The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional) (10 page)

BOOK: The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional)
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She shrugged and her breasts jiggled. His cock grew painfully larger in his pants. He narrowed his eyes at her, drinking in the sight of her. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to tempt me into staying," he said. Before he realized it, or could do anything to stop it, he'd crossed the room and was standing by the edge of the bed.

"I guess it's a good thing you know better then," she said innocently.

"Trinity." His voice carried a warning. He absolutely could not miss this meeting today.

"Relax, Laszlo." She pulled the sheet up and covered her breasts. Then she got to her knees and knelt in front of him. "You weren't considering leaving without giving me a kiss goodbye, were you?"

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "Wouldn't dream of it, love," he whispered, and then gave her a kiss that left both of them
gasping for breath.




Trinity closed the book she'd just finished reading and tossed it on the bedside table, glancing at the clock as she did—3:48 p.m. She flopped sideways on the bed and groaned. "God, I am so bored." Since Laszlo had left that morning, she'd had breakfast; took a shower; read an erotica novella, which was a big mistake because all she could think about now was Laszlo's promise to lick her when he got home; then she called him at the office, only to be told he was unavailable.
What kind of crap was that? Unavailable?
He had always made himself available to her when he was at the office. Disappointed, she'd taken a short nap; ate lunch; sat on the back porch; ate a snack; went back up to bed and read another book, which she'd just finished.

Laszlo still hadn't called her back, which bothered her, a lot. She knew he had an important meeting with Davison Development this afternoon, but she really expected him to call before he went into it. Maybe he was out of the meeting by now, she thought as she sat up and grabbed the phone. She dialed the direct line to his office. After six rings, she was directed to his voicemail. "What the fuck?" She hung up without leaving a message.

I am not sitting in this house a second longer. Trinity rummaged around in her dresser until she found a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. She quickly dressed, slipped her feet into a pair of comfortable sneakers, and headed downstairs. She had no idea where she was going, but it didn't matter as long as she got out of this damn house. A walk sounded fantastic. Yeah, that's what she'd do—take a walk. No harm could come from that. Plus, the exercise would be good for her. She didn't want to be one of those women who used pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they wanted, be lazy, and gain a ton of weight. Oh, no. She was going to gain just enough to appease Laszlo and the doctors, and then it was all going to come off after the baby was born. The only way she could accomplish that would be to stay in shape during the pregnancy.

Trinity went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and gathered her cellphone and headphones from the counter. Laszlo had bought her a smart
-phone, saying he wanted her to be able to get in touch with him whenever she wanted, for whatever reason she wanted—even if it was just to say hi. She huffed.
Yeah, that was working out real well for her today, wasn't it?
She missed him like crazy, and despite her repeated calls, she hadn't been able to get in touch with him.

With everything she needed now in her hands, she turned toward the front door, but was stopped by a voice behind her. "Miss Trinity? Do you need something?" It was Janice, their housekeeper.

Trinity sighed. "No, thank you, Janice, I'm just going to go out for a walk."

"Oh, no, no, no, you're supposed to be resting. Mr. Cstary will not approve of—"

"It's fine." Trinity held up her hand to silence Janice. "I won't be gone too long, I promise." She smiled and left the kitchen.

Janice followed. "Please, Miss Trinity, I beg you, please just go back up to bed and wait for Mr. Cstary to arrive home."

Trinity rolled her eyes. "I'm not going back to bed. I've been stuck in that bed and in this house for weeks. I'm bored, and if I don't get some fresh air, I'm going to go crazy. Now, if you have an issue with that, please feel free to call Mr. Cstary yourself and tell him what I’m up to." Trinity put her headphones on, turned up the volume, and reached for the door, confident that even if Janice did call Laszlo, she wouldn't reach him. It was a harmless walk for God's sake. People needed to lighten up. Yanking the door open, Trinity stopped cold. Her jaw hung open, and her eyes widened. It wasn't possible. She had to be seeing things. She blinked several times.

"Oh. My. God! It is true," the woman shrieked.

"Becky?" Trinity said with disbelief. "What're you doing here?"

"I saw the engagement announcement in the paper, and I didn't believe. I had to find out, and, well, here you are."

Trinity flung her arms around Becky's neck and hugged her. Becky was the one and only friend Trinity had. They'd met when Trinity first moved here, after she'd run away from Jason. Becky had been her neighbor for a short period of time, before she landed a job with an up-and-coming magazine that had paid to send her to Australia for some human interest piece they were working on. In the short time they had been neighbors, they became friends fast. Trinity trusted Becky implicitly, and when Becky left, Trinity had cried. It was hard to make such a good friend, and then lose that same friend all within four months. "When did you get back?" Trinity asked, wiping a stray tear from her face.

