The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories) (54 page)

BOOK: The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories)
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His mouth then closed in on them, kissing one after the other, while his other hand continued its magic at my sweet spot, driving me insane with carnal hunger and passion. My back arched even more as I felt myself soaring higher and higher until I climaxed with paramount pleasure in an explosion that made me shudder from head to toe.

With his brown eyes ablaze, he pulled down his pants to reveal his fervent hardness. I was so, so enfolded with immense desire that I was able to pull down my underwear in a second and open my legs to let him enter me. He mounted me then and moved down very, very slowly, his rigidity filling me completely and slithering against the sensitive walls of my entrance. Just barely recovered from my initial climax, here he was again moving up and down continually and bringing me toward the high heavens with him. For the second time, I burst into colorful streaks of sensuality that seemed to swathe me with great warmth and contentment.

We lay down in silence for a while, both spent. Then without any word, Andrew placed an arm around me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The following morning, I woke up to the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs, combined with the bittersweet smell of coffee. A smile spread across my lips as I opened my eyes and caught the delightful whiff of the breakfast that awaited me.

Before I could sit up from the bed, Andrew came over clothed only in his boxers. My eyes swept over his muscular arms, bulky chest, and the bulge down there. I felt a familiar throbbing in between my legs. A passionate longing started to tug across the sensitive areas of my body as I recalled our lovemaking the previous night.

"Good morning," he greeted a little bit shyly. He plopped down beside me and placed the tray of food he was holding at the foot of the bed.

"Good morning," I greeted back, suddenly conscious that I was still completely naked under the white bed sheet.

"Join me for breakfast?" he offered, his brown eyes intent on mine.

"Thank you," I said gratefully. "I am quite famished. Where did you get those?"

"From the instant food packets," he answered, motioning to the duffel bag on the floor. "They aren't as good as the original versions back on Earth, but they will do for now."

"They smell just as good, though," I said, my lips turning up into a wide grin.

"Not as good as you…" he murmured, crawling on top of me and kissing the tip of my nose. I laughed nervously, not sure what to make of his flirtatious words and gestures.

"You're even more beautiful now, Tasha," he said as I felt my body raging with desire for the man I never thought I'd ever touch again. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips – a sweet, soft kiss. His lips lingered long before he pulled back and gazed at me again, seemingly memorizing every feature of my face.

With my heart seemingly bursting from my rib cage, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They started falling down my cheeks, one after the other. "God, I've missed you so, so much," I sobbed. "I can't believe you're right here, Andrew."

"Me, too," he replied softly. "But anything is possible, right?"

"Right," I said. He then took me in his arms in a sweet, tight embrace.

We stayed in that position for quite some time, holding on to each other as if letting go would make the other vanish into thin air. Finally, when we pulled apart, we both heard a soft growl from my stomach.

Laughing, we sat up and shared the yummy breakfast he'd prepared. We laughed and reminisced about the happy memories of the past. Neither of us wanted to bring up any of the sad, painful recollections. We simply basked in the moment, not wanting to acknowledge the bitter reality of the situation.


That morning, Andrew brought me to one of the rooms in the building where there were various pieces of clothing strewn across the floor along with other knickknacks. I grabbed myself a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans which I put on after freshening up in one of the abandoned bathrooms. Even though there was no running water, Andrew's emergency stash consisted of high-tech, handy bath towels that made me feel clean and fresh in an instant.

Meanwhile, he'd applied another medication on his already healing wound before dressing up in what looked like hiking pants and an armored shirt.

He then led me to a laboratory located in the basement. "I discovered this only yesterday morning," he told me, pointing toward a double-sized chrome pod that probably had enough space for just two people.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, walking around the pod and running my hand across the smooth surface. I must have accidentally pressed something because the front part suddenly began to open like a door.

Andrew stepped inside and held out his hand to me. "Do you trust me, Tasha?"

I hesitated. But looking into his loving brown eyes, my heart overflowed with love and I knew then that my husband was truly back. "Yes," I whispered before taking his hand and stepping in beside him.

When the door closed, Andrew took two chrome helmets from above our heads. He slipped one on me. It covered my entire head and eyes. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" he said in a mischievous tone. "Hold on tight."

From total blackness, I was suddenly blinded by a dazzling light which eventually softened into daytime sunlight. I blinked my eyes and a faint vision in front of me that began to clear up into the vividly beautiful scenery of a mountainous region back on Earth. A dirt path lay in front of me and I was surprised to discover that I was actually perched on a motorcycle, with Andrew right in front of me.

He turned around and faced me with a grin. "Ready?"

"What?" I asked in confusion.

He didn't say anything anymore. Instead, he turned toward the front again and revved the engine of the big bike. In a few seconds, he took off on the path, racing toward the mountains. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly as the strong wind whipped my light brown tresses about.

We went faster and faster, higher and higher, until we reached the edge of a cliff. Just as we flew up in the air over the cliff, we lifted our hands in the air and screamed in delight. Time seemed to stand still as we stayed suspended in the air for a few seconds before we plummeted downward onto a grassy field.

I stood up and saw that we were now in a familiar park beside the academy where I had graduated from. There was a blue plaid blanket spread in front of us on the ground and a picnic basket lay on top of it, teeming with food.

Andrew laughed. "A picnic? Really?" he asked me.

"Don't you remember? This is where we had our very first date," I reminded him with a pout.

