The Dragon Legion Collection 9 (13 page)

BOOK: The Dragon Legion Collection 9
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Lysander used his keen senses to keep watch while his father honored Pelias. He tried to smell for evil
. He stood in the rain and guarded Pelias’ armor, watching his father and staying close to Theo.

When his father was done, the rain stopped. His father shifted to human form and knelt with his head bowed. The wind stirred and the ashes of Lysander were blown away, even as his mother stepped past Lysander and put her hand on his father’s shoulder.

His father reached up and gripped her hand, as if he were relying upon her. Lysander watched, knowing he’d never seen Cetos and his mother like this. His two parents stood as if they were one. Was that because they both could change shape? Lysander decided that when he had a wife, he and she would stand together like this sometimes. It was like
warriors fighting back-to-back, in a way.

“I never knew,” his father said softly.

His mother almost smiled. “I think you can imagine why I didn’t tell you.”

His father glanced up. “And the stories that were told about you?”

His mother nodded, then turned to look north. She had the expression she got when she was deciding what would happen next. “At least four days walk to Delphi from here, I’d say.” She picked up Pelias’ bag and checked the food and water within it. Then she handed it to Lysander. “Will you carry our supplies?”

Lysander was glad to have a job.

His father smiled at him. He changed his clothing, putting on the hoplite armor as if he did as much every day, then flung Pelias’ red cloak over his shoulders. He picked up Theo and held the limp boy against his side. Theo sighed and settled against him, as if glad to be there. Lysander’s father nodded at him, then offered one hand to his mother. “Maybe tomorrow, I’ll have the strength to give you all a ride.”

A dragon flight! Lysander had always wished his real father had been around, and now he knew that having his father back was just the beginning of the greatest adventure he could imagine. He carried the pack and tried to remember his mother’s instruction to not ask too many questions. It might just kill him to keep silent, but he’d try.

He decided to consider it a lesson in discipline.

That’s what Pelias would have said.


* * *


Katina knew that Lysander’s curiosity could barely be contained. She watched their son and knew he was bursting with questions. He might even try Alexander’s patience.

They walked down the hill as the sun rose and reached a good road by the dawn. Alexander didn’t want to stop, so Katina gave them each some of bread and water from Pelias’ pack. Their pace slowed a bit as they walked and ate. Theo stirred and took a little water. He was sleepy, as if he’d survived an ordeal, and Katina suspected he had.

“They’ll help him at Delphi,” Alexander insisted, and she believed him.

Katina offered more bread to Alexander. He might have declined but she urged it upon him. “You’re the one healing from a battle. Don’t fight me.”

“She’s like that when she decides,” Lysander informed him solemnly. “You should just take it.”

Alexander smothered a smile, his eyes twinkling as he glanced at Katina. “And do you always just do as you’re told?”

“Mostly,” Lysander admitted with a flush.

Alexander laughed, then sobered. “When you train, you’ll have to do better than that. You must always obey, for the safety of your fellows can rely upon it.”

Lysander nodded solemnly.

Katina found herself watching Alexander. He walked with an easy grace, eating slowly and surveying the surrounding hills. She had no doubt he was using his keen senses to ensure their safety and she doubted he’d sleep before they reached Delphi.

She wanted him more than ever before. She wanted to kiss him, to run her hands over his chest to ensure that he was truly healed. She wanted to make love with him over and over again, to reassure herself that they had survived that encounter. She was aware of the heat in his gaze when he glanced at her, and it made her thoughts turn in a very earthy direction.

She couldn’t remember when they had ever done it just once.

On the other hand, she felt shy after revealing her secret to him. She’d never shown anyone what she could do without experiencing unpleasant repercussions. She both wanted to know what Alexander thought and was afraid to hear it.

“Why Delphi, Papa?” Lysander asked when his curiosity overwhelmed him. Katina was impressed that he’d contained himself as long as he had.

“Can’t you guess?”

Lysander shook his head, and Katina couldn’t help but notice the sidelong glance he cast at his father. She saw the adoration in their son’s eyes and was gladdened by it.

“Then let’s figure it out,” Alexander said. He didn’t speak down to Lysander but addressed him as he spoke to all adults. “Whose shrine is at Delphi?”


“Do you know the story of Apollo’s link to Delphi?” Alexander spoke as if it were a story not known by many. Lysander shook his head. “Then let me tell you.”

Katina was surprised. She had never known Alexander to be talkative, and she certainly had never heard him tell a story. He was trying to be a good father and the realization warmed her heart.

They walked for a few moments while Alexander chose his words. “In the beginning, there was only Chaos, and not a soul in the universe. First to form in this realm was Gaia, or mother earth. She is the root and origin of all we know and most sacred of all divine beings. Next born was Eros, the god of love and desire, and when he touched Gaia, she felt the yearning for a husband.” Katina couldn’t look at Alexander when he said that, because she was feeling a similar yearning. “She created Uranos who lies over her as the sky envelopes the earth. His cloak is of black velvet and adorned with stars. Gaia also created the mountains and the seas. From her union with Uranos were born the twelve Titans.”

Katina was thinking about having twelve sons—and how much lovemaking it would take to conceive them all. She tingled at the possibilities.

“The grandson of Gaia was Zeus. He was the youngest son of her son Cronos and the only one who survived his father’s wrath.”

“And father of all the gods on Mount Olympus.”

“Yes. It’s said that Zeus wanted to find the center of the earth, to identify the most sacred place to worship Gaia. He loosed two eagles, commanding them to fly around the earth in opposite directions. Where their paths crossed would be that sacred place. Where do you think they crossed?”

Lysander shook his head.

“It was at Delphi. And so the main shrine to Gaia was established there and guarded by a fierce dragon called Pytho.”

