The Devil's Lover: The Wish (26 page)

Read The Devil's Lover: The Wish Online

Authors: Dahlia Lu

Tags: #romance, #beauty, #thriller, #friendship, #drama, #adventure, #mystery, #action, #memories, #tragedy, #hate, #relationship, #pregnancy, #hope, #death, #demon, #hell, #destiny, #paranormal, #sad, #family, #sex, #happiness, #true love, #young adult, #sorrow, #angel, #devil, #novel, #baby, #lies, #story, #sacrifice, #princess, #fate, #secrets, #dream, #queen, #obsession, #fairy tale, #jealousy, #power, #lord, #teenager, #lost love, #lovers, #lucifer, #deception, #prince, #wish, #human, #king, #master, #knight, #heaven, #castle, #immortality, #sin, #bodyguard, #palace, #eternity, #nightmare, #eternal, #virginity, #envy, #chance, #promise, #servant, #guardian, #kali, #ever after, #age gap, #chilvary, #wedlock

BOOK: The Devil's Lover: The Wish
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This is dirty, Michael!
You can’t come up with a spell strong enough by yourself, so you
assembled a bunch of your companions to come up with

That is true,” Michael
admitted. “I could have not captured you if it weren’t for the help
of others. Not in such a short time period, anyway. I’ve said it
before; you’d left me no choice.”

Kali needs me!” Lucifer
shouted. “If anything happen to her, I
overthrow Heaven to avenge

I am curious, Lucifer,”
Michael said in a calm voice. “You have always been proud. Even
when you were an archangel, you looked down upon everyone,
especially the ones you called ‘weak humans’. Why did you fell in
love with one, Lucifer?”

I have no obligation to
tell you,” Lucifer said.

I am only curious, that
is all,” Michael sat down, leaning against the cross. “Even a demon
like you can fall in love…”

Even if I wanted to
explain it, I can’t.”

Michael smiled. “I supposed not. Kali
is a very sweet child. If you hadn’t fed her your blood, I’m very
sure she would find Heaven a comfortable home.”

What fairy tale is this?”
Lucifer asked.

If I had met her first, I
would have arranged a place for her,” Michael said. “She has a very
pure heart. Is that the reason you fell in love with

Purity?” Lucifer gently
laughed. “I did not fell in love with her because she was pure. I
fell in love with her because she was the first person who shed her
tears for my sake.”


It tasted very

You were always the
strange one, Lucifer.”

I cannot stay here,
Michael, not when I do not know her condition,” Lucifer

That much, I can help you
with,” Michael responded. He closed his eyes and placed his hands
vertically in front of him. A ball of light the size of a rice
grain grew bigger as Michael concentrated his power. When it was
large enough, Michael pushed it into the air like a bubble. It
floated in mid–air, facing Lucifer. Through it, Lucifer could see



Trent landed in a field of flowers.
The silver wind of the night brushed by, blowing a gentle breeze
through his platinum hair. His beautiful blue eyes stared into the
night sky and searched the stars. He looked down to Kali, who had
been sleeping neatly in his arms to make sure his flight had not
caused her any physical discomfort. He gently placed her atop of
the flowers and lay down next to her on his stomach. He brushed her
coral cheeks with the back of his fingers. He picked up a pretty
flower and placed it in her hair. Satisfied with how it looked on
her, he smiled innocently.

He remembered her gentle voice singing
him a lullaby.

Only you love me,” he
whispered. He bent down and placed a light kiss on her



Lucifer caught his breath. Kali was
lying unconscious on a flower field. There was a young man with a
face and body almost identical to his own. “Who is that?” he asked

That is your


No, it’s his instinct,”
Michael clarified. “Trent released his instinct thinking that his
instinct could save his mother.”

Why is he–?”

"Do not be so surprised,” Michael
said. "He's only imitating you. What do you expect from a

When I find it, I’ll
destroy it!” Lucifer growled. “How dare it trick my

"He bears deep hatred toward you,
Lucifer. You chose to love Trent and banish his instinct. A demon
and his instinct are one and the same. Whether you like it or not,
that instinct is also your son.”

