The Enforcer (34 page)

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Authors: Nikki Worrell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Enforcer
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“I will. Thanks Zoe. I never thought I’d get anything out of talking to a therapist, but you really are helping me. I was afraid that I’d be uncomfortable around you when we all go to the bar or wherever, but I’m not. Thanks for keeping our sessions separate from my everyday life.” It couldn’t be easy. It was like she had two different people inside of her, but it worked.

“I’m glad you’re finding our talks helpful, Jody. I never want you to feel uncomfortable and anything you say to me, stays with me.”

“Great. I’m going to get my nap in now before the game. Thanks for talking to me.” Most of the guys tried to get an hour or so of sleep in on a game day.

“Anytime, Jody. Have a great game. We’ll be watching! I took some allergy meds and am going to try to watch the game at your house with Lacey and Izzy. Wish me luck.” Zoe hoped it worked.

Jody laughed. “Well, enjoy my girls, Zoe. Goodnight.”



It was the day before Halloween, and Lacey could not wait until Jody got home from his latest road trip. He’d only been gone for three days this time, but between her work schedule, his schedule and the time difference, they’d hardly even had time for a good conversation. She missed him and finally admitted to herself that she loved him. Even though they had only been together a little over two months, it seemed like much longer. She loved him with every fiber of her being, and she wanted to tell him.

He was due to get home around four o’clock, and Lacey wanted to be at his house when he did. A homemade meal never tasted better than after eating out for days on end. At least Lacey thought so, and she was going to cook for Jody. He said he liked spicy, so she was cooking a Mexican dinner.

She had just put the chicken in the oven when she heard the door open. “Lace? Where are you? I’m so glad to be home.”

“Follow your nose!” She heard him put his travel bag down. Footsteps fell on the tile as he came closer to her, and then he was standing in front of her. “I missed you,” she told him, “I’m glad you’re back.”

Lacey launched herself into his arms, burying her face in his neck. That’s when she caught the scent. A feminine scent. Not quite perfume, but feminine all the same.
Oh God, oh God, oh God. No, please no, not Jody, too.

Jody felt Lacey stiffen immediately. He pulled her away and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were shiny with unshed tears, but they also held anger. “Hey, what’s wrong, Angel?”

“I can’t believe it. Aw, Jody, not
could you do this to me?” Lacey was mortified when a sob escaped her. She covered her face and turned away from him.

“Lace, sweetheart, what are you talking about?” He tried to put his arms around her, but she whirled around and shoved him away.

She was incredibly sad, but she was also getting pissed. “You forgot to shower,
. I can smell her on you. I can smell her scent on your skin.” Lacey felt her anger kick up a notch when she saw a smile break out on his face as he figured out what she meant.

“Aw, Lace. I smell like a woman because I stole your soap to take with me on the road. I wanted to feel like you were close to me. It’s your lavender soap. I even had to shower twice so the guys wouldn’t smell it on me in the mornings.” Jody pulled her into his arms and ran his hands over her back in soothing circles. When she finally put her arms around his waist, he tilted her head back to make her look at him. “Lacey Benoit, listen to me good. I love you. I love you more than anything in the entire world. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. If I thought you’d say yes, I’d marry you tomorrow. Now read my lips, I will
never … ever
be unfaithful to you.” Just to make sure she had
doubts, he went over to his suitcase and pulled out her soap, putting it on the counter before her.

Lacey felt like a fool. It was one of those moments she wished she could take back – rewind time and handle it differently. “I’m sorry, Jody. I … I don’t know what else to say. It wasn’t fair of me to just accuse you like that. You don’t deserve-” Jody put a finger to her lips.

“Stop Lace, it’s okay. If you want to make it up to me, promise me that you’ll be faithful to me, too.” He never did talk to her about their relationship after he spoke to Zoe. He meant to, but it just never came about.

Lacey was taken aback by that, and blurted out, “Huh? Of course I will. I love you.” Okay, that was not the way she wanted to tell him that. Another moment she’d like to take back.

Jody went perfectly still. He felt like he’d just won the lottery of a lifetime. She loved him? Truly? Nothing would ever compare to that moment. Nothing. Not even hoisting the Stanley Cup. His voice horse, he commanded, “Say it again.”

Lacey smiled at him and looked him in the eyes. Giving him a gentle kiss on his lips, she whispered, “I love you, Jody LaGrange. I love you more than chocolate.” Jody laughed at that.

“More than chocolate, eh? That makes me happy. I know how much you love chocolate.” Jody hugged her tighter and rested his chin on her head. “Thank you.”

“For loving you more than chocolate?” He didn’t say anything for the space of a few heartbeats.

When he did speak, he had to clear his throat. He spoke with a voice that was thick with emotion. “For loving me. For taking a chance on me. I swear, Lace, I won’t let you down.”



