The Earl's Mistress (24 page)

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Authors: Liz Carlyle

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Victorian, #Fiction

BOOK: The Earl's Mistress
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“She has only played once before,” said Isabella, “so she isn’t very good.”

“Excellent,” he murmured under his breath, “an equal match, then.”

“Please go ahead, Lady Felicity,” said Isabella, who was growing increasingly uncomfortable squeezed into little more than a square yard of space with Lord Hepplewood’s tantalizing scent and wide shoulders. “You’ll find the door open.”

Thus empowered, the girl bolted up the remaining steps as if she were quite at home, calling out loudly for Georgie.

“She’s becoming a bit of a wild hoyden, I fear,” he said, “under my inept parentage.”

“At only age six,” Isabella replied, following the child, “she should be a little wild. It is healthy and natural. Do come up, my lord.”

But Isabella had just reached the landing when she found herself seized from behind, and spun quite fiercely around. His eyes dark, Lord Hepplewood set her back to the wall, his mouth crushing hers in a kiss as deep and as possessive as it was sudden. His tongue pushed into her mouth, stroking along hers with slow, rhythmic thrusts as he pinned her with his body.

The wall was cold and hard against her back, his weight and his heat unyielding. She could feel his erection hardening as it pressed into her belly, and Isabella realized then how little power she had against him—and how weak was her ability to refuse him.

When at last he came away, Isabella found herself breathless.

In the gloom of the stairwell, his eyes were inscrutable, his breath, too, coming fast and surprisingly rough. He lowered his forehead against hers and caught her wrist hard in his hand. “Now
” he whispered, forcing her hand against the wall, “felt both wicked

“Don’t, please,” she begged. But her knees already trembled, and she could feel her resolve weakening.

“Come back to me, Isabella,” he murmured. “Come back to Greenwood. I need you—and you need what I can give you.”

“Anthony . . . I cannot.”

He kissed her again, more tenderly, framing her face with one hand in that extraordinary way of his, as if she were his most precious possession. She let him. No,
than let him; she kissed him back heatedly. But she clung desperately to her heart’s tether all the same and kept one ear attuned to footsteps from above.

He brushed his lips beneath her eye. “Tell me you burn for me,” he rasped. “
it, Isabella.”

She expelled her breath on a rough, shuddering sigh. “I burn for you,” she whispered, the need twisting deep. “There. Are you pleased? You have had your way with me again.”

“Oh, not nearly,” he murmured, his voice hoarse. “Oh, Isabella, were I to have my way with you . . . no, it doesn’t bear thinking about. Not here. Not now. But tonight, in my empty bed? Oh, love, then you will truly make me suffer.”

“You have never suffered a day in your life,” she retorted. “Not for the want of a woman in your bed, at any rate.”

He drew away on a dark laugh, his eyes somnolent, his mouth turned up in that odd half smile that was at once bitter and inscrutable. “You seem not to grasp your own power, my dear,” he said. “I should be thankful—and I should apologize, I daresay.”

you apologizing?” she asked darkly. “Because somehow, it doesn’t feel like it.”

He laughed low in his throat and gave her another hard kiss before drawing a little away. “I am not,” he admitted. “I want you, Isabella, and I mean to have you. But in the meantime, you may slap me again if you wish.”

But Isabella well remembered where that had gotten her—over his knee with his hand to her arse. Suddenly, raw lust went shivering through her, and Isabella knew better than to remain another moment alone with the arrogant devil.

She cast a glance up at the turn of the stairs. “We should go up,” she said, setting the heels of her hands to his shoulders, still awkwardly clutching the asters, the stems now nearly crushed.

” he repeated, his lips skating down her throat. “Oh, Isabella. I
do so many things. I should bind you to my bed and to my heart and make love to you for days on end. I should carry you away from this life here and now.”

“Anthony,” she whispered, “this is
life. Not yours.”

“I know,” he said, and for the first time she heard the faintest hint of regret in his words. “Yes, I do know. I don’t mean to be cruel, Isabella. And I don’t mean to add to your burdens, but . . .”

“But what—?”

The half smile vanished. “Just don’t ever imagine I’ve stopped wanting you,” he said. “I won’t. Ever. Fair warning, that’s all.”

