel again, and to find that person in Tatum is unbelievable. I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with the man in front of me.

“So, uh… now would be a great time for an answer…” he grins and I lose my composure completely.

“Oh Tatum,” I whisper, tears streaming down my face. “I’m… Of course I’ll marry you!” I smile and nod my head.

Tatum takes a breath and smiles, taking the ring from its snug place inside my favorite flower he slips it perfectly onto my finger. His hands come to rest to my face and he pulls me in for a kiss as my body melts into his.

I get to spend the rest of my life with the man that I love. How much more lucky can I get?

The End…..

Other works by M. Dauphin


Fight Series (Eddie’s story)

Fight 1:

Fight 2:


Fight 3:


Just Go:


Co-Authored with H.Q. Frost



Also in:

Once: A Collection of Sinfully Sexy and Twisted Tales (Anthology

Suits and Shades Anthology


About M. Dauphin

M. Dauphin is a mom, wife, sister, daughter, granddaughter, best-daughter-in-law-EVER, and when all else slows down… a writer. She’s a stay at home mom, having an ‘early retirement’ from teaching at the ripe young age of 27, she now spends her days chasing the tiny ninjas around her house and picking up after them (or else her feet are subjected to sharp as shit Lego pains… and nobody’s got time for that).

You should befriend her on her Facebook page. She likes meeting new people.






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