"Two days ago. As soon as I saw the announcement, I began hunting you down." Becky laughed.

"Wow." Trinity shook her head. She still couldn't believe Becky was here. It had been several months since they'd seen or spoken to each other.

"Are you headed out?"

"I was just going to take a walk, but that can wait. We have to catch up. Want to come in?"

"How about we go out instead? We can go to The Brick and grab some burgers or something," Becky suggested.

"That sounds great." Trinity smiled. It would get her out of the house, and she could catch up with Becky. Plus, burgers from The Brick—a local bar and grill near their old apartment—had the best food. "Let me just grab my purse." Trinity took off her headphones, set them, and her phone, on the foyer table and got her purse. She took a moment to make sure she had her wallet and some cash, and then she left with Becky.


"So, how was Australia?" Trinity asked, taking a large bite of her barbeque bacon cheeseburger. She closed her eyes and moaned. It tasted delicious.

"It was nice, but I'm glad to be home." Becky shoved a few French fries into her mouth, chewed and swallowed, and then said, "Tell me everything, Trin. When I left you were single and had sworn off men. And now you're engaged to a man who is arguably the most handsome, wealthiest man in all of Washington. How the hell did that happen?"

Trinity laughed. "I actually got a job working as a secretary in his office. Sarah, his executive assistant, was supposed to attend a business conference with him in New York, but she came down with the flu and couldn't go. So, I went instead. The second night we were there, Laszlo invited me up to his room and I went."

Becky's eyes widened. "No way." She shook her head. "After everything with Jason, you had sex with another one of your bosses?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. It was stupid, and I regretted it the next morning--which is why I snuck out of his room while he was sleeping." Becky laughed, and then Trinity laughed. Trinity had told Becky all about Jason, including the part about the pictures she'd stolen. Neither Jason nor Laszlo knew that Becky knew, and Trinity wanted to keep it that way. Besides, it didn't matter anymore, because Laszlo had dealt with Jason, and Jason was out of their lives. "He was less than pleased," Trinity continued. "I tried to tell him that it had been a mistake and that it couldn't happen again. I learned very quickly that Laszlo Cstary doesn't take no for an answer."

Becky's face turned serious. "He's not anything like Jason, is he?" Her voice was laced with concern.

"No, he's nothing like Jason. He didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. No matter how hard I tried to resist him, to do the right thing, I just couldn't stay away from him." Trinity smiled.

"Obviously." Becky winked. "Does he know about your past?"

Trinity nodded and took a drink of her water. "I came clean, told him all about my fucked up childhood, my brother, and Jason."

"And he still asked you to marry him? That's good."

Trinity smiled, and then took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant, Becky."

Becky almost choked on her food. She coughed and took a drink before she tried to speak. "Are you shitting me?"

"No. I'm just under twelve weeks along."

"Is that why you two are getting married?" That was just like Becky—to be harshly blunt. It was one of the reasons Trinity had instantly liked her. Becky had no issues telling Trinity exactly what she thought when Trinity was acting foolish.

"No." Trinity shook her head. "Jason found me shortly after I told Laszlo about the baby. Jason beat me up pretty bad, and I ended up in the hospital with a concussion and a few fractured ribs. The baby was unharmed." Trinity took a deep breath and forced herself to continue. The sooner she told Becky everything, the sooner they could change the subject and talk about something more exciting.

"Laszlo was by my side the entire time. When the doctors released me, he brought me to his house and asked me to move in. A couple of days later he broke down and told me how scared he was the night he'd found me, how he'd thought I was dead, and how he couldn't imagine life without me. Then he proposed," Trinity said with a shrug. "He loves me, Becky. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. And I love him
so much it scares me at times. Great, I'm crying again. Fucking hormones.” Both of them laughed.

Becky reached across the table and put her hand over Trinity's. Becky smiled. "I'm glad you have him, Trin. It's obvious he makes you happy."

"He does." Trinity wiped her tears, and then smiled. "So, I guess the next logical question is: will you be my maid of honor?"

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked." Becky laughed. "It would've been really awkward if I would've had to impose on you like that."

"I take it that's a yes?"

"That's a hell yes."

"Thank you." Trinity finished her water and pushed her plate away. "We just got engaged two weeks ago, so we haven't set a date yet, but I'd like to do it soon, before the baby is born and before I get too fat."

"Well, you know I'm here to help with whatever you need."