Lucifer clenched his fists as he
watched Trent through the looking glass. He was humming the lullaby
that Kali had sung so often. He selected the most beautiful flowers
and placed them into her golden brown hair, one at a




“This is Heaven’s boundary,” Acelin
said to Chevalier as they flew past a force field. They have
decided to rescue Lucifer first. They knew for a fact that Trent
would never harm Kali. Adria trailed behind them. She carefully
observed her surroundings to gain some sort of awareness. Heaven
had been demon kind’s forbidden territory for a good

Where should we go now?”
Chevalier asked, unfamiliar with the territory.

Where the trial is being
held,” Acelin said.

And where is

The Holy Cross,” Acelin

Oh, that’s ironic. The
Holy Cross, I would have never guessed.” Chevalier said.

The three demons flew across the sky
until they saw a giant cross on the horizon. Acelin stopped when he
saw the angels gathered around the cross.

It seems we are late for
the trial.”

Yeah, and I don’t think
we have time to stay for the final verdict,” Chevalier said.
"What's the plan?"

"Plan?" Acelin smirked. A sword
appeared in his right hand. "You take as many out as possible and
free Lord Lucifer from the Cross.”

Chevalier and Adria also summoned
their swords.

"Good plan,”

At the Cross, the Angels whispered to
each other to decide upon the final verdict. Lucifer sighed
impatiently. This was taking way too long. If he did not return to
earth soon, Kali wouldn’t make it. He eyed Michael, who looked as
anxious as he was. Michael also knew time was running




Trent stared at Kali.

Her breathing was so fragile. He
looked at her through teary eyes and placed a hand on her chest to
feel her heartbeat. It had become faint. He gathered her in his
arms as his tears fell onto her cheeks.

"You can’t leave me,” he whispered to
her, "if you leave me, Mother, who will love me? Who will care for
me? If Father makes it back, he won’t let me be with you. He’ll
make me return Trent's body, and that is where I will have to spend
the rest of eternity. I'll lose you forever. I'll lose you either
way. Why it is me, Mother? Why am I the instinct? Why am I Trent’s
shadow and not Trent? It is not fair that I have to spend a life in
darkness, to always hear your voice so close to me, but never be
able to feel your warmth. I hate Trent. I hate Father. And I hate
you. Why did you and father created me, only to abandon me inside
of Trent? I never asked to be created. I didn't become what I am
because I chose to. You and Father made me what I am. I hate myself
for hating you, Mother. There are so many emotions I cannot
control, but I know that if Father forces me to leave you, I would
rather I did not exist. I would rather that you did not exist. I
won’t let Trent have what I cannot. Mother, if you die, do you
think that Father would kill me, too? I hope he would. If I die,
Trent will also die. Father will be alone. He deserves to be alone.
Then, he will feel what I have felt.”

He snuggled his cheek against her.
“We’ll all die together so I won’t be alone anymore.”




"Lucifer, what is wrong?" Michael
asked when he saw Lucifer's pained expression.

Lucifer was breathing rapidly.

His heart felt like it was going to
explode. Each heartbeat echoed in his head. His chest felt like he
couldn't breathe. "Kali!" he screamed out her name.


Lucifer turned to Michael. He knew the
strange pain he was feeling had to do with Kali. "Show her to me!
Show her to me!" he shouted angrily. His pale blue eyes glowed

Three powerful energy balls were
directed toward the angels as Acelin, Chevalier, and Adria launched
a surprised attack. Michael calmly watched. He created a looking
glass for Lucifer to see Kali. She was lying in Trent's arms as
little dim lights slowly left her body.

