The Elusive Heiress (22 page)

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Authors: Gail Mallin

Tags: #Regency Romance

BOOK: The Elusive Heiress
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He released her curls, but Kate’s relief was short lived.

‘You know something,’ he confided with a slightly owlish solemnity. ‘It’s damned hot in here. Why don’t we go outside?’

And without further ado he swung her up in his arms and strode out of the library.

‘Put me down,’ Kate hissed.

‘I won’t drop you, word of honour.’

He grinned down at her so boyishly that Kate couldn’t help laughing, albeit in a slightly hysterical manner.

No, he wouldn’t let her fall. His arms were strong, holding her effortlessly. All the same, it could do no harm to slide her own arm around his neck. Just for the sake of steadying herself, of course.

She thought he would head for the front door. Instead he traversed the dark entrance hall with sure-footed ease.

‘You must have eyes like a cat,’ Kate muttered.

‘Blake always bolts the front door. God knows why, but I can’t open it and hold you at the same time,’ he answered reasonably.

They entered the morning room. The heavy drapes which curtained the French window were not drawn and it opened easily to Randal’s touch.

‘Another of my father’s improvements. Never thought it would come in so handy,’ Randal remarked cheerfully and carried her out onto the flagged terrace.

Kate thought he would set her on her feet and she couldn’t prevent a squeak of surprise when he immediately continued on into the moonlit garden.

‘Randal! Where are you going?’

‘Thought I’d show you the statues in the Knot Garden.’

‘Oh this is absurd! Put me down now! At once!’

He came to a halt. ‘Why? Don’t you feel safe?’

Safe! That’s the last thing she felt!

How could she feel safe when they were so close that she could see the pulse beating in his throat, could smell the warm clean scent of his skin, could feel the throb of his heart beneath her hand?

It’s not him I have to fear, but myself
, Kate thought giddily.

He wasn’t like Francis. Apart from the fact he could hold his wine a damned sight better than her husband ever had, he had too much honour to hurt a woman.

And too much pride to force an unwilling one.

She could trust him. It was her own desires she had to be wary of!

‘Randal, put me down.
!’ He was holding her as gently as if she was made of fine porcelain and, dizzy with temptation, it was all Kate could do to resist the longing to lay her cheek against his.

‘Very well.’ He set her down carefully. ‘You can walk if you want to.’

‘Thank you!’ Kate shook out her creased skirts. ‘I am much obliged!’

Unconscious of her sarcasm, Randal made her a slightly unsteady bow. ‘Knew you’d like it out here. Much better than frowsting indoors.’

‘It’s gone midnight!’

‘So it is.’ He looked faintly surprised at her objection. ‘Nice moon though.’

Kate had to stifle a giggle. Just how much brandy had he consumed? ‘Very nice,’ she replied patiently, deciding to humour him. ‘But it’s still dreadfully late and we ought to be getting back.’

She had often wondered what was going on behind his mask of cool reserve. Tonight her wish had been granted. His inhibitions drowned, he was making no attempt to hide his thoughts…or his feelings.

‘I don’t want to go in.’ He caught her hand urgently. ‘I want to go for a walk with you.’

Kate hesitated, knowing she ought to insist on going back to the house. Young ladies did not wander about the garden after midnight. Particularly not in their nightgowns!

‘It would be wrong of me to stay,’ she murmured, but she let her hand remain in his.

‘You owe me a stroll in the moonlight.’ He smiled at her winningly. ‘To make up for refusing me at Lady Massey’s.’

Kate dithered. She didn’t think he would try to detain her, his anger appeared to have evaporated, but dare she trust herself to behave sensibly?

Taking her silence for consent, he tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and set off in the direction of the Knot Garden.

‘Not going too fast for you, am I?’

Kate shook her head, feeling overwhelmed by her own idiocy. She was behaving recklessly and she knew it!

And yet prudence hadn’t served her any better. Her refusal at the Masseys’ ball had been prompted by caution. She had hoped to discourage him from pursuing her, but he was a determined man and all her subsequent attempts at coldness had failed miserably.

Her thoughts in a hopeless tangle, Kate gave up the struggle to make sense of her situation and surrendered thankfully to the beauty of the night.

