The Devil To Pay (Hennessey.) (162 page)

BOOK: The Devil To Pay (Hennessey.)
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She g
ave him a warning look, ‘you know you’re going to have to call me by my name when we get married, it’s part of the ceremony.’

The smile slipped from his lips and his face took on a grave expression. Her heart sunk and her limbs felt heavy as she looked into his now sombre eyes. She knew he was thinking about his marriage to Adrianne.

She swallowed deeply and from somewhere managed to say lightly, ‘but I will understand of course if you feel you can’t take that step. I’m quite prepared to live with you,’ she attempted a smile, ‘to shack up with you. People do it all the time these days, marriage is old fashioned now anyway.’

He looked down at her in astonishment then the gloomy expression lifted and instead became stern. ‘I’m an old fashioned kinda guy, lady, you’ll either marry me or I’ll put you on that plane tomorrow myself. Ain’t no woman 'o mine gonna shack up with anyone. Understood?’

Her eyes wide and her expression demure she nodded slowly, ‘understood.’

‘Good.’ He continued to look stern for a moment longer then bent his head and kissed her lips, a kiss of such tenderness, such gentleness, such love that she almost cried again.

She said, ‘was that a proposal by any chance, Mr. Lando?’

He broke the kiss and his eyes on hers said, ‘why, wasn’t it good enough for a lady?’

She ran her fingers down his face to his neck, to his chest and her smile as bright as the rising sun said earnestly, ‘it was good enough for a lady or a peasant, or even a cleaner.’

He laughed out loud
, ‘but you know you’ve never called me by my name either.’

She reached up, took his face in her hands and looking into his beautiful brown eyes said with deep feeling, ‘I love you, Jonas, I love you so much it hurts. I want to be with you always, I want to marry you and have your children.’

How long had he waited to hear those words, to hear a woman call him Jonas with such feeling? How long had he waited to hear words of love spoken so softly, so sincerely?  Almost eight years? No, all of his life, and to have it said with such fervency, such conviction, such love, was worth the long wait.

He kissed her again this time his lips were firm and almost fierce and when he drew back his eyes were wet and his voice raspy as he said, ‘thank you, my love, thank you for that.’

Her lips trembled as she looked into the eyes of the man she loved, had loved from the first, had loved all her life. Here was the hero of her stories; here was her fantasy lover, here in flesh and blood, in heart and soul. Jonas Lando.

She said, ‘and there is also that damn sexy accent.’ He laughed aloud at her imitation of him. As she looked at his happy smiling face her heart constricted with love for him. She said, ‘but, Jonas, there is still the problem of my money.’

He let out a long breath, ‘there’ll be plenty of time to discuss that after we’re married.’

A warm fuzzy feeling enveloped her at the words, “After we’re married.” She snuggled up closer to him.

‘But, honey,’ he said, ‘I meant what I said; I don’t care about the money.’ He shook his head, ‘I can’t believe that you would have given all that money to those two guys to save me, and although I hated the thought of it I loved you the more for the gesture.’

She answered
very seriously, ‘I would have given everything I had and more. All I want is you.’

His voice was husky
, ‘I know.’ She raised her head and looked into his eyes, you know, ‘I once quoted Olivia a passage from the bible, “Better a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.” She smiled, ‘obviously I don’t think you’re going to feed me nothing but herbs for the rest of my life, but the sentiment is the same.’

In reply he cupped her chin and kissed her tenderly and oh so lovingly making her tremble with emotion.

To break the intensity of the moment he said, ‘I could stay here on this bed with you all day, all night, all the rest of my life, but I have animals to feed and Dante to walk.’

‘I’ll come with you.’


Her face fell, ‘oh.’

He hastened to reassure her, ‘I meant if you come with me I won’t get anything done. And I’ll never let you leave and
have a flight to cancel and phone calls to make. You have to tell those two losers who call themselves your brothers that you’re gonna marry an arse.’

She laughed out loud and he grinned at her amusement. She said, ‘oh I
enjoy that.’

‘Thought you might.’

He kissed her again and she kissed him back with a desperation that matched his. Eventually he reluctantly broke the kiss and said hoarsely, ‘I have to get out of here before you completely make me forget my responsibilities.

She smiled then asked rather shyly, ‘will you be back later?’

He knew what she meant and smiled at her embarrassment. But he was serious as he took her hand, ‘I’ll be back, tomorrow, then we’ll talk more.’ But sweet, I don’t want to stay the night with you. I don’t trust myself with you.

At her look of disappointment he hurried on, ‘look, I want you, oh God how I want you. I want to stay and make love to you all night.' She knew this was true because she could feel his hardness against her thigh. 'I want to stay in this bed with you until we both die of old age.’

‘But...and I know this might sound crazy...I want to wait.’

He gave a self conscious smile at her incredulous expression, ‘I want to use this time before we make it official to get to know you, to woo you if you like. God, we haven’t even been on a date. I’ve waited seven, almost eight years, I think I can wait a few more days.’

Rarely had she been so dumbfounded and her voice trembled, ‘and there was you saying you weren’t romantic.’

‘I think if I remember correctly it was
said that.’

‘Yes, yes I did and I was so, so wrong.’

‘But,’ he said, ‘for the sake of my sanity as well as my physical health, don’t delay the wedding too long.’

She giggled happily but said emphatically, ‘oh don’t worry I won’t. You think you’re frustrated and desperate after eight years, try

His head snapped back in amazement but then he laughed out loud, ‘you just told me in one sentence that you’re frustrated and desperate and also your age.’

He was satisfied by her blush, she covered her embarrassment with humour, ‘I told you I was no lady.’ He chuckled. ‘Anyway, you’re frustrated and desperate too, plus I’m younger than you.’