Then, as swiftly as he’d caught her against the wall, he lifted his weight away, seized her hand, and led her up the remaining steps. Her knees were still shaking, her wrist and her mouth still burning. And yet, her every nerve ending had come suddenly alive.

Inside the sitting room, however, the world seemed almost normal, and all was at peace. Lady Felicity had already plopped down onto the shabby carpet beside Georgina, having cast the racquets aside. They were peering at the pile of wooden blocks, turning them this way and that.

Jemima stood by the settle, looking a little flustered, her hands clutched politely in front of her.

Hepplewood bowed. “How do you do, Miss Goodrich?” he said upon being introduced.

Isabella was proud of the girl’s deep and graceful curtsy. “Very well, my lord,” Jemima said. “Thank you.”

” said Lissie from the floor, “Georgie’s blocks make arithmetics!”

Hepplewood knelt between the girls. “How very clever,” he said, turning one over.

“They are mathematical blocks,” Isabella explained, her voice surprisingly normal. “One turns them around to show the various numbers and then moves them about to make examples of addition and subtraction.”

“Quite educational,” he said, ruffling his daughter’s hair. “We must remember those at Christmastime, Lissie.”

“We are thinking of stocking them in the shop,” said Isabella. “Jemima thinks they might do well. She has had good instincts so far.”

Jemima blushed and excused herself to go and read.

“I wish you would not,” Lord Hepplewood replied as he rose and smiled at the girl. “I know you’re a little old to play with a pair of six-year-olds—well, Lissie will be six in a few weeks—but we have brought three racquets.” He turned to look at Isabella. “You’ve a little garden of some sort round back, I suppose?”

“Well, to call it that is a kindness,” Isabella admitted, “but we’ve a bench, and something that purports to be a pear tree.”

A few minutes later, Lissie’s asters placed safely in a jar of water and the blocks put away, Lord Hepplewood was pushing open the back door, holding his daughter’s hand.

“Take a turn about with me,” he murmured when Lissie tore from his grasp, “whilst the girls play.”

“A turn?” Isabella gave a sharp laugh. “This is no Mayfair garden, sir. It is a yard—with a clothesline, a shed, and a privy.”

He shot her a dry look. “Indulge me.”

As the girls ran laughing into the sunlight, Hepplewood turned and, as he had done earlier, examined the door.

“She looks happy,” Isabella mused, watching Lissie swishing her racquet wildly about.

“I think she is,” he said, sounding almost mystified. “I hope she is. I am trying, Isabella.”

“Are you?” she said, still watching the children. “I’m very glad.”

“A wise woman once reminded me that I’m all Lissie has now,” he admitted, turning around with a faint smile, “so however insufficient to the task I may be, I must try.”

Apparently satisfied with his examination of the door, he offered Isabella his arm, and together they walked around the perimeter, their feet crunching softly in the gravel.

“You do not share this space?” he said, making an expansive gesture.

“No, we have the whole of the building, though it’s very narrow.”

Suddenly, one of Jemima’s swings went a little wild and the shuttlecock struck Lord Hepplewood in the head. Quick as a wink, he caught it, laughed, and tossed it back to her.

Isabella watched, mulling it over. He seemed in many ways a very different man from the one she’d first met in Northumbria. And yet his kiss today—so heated, so demanding . . .

No, he was little changed, she thought. He was still full of his own arrogance and intent upon having his way. But it was clear he had a deep affection for his daughter, and that sort of love redeemed much sin in Isabella’s eyes.

“You have high brick walls to either side,” he said, casting an eye along the top, “but nothing that couldn’t be scaled.”

“I appreciate your concern,” she said, “but really, what do you imagine is apt to happen? London’s petty thieves can have little interest in a shop full of children’s books.”

“Probably not,” he said evenly, “but I wish to see your access onto the alley from this side, if you please.”

She showed him the tall, narrow gate, set securely into the brickwork. “You keep this locked at all times, do you not?” he asked, examining it.

“Yes, if anyone needs let in from the alley, either Mrs. Barbour or I come out.”

“An inconvenience, to be sure, but a wise one.” He turned and set his hand over hers where it rested on his coat sleeve. “The girls seem happily engaged. Why do we not watch them from that little bench?”

The bench he spoke of was scarcely big enough for two, but Isabella acquiesced.