He took my hand then and brought me over to sit in front of him on the blanket. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me closely. "Of course I remember," he whispered then, his mouth grazing my ear and making me tingle all over. "You were so beautiful, just as you still are now. You made me laugh and you seemed to challenge me to become a better man. I fell in love with you in an instant."

I giggled, remembering that day when I had finally agreed to go out with him. I'd been so surprised and pleased to find that he had prepared an old-fashioned picnic get-together. It had been really sweet.

"How about we make this second first date more memorable?" he suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He started kissing my ear and then my neck.

"Andrew! It's broad daylight!" I pointed out, glancing around frantically at the passersby who didn't seem to notice us. "And we are in the middle of a public park!"

"Then that makes it even more exciting," he murmured, his hands creeping up underneath my shirt and fondling my breasts. I let out a soft moan as my body was ignited with burning desire.

"And since this is actually virtual reality, I can choose the time of day and even pick out what you're wearing…" he whispered, his tone getting excited.

Suddenly, he'd placed me on his lap with my back on him. I found myself wearing a long skirt without any underwear. Our surroundings had turned dark and there was no one in the park except for the two of us. The moon shone above us, accompanied by glittering stars that made it an even more romantic evening.

He continued to stroke my breasts as he gently lifted me and then pulled me down on his hardness. I felt him sliding into me, penetrating hard and deep, increasing my lust and making me forget that this was all imagined.

Our lovemaking felt so real. We soon climaxed at the same time and fell onto the crumpled blanked underneath us. We lay on our backs gazing at the stars that twinkled brightly, as if filling our hearts with hope for a real future together.

I came out of the virtual reality pod in a daze. At that moment, all I wanted was to be with Andrew forever just as we had vowed to each other on our wedding day. All I wanted was to lie in his arms and savor his warm kisses. I was then hit with the realization that there was another chance for us. We could still rebuild our family and have the children, the dream house, and future life we had always wanted.

"We can be happy again together, Andrew," I told him. "Help me finish this mission and then we can go back to Earth."

Sadness clouded over his eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry, Tasha."

My heart felt as if it had been sliced open. "Why?" I croaked.

"I… I've been bound to this planet," he explained. "Maybe for life."

"No!" I screamed in protest. "When we destroy the main computers that are controlling you and the others, you'll get back to normal. We must get to those computers before any of the surviving Zil soldiers!"

"Okay," he agreed reluctantly. "It's worth a try."

We laid out our plan as we trudged across the hallway and down the empty building. Andrew gave me his weapon, arguing that I needed it more in case we came across some of his fellow human soldiers.

Outside, the surroundings were reminiscent of a ghost town that had been immensely damaged by a ravaging storm. From time to time, we would come across a body or two and sometimes even a pile of bloody arms and legs torn from both human and alien soldiers. So far, we had not encountered any dead body from the US Space Police team. That means we were winning by miles.

It wasn't long before we came upon the main base of the Zil aliens. But instead of heading toward the computer lab, Andrew dragged me somewhere else.

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded, suddenly getting suspicious.

He stopped and faced me with his brown eyes blazing seriously. "Don't you trust me, Tasha?"

"I…" I was not so sure anymore.

Without any warning, he quickly grabbed the weapon he'd handed me earlier and threw it far away. He then took me in his arms and carried me easily toward the top floor of a building. I screamed and thrashed about, but he was too strong for me.

We soon reached the spacious roof deck where a small spaceship was parked. He opened the door with one hand and tossed me inside. Before I could fight, he'd locked me in already.

With tears in my eyes, I pounded hard on the tiny glass of the door. "Andrew! Don't leave me here! What the hell are you doing?!"

Andrew's face appeared through the glass, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I'm going to take care of the computers, Tasha. I promise you the mission will be completed," he said through the metal door separating us. "But the Zil commander had sent me a message earlier, telling me that they're battling with your team now. We have all been called to the computer lab, obligated to fight to our death."

"You've got to let me fight!" I yelled. "Let me out!"

"No," he answered firmly, his face set in a determined expression. "I can't risk your life. But I promise you I'll destroy those computers myself and even kill the commander if I have to. I will protect your team and blow up the entire lab."

"Promise me you'll live, Andrew," I begged in desperation and anguish. "Just promise me we'll be together again. That's all I need to hear."

He shook his head miserably. "I'm sorry, Tasha. Goodbye."


I felt the spaceship's engine begin to hum gently. It started to make a rumbling sound as I felt the vehicle rising from the ground and then gliding into the atmosphere above.

Trying to think straight, I immediately searched for the control panel. The monitor showed my destination – Planet Earth.
Damn you, Andrew,
I thought. I rushed forward, my eyes scanning the various buttons and levers. I typed some commands on the keyboard, but nothing happened.

"Come on, come on," I urged the computer to recognize some of the commands I'd been trying out. Finally, there was a blinking light on the monitor, showing my destination on a map of the sector. I skimmed through the labeled buttons and found one that said REVERSE. Praying that this would bring me back to Planet Zil, I pressed it and waited.

The spaceship lurched forward, throwing me off balance. I clutched a nearby chair to try and steady myself. Then to my shock, the blinking light on the map shifted to Planet Zil. I felt the vehicle moving again. "Yes!" I shouted with relief and joy.

I went through the various rooms and cabinets inside the ship and found an armored suit that seemed designed for smaller frames. I put it on and then grabbed a couple of odd-looking weapons and some ammunition. Then I found a huge, heavy sledgehammer that I could probably use to smash the glass of the entrance.

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