The Divine Whisper (35 page)

Read The Divine Whisper Online

Authors: Rebekah Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Suspense, #Teen & Young Adult, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Angels, #Demons & Devils

BOOK: The Divine Whisper
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There was a knock at the door, and Gemariah got up to go get it.
He opened the door to see a very worried Trinity and her trusty shadow, Malachi.

I wasn’t expecting both of you. Even though I should have since you’ve been conjoined at the hip since the change.”

They both ignored his comment and let themselves in.
Trinity walked straight to the couch, but Malachi stayed next to him.

“Do you wanna tell me what’s going on here?” Malachi asked.

“Shit! This is never a conversation I want to try and have again.”

“Yeah, I bet.
Trinity was a little easier since she had seen firsthand what I could do.”

“That’s one of the reasons I got her over here.
My abilities center on other people’s emotions, and lucky for me,” he said sarcastically, “she’s immune to them.”

“Makes sense.
What did you have in mind?”

“You’ll see.”

Gemariah walked over towards the mantel and grabbed the knife that he kept hidden behind the speaker, before walking back over towards the coffee table.

When he got there, Nicole was talking nonstop about everything that happened that night, while Trinity listened and consoled.
Once he was spotted, Nicole stopped talking and eyed him warily.

“Okay,” he said as he sat back down in front of them.
“Every Nephilim has abilities that are special; psychic abilities, telekinesis, and so on, except everyone has one that they excel at. In Trinity’s case… it’s healing.” He brought the tip of the knife to his arm and was about to drag down, but was stopped by Nicole’s hysterical voice.

Gemariah, this has gone too far. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I can tell you that Trinity is not a nephilim. I grew up with her, we’re best friends, and I would know if something was different.”

Gemariah’s head dropped forward and he put the knife next to him as he sighed in defeat.
“There’s just too much involved here. I keep missing stuff.”

A touch on his leg brought his head back up.
It surprised him to see that it was Trinity instead of Nicole. “Let me take this part,” she said.

He was grateful that she was willing to help.
He nodded his thanks, and she turned to face Nicole.

Trinity rubbed Nicole’s hand in comfort, and began slowly.
“Sweetie, everything Gemariah’s been trying to explain is true.” When Nicole opened her mouth to interrupt, Trinity held up her hand to silence her friend. “Let me get this out, please.”

When Nicole shut her mouth, Trinity started again.
“I know how you’re feeling. I was in this exact position some months ago when Malachi told me. Except I saw and felt Malachi heal me when I was attacked and had broken my wrist.”

What? Who attacked you, and how come I didn’t know about this?”

She said the name with disgust, and Gemariah felt Malachi stiffen beside him with a fresh wave of anger coming off of him. He guessed they both hadn’t gotten over what had happened. “You were so sick, and Malachi healed me. I didn’t see a need to worry you.”

Nicole kept quiet, but Gemariah didn’t need his abilities to tell that she was hurt because of the secret.

“Gemariah, give me the knife,” Trinity surprised him by saying.

He gave it to her, and with lightning speed, she grabbed his hand and ran the knife down his forearm.

“Fuck, Woman!” he yelled and pulled back. “Warn me next time.”

“Stop being a pansy,” she spat.
Still holding his arm, she used it to gesture to Malachi. “Will you, Hun?”

Malachi stepped forward, but his eyes never left Nicole’s.
When Gemariah looked towards Nicole, he saw that she was partly horrified at what had happened, but her curiosity was making it so she couldn’t look away.

Gemariah never took his eyes from Nicole, not when he felt Malachi’s hand, and not even when he felt the familiar warmth spread through his arm that meant the wound was healing.
He saw her eyes widen, and then the panic, but he gave her credit… she stayed.

Leaving out specifics, Trinity went on to tell her about how she had the choice to die or stay with Malachi for as long as he lived.
Her and Malachi looked lovingly at each other when she told Nicole about the change and how when she chose to stay with Malachi, she became like him.

Trinity then looked towards him and held out her hand.
“Give me your other arm,” she said softly. She was still holding the knife and he knew what was coming, but she still paused until he nodded that he was ready.

The blade cutting into him was painful, but not as heavy as his heart was just then.
He felt for Nicole, and everything that was being thrown at her.

Trinity didn’t let go of him and once she had made sure Nicole saw the cut, he felt the warmth spread once again.

He saw on her face that Nicole was finally starting to accept everything, but she still adjusted and moved slightly away from everyone. Trinity was hurt by the distance Nicole put between them and reached out, but Nicole stopped her by raising her hands and snapping, “Stop.”

“I’m still the same person.
Who I am hasn’t changed.”

“That’s not what bothers me the most.
So much has happened to you, and you kept it from me. I thought we told each other everything.”

“You have to understand.”
Trinity reached back and grabbed Malachi’s hand. “It wasn’t my secret to tell.”

“I get that, but it doesn’t hurt any less.”
Nicole reached up to rub her arms. Gemariah knew it was just a nervous gesture so he stayed quiet till she was ready to talk. After a minute of processing everything, she nodded her head towards him. “What about you? What do you excel at?”

He could already tell that it wasn’t going to go well, but he was done keeping secrets.
“I can alter people’s emotions. Groups or a single person, it doesn’t matter, but it does work easiest when I can touch the person.” She opened her mouth, and he cut her off. “Before you jump to any conclusions, I have never used my ability on you. I never use it unless it’s absolutely necessary, and I couldn’t anyway since you’ve been pregnant.”

She gasped and pressed both hands against her belly.
With eyes wide, she exclaimed, “The babies!”

He immediately understood what she meant.
“Yes, the babies are like me.”