Lucifer clenched his fists as he
watched. There was a sudden power surge through his body. Lucifer's
nails grew razor sharp and fangs sprouted from his mouth. Michael
knew Lucifer was about to break free from the spell. His anger and
concern for the woman he loved forced him to use every ounce of the
energy in his demonic being to break the spell that bound him.
Michael could have cast a spell to stop Lucifer; however, he turned
away and headed toward the fight between the three demons and the

A bright light shone suddenly across
the sky. When it faded away, the Cross began to crumble. Lucifer
spread his wings and flew toward the boundary to Earth.

Chevalier, Acelin, and Adria retreated
from the fight and followed Lucifer.






Chapter 29: Drifting


Lucifer closed his eyes to concentrate
on Kali’s presence.

Trent felt Kali’s breathing returning
to normal and realized that his father had broken free from Heaven.
He held her in his arms protectively and formed a force field
around them to escape Lucifer’s detection. It was too late. Lucifer
had already landed in the field of flowers. He saw Trent holding
Kali and glaring at him. Trent’s blue eyes glowed, showing

Give her back to me,”
Lucifer held out his hand.

I will not,” Trent

Give her back to me,
Trent,” Lucifer said in a cold voice.

I will not!” Trent
directed an energy ball toward his father. “Leave us alone!” he

She is
, Trent,” Lucifer
dodged Trent’s attack easily. “Give her back to me at

Trent shook his head. “Mother is

Trent!” Lucifer said in a
warning tone.

Trent put Kali down on the ground and
stood up. His wings spread out as he summoned his sword.

I will only say it one
more time; hand Kali over to me, and return Trent’s body at

I would rather die!”
Trent said. “If I die, Trent will die with me!” he charged at
Lucifer with his sword.

Adria, Chevalier, and Acelin landed
and watched the battle between Trent and Lucifer. Lucifer mostly
dodged and was hesitant to attack, knowing it would hurt Trent’s

Fight me, father!” Trent
provoked. “Kill me! You have that power!”

Chevalier ran to Kali’s side. Her body
was still cold, although her heartbeat and breathing had returned
to normal.

Trent slashed his sword at Lucifer but
continuously missed. He shoved his shoulder at Lucifer and used the
sword to -

Lucifer was too fast.

Trent turned around and saw Lucifer
looking at him through cold eyes. There were nights when Trent has
been asleep, but he suddenly woke. His father would look at him
with those same cold eyes and warn him, the instinct, never to come
out again. But when he looked at the other him, it was through the
eyes of a Father. Trent felt a sharp pain in his chest. It was so
painful that it made him cry.

Lucifer caught his breath. The
instinct was crying. Michael’s words rang in his head.

Whether you like it or
not, he is still your son.”

This boy, who had been blindly
attacking him out of rage, only had a mentality of a five year old.
He was deeply hurt by his cold gaze. This boy…is Trent…the other
Trent. Through his eyes, Lucifer could see his thoughts. Why do you
hate me, Father? What have I done wrong? Why do you love Trent but
not me? Why do you tuck him in at night while you banish me with
harsh words? Why did you create me? Why?

Lucifer stood still and let Trent
penetrate him with his sword. Trent gasped, surprised. He inched
back to face his Father. “Why did you -?”

Lucifer embraced him. “I am sorry,” he

Trent opened his mouth, shocked. The
tears streamed from his eyes.

I am sorry,” Lucifer held
Trent tight.

Why are you saying
sorry?” Trent asked. “Why are you saying this now?”

I never knew an instinct
has a will,” Lucifer said in a soft voice. “I always thought that
you were just like other instincts, who only sort for control. I
was afraid that you would take over Trent’s body and turn him into
a monster.”

You treated me like a

I am sorry,

I never wanted to hurt
Trent,” he said. “He is my brother. But you treated us so
differently that I can’t help but hate him. I hate you so much,
Father. Did you know that is that first time you embraced
? This is the first
time in my life you’ve ever shown me kindness. Did you know

I am truly

Arvin cast a binding circle to freeze
Chevalier from behind. He snatched Kali from his arms and grinned.
“What a touching reunion,” he said to Lucifer and Trent.

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