The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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It didn’t take long to change into jeans, boots, and sweaters, then the man fitted each of them into a body harness. “If you stay on the bike you don’t need to pull the cord on your personal parachute since the one on the bike is more than strong enough to take you as well. If you come off the bike, tug on here once and count slowly to ten. Only if it doesn’t open, pull here,” he said, pointing to a second lever.

“Why do we need a parachute to ride a bike?” asked Larry.

The man gestured with his thumb. “It’s a long way down.”

“What? We’re going to ride off the top of the mountain?” Jubilee heard the shrill edge in her voice and tried to calm herself down, but this wasn’t what she’d expected at all.

“Yup. You rev the bike up hard, open the throttle as wide as she’ll go, and ride off the cliff. The bike parachute opens and you sail down to the ground. My brother is at the landing area with the truck and trailer to collect the gear. I’ll drive your truck back down there and meet you.”

“What if we fall off the bike? Or don’t land in the landing area?” asked Larry.

“If you come off the bike you pull your own parachute cord. The weather’s perfect, so you’ll land in the area, but my brother’ll be watching you anyway.”

It all sounded completely insane to Jubilee, but it also sounded like a real adrenaline surge, and she knew she wanted to do this. “Come on, let’s go,” she said.

Carey grinned at her. “I thought you’d get a kick out of it.”

“A bit more than a kick, but hell, yes, let’s do it!”

“You’re both totally mad,” said Larry, but he was walking over to the motorcycles as he said it, so Jubilee knew he wanted to try it out, too.

The man showed them how to start the bikes, how to open the throttle and steer, and then they walked the bikes to the takeoff zone. The man pulled a cell phone from his pocket, grunted something into it, then gestured to Carey.

Carey settled himself on the bike seat, opened the throttle wide, and yelled, “See you down there.” He raced to the cliff, soared off the edge, and quite soon, a huge green-and-blue parachute opened. Jubilee watched as Carey, still sitting on the bike, swung around and waved at them then kept swinging, lost his grip, and came off the bike. Jubilee screamed, but Carey must have pulled the parachute cord, as a smaller chute opened and he bobbed back up before wafting down after the bike. Now she could see the landing zone. There was a big, smooth, flat field, with a tiny dot in it that was likely this man’s brother.

“Now you, little lady.”

Jubilee nodded, wheeled her motorcycle to the start line, settled herself in the seat, and opened the throttle wide. She took off so fast she seemed to lose all the breath in her body. Then she really did stop breathing as she sailed out off the cliff and was suspended over miles and miles of nothingness. Jubilee felt her fingernails digging into the rubber grips on the motorcycle handles. There was no way she was lifting a hand to wave to anyone. In fact, she couldn’t even lift her head. Her gaze was focused on the ground below her gradually getting closer. Then there was a whooshing noise and she was dragged upward again.

She flicked her gaze up and saw a huge red-and-orange canopy above her and realized the parachute had opened.
Just as well. I’d totally forgotten about pulling the cord.

Finally Jubilee was able to relax enough to enjoy herself. She watched the ground gradually get closer, the trees growing larger, and enjoyed the complete and utter silence of being suspended so high up in the air. It almost felt as if she was standing still, suspended in the nothingness, yet the ground steadily approaching her proved she was moving. But it was silent, beautiful, peaceful. A wonderful experience indeed.
As long as I don’t break my neck when I land.

The man’s words came back to her. “Just before the bike hits the ground, tip yourself off it and roll to the side.”

But when do I jump off? How soon is too soon? How much time should I allow?

The slight breeze was pushing her into the center of the field. She was going to land in the right place, at least.

Then she saw Carey waving to her and heard the man standing beside him yell, “When I say ‘roll,’ fall off the bike and roll to the side, okay?”

She nodded, once again unable to breathe. The ground was getting closer and closer. She was pretty sure if she stuck her legs straight down her toes would touch it. Surely she should have jumped off already.