The lightest of breezes stirred the warm, balmy air as they strolled along arm-in-arm and it was so peaceful she could hear a nightingale serenading the moon, which hung like a golden globe in the star-strewn sky. From somewhere nearby there came a waft of honeysuckle. Drinking in its sweet perfume, Kate could feel the tension draining out of her.

Her behaviour might be foolish, but it was a beautiful night!

And, besides, the fresh air might help clear Randal’s head!

They crossed another well-tended lawn, the short grass tickling Kate’s bare feet, and Randal broke the companionable silence. ‘Not far now. Just past that big elm.’

They reached this lovely old tree and in the darkness of its branches Kate thought she saw something move and instinctively slowed to a halt with a little gasp of uncertainty.

‘Don’t be alarmed. It’s only an owl out hunting,’ Randal said cheerfully.

At the sound of his voice the bird flew up out of the tree with a loud screech of annoyance and, its great wings beating against the dark sky, disappeared in the direction of the Park.

Feeling remarkably silly, Kate gave a rueful chuckle. She had lived too long away from the country! ‘You must think me a shocking coward,’ she murmured in embarrassment.

‘On the contrary.’ Randal placed his hands firmly upon her shoulders and turned her round to face him. ‘I think you are adorable.’

Taken by surprise, Kate looked up into his eyes and, seeing the warm tenderness in their depths, was lost.

Even as he reached out to draw her into his embrace, she was already swaying towards him, drawn by the magnetic pull of an attraction she could no longer resist.

‘Katharine. Sweet lovely Katharine.’

His mouth descended on hers with swift eager hunger and, flinging her arms around his neck, Kate responded with equal fervour.

The minutes ticked by unheeded. Deeper and deeper, they kissed, their tongues entwining in a passionately arousing duel. Closer and closer, Kate pressed herself against him, revelling in the feel of his superb body.

Breathless and giddy with desire, they finally broke apart for want of air.

‘You taste of brandy,’ Kate murmured against his mouth.

He gave a hoarse laugh. ‘I beg your pardon, ma’am.’

‘I don’t mind…kiss me again!’

‘Delighted to oblige,’ he muttered, his arms tightening about her slim waist.

Their lips met and a fresh wave of desire swept over Kate. The blood drummed wildly in her veins, deafening her to reason, and she made no protest when his hand found her breast and his long skilful fingers began to stroke her nipple though the flimsy barrier of her white lawn nightgown.

A tiny moan of pleasure escaped her and, encouraged by this wanton response, Randal tugged the thin fabric aside to caress her naked flesh.

Once, long ago, she had caught a glimpse of how wonderful making love might be, but that promise had never been fulfilled. Now, vivid sensation searing every nerve ending, she was discovering that the reality was far beyond anything she had imagined.

Randal lifted his mouth an inch away from hers. ‘You are utterly bewitching!’ he whispered, checking his sensuous explorations for an instant.

Kate opened her eyes and smiled at him, happiness fizzing in her veins. ‘I like your touch.’

He gazed down into her exquisite face. The moonlight had washed her dark eyes with silver and they glowed to rival the stars as she returned his hand to her breast.

Slowly, lost in mutual delight, they sank to the greensward in a tangle of entwined limbs.

Their kisses grew more passionate and a strange yearning flowered in the pit of Kate’s stomach. Held thrall in its erotic power, she made no protest when he gently removed her wrapper and pulled her nightgown down to her waist.

‘Oh God, you are so lovely!’ His gaze seemed to scorch her skin. ‘I have wanted you from the moment I first laid eyes on you.’

An alarm bell began to ring in Kate’s head. She ought to…she must…tell him to stop!


His head dipped swiftly, his mouth capturing the rosy peak of her breast.

A delicious excitement shot through Kate and she gasped aloud. Slowly, sensuously, his tongue began to lick her nipple.

Tangling her fingers in his thick hair, Kate arched her back with voluptuous pleasure and abandoned thought.

Aeons of delight passed and then, of their own volition, her fingers shifted, searching for his waistcoat.

‘What are you doing?’ Becoming aware of her efforts, Randal raised his head.

‘I want to touch you.’ Kate was impatiently struggling to undo the gilt buttons.

A low chuckle escaped him. ‘Allow me,’ he murmured and ripped the waistcoat open.

‘Take it off,’ Kate commanded.