“Again, I appreciate your concern,” she said when they were seated, “but I’m afraid I must insist you tell me why you’re here.”

He cut her a dark, sidelong look. “Other than to kiss you breathless?” he murmured. “Perhaps I’m here, Isabella, because I cannot stay away from you.”

“Rubbish,” she said. “You’ve stayed away these last six weeks or better with no trouble.”

He looked at her from beneath hooded eyes. “Ah, is that pique I hear in your voice, my love?” he said, his voice dropping suggestively. “How deeply gratifying.”

“You will not tease your way out of this one,” she said grimly. “Why are you studying my door locks and measuring the height of my garden walls?”

The teasing left his voice. “You are a hard woman, Isabella,” he said.

She merely sat, staring at him.

He exhaled audibly. “Very well,” he said. “As I believe I’ve made plain, I don’t much care for your cousin, Lord Tafford—and the deeper I dig, the less I find to like. Tell me, what hold does he have over your sisters?”

“Over Jemima, vey little,” she said. “Her only relation is a bachelor uncle who is Thornhill’s nearest neighbor. But Sir Charlton cares nothing for either girl and would gladly cede their care to Everett. As to Georgina, as Papa left things, Everett is her legal guardian.”

Hepplewood shook his head. “An unfortunate choice,” he said grimly. “No disrespect, Isabella, but what was your father thinking?”

Isabella threw her hands up. “Well, men ever expect to die, do they?” she said. “I suppose it seemed a mere formality, and the best way to ensure Georgina and her mother might remain at Thornhill should something happen to him. Everett was his heir, and our only male relation.”

“More’s the pity,” muttered Hepplewood.

“Indeed,” Isabella agreed. “I’m sure Papa never dreamt a fever would take both him and my stepmother before Georgina’s second birthday. But if the worst did happen, Papa probably assumed Everett would welcome Jemima and me, too. That’s what true gentlemen do, isn’t it? Look after their female relations? Papa just had this naive tendency to believe the best of people.”

Hepplewood snorted. “A few simple enquiries could have disabused him of that notion,” he said. “And from what I’ve learnt, it seems common knowledge that Tafford is no gentleman.”

Isabella considered it. “You know, I don’t think Papa really knew Everett once he went away to school,” she mused, “and Papa certainly never traveled in London circles. Aunt Meredith and Mamma were friends, I suppose, after a fashion, both being wed for a time to brothers.”

“But your mother died young,” he said.

“Yes, when Everett and I were just children,” she said. “I think it was Aunt Meredith who, early on, put the notion of our marrying into everyone’s heads. She can be very charming when she wishes. She’s had four husbands, you may recall.”

Lord Hepplewood fell silent a long while, simply staring across the sunlit space at the three girls, who were still shrieking and swinging their racquets wildly in the air. Time and again, Jemima would gently loft the shuttlecock in the direction of the younger girls, but more often than not, they still missed, often falling into peals of laughter and surrendering nothing by way of enthusiasm.

Very discreetly, Hepplewood’s hand crept over Isabella’s. “You would never willingly leave Tafford alone with the girls, would you?” he said quietly. “You . . . you understand, Isabella, what he is?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I understand. But until a few weeks ago, he had never threatened to actually

Her voice broke, and Isabella was unable to continue.

Hepplewood gave her hand a hard squeeze. “I don’t think he will try to seize them by legal means,” he said, “no matter what he threatens. Moving a case through Chancery might take months, and he won’t wish to answer any hard questions. Unfortunately, in his case, possession is nine-tenths of the law.”

Suddenly, Isabella understood his concern. “Dear God, you think he might simply

“If he does,” said Hepplewood grimly, “he will not get far.”

“Oh, Anthony,” she whispered, “why would he want these children, when, tragically, young girls can be had for tuppence all over London? Is it just his pride? I can’t imagine it. He has never seemed that enamored of me.”

“I can understand a man might be obsessed with you to the point of madness,” he said without a hint of teasing, “but if you insist Tafford is not, I believe you. So he must mean to use the girls as some sort of leverage. But again, my dear, he will not get far. That I promise you.”

?” She turned on the bench to look at him. His face was set in stern, hard lines. “But why has it fallen to you, sir, to deal with my problems?”

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