“How do you know?
They could be normal, you don’t know…”

“I do know,” he said solemnly.

Trinity jumped back into the conversation.
“Do you remember that nurse that freaked out when you were getting blood? You did that. That’s how I knew Gemariah was the father.”

Nicole rubbed her forehead.
“You do know how crazy this all is, right?”

Trinity turned her body more towards Nicole.
“How about this, make me feel something.” She sounded so determined.

“I don’t even know what I’m feeling right now, how am I supposed to make you feel something?”

“Just try.”

Gemariah had to admit that it wasn’t a bad plan.
That way she could actively see what they were talking about. By Malachi’s nervous stance, he wasn’t so sure.

Tentatively, Nicole put her hand on Trinity’s knee and turned her head to look at him.
“Now what?”

“Now you just feel whatever it is that you want them to feel and imagine it flowing out of you and into them.”

He watched as Nicole closed her eyes.
Almost immediately, Trinity’s face crumpled and tears started to build in her eyes. Malachi was quickly pulling Trinity back at the same time that Gemariah grabbed Nicole’s hand away, but it wasn’t fast enough. Trinity was sobbing into Malachi’s chest.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Malachi snapped at Nicole.

“That’s just it! I don’t know what I’m doing! What happened?”

No one answered her, but Malachi did look towards Gemariah when Trinity wouldn’t stop crying.

He got up from where he was sitting on the coffee table and walked over to Malachi and Trinity.
When he knelt down, he put a hand on Trinity’s shoulder and the other moved hair from her face. When he pulled out what Nicole gave to her he was shocked at the force of the emotion. It was almost painful before it slowly started to dissipate inside of him.

He walked back over to the couch and he saw that Nicole was now standing.
“Is she okay? I didn’t mean to hurt her. I just did what you said. I sent over what I was feeling about all of this. Please, you have to believe that I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

He put his hands on her upper arms and squeezed gently.
“Of course you didn’t. No one thinks you did. We’ll just have to work on controlling the amount you send. It might be a little haywire because of the pregnancy.”

Could you please help her out?” he heard Malachi ask.

When he looked over, he saw a very depressed looking Trinity.
He knew that he had gotten out all the hurt that Nicole sent her way, so everything that Trinity was feeling was her own. He looked towards his friend and shook his head. “That’s not your call.”

Trinity shook her head.
“No. I’ll be fine.” She then turned to face Nicole, but when she tried to walk to her, Malachi wouldn’t release his hold. He didn’t think it was that he was scared of Nicole, but more because he wasn’t ready to let her go just yet. Trinity frowned up at him but then turned her attention back to Nicole. “I am so sorry that you felt all of that. It was never my intention to hurt you. If I could go back, I would try to do things differently.”

Nicole had no one restraining her, so nothing was stopping her from rushing over and wrapping her arms around Trinity.
“I’m sorry too. I should have never done that to you. Forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive.”

“I just felt like I was losing you.”


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Tears were flowing from both women’s eyes which caused both men to roll theirs and shake their heads. They both projected the same thing to each other.


Before long, once the women had detached themselves, Malachi and Trinity decided to leave, determining that there wasn’t much more they could help with. The door shut, and Nicole still stood and stared at the closed door with a questioning expression.

“What are you thinking?”

Still staring at the door, she asked, “Malachi felt what I sent to Trinity, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, he did.”


“They’re soul mates and connected since he changed her.
Unless they have their guards up, they feel each other’s emotions. What you sent to her took everyone by surprise, so I doubt they had them up.”

She turned to look at him.
“How does that work?”

“Honestly. I don’t know.
Being able to change a person is something new to us. What we do know is sketchy at best. It’s the exchange of properties of essence, like blood. You then become connected and get the other person’s memories, thoughts, and feelings. You can feel their presence and track them wherever, they even die together. It’s such a deep connection that it needs verbal consent to the Lord before it would even work.”



They both stayed silent, and she looked everywhere but at him.
Eventually, it was her that broke the silence.

“It’s been a long night.
I think I’m going to get cleaned up and go to bed.”

She turned around to walk away.
He needed to tell her the rest, but he felt himself chickening out. When she was half way up the stairs, he finally found his balls and hollered out.


Turning around, she didn’t say anything, but looked at him expectantly.

It's now or never
, he thought. “I’d like to change you. There’s been no record of a human mother surviving the birth to twin nephilims. If you let me change you, you’ll survive the birth. If not, I can’t guarantee anything.

She looked at him and lifted the corner of her mouth.
It wasn’t quite a smile, but it wasn’t a frown. “Don’t worry about me,” she said. “I’m pretty tough. I’ll be fine.”

With that, she turned and walked the rest of the way up the stairs.

She didn’t want the change.
He had to admit that the night didn’t go like he had pictured when he thought of telling her everything, but it was still a blow to the chest to know that she didn’t want it… that she didn’t want him.


Nicole shut the door to her bedroom and leaned back against it.

What just happened
, she thought?

Not only did she find out that the things she had once thought were only from nightmares were actually all around them, but also that people from long ago myths were real as well.
Plus, her babies were part of it all.

With the thought of her children, she reached up to gently rub her stomach.

“Don’t worry,” she said to them, “I think you are still perfect in every way.”

In response, she felt one of the babies adjust their position and she smiled.
All night, she had been feeling uncomfortable tweaks here and there, so the slight pressure was a comforting relief.

She thought back to what Gemariah said about no mother to nephilim twins surviving labor.
Then she thought back to all the sonograms and the doctors telling her that they didn’t have high hopes that her little girl would survive, but week after week she held in there. They were fighters, and the three of them were in it together. The thought weighed heavily on her mind, but she had a feeling that everything would work out in the end.

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