He gave her a mock stern look and she said, ‘so tell me, how old is my future husband? Not
old I hope.’

‘Not too old to teach you not to tease me, lady.’ And to prove his words he kissed her long and hard and fiercely.

When he raised his head her eyes were shining and her lips were smiling with satisfaction. She said, ‘I like being taught by you, Mr. Lando, sir.’

He laughed, ‘you’re a minx.’

It was her turn to laugh but then their features took on a sober expression as they gazed into each others eyes. He said, ‘do you want me go see the minister?’

She arched her brows, ‘you? To see the minister? In town? What will the gossipmongers say?’ He gave her a warning look, ‘oops, I feel a lesson coming on.’

He pursed his lips but amusement danced in his eyes, ‘I think the best punishment would be
to give you a lesson.’

At her disappointed expression he chuckled, ‘enough. I have to go or the animals will be fretting and Dante will sulk all night. You know, I still can’t get over the way he’s taken to you. I have to admit to being a little jealous.’

‘Of me or Dante?’

He grinned, ‘both.’

She laughed merrily, ‘I know. That was one of the things that endeared you to me.’

He shot her a puzzled look, ‘you looked so annoyed that your dog could feel affection for someone else, it proved that you did have feelings, even though you tried to hide them behind that gruff exterior.’

‘I still find it hard to express my emotions; it’s been so long since I had too.’

Her voice was soft,
‘you know, I think you’re doing really well so far.’

Her reward was another kiss, gentle this time. Presently she said, ‘
go see the minister tomorrow and arrange for our nuptials as soon as possible, for both our sakes.’

He smiled but she could see he was glad that she had offered. He stood up and helped her to her feet then pulled her towards him. He kissed her deeply and when he ended the kiss he moaned and said, ‘but, honey, do what you have to do, threaten him, blackmail him, offer the guy ten million dollars give or take if you have to, but for God’s sake, get him to give us a date as soon as humanly possible.’

She gave a happy and contented smile, ‘you got it.’

He ran his fingers through her hair and down her neck to her breast he gave a groan of frustration and without another word turned and left the cabin.

Adela stood where he had left her feeling as though part of her had gone with him, a vital part, one she could not live without and she knew she would never be whole again until he returned to her.



And so it was that five days later on a beautiful sunny Wednesday afternoon and without bribery, blackmail or threats Adela Anne Faraday became Mrs. Jonas Lando. The five days leading up to the big day had been thankfully busy, almost chaotic. Thankfully, because it kept her mind from the ache in her, for his closeness, for his arms around her, for his hard, muscular body next to hers.

They had spent time alone together of course. They had taken long walks in the woods, but despite her requests he had not taken her to find the traps, thinking it would be too much for her soft heart to see an animal in pain, on this he had been firm. He also gave her some driving lessons, which strangely enough caused no arguments between them, only a lot of eye rolling and murmurings of “women,” on Lando’s part. But more laughter than anything else.

They had sat and talked in his cabin or on the porch until the sun went down. Afterwards he would walk her home and kiss her goodnight almost chastely, which left them both as Lando put it...“all get out.” They had embraced and hugged and kissed, but good as his word he had not attempted to make love to her. But every time they parted he went away muttering something Adela could not catch, but was sure there were curse words in there somewhere.

As she threw herself into the arrangements to keep her mind occupied, Lando too had been busy putting the finishing touches to the cabin and caring for the animals. Dante had been very excitable as though he knew something was going on, or maybe he sensed a change in Lando. The first time he had heard him laugh at something Adela said he cocked up his ears and looked at him in surprise causing Adela to fall about laughing at Dante’s as well as Lando’s expression.

Adela had been stunned when two days before the wedding she had called at his cabin to ask his opinion on the flowers for the church when she had been met by a woman who threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly and enthused about how pleased she was to meet her. How overjoyed that at last Jonas had found someone. She was as happy as it was possible to be.

Lando had stood looking uncomfortable and slightly impatient, but Adela knew him well enough to know he was deeply moved that his sister was here and that she had greeted Adela so joyfully. Adela herself was overcome that he had sent for her.

To hide his emotions he said sarcastically, ‘oh, by the way, this is my sister, Jennifer.’

Jennifer had looked at him and stuck out her tongue. Adela had laughed and the two women had gone off into the bedroom talking about flowers and table settings.

Lando had rolled his eyes and muttered, ‘women.’ But there was no scorn in the word this time.

Jennifer had opted to stay at Adela’s cabin that night rather than the one of the two small hotels in town much to Lando’s chagrin and concern. He was pleased that Adela would have company yes, but he feared that his sister would regale her with stories about his childhood, at least the part they had shared for nine years. That she would give away embarrassing secrets about him.

Jennifer had assured him that she wouldn’t but his fears grew as she had winked at Adela. Adela had bitten her tongue to keep from laughing.

In fact Lando had told her something about his sister in the days leading up to her arrival, about their childhood and how hard it had been to be separated. How he had not replied to her letters or let her visit him in prison. He explained that he had not wanted his sister to see him humiliated. But more than that, he had not wanted her to be associated with a convicted killer. Jennifer later told Adela she had been very upset by his rejection but had understood.

Adela had invited David and Sally and their children and Daniel too of course, to the wedding, but none of them were coming. Sally had been so shocked she had dropped the phone and David had picked it up and asked Adela if she had gone quite mad. She told him that yes, she was mad, mad with love and he had been silent so long she thought he had hung up on her. He had tried to convince her to come home first, bring her…friend…with her, let he and Daniel assess him, make sure he was trustworthy et…cetera.

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