The Devil's Lover: The Wish (5 page)

Read The Devil's Lover: The Wish Online

Authors: Dahlia Lu

Tags: #romance, #beauty, #thriller, #friendship, #drama, #adventure, #mystery, #action, #memories, #tragedy, #hate, #relationship, #pregnancy, #hope, #death, #demon, #hell, #destiny, #paranormal, #sad, #family, #sex, #happiness, #true love, #young adult, #sorrow, #angel, #devil, #novel, #baby, #lies, #story, #sacrifice, #princess, #fate, #secrets, #dream, #queen, #obsession, #fairy tale, #jealousy, #power, #lord, #teenager, #lost love, #lovers, #lucifer, #deception, #prince, #wish, #human, #king, #master, #knight, #heaven, #castle, #immortality, #sin, #bodyguard, #palace, #eternity, #nightmare, #eternal, #virginity, #envy, #chance, #promise, #servant, #guardian, #kali, #ever after, #age gap, #chilvary, #wedlock

BOOK: The Devil's Lover: The Wish
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What are you trying to

Just kiss me.”

She’d never seen him more

Okay, just this once,”
Kali agreed, without much thought. She brought her face closer to
his. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought, and she unconsciously
leaned away a bit. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you kissed

No. I want you to kiss
me,” he said, holding her hand and lacing his fingers into hers.
“Look at me, Kali. It won’t mean anything if you don’t look at

She stared into his golden eyes and
saw her own image reflected. She used her other free hand to caress
his face. Slowly, she leaned forward until her lips touched his.
She felt an electrifying current passed through her lips into the
rest of her body.

She gave him little gentle kisses. He
wanted to laugh at her clumsiness, but he didn’t expect much from a
fifteen-years-old. She would turn sixteen very soon and maybe then,
he would confess. He used his tongue to lick her upper lip, but she
was a bit alarmed. He slowly and gently made his way in, caressing
her tongue with his. He broke the kiss, allowing her time to
breathe. She looked back at him, breathless, and he kissed her
again. This time wasn’t as timid as the first.

It was so much different than the
forceful kiss earlier. This kiss was tender, but at the same time,
it was both aggressive and demanding. How many women had he kissed
like this? She wondered. No, she decided. Something this special
was reserved for her.

He broke the kiss once again. He
stared into her eyes and traced the outline of her face. There was
still so much desire in his eyes. When she thought that he would
kiss her again, he kissed her forehead instead.

That’s enough. You should
really head to bed.”

Kali's face flushed. Jumping up from
the couch, she ran to her room. Before she made it

Kali,” he called out to
her and made her paused, "If you really want me to go out with
Hana, I will. You know I always give in to your

No! Kali wanted to say. Don’t say
something like that after you kissed me!

Kali was embarrassed for having such
ridiculous thoughts. It was her idea in the first place. “So you’ve
finally considered it.”

She gave him a bright smile. It was
the first time she had given him such a fake smile. She went to her
room and closed the door behind her. Leaning back against the door,
her breathing was uneven. She brought her hands to her lips. She
could still feel his lips against hers. She could still smell his
pleasant scent.

How could he say something like that
after such a passionate kiss?

She lay down on her bed. Why hadn’t
she said anything back? If anything, her pride would not allow her
to respond, although she knew that was exactly what he was hoping
for. Still, it didn’t matter. Chevalier would be Chevalier, and
Hana would become one of the women in his colorful past. With that
guilty but somewhat comforting thought, she drifted into a deep

Lucifer emerged from the shadows of
Kali’s room. His majestic black wings were folded behind his back.
He came closer to her, being very careful not to disturb her rest.
He touched her velvety coral cheek with the back of his

What are you dreaming of,
Kali?” he asked with curiosity. His hand left her cheek and then
stroked her silky hair. “What is the wish worth dying




Hana waited at the school’s entrance,
but Kali knew Hana wasn’t waiting for her. She got off the back
seat of the motorcycle with a forced smile. Hana ran to Chevalier
and wrapped her arms around his neck. She had on a bright and
blissful smile.

