The Devil to Pay (13 page)

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Authors: Rachel Lyndhurst

Tags: #romance,spicy,contemporary,millionaire

BOOK: The Devil to Pay
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Daniel took a step forward, reached out and placed both his large hands around her waist, tugging her firmly against the length of his taut body. “I’m just glad you want for us to be alone at last,” he said softly.

Rianna’s instinct was to get some physical distance between them, but his sexual magnetism made it impossible to wrench herself away. His body was so close, she could almost hear the beat of his heart and her self-control was in imminent danger of slipping away. “You’re sure?”

“Absolutely,” he replied, blowing a stray tendril of hair away from her face.

“How about you show me around the place properly then?” Rianna said brightly as her heart pounded like a cannon and the sensible side of her brain told her to ease away from him. “It’s so enormous, I almost got lost on the way to breakfast this morning.”

“You won’t get lost again, Rianna Peters,” Daniel brushed his lips against her cheekbone. “Because I’m not going to let you out of my sight for one second.” His lips touched hers fractionally so they could just taste each others’ breath in the stillness of the villa.

“I thought we’d agreed this wasn’t going to happen again?”

He nipped playfully at her earlobe. “I don’t remember that conversation at all.”

Rianna closed her eyes as ferocious sparks of sensation shot through her body, culminating in a dangerous vortex between her thighs. She steadied herself by placing both hands against his chest, his heartbeat was strong and intimidating as it pounded against her fingertips. He was so big...

“We said no.” Rianna gasped as she felt the tip of his tongue slip between her parted lips.

“You might have,”—he slid his hand down a little lower than the small of her back, drawing tiny circles with his fingers against the soft fabric of her trousers—“but I never did.” His voice was a dark husky whisper. “So shall I stop?”

Rianna could feel the warmth of his breath against her closed eyelids. His words must have been infused with magic as she helplessly heard her own low throaty groan in response. “No. Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

Daniel’s mouth returned without hesitation, firmer this time against her skin. A low moan rumbled through him as she reached up and threaded her arms around his neck. As she tangled his black hair in her hands, his kiss deepened and he pulled her against him so tightly, she had to make an effort to breathe. His tongue traced a sensuous path around the inside of her mouth and Rianna found herself responding to the deeply masculine taste and feel of him again, thrilling at the intimacy of having part of him inside her already.

Her knees weakened as his hands slid slowly around and under her top, tracing an invisible line of suggestion from her waist just up to the clasp of her bra. His fingers stilled to stroke her back with a feathery lightness that made her want to scream as he continued to kiss her with increasing confidence.

The unmistakable flexing of his growing erection on her belly shot a lightning bolt of adrenaline through her, and she suddenly pulled her lips away with a moan. “Undo it,” she muttered, pushing her breasts hungrily against him. “I want you to touch me. Properly.”

Daniel said nothing, but smiled and applied increasingly powerful kisses to her throat, from its base to the secret hollow behind her ear. With a flick of his fingers, the clasp of her bra came apart and Rianna felt the soft weight of her breasts being released. His hands slid from behind her to span the curve of her narrow ribcage and came to rest with his thumbs pressed lightly just underneath the swell of her breasts, making no attempt to progress toward the aching jut of her nipples.

Rianna’s hands fell from his neck in frustration and took hold of his, guiding them upwards until he cupped both breasts.

Skimming lightly over her nipples until they pursed into hard peaks and nipping gently with his teeth at her bottom lip, Daniel finally spoke. “Shall we take this off?” His gaze flickered over her navy broderie camisole and then he looked to her for guidance.

“How about we take everything off?” Rianna replied with breathless urgency as she began to fumble with his t-shirt.

“What happened to professional?” Daniel chuckled as her hands slipped past the barrier of his clothes and traced a feverish line along his abdomen with her short nails.

His skin felt hot against the coolness of her palms. “I don’t care anymore,” she breathed as she rucked up his t-shirt to expose his flat, dark nipples and her mouth fell helplessly onto the smooth firmness of his chest. “I can’t think about anything right now except,”—her tongue tasted the rich warmth of his skin—“the precise location of your bed.”

