The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1 (7 page)

BOOK: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1
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The Dig:
Luke 9:37-45


In the passage we just read, what is happening to the boy?


Do you remember what the Bible says a demon or evil spirit is?


 As Christians, can demons hurt us?


Look again at verse 41. Why does Jesus get upset? 


The Treasure:


Jesus is our protector! There is nothing in the whole world that is stronger or more powerful than God. This is why it’s so important for us to follow Jesus. He has promised to always be with us and help us no matter what is going on in our lives.


The Display:


Do you ever get scared or feel sad? Don’t forget that Jesus died and rose again for you. Remember that when you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit now lives in you. God is always with you! He doesn’t want us to doubt that He is powerful enough to help anyone! He wants us to have faith in Him. What are things in your life that you are worried about right now? Take some time and pray with your mom and dad. Ask God to help you remember that He is with you and He is on your side!

Lesson 36:

Who Is the Greatest?


Key Verse:
Luke 9:23

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”


The Map:


Some people want everyone to see how cool they are or how good they are at a sport or in school. They like being the center of attention! Do you know anyone like this? In this lesson, we will see how Jesus wants His followers to act. Let’s dig!


The Dig:
Luke 9:46-50


What are the disciples doing in this passage? Why?


Who does Jesus say is the greatest? If you can’t remember, check out the last sentence in verse 48.


What do you think Jesus means by the least?


The Treasure:


Help people see Jesus, not just you! The best thing we can do in life is not show people how amazing we are, but to help them see how amazing God is! He is the greatest! When we are following Jesus and loving people we are showing them how great God really is.


The Display:


Can you think of some ways that people try to show how great they are? How can you show how great Jesus is? Take some time and pray about helping others see more of Jesus living through you!

The Oasis


Congratulations! You have made it through the next six lessons! The Oasis is a chance to stop, rest up, and review what you have learned so far on the adventure. During each Oasis, you will be quizzed over the lessons you have already done. Do you think you can remember what you have studied so far? Let’s find out!


Review Key Verse:
Luke 9:23


Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verse. Remember, you are not allowed to look! 


Review Questions:


1.  Why does Herod not like John the Baptist?


2.  What does Jesus ask the disciples to do when He sees the crowds without food?


3.  What does it mean to be ashamed of Jesus?


4.  What does the Bible say a demon is?


5.  As Christians, can demons hurt us?

The Oasis Activity


Each Oasis Activity is a fun and creative project for children to complete that will help them remember the key verse from each section.  To download and print your copy, please visit:


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 Lesson 37:

James and John

Call Down Fire


Key Verse:
Luke 10:33

But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.


The Map:


In this lesson, we’ll learn about how James and John asks Jesus for a rather silly request. Jesus is not really happy about what they are asking for. Let’s see what James and John want to do! The key verse is Luke 10:33, so don’t forget to start working on memorizing.


The Dig:
Luke 9:51-56


Where is Jesus walking?


Are the people in the Samaritan village nice to Jesus, James, and John?


What do James and John ask Jesus if they can do? Take a look at 2 Kings 1:10-12.


What does Jesus say to them?


The Treasure:


Loving is better than being mean! Since James and John were mad, they called down fire on the Samaritans to get back at them. Jesus was showing them how we don’t fight back with fire, but instead, with love!


The Display:


When someone is mean to us, we sometimes want to get back at that person by being unkind to them. Is this what Jesus wants us to do? No way! Jesus teaches us that we should always do our best to love people and be kind to them even if they aren’t kind back. Do you remember a time when someone was mean to you? How did you react?

Lesson 38:

The Cost of Following Jesus


Key Verse:
Luke 10:33

But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.


The Map:


In this lesson, we’ll learn about how following Jesus can be hard. It isn’t always easy to obey God, but it is always the best thing for us because we know God loves us. It is better to follow Jesus than to follow what everyone else is doing! 


The Dig:
Luke 9:57-62


What does the first man say to Jesus?


What does the second man say?


What does the third man say?