I’m so glad you called me
last night!” Hana said. “I was nervous because it was the first
time we’ve talked on the phone. Then you said that you want us to
go out and I couldn’t believe my ears.”

You should head to class.
I don’t want you to be late,” Chevalier said. His voice sound a bit
muffled underneath his helmet.

Since we’re dating…” Hana
grabbed his helmet and lifted it from his head. “Will you give me a
kiss before we head to class?”

Alright,” he agreed in a
flat voice. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and brought
her lips closer to his.

Kali couldn't watch the display of
intimacy and turned away. Why did he have to do it in front of her?
She couldn’t help but slowly turned back.

His eyes were focused on her during
the kiss. There was no emotion in his eyes. It was as if he was
mocking her, and wanting to ask her if this was what she really

After they broke the kiss, Chevalier
replaced his helmet and rode off. Hana ran to Kali and grabbed her
by the arm.

"I think I'm dreaming!” she exclaimed.
“My heart is beating so fast! I’ve kissed other guys before but…,”
Hana brought her hands to her lips.

He’s always been popular
with women,” Kali said.

I’m not surprised!” Hana
replied. “He’s so dreamy. I wonder if he’s good in bed.”

In bed?” Kali gave Hana a
puzzled look. “You guys just started going out and you’ve already
thought of that?”

going out,” Hana pointed out.
“It’ll happen sooner or later. Plus, he’s experienced with women. A
man has his needs, and as his girlfriend, I…” Hana stopped when she
realized she was about to say something embarrassing.

It’s bound to happen, I
guess,” Kali said with a hint of disappointment that could easily
pass for fatigue. They walked to class, and discovered something
different from her classmates. The atmosphere was much heavier than
usual, which was hard to imagine. They were staring and whispering
at both of them. Kali leaned over to her whisper to her friend,
“What’s wrong with them today?”

Ignore them,” Hana said,
checking her bag for a pencil. “They’ve been like that since
yesterday. You were too dazed to notice, as usual.”


They were just wondering
who you danced with, and then left with from the dance,” Hana
giggled. “I think they’re thinking of something naughty, but the
rumors should go away now that Chevalier is my lover.”

She had already elevated him from
boyfriend to lover, Kali thought.

By the way, do you know
where he lives? Close to your place?” Hana was suddenly

I never told you?” Kali
blinked. “I’m sure I told you before that we live

It took Hana a minute to react. “Live
together, as in, the same house?”

Kali nodded. “I’ve been staying with
him since my grandmother passed away.”

How long have you known
him?” Hana asked, clearly uncomfortable even with a smile on her

I’ve known him all my
life,” Kali tried to remember when they first met, but nothing came
up. “He’s always been there, I guess.”

Are you sure there’s
nothing between you two?”

Kali drew back when she realized what
Hana was really asking. “No, no! It’s not what you

She waved her hands in denial. It
almost felt like a lie, even though technically it was the truth.
At least, she thought it was the truth. A cold wash of guilt
cascaded over her. She should have stopped Chevalier last night; if
not for her sake, then for Hana. With Chevalier’s usual behavior,
Hana would end up broken-hearted just like all of his other women.
She was a horrible friend. Hana’s feelings never once had crossed
her mind last night.

I believe you,” Hana said
with a smile.




He watched her as she entered the
library, throwing cautious looks behind her to see if she was being
followed. Spying no one, she let out a sigh of relief. She sat
rigidly at one of the tables, still glancing out of the corners of
her eyes. After a few minutes, she slumped down and tapped her
fingers rhythmically against the cherry wood. She was obviously
hiding from someone.

Her eyes trailed to the shelves.
Getting up, she walked slowly through the rows of bookshelves. Her
eyes were scanning the titles as she passed. When she found
something suited to her taste, she pulled it down to flip through
the first several pages.

