The Devil To Pay (Hennessey.) (139 page)

BOOK: The Devil To Pay (Hennessey.)
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The man didn’t answer so Lando pushed his arm up his back, the man cried out and said, ‘four men on the door, those two you just killed and me up here, three downstairs.’

‘Where is Glissando?’

The man didn’t answer so Lando snapped one of his fingers. The man cried out and Lando put his hand over his mou
th to stifle the scream, ‘that’s one, nine more to go.

‘In…in the chamber.’


‘Yeah, his fun chamber,’ despite the pain and his predicament the man actually chuckled

Lando snapped another finger then once again put his hand over the man’s mouth. ‘You mean his torture chamber don’t you.’

The man nodded and Lando said, ‘you know what goes on in that chamber yet you sit up here calmly eating while your boss tortures people for fun. You Bastard.’ He snapped another finger just for the hell of it.

The man moaned in agony and Lando said, ‘where is this chamber, how do we get to it?’

The man knew better than to provoke Lando again so gasped, ‘through Mr. Glissando’s study.’

‘And where’s that?’

The man glanced over his shoulder, ‘out that room you came through, turn left then right. But it’s locked and the entrance to the chamber is hidden behind a panel of books. You need to find the right book to open the door.’

Lando said, ‘you know which book?’

No,’ Lando picked up another finger and the man pleaded, ‘I don’t, I swear. And you’ll never find it; there are dozens of books and…’

He broke off abruptly and Lando demanded, ‘and what?’

‘If you get the wrong book metal bars come down and trap you in the room.’

Hennessey, who was picking up the others men's guns, shrugged, ‘then we’ll just have to make sure we choose the right book first off.’

Lando frowned wishing he had Hennessey’s confidence. He hit the man again, this time with the butt of his gun knocking him out cold. He used the man’s belt to tie his feet then pulled the phone from the wall and used the cord to tie his hands behind him and a dish towel to gag him. He then dragged him by his feet to a cupboard threw him in and locked the door.

Hennessey watched him as though fascinated. He said, ‘shooting him would have been a lot less time consuming, not to mention less trouble.’

Lando looked at him, ‘let’s try to leave at least one person alive today.’

Hennessey laughed, ‘spoil sport.’ Then turned and walked out the door. Lando picked up the man’s weapon and shoved it in his pocket then followed Hennessey.

They made their way to the study following the directions the man had given them. When they got there they found the door locked, but not for long. Not wanting to alert anyone who might be in there by shooting off the lock Hennessey opened it with his pick, quickly and silently. Then they did the same as last time, Hennessey going in first with his silenced Glock.

There was no one in there but they stood transfixed. Never had Lando seen so many books outside a library, there must have been not dozens as the man had said, but hundred’s. He turned to Hennessey, ‘this is impossible.’

Hennessey was studying the
shelves of books, ‘maybe not.’  Lando looked at him disbelievingly, ‘it’s not a matter of knowing which book, Mr. Lando, but the man who owns them.’ He stopped in front of a section of books and said, ‘ah, here we are. Shakespeare,’ he turned to Lando, ‘he loves Shakespeare, he’s quite nuts about him, and I mean that literally as well as figuratively. Now it’s just a question of working out which book opens the door.’

He moved along the walls saying, ‘he would have the secret door as close to his desk as possible in case of emergencies.’ He walked along until he reached the Shakespeare section when he stopped and rea
ched up to touch a book saying, ‘ah, I think we have it.’

He made to move the book
but Lando grabbed his arm, ‘whoa there, Hennessey, you can’t possibly know this is the right book.’

Hennessey turned to look at him, ‘I believe it is.’ Lando shook his head and Hennessey in a bantering tone said, ‘come on now, Lando, live dangerously, you know you want too.’

Lando compressed his lips his expression doubting. ‘Why this one?’

‘As you like it.’ When Lando looked perplexed he went on, “All the world’s a stage: And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances: And one man in his time plays many parts:

Lando’s expression showed surprise now at Hennessey’s knowledge not just of Shakespeare but of Glissando. But he was still very sceptical, ‘so?’

In an imitation of Lando, Hennessey rolled his eyes at the other man’s ignorance. ‘Don’t you see? Glissando himself might have said that, he plays the many parts while everyone else are merely players in his little game. And they all enter and exit at his command.’ He grinned mischievously, ‘plus, this book has been used more often than the others in this section.’

Lando now looking sceptical
exasperated said, ‘if you’re wrong and we’re trapped in here, we’ll be no good to the woman and Leyton.’

‘So what do you suggest, we just leave? Maybe you could call the cops; they might even get here in time to save them.’

Lando looked at Hennessey then at the book then back at Hennessey, he kept his gaze for a full thirty seconds before nodding in agreement.

Hennessey smiled and reached up once more. This time Lando did not stop him from pulling the book from the shelf.




Lando held his breath and closed his eyes waiting to here the sound of metal bars crashing to the ground sealing them in this room of books. But that didn’t happen and Hennessey, amusement in his voice said, ‘you can open your eyes now, Mr. Lando.’

He did, just as a creaking noise came from his right; he stepped back and raised his rifle as a door of books began to open.

The two men looked at each other and this time Lando did not begrudge Hennessey his grin of satisfaction.

They both gripped their weapons tightly as they slowly and cautiously stepped through the door. Straight ahead was a set of stairs going down, they began to descend into semi -darkness. At the foot of the stairs they looked left then right then left again. There were several doors on either side and Lando gestured to Hennessey to go left and he would go right. They each checked the rooms which were all unlocked but there was no one in any of them. Hennessey got Lando’s attention and pointed his finger down another passageway. Lando joined him and they walked down the corridor, this one dirty and foul smelling. Hennessey said, ‘”Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”’

Lando did not reply simply nodded.