“Was he

“No, because he couldn’t change shape.”

“Is he still there?”

“No. That’s what brought Apollo to Delphi. You see, there was a beautiful woman named Leto. She was a Titan, the grand-daughter of Gaia, and renowned for her beauty and gentle manners. As you might expect, the gaze of Zeus fell upon her and he desired her. He seduced Leto and she conceived twins by him.”

“Apollo and Artemis,” Lysander said, interrupting his father in his enthusiasm. “I remember this story!”

“Do you remember what happened when it came time for the twins to be born?” At the boy’s frown, Alexander continued. “Hera, the wife of Zeus, punished Leto by rousing Pytho. At Hera’s command, Pytho chased Leto so that she couldn’t find anywhere to rest and bear her children. Eventually she found refuge on the island of Delos, for Pytho couldn’t swim. She delivered Apollo and Artemis there.”

“There’s a shrine to Apollo at the island of Delos,” Lysander said.

“There is,” Alexander acknowledged with a smile. “Apollo, as you might imagine, wasn’t inclined to forget his mother’s ordeal. While still a boy, he hunted down Pytho and found him guarding the sanctuary of Gaia at Delphi. Apollo killed Pytho with the first arrow he ever shot. The dragon fell into a crack of the earth, as if gathered to his mistress’s bosom, and died.”

“Good for Apollo!” Lysander declared with enthusiasm.

“Not so good as that,” Alexander corrected, his tone so stern that it caught Katina’s attention.

“But he was avenging a crime.”

“But he did it in the wrong way.” Alexander flicked a look at Katina that seemed portentous. “Apollo violated the sanctuary and home of Pytho, so he had to be punished for his transgression.”

Katina understood then the root of Alexander’s fear. He saw his attack upon Cetos as a violation and wasn’t sure how he would be punished. Her mouth went dry.

“How was he punished?”

“He was doomed to travel for eight years, doing service to mankind.”

Eight years. Alexander had been gone eight years. His first duty had been served. Did he fear he’d be assigned another similar term for his transgression?

Katina had to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Alexander had only just returned. She couldn’t imagine losing him for another eight years so soon. She knew he would do his duty. She straightened, knowing that this time, she would wait for him, confident of his return.

She gave him an intent look and caught a glimpse of his surprise. Then he continued his story. “When Apollo returned to Delphi at the end of his service, he established the Oracle called the Pythia.”


“In his travels, Apollo persuaded Pan to reveal the art of prophecy to him. Upon his return, Apollo recognized that the fumes rising from the cracks in the earth at Delphi could induce visions in a person of purity. It was said that these fumes rose through the fissures in the earth that abound in that area and that they came from the decaying corpse of Pytho.”

Lysander shuddered and made a face. “I wouldn’t want to smell that.”

“It smells mostly of herbs and fire to visitors.”

“Barley and laurel leaves,” Katina contributed. “That’s what they burn on the sacred hearth.”

Alexander nodded. “Remember that Apollo saw the fumes as a gift of Gaia to mankind. Only the Pythia herself is engulfed in the fumes.”

“Who’s the Pythia?”

Alexander indicated Katina and she replied.

“The Pythia is the oracle of Apollo. A woman gives her life in service to the shrine, keeping herself pure so that she can hear the prophecies clearly.”

“The Pythia sits on a tripod perched over the crack in the sanctuary of the temple and speaks of her visions,” Alexander added.

Lysander looked between his parents with awe. “You’ve been there.”

“Of course.” Alexander cast Katina a quick smile that warmed her to her toes. “I met your mother in that same sanctuary in Delphi.”

Their son’s confusion was clear.

“I was taken as an offering to the Korykian Cave of the Nymphs by my parents,” Katina explained.

“Why would they do that?”

“Probably because of what we just saw,” Alexander said, his gaze lingering upon Katina. He seemed to be admiring, which made her feel more confident of his reaction.

She continued speaking to Lysander. “They didn’t know what to make of my gift, except surrender me to the gods. There are stories in our family of others like me, although we are said to be born only every seventh generation. My grandfather called me a Waterdaughter and said our family had been touched once by the divine. A naiad once fell in love with one of our ancestors, and then chose to be mortal to remain with him.”

“What else can you do?” Lysander asked.

“I can call the rain, or summon fresh water from a well gone dry. It is said that we can heal and give prophecies, too, which is what I’d hoped to learn.”

“Did you?”

Katina shook her head. “No, because they wouldn’t accept me as an offering. My parents were confused as to what to do, so they took me to Delphi to ask the Pythia about my fate. They paid for a prophecy.”

“Your future lies in fire and earth; the world’s in the son you birth
,” Alexander said quietly.

“Is that the prophecy?” At Katina’s nod, Lysander frowned. “What does it mean?”

“Well, it meant your mother couldn’t serve in a shrine, because to fulfill the prophecy she had to have a son.” Once again, Alexander gave Katina a simmering glance. Were their thoughts as one? “Women who serve must remain untouched by men, all their lives.”

“So, what did you do?”

“I met your father when the Pythia gave her prophecy, for he was serving in the sanctuary. And, in that moment, it seemed my destiny was clear.” Katina caught her breath in recollection of the first spark of the firestorm, the flame that had seemed to ignite her very soul.

That was when she knew she had to feel Alexander’s heat within her again, at least one more time.

Lysander, fortunately, didn’t seem to notice the way his parents were looking at each other. “Is that prophecy about me?”

Katina smiled. “I don’t have another son.”

His delight was clear, then he turned to his father. “But why were you there?”

“Pelias saw that I was
and took me to Delphi,” Alexander said. “We
are said to be the spark cast by Apollo’s killing of Pytho, so we serve at his shrine.”

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