The Downing Street Years (155 page)

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Authors: Margaret Thatcher

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Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC), 549–51, 555, 711, 720, 725, 750–2, 759–61, 765–7

Monetary Committee, 721

monetary compensation amounts (MCAs), 336

Political Union (federalist project), 727–8, 742, 760–3, 814–15, 833

Single European Act, 555–7, 558, 741

Single Market, 551–4; MT’s hopes, 545, 547, 549, 745; implementing, 557; EMU, 708; progress, 727; Bruges speech, 745; Social Charter, 751

Social Charter, 750–2, 759–60

South Africa sanctions issue, 515- 16, 521–2, 534

sovereignty issue, 690

European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism (ECST), 401, 402–3, 405

exchange controls,

exchange rate,

Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM),

Exocet missiles, 212, 216, 226–7, 233–4

EXPO ’88, 505

export markets, 5, 689

Ezra, Sir Derek
(Chairman NCB 1971–82)
, 140–1

Face the Nation
, 771

Face the People
, 586

Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia (1982-), 818, 820–2

Fair Trading, Director-General of, 40

Falkland Islands: history, 174–5; Communications Agreement, 175, 197; lease-back proposals, 175–6; invasion, 177; retaken, 234–5; MT’s visit, 234

Falklands War: significance, 173–4, 235; task force, 179, 183, 189, 194, 201; War Cabinet, 188–9, 200, 209, 212, 221, 223, 224, 234–5; Haig negotiations, 188, 190, 191–200, 202–8, 210–11, 216, 217, 222–3, 224, 229–30; Haig proposals, 194–5; bombing of runway at Port Stanley, 212;
sinking, 214–16; Peruvian peace proposals, 215, 216, 217;
sinking, 216–17; SAS raid, 222; UK final proposals, 222–3; taskforce landing, 223–5; Harriers, 226, 227–8;
Atlantic Conveyor
loss, 227–8; Darwin and Goose Green retaken, 229–30; media reporting, 229–30; Bluff Cove, 233; Port Stanley assault and retaking, 233–5; ‘Falklands factor’, 264, 266; financing, 270; MT’s experience useful for Gulf War, 817, 826

Fallon, Michael, 856

Family Health Service Authorities, 608n

family policies, 282, 565, 628–32

Family Policy Group, 279

, HMS, 189, 248

Federal Reserve, US, 693

Fergusson, Sir Ewen
(British Ambassador to France 1987–93)
, 843

Fianna Fail Party, 388

Fiat, 428, 430–1

Fieldhouse, Sir John
(C-in-C Fleet 1981–82, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord 1982–85)
, 189, 205, 214, 226

Fieldhouse, Midge, Lady, 205

Figaro, Le
, 82

Financial Services Act (1986), 311

Financial Times
, 138, 701, 715

Finchley constituency: MT’s work, 22; work during Falklands crisis, 224–5; election campaign (1983), 302, 303; Jewish population, 509, 577; twinning, 512; Ugandan Asian population, 517; election campaign (1987), 577, 587–8; rates issue, 644

Fine Gael, 388

Fitt, Gerry
(Leader SDLP 1970–79)
, 395

FitzGerald, Garret
(Irish Prime Minister 1981–82, 1983–87):
EC budget, 337, 544; compared with Haughey, 388, 393; hunger strikes, 392; MT’s relationship, 393, 410; Northern Ireland discussions, 395–6, 398–402; Anglo-Irish Agreement, 402–5, 407; VAT issue, 538

Fletcher, Michael, 371

Fletcher, WPC Yvonne, 351, 442

aircraft, 239, 443, 445, 447, 772

Foot, Michael
(Leader, Labour Party 1980–83):
Falklands, 210, 224; Labour leadership, 265–6, 360; unilateralism, 267; election campaign (1983), 287, 295, 296; Maze hunger strikers, 391

Ford of Europe, 439–41, 679

Foreign Affairs Policy Group, 565

Forsyth, Frederick, 362

Forsyth, Michael, 620–3, 856

Fowler, Norman
(Transport Minister
1979–81, Health and Social Security Secretary 1981–87, Employment Secretary 1987–90):
Transport, 29; DHSS, 151, 277; Family Policy Group, 279; BL debate, 440; health targets, 571; election campaign (’987), 583–4. 584; NHS discussions, 607; leadership election campaign (1990), 840

France: economy, 7; EC role, 61, 540–1; lamb imports, 80, 84, 85; nuclear energy, 140, 341; Polish crisis, 254; nuclear deterrent, 323; Lebanon involvement, 328, 333–4; Libya policy, 442–3, 446; educational system, 591; federalist project, 727–8, 760–3, 814–15; elections (1988), 731, 734; Revolution Bicentennial (1989), 752–4; German reunification, 796–7; attitude to US European presence, 815; Gulf crisis, 819;
see also