Lucifer grinned.

With a subtle signal with his left
hand, he sent an undetectable burst of energy toward the first
bookshelf. It wavered back and forth before wrapping around the
structure. The circular design of the library made it perfect for a
domino effect.

Kali jerked her head up at the
peculiar noise. Her eyes widened with surprised when the bookshelf
she was facing suddenly leaned towards her.  For a moment, she
was too shocked too move. She instinctively ducked down, her arms
over her head. She waited to be squashed.

Nothing happened! Kali opened her eyes
to discoverer Lucien arching his body over hers to protect her from
the heavy books threatening to fall on her. The corner of his lips
dripped blood on her hand.

Lucien?” she reached up
to his face. “Lucien, why did you…”

The heavy weight of the books caused
him to collapse onto her lap. She pushed them off so he could
breathe. His glasses had fallen off and his lids were closed
heavily over his angelic blue eyes. His face was quickly turning
chalky pale.

Lucien!” she yelled out
his name, hoping it would keep him awake. They were trapped under a
cage of collapsed bookcases and a mountain of books. By the time
the people outside dug them out, it may be too late. “No. Don’t die
on me! Are you just going to die after you saved me? Lucien, can
you hear me?”

Kali began to panic. She wiped the
tears from her eyes as quickly as they came. It was not the time
for crying, she decided.

Help!" she yelled, trying
to get the attention of someone outside the shelves. “Please help!
We’re stuck in here! Help! He’s going to die!

Minutes passed with no reply. Kali
turned her attention back to Lucien.


Please don’t die,
Lucien,” Kali pleaded. 

She started moving books from the
front of the pile to the back, intends on making a way out of this
mess.  The weight of the bookcase made it difficult to lever
some of the bottom books from their places, but she continued to
pull them until they were dislodged.  Her fingers were
becoming chap from the intense friction against the fabric
covers.  It’s didn’t matter though; she had to get out before
it was too late. 

I won’t let you die,” she
said with determination.  The tips of her fingers were
beginning to bleed, and we’re staining the covers of the books she
was moving. Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she continued until
she found a book that was simply too stubborn to move.  She
looked back at Lucien to see if he was still live, and let out a
breath of relief when she discovered the faint but stable movement
of his chest as he breathed.  He was beginning to get colder,
though, which was making her very worried.  She rubbed his
hands with her own to maintain his body heat. The tears from her
eyes were streaming down her coral cheeks. 

Genuine tears.

Lucifer felt the droplet of tears that
landed on his hands.  Were these tears for him?  He
opened his eyes to discover her gentle, crying face. He had never
found her beautiful. 

No. She was just another human that
would satisfy his curiosity and temporarily cure his boredom. Then
why, as her face was covered in tears, did he find her strangely

You opened your eyes…
you’re awake!” she said, breathless. 

Lucifer reached out to her face and
pulled her closer to him. Gently he kissed the tears from her eyes.
This girl had just utterly and completely foiled his

Is anyone trapped under there?  A
voice came from the outside.  Kali’s eyes widened.

Yes! We’re here!” she
cried out. “Help us please!” 

Chapter 5: More Than a


“You are a great actor, lord Lucifer,”
Soren praised.

He was sitting on a tree branch next
to the hospital window, watching over Lucifer since they first
brought him here. As a full-fledged demon, he questioned why his
master was wasting his time with this human.  Even if the
human was just a toy to entertain him for the meantime, has his
master spent too much effort just for the fun of the

Be gone Soren,” Lucifer
dismissed him through telepathy when he detected footsteps
approaching. Soren complied and vanished. 

Kali opened the door. Walking to
his side table, she placed a freshly picked bouquet of flowers in
the empty vase.  She looked to the tree branch outside of the
window and smiled at the chirping birds. 

It’s nice of them to get
you a room with a view,” she said as she casually sat down beside
the bed. She placed a hand gently on his forehead to feel his
temperature. That’s good, no fever. “How are you feeling

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