They stopped by a huge thick door and Hennessey whispered, ‘no doorknob.’

There was a keypad situated on the wall but no way of knowing the code to open the door of course. Lando let out a heavy sigh of frustration, this was taking way too long and God alone knew what was happening to the woman and Leyton while they were trapped out here.

As they stared at the door suddenly it began to open, they both stepped back and positioned themselves either side of the door. They heard a man’s voice say, ‘would you like something to eat too, Mr. Glissando, while you enjoy your pass time?’

Laughter followed this question. Hennessey and Lando looked at each other at the mention of Glissando’s name.

The answer came, ‘no, but I’m sure to have an appetite later.’

More laughter accompanied Glissando’s answer and then the man stepped into the corridor. Lando grabbed his arm and swung him against the opposite wall and Hennessey put two bullets into him. The second one had been unnecessary as the first had penetrated his heart killing him instantly but Hennessey did not consider it wasted on this man.

An instant after the man died Lando and Hennessey burst into the room. Lando pulled up sharply at the sight he beheld. Directly ahead was Leyton his hands above his head chained to the wall, his exposed chest and neck were covered with blood, his head was bowed to his chest. A man stood in front of him, a vicious bloodstained whip in his hand. As he turned to see who had come bursting into the room Lando shot him in the chest which exploded with the force of the rifles bullet and the man went down, definitely dead.

Borachio was quicker than the other men had been because he had his gun out in an instant pointed at Hennessey. He fired, but although he was quick he was not accurate and his bullet went wide. Hennessey’s did not and Borachio was dead before he hit the ground.

Then Hennessey turned his gun on Glissando a huge smile on his face.

From where Lando stood he could only see the back of the woman’s head as she sat in a chair facing Leyton. He raced to her and squatted down in front of her. She was secured to the chair with the same kind of metal clamps that held Leyton to the wall, and although her face was white and tear stained she seemed okay, apart from fact that she was staring straight ahead, her eyes glazed and horror filled. He ran to Leyton and lifted his head, his face was bloody also, but not from whips marks. He was breathing but unconscious.

He ran back to Adela and said softly, ‘it’s okay, you’re safe now.’

He put his hand on hers but she recoiled and whimpered. He realised she had not even heard the gun fire or if she had was too engrossed in the horror before her eyes to connect it to a rescue. And also because he was wearing that God awful cologne she probably thought he was Glissando. He wondered if she had been raped but now was not the time to ask, he didn’t know what he might do to Glissando if he had touched her. He said more sternly now, ‘hey, lady, I said you’re okay, come on now, snap out of it.’ He shook her none too gently and her head snapped round to look at him.

She stared at him in confusion, ‘M…Mr. Lando, what…’ her eyes caught sight of Hennessey holding a
gun and her voice cracked, ‘oh no, no, please I don’t know, I don’t…

Lando cut her off, ‘it’s okay, it’s all right, he’s with me.’

She stared at him for a moment her eyes disbelieving, ‘but how…’

Again he interrupted, ‘not now, later,’ he began to pull the metal screws from the clamps that held her wrists secure, ‘first I need your help with Leyton?’

She looked up at Leyton and her eyes clouded with pain and sorrow and guilt. He had unfastened her ankles from the clamps and helped her up, she staggered but stayed upright. He said, ‘all right?’

She nodded and moved towards Leyton. Lando said, ‘I’ll hold him up you unfasten the clamps.’

She nodded trying not to look at Leyton’s blooded chest and neck. Her fingers shook as she unfastened the clamps. It took a few minutes but eventually she had his hands free and he fell forward, both she and Lando caught him as he fell and lowered him gently to the ground. Adela stroked Leyton’s face and whispered, ‘Ellis, oh Ellis, I’m so sorry.’

Lando watched her for a second a strange look on his face, whether because she had

said she was sorry or because she had called him Ellis was unclear. He moved her roughly to one side rather and put his ear against Leyton’s chest and said, ‘his heart beat is weak and he’s lost a lot of blood, he needs to get to the hospital.’

Adela looked at him so many questions on her lips, how had they found them? How had they got into the house? How had they got past Glissando’s men? But more importantly,
had they come? She looked over at Hennessey who stood looking at them but his weapon pointed at Glissando’s face which was white and his body rigid.

He smiled at her, she ignored him and Lando said, ‘Hennessey, give me your phone.’


‘Whydya think? To call the police and an ambulance.’

Glissando said, ‘your cell phones won’t work in here.’

They all looked at him, and Lando said, ‘okay, we need to get upstairs.’

‘You go, I’ll finish up here,’ said Hennessey.

Lando shook his head, ‘oh no, Hennessey, I ain’t leaving you alone with him.’

‘Whadaya think I’m gonna do?’

‘I don’t
, I
what you’re gonna do. But he needs to stand trial for what he’s done.’

As much as Lando wanted to kill this man, he knew a man like Glissando would suffer far more in prison than most men and that would be, if not sufficient, then at least adequate. Plus, the cop in him wouldn’t let Hennessey play judge and jury...and executioner.’

Hennessey burst out laughing, ‘you’re as naïve as she is,’ he nodded towards Adela who was trying to wipe some of the blood from Leyton’s chest and neck with clothe she’d torn from his shirt, ‘no offence, Miss. Faraday, but if either of you think he’ll ever get to trial you’re fooling yourselves. You’ve said yourself he’s connected; he has cops, lawyers, judges, even governors in his pay, he’ll walk within days.’

Glissando smiled smugly but Lando shook his head, ‘not this time, this time there are live witnesses who
testify. Leyton is a cop, he’ll do the right thing,’ he looked at Adela, ‘and so will she.’

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