The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1 (2 page)

BOOK: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1
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Hi, I’m Doc! I’ve been studying the Bible, history, and archaeology for a long time. I love to learn about God’s Word and teach others, too. I am very excited that you are joining me on this Bible adventure through the Gospel of Luke. You are going to be learning about who Luke was and why he wrote this book about Jesus. Most importantly, you will be learning all about Jesus as you journey through
The Dig


Who is the author


Let’s start by taking a look at a few interesting facts about Luke. With God’s help, Luke wrote one of the books in the New Testament that we call the Gospel of Luke. Most Bible experts believe that Luke, who was a doctor and follower of Jesus, wrote this book to make sure all the facts were right about who Jesus is and what Jesus did.


Would you be mad if someone was telling other people things about you that were not true? I would be very upset! Luke wanted to make sure this didn’t happen to Jesus. He wrote the Gospel of Luke so that everyone would know what was really true about Jesus.


Take a minute and see if you can find the book of Luke in your Bible. Did you find it? The first four books in the New Testament are called the gospels. They tell us about who Jesus is and what He did. The third gospel is Luke and it is the book you’ll be studying very shortly. Soon, you will be a Bible expert, too!


What is the date?


Do you know when you were born? I was born in 1975. Wow, I know that is long time ago! Well, Luke wrote this book around the year 60 A.D. Now that is a really long time ago! God wanted to make sure we would never forget what He has done, so He helped people write the Bible.


Are you ready for an adventure through the Gospel of Luke? I am! Let’s pray and get ready to check out our first
, go on a
, find our
, and put God’s Word on


Let’s dig,



Lesson 1:

Let’s Meet John the Baptist


Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”


The Map:


During our first lesson in Luke’s gospel, we will be looking at the birth of John the Baptist. John will eventually be the one to tell everyone that Jesus is going to be born! Let’s take a look at how John’s mom and dad find out they are going to have a new baby boy in the family. The key verses for the first six lessons are Luke 1:30-31, so don’t forget to start working on memorizing!


The Dig:
Luke 1:1-25


What are the names of John’s parents?


Where does John’s dad, Zechariah, work?


What is the temple?


How do John’s parents find out they are going to have a baby?


The Treasure:


God always keeps His promises! Have you ever told someone you were going to do something and then you forgot to do it? God never forgets. In the Old Testament, God had promised the Jewish people He was going to send a Savior, or Messiah, one day to forgive them of their sins and save them from their enemies. John was sent to spread the word that Jesus the Savior was on the way!


The Display:


It is never fun when someone says something and then doesn’t do it. If God always does what He says, then we should, too! Is there a time someone didn’t keep a promise with you? How did that make you feel?

Lesson 2:

Here Comes Jesus


Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”


The Map: 


During this lesson, we’ll be looking at how an angel announces to Joseph and Mary that Mary is going to have a baby boy. This isn’t going to be just an average or ordinary boy. This is going to be a very special baby. His name will be Jesus because He is God, coming to save us from our sins and give us everlasting life!


The Dig:
Luke 1:26-56


What is the name of the angel who tells Joseph and Mary about the birth of Jesus?


What is special about Jesus?


Whose family is Jesus from?


In the Old Testament, God had promised King David, the second king of Israel, that a king in his family would someday rule forever and ever. God was already letting people know about Jesus even long before in the Old Testament.


The Treasure:


The birth of Jesus is another example of how God always does what He says! God is faithful so we know we can always count on Him.


The Display:


God’s people had to wait a long time for Jesus to come. They remained patient and faithful as they were waiting for God to help them. Tell me about a time you had trouble waiting for something to happen.

Lesson 3: 

Jesus Is Born


Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”


The Map:


When I was born, my aunt brought a brown stuffed animal to the hospital to give to me as a present. I don’t remember it, but my parents told me all about it when I got older. You probably don’t remember, but a lot of people came to visit you when you were born, and some even brought you presents. During this lesson, we’ll be looking at the birth of Jesus. Jesus has some special visitors at His birth, too. Let’s find out who they are and what they give Him!