Francis of Assisi, St, 19

Franks Committee, 177

Fraser, Malcolm, 71, 76, 191, 519

Frederick the Great, 191

free enterprise, 6–7

free trade, 739, 764

Freight Rover (FR), 438, 441

French Revolution, MT’s remarks (1989), 753

Friedman, Professor Milton, 618, 710n, 804

Frost, David, 584, 586

Fulton Committee Report, 47

Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar
(Libyan ruler 1969-):
NUM contact, 351, 368–9; IRA supporter, 384, 401; US bombing of Libya, 442–4, 446, 449

Gaisman, Tessa, 285

Gaitskell, Hugh, 6n

Galtieri, General Leopoldo
(Argentine President 1981–82):
comes to power, 176; Reagan contacts, 179–80, 201–2; Haig diplomacy, 193, 197–8; proposals, 224

Gandhi, Indira
(Indian Prime Minister 1966–77, 1980–84)
, 161–2, 169, 368, 504

Gandhi, Rajiv
(Indian Prime Minister 1984–89)
, 426, 504, 517, 521, 523

Gandhi, Sonia, 504

Garda, 397–8

Gardiner, Sir George, 855

Garel-Jones, Tristan, 830, 850, 854

gas: prices, 52; privatization, 681–2

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 496, 732, 738–40, 745, 764–5

GCHQ, Cheltenham, 139n

Gdansk: Lenin Shipyard, 778, 779, 780–1; MT’s visit (1988), 780–2

GEC, 431

Gemayel, Amin
(President of the Lebanon
, 327

General and Municipal Workers’ Union (GMWU), 111

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 704

General Belgrano
, 214–16, 217, 296, 302

General Council of British Shipping, 356

General Motors (GM), 438, 439, 440–1

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich
(German Foreign
Minister and Deputy Chancellor 1974–92)
, 335, 736, 740, 774, 785, 793

George II, King, 24

Germany: economy, 5, 7, 94; EC role, 61, 313, 552; NATO nuclear policies, 240, 241, 258–9, 268, 323, 335, 771–2, 774–5, 784–7; Polish crisis, 254; Berlin Wall, 263, 759, 789, 793; MT’s visit (1983), 318, 319; South African sanctions issue, 522; farmers, 544, 731, 732–3, 734, 736, 766; reunification, 552, 759, 769, 783, 792–6, 813; monetary union (EMU) policy, 554, 555, 720; European objectives, 556, 760–1; Bundesbank, 690, 696, 720, 740, 763, 814; hyperinflation experience, 707; interest rates, 707, 714, 814; Social Charter, 751; US relationship, 768, 783–4, 789; MT’s attitude to ‘German Question’, 769, 790–1, 813–15; Gorbachev’s influence, 783; fall of Honecker, 789; border with Poland, 797, 799;
see also
Kohl, Schmidt

Gersons, 224

Gibraltar: shooting of IRA terrorists (1988), 407, 409; discussions with Spain, 746

Gilmour, Sir Ian
(Lord Privy Seal 1979–81):
Foreign Office, 28–9; EC budget, 86; trade union reform, 105; economic critique, 130; dismissed, 151

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry
(French President 1974–81):
Downing Street visit, 24; EC, 61–4, 552; G7, 69–70, 84; Trident, 246

, HMS, 233–4

, 475

Glemp, Cardinal, 778

Gleneagles Agreement, 166

Glenholmes, Evelyn, 405

global warming, 640

Glover, Eleanor, Lady, 845

González, Felipe
(Spanish Prime Minister 1982-)
, 546, 746, 752, 767, 793

Goodlad, Alastair, 835

Goold, Sir James, 621, 647

Gorbachev, Mikhail
(Soviet President 1985–91):
Trudeau’s impression, 321; NUM connection, 369; public image, 437. 453; MT’S attitude, 452–3, 770, 774, 800–1, 813; embassy deal, 458; Chequers visit (1984), 459- 63, 468, 474; Soviet leadership, 469, 475; Geneva summit with Reagan, 470; Reykjavik, 470–2; MT’s Moscow visit (1987), 474, 478–85;
, 475, 773, 803–4; de Klerk comparison, 532; ‘Gorby-mania’, 747; Delors meeting, 767; INF treaty (1987), 771, 774; MT’s discussions (1987), 772–4; Reagan Washington summit (1987), 774; Afghanistan withdrawal, 774; influence on Germany, 783; UK visit (1989), 786; Soviet changes, 790; MT’s visit (1989), 792, 802; German reunification, 798–9, 805; Yeltsin opposition, 803–4; MT’s Soviet visit (1990), 805–6; CSCE summit (1990), 843, 845; MT’s resignation, 858

Gorbachev, Raisa, 459, 461, 470, 478, 480, 483–4, 773, 786

Gordievsky, Oleg, 470, 476, 774

Gormley, Joe
(President NUM 1971–82)
, 140

Gould, Bryan, 581

Gow, Ian
(PPS to Prime Minister 1979–83):
PPS, 29–30; memo on backbench morale, 132;. Cabinet reshuffle, 151; frames quotations from Powell, 184n; Falklands, 185; election campaign (1983), 285, 288; Anglo-Irish proposals, 394; resignation, 403; murder, 414–15, 822; leadership election campaign (1989), 830