Daniel tilted her chin. “
E sicuro?
You are sure? Is this what you really want?”

Her eyes opened. Desire was making stars dance before them and she noticed for the first time that his blue irises were flecked with bursts of silver. “It’s
I want...”

Needing no more persuasion, Daniel swung her into his arms effortlessly and strode with frightening speed down the nearest corridor, smartly kicking a number of doors open until the final one revealed an astonishing room of cream and gold. In the centre was the biggest bed Rianna had ever seen, shimmering with invitation.

He laid her gently down and lay on his side beside her. His eyes locked silently with hers as he slowly began to undo the tiny mother of pearl buttons of her top. Rianna could hear his quickening breath in the stillness of the room, and she closed her eyes, abandoning herself to his touch.

Slipping the last button free, Daniel blew a long, cool breath over the visible sliver of her abdomen and as he did so, gently drew the fabric away to reveal her upper body. Pushing the garment and her bra off her shoulders and away from her completely, he then tossed them like rags on to the polished wood floor.

“I don’t think we’re going to want to see those for a little while,” he murmured as he took one breast firmly in his hand, bending his head to take its peak into his mouth.

Rianna moaned and pulled him closer still, willing him to plunder her more ferociously. He obliged by turning his attention to her other breast and Rianna shivered with dizzy pleasure as she felt the cool air on the moist tip he had just released.

His free hand found the zip at the side of her trousers and set about lowering them, feathering her stomach with slow kisses, until he was able to tug them completely away to join the rest of her clothes on the floor.

Having revealed the tiny triangle of lilac silk and lace that was now her only covering, Daniel leaned back to take in the sight of her. “
Cosi bella
, so beautiful. I could never have imagined you were quite so breathtaking.” He slipped the forefingers of both hands under the sides of her panties and looked at her questioningly. “May I?”

Rianna nodded urgently, unable to speak with such intoxication running through her veins.

He swept the underwear away and gazed down upon the apex of her thighs, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath. Rising up onto his knees, he looked slowly over her prostrate naked form with his hands poised at the buckle of his belt. He hesitated for a second. “You do it, Rianna. Release me.”

His voice was husky and Rianna’s hands trembled as she slipped the belt free and lowered the zip of his trousers.

“You can change your mind,” Daniel said before gasping at her touch on the top of his straining underwear. “You do still want this?”

“More than anything,” she muttered as he cast off the last shred of his clothing and she could finally drink in every inch of his naked perfection. Her hands traced the contours of his hard muscled shoulders and his chest, smooth and golden, glistening with power. She trickled both her tiny hands down to rest either side of his narrow hips, unsure if she had the courage to stray near the triangle of black hair surrounding the biggest penis she had ever seen.

Daniel, sensing her hesitation, drew her up onto her knees so he could kiss her again. “I’ve wanted to do this since the first moment we met,” he whispered, taking a swollen breast in each hand and feathering them with his lips.

“So have I.” Rianna bit down on her lower lip before curling her fingers around his silken length. “I don’t know what came over me before. I must have been mad to have sent you away when all I truly wanted was to feel you inside me.”

Manoeuvring her expertly back onto the wealth of luxurious pillows, Daniel eased her legs apart with a lean hand on each thigh, the contrast of his tanned skin quite startling against the opal whiteness of hers. He stared down at the dark triangle of her sex and swore softly as his erection convulsed in her hand.

Leaning across and brushing his chest against the tight buds of her nipples as he did so, Daniel slid open the top drawer of a bedside cabinet. “Just one moment,
,” he murmured, snatching out a foil wrapper. “I need to take care of you.”

“Quickly, Daniel,” Rianna urged as he gently removed her hand.

She watched as he took the condom with strong, determined fingers and sheathed himself. His shaft jerked as she reached down to cup him between his legs.

Her heart pounded wildly as he hesitated between her spread thighs, his eyes closing tightly as she manipulated him in the soft palm of her hand. “Daniel,” Rianna persisted huskily, sliding her attention to his thick shaft. “I need you to take me.”