At the very end of these verses, Jesus is basically saying, “Don’t look back!” What do you think Jesus means?


The Treasure:


Don’t quit! Each of these men said they wanted to follow Jesus except for when it got hard. Jesus is teaching us in this passage that we need to keep going and not take our eyes off Jesus!


The Display:


Have you ever run in a race? What did you do when you got tired? I’ll bet there were times when you were running that you wanted to stop or quit the race. Jesus wants to remind us that we need to keep our eyes on Him and keep running!

 Lesson 39:

Give Me Real Joy


Key Verse:
Luke 10:33

But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.


The Map:


Ever since Jesus first called His disciples to follow Him, He has been teaching them how to live for God. Now He is going to send a lot of His disciples out to different towns and villages to share the good news! Let’s take a look and see what happens. 


The Dig:
Luke 10:1-20


How many disciples does Jesus send out to share the good news?


Does Jesus promise that everyone would welcome the disciples?


How does Jesus teach them to respond to people who don’t want to hear about Jesus?


Look at verse 17 again. What kind of attitude do the disciples have when they return?


The Treasure:


Obeying God is the only way to get real joy! Some people try to find joy and happiness by buying lots of stuff, having lots of money, doing things that aren’t good for them or having certain friends. Jesus reminds us that living for God is the only way to have real joy! 


The Display:


There are a lot of things in life that can make us happy. We need to have the right friends. We need to have money for food, clothes, and a home. It’s okay to have fun watching a movie or playing games, but none of these things can take the place of obeying God. Take a few moments and discuss with your mom or dad why only God can give us the joy we really need.

Lesson 40:



Key Verse:
Luke 10:33

But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.


The Map:


About five years ago, I was driving through the wilderness between Egypt and southern Israel. My jeep broke down because it was so hot. I waited for three hours until someone finally stopped to help me, and I was so grateful they stopped. In this lesson, we are going to study a parable where Jesus tells us about stopping and helping the hurting.


The Dig:
Luke 10:25-37


What happens to the man going from Jerusalem to Jericho?


What does the priest do when he sees the man injured on the side of the road?


What does the Levite do when he sees the injured man?


What does the Samaritan do?


Which one of these men is a good friend and neighbor?


The Treasure:


Help the hurting! In Jesus’ parable, two of the men just walked right by the injured man on the side of the road, but the Samaritan man stopped and helped the hurting man. He was a good friend because he cared enough to help!


The Display:


Why do you think the two men didn’t stop to help? What made the Samaritan stop to help? What are some ways you can be like the Samaritan man in the parable that Jesus told?

Lesson 41:

Worshippers and Workers


Key Verse:
Luke 10:33

But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.


The Map:


In this lesson, we’ll be looking at how two different women responded to Jesus when He came to their house. What would you do if Jesus came to your house? We’ll see how one of the women is a worshipper and the other is a worker. Let’s read the story and find out what we can learn!


The Dig:
Luke 10:38-42


What are the names of the two sisters?


What does Martha do when Jesus comes to their house?


What does Mary do?


Take a minute and look up the following verses: Luke 10:39, John 11:32, and John 12:3. What is Mary doing in each of these verses?


The Treasure:


Jesus wants us to worship Him before we work for Him! Martha was distracted and ignored Jesus. Imagine having Jesus in your house and then leaving Him to go play in your room! But Mary wanted to be with Jesus and learn from Him. Mary understood that it is important to worship Jesus and work for Him. First, we must spend time worshipping Him and then we can live for Him! 


The Display:


Do you enjoy spending time with your friends? This is how Jesus wants us to feel about spending time worshipping Him! What does it mean to worship Jesus? What does it mean to work for Jesus?

Lesson 42:

Pray the Right Way


Key Verses:
Luke 10:33

But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.


The Map:


When I was in college, I really wanted to take a trip to Egypt but I didn’t have enough money to go. I prayed and prayed, but I couldn’t save enough money. Boy, was I sad! I realized that sometimes I can pray for the wrong things even if they seem like good things. In this lesson, we’ll see how Jesus taught His disciples to pray. 

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