Lacey and Zoe went to the game together on Halloween. Lacey loved going to that game. They both dressed in costumes, as a lot of fans did. Even though it was an old joke, Lacey liked the people who dressed as blind referees. The Scorpions ran a contest for the best costume before the game, awarding a prize to one adult and one child.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Zoe. Why is it that you always get your way with me?” Lacey looked at her reflection and frowned. The costume that Zoe had picked out for her was basically a pink corset with some feathers hanging down from the bottom to form a two-inch skirt. It also had wings and a halo to go with it. She felt naked. Oh, maybe she’d feel more covered up with the wings and halo on. Sure thing. “Look at how much my boobs squeeze out of this thing. If I have a nip-slip, I’m going to strangle you.”

Zoe playfully poked the ample spillover and shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, you said you wanted to be an angel. Well, you’re an angel.”

“I wanted to be an angelic angel, not an angel from
Angels Gone Wild
! When Jody calls me Angel, it’s sweet, not dirty.”

“Tough titties. Sweet angels are boring. Fallen angels are sexy. With your slutty fallen angel costume and my barely there belly dancer outfit, we’ll stop traffic, baby!”

“And again I ask
do I let you talk me into these things?”

Zoe turned to Lacey with her hands on her hips. “Because you know that I know best. And deep down, you’re a vixen, just aching to bust free. Haha … bust.”

Zoe’s costume was just as sexy. She was a belly dancer, dressed in red. She had on wispy, see thru ‘pants’ that were slit up the sides and rode low on her hips. They were held together at the waist and the ankle with delicate gold chains. The top portion of the costume consisted of a miniscule bra, and she wore a headpiece that had more gold chains dangling down to frame her face. She even wore a fake belly button ring. At least Lacey thought it was fake.

“Well, I’ll tell you one thing. We’re lucky we get to sit in the suite again. It would be damn cold if in these outfits if we were too close to the ice.” As it was, Lacey was taking a blanket to put over her legs and a white satin shawl to drape over her shoulders.

There was a big group from the organization going to the game. Some were office workers and some were wives and girlfriends of the players. They were meeting early to mingle – it was kind of an impromptu Halloween party. Jody was picking them up, but then he would go straight to the locker room when they got to the arena. The guys played some soccer and wall ball before the games to warm up and get themselves in game mode.

Jody pulled up to the house right on time. They were halfway down the stairs when Zoe noticed two things: first, Jody was out of the truck storming toward them, looking like he was going to blow a gasket; and second, Vlad was sitting in the back seat.
Zoe didn’t feel like dealing with him.

Jody was talking to himself as he walked over to Lacey.
Okay, okay, breathing in, breathing out. One, two, et cetera, et cetera. Is she fucking kidding me with that costume? I’ve seen more clothes on pole dancers.
Jody tried to tell himself that she could damn well dress anyway she wanted and that he knew she loved him and blah, blah, blah.

“Seriously Lace? Is this a test for me? Because I don’t think I can pass this one.” She couldn’t possibly be thinking of going to the game in that strip of cloth.

“Yeah, it’s a little skimpy, isn’t it? You don’t like it?” Lacey did her best to look innocent with her breasts spilling out of her corset.

Jody walked over to her and tried stuffing her breasts down into the bodice. Lacey lost it. She busted out laughing. Oh his face! It was classic. He had a look of such determination while trying to stuff them down.

“Jody, what are you doing? They’re not going to stay in there – trust me, I tried.” He continued stuffing, and Lacey continued laughing until she had tears rolling down her face. “Stop – oh god, Jody, stop.” She just couldn’t stop laughing.

“Lace, stop laughing. You’re making them jiggle. Help me get them in there.”

That set Lacey, and now Zoe, into fresh peals of laughter. Lacey batted his hands away. “Jody you’re killing me. Oh God, my stomach hurts, I can’t laugh anymore.”

“Fine, but don’t blame me if I lose my cool when you’re getting ogled, got it?” He knew he had control issues, but really, that outfit was just too much; however, he was going to roll with it like a good boy. And he was going to ask her to wear it again – in bed – with garters – and four-inch heels.
Oh hell yeah.

Lacey reached up and pulled him down for a quick kiss. “Thank you. I know it’s hard for you, but remember, I go home with you. I have no interest in anyone else, okay?” Jody grumbled his acquiescence and walked her to the truck.

When they got to the truck, Vlad leaned over and opened the door for Zoe. Zoe wasn’t dating Sebastian anymore, which made Vlad happy, which in turn pissed Zoe off. “Why are you here? Your car break down again?” Honestly, Zoe would never understand why someone who made as much money as Vlad did would still drive an old ’69 Camaro. Yes it looked nice, but it was in the shop more often than not.

“No. I just wanted to see you.” Vlad wasn’t giving up on the feisty Zoe. The meaner she was to him, the more he wanted her. He understood the rules; he just didn’t care about them. Maybe he was being selfish, but he couldn’t help it. She’d been under his skin for years. Well, almost. One year, eleven months and three days to be exact.

Zoe rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Christ, Vlad, let it go. You know the deal. Can’t happen. Accept it.”

“Nope. I’ll wear you down.” Vlad gave her a killer smile and then started a conversation with Jody, as casual as ever.


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