The shiny tips of his black hair trembled as he nodded. “Soon,
, soon.”

She stroked his satin-coated length and then reached up with her ankles to draw his lower body down upon her. Daniel groaned so deeply the sound seemed to penetrate her very core, stoking the flame already burning ferociously deep inside her.

His mouth came down hard and furiously onto hers as he squeezed both her breasts with strong hands. Rianna could feel his erection jutting into her inner thigh, tantalisingly close to where she wanted it.

“OK, you win,” Daniel ground out and nudged her legs even wider with a knee.

He fixed her with his gaze as he sought out her entrance with his middle finger, stroking upwards and inwards without actually penetrating. His lips parted with anticipation as her eyes fluttered shut and her pelvis tensed under his touch. She began to roll her hips toward his hand, releasing her honeyed moisture onto his fingertips, silently begging for deeper exploration.

“Tell me you want me to do this again, Rianna,” he instructed as he slowly eased one finger inside her, twisting it to intensify her pleasure. “Tell me you want me to take you. It turns me on to hear you say it.”

“I want you, Daniel.” She groaned, clutching at his thick wrist as it rotated. “Don’t tease me,” she pleaded in a voice drenched with sexual need and then gasped as his thumb started to flick across her clitoris. Her free hand drifted to the tight bud of her nipple and mirrored the movements of his thumb as he increased the pace. “I’ll come soon if you don’t—”

“Not yet,” Daniel murmured.

His hands slid to grip her hips as he manoeuvred between her legs, his hips hovering above her until she could feel the hot velvet tip of him at her slick entrance. Daniel eased into her honeyed darkness just a fraction and then withdrew briefly to gaze down at the union of their bodies.

He slowly repeated the motion, gradually going a little deeper and a little faster each time. “You are so sweet in there,
, so tight,” he uttered with a low moan before covering her lips with his.

The breath left her body as his full weight pressed her engorged breasts hard against his chest and a crescendo of sensation began to build as his tongue mimicked the short persistent thrusts of his penis as he eased inside.

She pressed her hands over his, thrilling at their strength, encouraging him with muffled cries of pleasure as he stretched her thighs even wider to gain access. Then, with one slow, but determined, stroke, he entered her completely and a sharp cry escaped into the hot passion of his kiss as he possessed her completely.

Daniel’s movements stilled for a moment and Rianna could feel his breath against her shoulder, his cheek flat against her throat. Lifting his head to look into her eyes, as if seeking permission to continue, the tight ripples of her muscles around him told him what he needed to know. This was the point of no return.

Kissing her urgently, he slid his wide hands quickly under her bottom and exacted a thrusting rhythm with his hips, which soon had Rianna writhing in ecstasy. Each silken movement ignited a million nerve endings inside her as she was delicately, but determinedly, stretched in length and in breadth. She had no experience of a man being so large when aroused. He filled her completely almost to the point of sweet narcotic pain, and it delighted her. The feel of his body pounding against hers consumed her. She was now his in every sense and as she reached a knife-edge peak of delirious sensation, she cried out his name. Ripples of orgasm fanned out where their bodies clashed together and sent her entire body into a spinning, delirious state of helplessness.

Her eyes eventually opened to see Daniel looking silently down upon her. His own eyes were wild, like waves crashing over rocks in the night.

His lips parted as he began to drive into her once again. “Look at me, Rianna,” he uttered, his pace increasing as he began to lose control. “Watch me come apart. Watch me come...”

His jaw flew back and his entire frame tensed like an iron coil before shuddering his release. He, cried out her name in sharp bursts with each deep movement.

Spent, Daniel lay motionless on her chest, his heart hammering against hers, sweat binding them together in an intimate, exhausted embrace. Rianna wrapped her arms around his neck. She stroked his damp hair with amazed bewilderment at what had just happened. She never wanted to let him go. And then, in the hush of the afterglow, her soul silently cried out for the loss she would inevitably have to bear. Daniel would never be truly hers. Never.

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