“Now! Roll!”

Jubilee unclenched her fingers from the hand grips, kicked her legs up, and rolled to the side, remembering to tuck her body up once she was clear of the motorcycle. She hit the ground so slowly she hardly realized she’d landed until her body kept moving and rolling when she assumed it would have stopped. Then she did stop and Carey was running up to her, hauling her to her feet, running his hand down her arms. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

She gave herself a shake and wiggle. Nothing hurt. She was quite surprised. “Nothing’s damaged. I seemed to land really slowly, and yet I kept moving. It’s quite deceptive, but I did love doing it. Are you okay, too?”

The man was beside her now, undoing her parachute harness and taking it off her. “Nice work, lady. Very neat landing you made there.”

They walked back to the man’s truck and trailer and Carey helped him load her motorcycle up into the trailer then fold up the bike’s parachute.

“Here comes Larry.”

Larry and the bike came down separately, Larry well to the side of the motorcycle’s parachute. He was twisting and turning in his harness, obviously trying to see everything at once. The man made no attempt to retrieve the motorcycle, yelling instructions to Larry to drop and roll as he landed. Then Jubilee and Carey went to Larry, helping him out of his parachute as the man loaded up the motorcycle and its parachute. By the time everything was tidied up, the first man was bouncing Carey’s truck across the field to them.

“Now we go back to the dungeon,” said Carey, and suddenly Jubilee’s belly was clenching with the need to be filled by these men. Her men. Soon their commitment would be consummated. Jubilee lifted her hand to her neck and touched her collar. She belonged heart and soul to Carey, and he’d claimed her. But she also belonged to Larry. Sometimes it was difficult to get her mind around a man who was a switch, but she understood that the pressures of running Carnal Connections and the pressures of being a wolf in a world where most people were human and most of the other shifters in the community were big cats had cemented the dual set of needs deep in his psyche. Besides, he was who he was, and she loved him anyway.


* * * *


They were in a different dungeon tonight, one that had a sex swing bolted to the ceiling. Carey manacled Jubilee’s hands to the top of the swing then lifted her ass so she could insert her feet in the lower set of manacles. While he tightened the restraints she swung gently back and forth, reminded of being in midair supported by only a parachute. The almost weightlessness was the same, but now she was desperate to be fucked. Being naked here with both men naked as well was killing her with anticipation.

Judging by the size and color of both men’s cocks, they weren’t going to last long, either. Really the entire day had been foreplay. She couldn’t ever recall spending a full day with Carey before and had almost never spent the night with him, either. She gave a little shiver of anticipation. Up on the top floor the big bed in their new apartment was made with brand-new linens given to her by her friends, ready for her first full night together with Carey and Larry.

She was positive they’d be christening the new bed linens at some stage before dawn. But right now she needed an orgasm and was more than ready for Carey to set the program in action.

Carey picked up his flogger and flicked the tails lightly across her skin. The tiny bite of pain focused her on what was to come.

“Larry, give her your cock to suck,” ordered Carey.

Larry stepped briskly across the dungeon to the swing, but she was much too high for her mouth to circle his cock. Larry looked around, but there was nothing for him to stand on, so he grabbed hold of the top of the frame of the swing and pulled himself up by his arms, until his cock was by her mouth and she could suck it.

She did her very best to please him, noticing how his arm muscles bulged with the strain of supporting his full body weight, but he soon had to drop back to the floor again.

The flogger came down upon them both, heavy strokes across Larry’s back and ass and only marginally lighter strokes flipped up from underneath the swing onto Jubilee’s butt.

“Climb onto the swing and you can suck her while she sucks you,” said Carey.

This, again, wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Touching the swing made it move, and Larry had to work hard not to inadvertently kick her in the head as she had very little wiggle room due to being manacled hand and foot. Eventually he was in place and sucked her clit into his mouth.
Oh yes, that’s wonderful.