Willingly, he obeyed and Kate immediately tugged the edges of his shirt free, sliding her hands inside the crisp white linen to reach his skin.

At the touch of her eager little fingers gliding over his chest Randal let out a low groan of satisfaction.

‘Wait!’ He pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

Kate gazed at him with frank curiosity. He was very different to Francis! Her late husband’s torso had been lean and narrow, his skin pale and hairless.

Experimentally, she slid both hands up over Randal’s chest. ‘You feel so warm,’ she whispered huskily.

His muscles were superbly delineated and a light covering of fine blond hair, glinting in the moonlight, hazed his upper torso. With a little giggle, she rasped it between her fingers. ‘It feels lovely, like the softest of furs!’

He laughed shakily. ‘I’m glad I meet with your approval, my lady.’

His laughter died as her questing fingers found his flat copper nipples and began to tease them into hardness.

‘Do you like this too?’ Kate smiled at him provocatively, revelling in her new-found power.

‘It feels wonderful, you little witch!’ he muttered thickly, his breathing quickening, and, unable to deny his need to kiss her again, he pulled her against him and set his mouth on hers with a swift hungry passion.

Naked flesh against naked flesh. Dizzily, Kate wondered if it was possible to faint from sheer pleasure.

He began to stroke the slender curve of her hip, his hand moving slowly downwards, and then before Kate had time to realise what was happening, he’d pushed her nightgown out of his way.

Moving in slow circles against her bare thigh, his hand climbed higher.

‘Randal, you mustn’t—’ Kate broke off with a gasp as his hand slid between the cleft of her thighs and found the hot, aching core of her womanhood.

Violent pleasure erupted in the pit of her stomach, leaving her totally breathless. The sensations his skilful fingers were evoking were so intense she couldn’t prevent herself writhing against him.

‘Katharine. Beautiful Katharine.’ Randal muttered her name feverishly. ‘Do you want to…are you sure?’

His free hand cupped her buttocks, arching her towards him and, feeling the shaft of his manhood, hard and hot, against her thigh, Kate understood his hoarse question.

Every fibre of her being crying out for fulfilment and unbearably tempted, she struggled to cling on to sanity.

Making love with Randal would change everything! She
take the risk!

‘Randal, let me go!’

For an instant he continued to hold her close and then as she began to struggle he released her immediately.

‘Katharine? You’re trembling.’ Randal stared at her, his expression half-dazed.

Kate scrambled to her feet and with shaking hands began to set her clothes frantically to rights.

The look of utter humiliation on her face, ghostly pale in the moonlight, shocked Randal into complete sobriety and, grabbing his shirt, he stood up. ‘I’m sorry,’ he muttered gruffly. ‘I didn’t mean to frighten you.’

Bitterly aware that she was equally to blame, Kate shook her head in a violent gesture. ‘There’s no need to apologise,’ she grated, horrified by her own stupidity.

She should never have let things go so far!

Far from being scared by his passion, her whole body still longed for consummation. Aching with frustration, she supposed she ought to feel grateful for his restraint, but a rebellious part of her mind couldn’t help wishing he had paid no heed to her pleas to stop.

Randal winced at the anger in her voice. O God, why had he drunk so much brandy! ‘I thought you liked… I mean you seemed to want me to—’

‘Oh don’t!’ Close to tears, Kate hastily interrupted him. ‘Please don’t say any more, I beg of you!’

Belatedly realising his clumsy attempt to apologise was only making things worse, Randal ground to a halt.

Silently, he pulled on his shirt and stooped to pick up his waistcoat. A combination of fresh air and shock had cleared the brandy fumes from his head, but his brain was still refusing to function properly.

Appalled by his loss of self-control and unable to think of a smooth remark to ease their mutual embarrassment, he fell back on formality. ‘Pray allow me to escort you back to the house.’

His voice was creditably calm, but a muscle flickered at the corner of his well-cut mouth, betraying him.

‘I think it would be better if I went on ahead,’ Kate replied, crushing the impulse to reach out to him. The bleak self-disgust in his eyes cut her to the quick, but she dare not try to explain that he had done her no wrong.

If she did, her deep longing to confess might overcome her vow to help Kitty!

For an instant she thought her would challenge her decision and then he bowed his fair head. ‘As you wish.’

It took all of Kate’s determination to walk away from him and not look back.

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