The Dig:
Luke 2:1-20


Where is Jesus born?


Who comes to visit Him?


How do they treat Jesus?


The Treasure:


Jesus is unique! He is not just another baby boy born in Israel. Jesus is God. When we look at Jesus, we are really looking at God. He came to be among us so that He could save us.


The Display:


Get the word out! When the shepherds saw Jesus, they spread the word about Him. God wants us to tell other people about who He is. Who is someone you can invite to church? Is there someone you know who isn’t a Christian that you can begin praying for?

Lesson 4:

Jesus Goes to the Temple


Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”


The Map: 


In this lesson, we’ll be looking at when Jesus goes to the temple in Jerusalem. The temple is like a church for the Jewish people. They go there to learn about God, pray, worship, and offer sacrifices for their sins. Let’s take a look at what happens.


The Dig:
Luke 2:21-52


How old is Jesus when His parents first take Him to the temple?


How do Simeon and Anna treat Jesus when they see Him?


When Jesus is older, what do His parents find Him doing in the temple?


The Treasure:


Jesus was wise, even as a young boy! We learn from this passage that Jesus must have really known His Bible because He was talking to the rabbis, or teachers, in the temple. They couldn’t believe what He knew and how He lived even though He was young!


The Display:


Some people know a lot, but they still don’t make good, or wise, choices. Wisdom isn’t just about knowing a bunch of stuff. Wisdom is about obeying God. There are a lot of people who would like you to do things their way. Wisdom is knowing God’s Word and living it out! What are some ways you can be wise in how you live?

Lesson 5:

John the Baptist Gets Angry


Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”


The Map:


Look out because John the Baptist is upset! Why? Well, we will find out soon. In this lesson, we’ll learn what John says as he is telling people that Jesus is coming.


The Dig:
Luke 3:1-23


What does it mean to repent?


Why are people coming to be baptized?


Why is John upset?


Some people think John is the Messiah. What does he tell them about Jesus?


The Treasure:


Jesus gives us the power to live changed lives! John told people that when Jesus came He would give us the Holy Spirit. When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength and power to live each day for God. 


The Display:


The secret to living a changed life for Jesus isn’t about trying really hard. The secret is to ask God each day to fill you with His Spirit to help you live for Him. What are some things in your life you need God’s help with?

Lesson 6:

The Battle in the Desert


Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.”


The Map:


Do you have any enemies? An enemy is someone who doesn’t like you. God created angels which are spiritual beings who don’t have bodies like we do and were made to help accomplish God’s plans as His messengers. The Bible tells us there was an angel who didn’t want to listen to God and rebelled. We know this angel as the devil or Satan. The devil is God’s enemy. In this lesson, we’ll learn more about how the devil tries to stop Jesus from doing what He came to the earth to do.


The Dig:
Luke 4:1-13


What is the devil trying to get Jesus to do?


How is Jesus able to stand strong against the devil?


Who wins the battle in the desert?


The Treasure:


Jesus is stronger than the devil! When we become a Christian, God gives us His Spirit so that we can win the fight against the devil, or Satan, too! Because God is stronger, there is nothing the devil can do to us that God doesn’t allow.


The Display:


Living for Jesus is like being in a battle. We need to follow Jesus’ example to be strong! Jesus knew God’s Word and was full of God’s Spirit. You can be sure that you never fight alone because Jesus has already defeated Satan by dying on the cross and rising again. What are a few ways you can be strong for Jesus?

The Oasis


Congratulations! You have made it through the first six lessons! The Oasis is a chance to stop, rest up, and review what you have learned so far on the adventure. During each Oasis, you will be quizzed over the lessons you have already done. Do you think you can remember what you have studied so far? Let’s find out!


Review Key Verses:
Luke 1:30-31


Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verses. Remember, you are not allowed to look!


Review Questions:


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