Jubilee concentrated on sucking and licking his cock, playing with the jewelry of his Prince Albert piercing and digging the tip of her tongue into the slit to taste his essence. But without her hands or any control of her body at all it was close to impossible to do it well. Carey circled around them with the flogger, hitting Larry or her somewhere, often a stinging bite that made the cream pour from her, sometimes a lighter stroke that teased her unbearably. Once he hit the soles of her feet. Another time the strands of the flogger touched her pussy. And all the while she was trying to concentrate on pleasing Larry without letting his sucking of her, or the flogging, drive her over the edge to release.

Carey kneeled under the swing and began to lube her ass. At last! Finally they were moving on to the main part of the program. Jubilee had to struggle not to push back onto his fingers she was so eager to come now. Every tiny touch made her pussy demand fulfillment.

“Climb off the swing and release her feet, Larry,” ordered Carey.

Jubilee could tell Larry was as desperate as she was to come as his fingers fumbled the catches whereas normally he was very steady and coordinated. Carey adjusted the manacles around her wrists so she could stand flat on the floor. “Now we’ll fuck for the first time as a family. I promise to guide you both to the best of my ability and to protect you both with all my strength,” said Carey.

“I promise to obey and serve you both and to love you with all my heart,” said Jubilee.

“I promise to love and protect you, Jubilee, and to respect you, Carey, obeying you when we’re in the dungeon,” added Larry.

Jubilee hadn’t expected him to use the word “obey,” but Larry had made as big a commitment as she and Carey had done. Repeating their vows, focusing them more tightly for just themselves here in the dungeon, was very powerful. It’d been wonderful to say them in front of everyone in the barn, but saying them here, in the dungeon, where their relationship as a threesome began, was just as powerful. To do it twice was doubly romantic.

Carey must have given Larry a signal, because they both pushed into her together, stretching her tissues wide, filling and completing her. As seemed to be their favorite positions, Carey was in her ass and Larry in her cunt. The second they were both balls-deep inside her she came, bursting into orgasm and shaking between them so they had to support her as her climax went on and on. Happily, she wiggled her body between them, rubbing her nipples against Larry’s chest then leaning back against Carey, loving the slightly sweaty feel of their skin and the solid, manly aroma of them both. Even when they were hot and sweaty they smelled good to her. Strong, manly, maybe a tad musky, but very erotic and not at all displeasing.

As her release died down they began thrusting into her together, both in and both out. She found this method more arousing than when they took turns, because she went from overfull to empty and the contrast was so extreme it kept her needy and wanting more.

She didn’t know where Carey had put the flogger, but suddenly it was in his hands and he cracked it across Larry’s ass then his shoulders.

“Aggh,” moaned Larry.

There was a swishing sound, and threads of the flogger caught across her upper thighs. Jubilee bit her lip not to cry out. Both men were still pounding into her and her second orgasm was a ball of need coiled deep inside her belly. The flogger cracked loudly on Larry’s back as Carey said, “Come now.”

Hot cum exploded into her cunt and the flogger danced over her side, some of the tails hitting her breasts. That was all it took to set her release free. Her cunt rippled and quaked, her inner muscles grabbing tight to the two cocks deep inside her. Then Carey’s seed filled her ass. Both men held her steady as she shook between them, too exhausted and fulfilled to stand alone.

Carey pressed a soft kiss to her neck, between the chains of her collar, and then Larry kissed her cheek. “Well done, both of you,” Carey said before leaving her in Larry’s arms as he turned to pack up his things.

Silently they all got cleaned up and dressed and then Carey unlocked the dungeon door. Jubilee took a moment to mentally thank the cleaning crew that came in every morning, returning each dungeon to a pristine state, ready for whoever used it next. Carey was meticulous about keeping his own toys clean, and she loved that about him, but she also loved the way Larry ran the community so that everything was kept in perfect condition for whoever used it next.

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