Gow, Jane, 414–15

Gowrie, Grey, Lord
(Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1984–85)
, 420

Granada 500
, 293

grant-maintained schools, 570–1, 578, 592–3, 597

grant-related expenditure assessments (GREAs), 643

Greater London Council (GLC), 284, 305

Greece: EC membership, 545–6; support for German EC proposals, 763

Greenham Common, 243

Grenada: Bishop government, 166; military coup, 328–9; US invasion, 328–32, 334–5, 818

Griffiths, Professor Brian
(Head of Prime
Minister’s Policy Unit 1985–90):
Strategy Group, 565; education proposals, 570, 592, 597–9; Manifesto Committee, 572; education in Scotland, 620–1; ERM question, 700

Griffiths Report, 47

Gromyko, Andrei
(Soviet Foreign Minister
, 242, 458, 451, 468, 469

G7 (Group of Seven) summits:

Tokyo (1979), 65–71

Ottawa (1981), 164–6, 739

Versailles (1982), 192, 231–2, 256–8

Williamsburg (1983), 290, 299–301, 586

Tokyo (1986), 498–9

Venice (1987), 586

Toronto (1988), 737, 738–40

Paris (1989), 752, 754, 759

Houston (1990), 762, 763–4

, 43, 52, 561

Guise, George, 640

Gulbenkian Collection, 633

Gulf: British withdrawal from (1970), 8, 162; Armilla Patrol, 91, 164, 816; MT’s visit (1981), 162–4, 817

Gulf Co-operation Council, 163

Gulf War: Belgian policy, 414; scud missile attacks on Israel, 507; Anglo-American relations, 769; build-up to, 822–8

Gummer, John
(Party Chairman 1983–85, Agriculture Minister 1989–92):
election campaign (1983), 292; Party Chairman, 310, 311, 421; Brighton bomb (1984), 380, 381; local government finance review, 646; Agriculture Minister, 757, 758; leadership election campaign (1990), 849, 851; MT’s resignation, 856

Gummer, Penny, 379, 380

Habibie, Professor BJ., 503

Hadfields, 107, 112

Hague, Professor Douglas, 126

Haig, Alexander
(Supreme Allied Commander in Europe 1974–79, US Secretary of State 1981–82):
MT’s Washington visit (1981), 158; Falklands crisis, 176, 178; shuttle diplomacy, 181; Falklands negotiations, 188, 190, 191–200, 202–8, 210–11, 216, 217, 222–3, 224, 229–30; Falklands proposals, 194–8; Peruvian peace plan, 216, 217; British Falklands landings, 229, 230; UN vote, 232; NATO, 240; Polish crisis, 253, 255

Hailsham, Quintin Hogg, Lord
(Lord Chancellor 1979–87)
, 28, 37

Hamilton, Archie
(PPS to the Prime Minister 1987–88)
, 411, 822

Hammond, Eric, 363

Hanna, Vincent, 588

Hanrahan, Brian, 214

Harlech, Lord, 72–3

Harper, Ross, 621

Harris, Robin, 565, 570, 572

Harrison, Margaret, 630

Harrods bomb (1983), 397

Hart, David, 365

Hassan, King of Morocco (1961-), 526

Hastings, Sir Stephen, 212

Haughey, Charles
(Irish Prime Minister
979–81, 1982–83, 1987–92):
relationship with MT, 388, 410; compared with FitzGerald, 388, 393; hunger strikers, 390; Anglo-Irish Agreement, 405, 409- 10; extradition issue, 407; US speech (1988), 408–9; EC, 760, 762

Havel, Václav
(President of Czechoslovakia
, 789–90, 808–9, 813, 826

Havers, Michael
(Attorney General 1979–87
Lord Chancellor 1987):
picketing issue, 107, 346, 348; Falklands, 189, 214, 228–9; miners’ strike (1984–5), 346–8, 374; NUM funds, 374

Hawke, Bob
(Australian Prime Minister
, 504–5, 516–17, 519, 521, 530–1

Hayek, Friedrich von, 12, 618, 716

Healey, Denis (
Chancellor of the Exchequer
, 26, 53, 210, 296, 301, 576

health: hospitals, 47, 581–2, 608, 611, 613–14, 615–16, 617; MT’s approach to people’s concerns, 562; manifesto (1987), 571, 577; election campaign (1987), 585; private care, 585, 607; reform programme, 606–17; elderly people, 606; review (1988), 608–9; private insurance schemes, 610, 612; self-governing (trust) hospitals, 611, 613–14, 615–16, 617; medical audit, 613; GP budget holders, 614–15;
see also
National Health Service

Heath, Edward
(Conservative Prime Minister 1970–74):
government, 7, 13–14, 20, 108, 162, 692; defeat, 14, 17; interventionist policies, 14, 167; CPRS, 30; Party Conference speech, 154–5; attack on MT, 167; Falklands Communications Agreement, 175; BL debate, 440; rates abolition pledge, 644; EC membership, 700; EMU approach, 741; European elections (1989), 749–50; leadership, 829

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