Trinity smiled. She was so happy to have Becky back in her life. It was nice to have a friend to talk to, a friend she could trust and hang out with when Laszlo was busy working. They ordered dessert and continued to talk about anything and everything they could think of. Becky told Trinity all about Australia and the sexy Aussie Becky had a hot affair with. It was one of the best afternoons Trinity had had in a long time.




Laszlo paced the foyer floor, glaring at Trinity's cellphone each time he passed the table. His gut coiled with dread and fear and anger. What the hell had she been thinking? Taking a walk when she was supposed to be on bed rest? And then leaving her cellphone home? That in and of itself was enough to make his blood boil, but knowing she'd been gone for five hours—according to Janice, anyway—had him sick with worry. Laszlo had driven around the neighborhood several times. There was no sign of her. At that point, he'd called his personal car service to see if anyone had driven her anywhere. They hadn't.

So, then he'd called the police. What a mistake that had been. Because it had been less than twenty-four hours, Laszlo couldn't file a missing persons report. And there were no signs of a struggle. Trinity had left on her own free will. Or so the police tried to tell him. But he wasn't so sure. He couldn't shake the feeling that something else had happened. His initial thought was that Jason had gone back on his word and had shown up. Laszlo refused to leave because he wanted to be home when, or if, Trinity showed up. He'd sent one of his contacts to go check on Jason and his whereabouts the past few hours.

Laszlo stopped pacing and punched the marble-tiled wall. "Fuck!" The only other time he'd felt this helpless was the night he'd rushed Trinity to the hospital. If anything happened to her…I'll kill anyone and everyone who had a hand in harming her, he vowed. Laszlo slumped into the only chair in the foyer, propped his elbows on his knees, and dropped his head into his hands. He couldn't imagine his life without her in it. She had to be okay. She just had to be.

"Mr. Cstary?"

He looked up at the sound of his name. When the police had refused to help him, he'd hired an entire team of people to look for Trinity. His house was full of people, and he'd wanted a few moments of peace. Obviously that wasn't going to happen. "If you're just here to tell me, again, that you still haven't found her, but you're working on it, save your breath." Without another word, the man turned and walked away. Laszlo sighed with frustration.

Moments later, the door opened, and Trinity walked in, smiling, glowing, and seemingly unharmed. Laszlo stood, a flurry of emotions crashed over him: relief, love, anger, disbelief. "Where the hell have you been?" he said.

Trinity seemed stunned by his reaction. "I was—"

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Laszlo pulled her into his arms, and a little bit of his anxiety dissipated.

"No, I'm fine. Laszlo, what—"

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" He didn't give her a chance to respond. He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the stairs. Laszlo stopped near the living room. "She's home, and she's fine. Everyone leave. Now!" he bellowed, and then he continued upstairs, keeping Trinity's hand firmly in his. Once they were in the bedroom, he closed and locked the door.

"Laszlo, I don't—" He silenced her by pressing his mouth over hers, sliding his tongue between her lips, and moaning when he felt her kiss him back.
She's home and she's okay. She's home and she's okay.
That's what he kept telling himself, but the fear and worry still pulsed through his veins. He clutched the hem of her shirt and yanked it off over her head, and then crushed his lips over hers, kissing her with a hungry desperation born out of fear.

Trinity broke the kiss and pushed him away. "Laszlo, will you please stop for a minute, and tell me what the hell is going on?"

"You tell me," he said, running a shaky hand through his hair. "I tried calling you on my way home, and you didn't answer. And then when I got here, you were gone, your cellphone was on the table, and I couldn't find you."

"I was going to go for a walk, and then—"

"Damn it, Trinity," he snapped. "You looked me in the eye and told me you'd do what the doctors said. And the minute I leave, you take off to God knows where. What the hell were you thinking?" His voice got progressively louder with each word. He knew he should just be relieved that she was home safe, but he couldn't get past the fact that she lied to him and did something she said she wouldn't do.

"What was I thinking?" she asked, pointing at herself. "I was thinking about how fucking bored I was. I was thinking about how I tried to call you several times only to keep getting your voicemail, or to be told that you were unavailable. I was thinking about how irritated I was that you didn't call me back. And I was thinking about how sitting in this house all damn day is only going to make me fat. That's what I was thinking."

Laszlo gritted his teeth. "So because you were annoyed with me, you risked your life and the life of our baby?"

Trinity rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, Laszlo. If you'd give me a chance, I'd be more than happy to tell you where I was."

He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to speak. She never should've left this house and nothing she said would change his mind.

"I was going to go for a walk, but then my friend Becky showed up; and we went out to get something to eat and catch up."

"And you couldn't be bothered to let someone know that? Christ, Trinity, I was worried sick about you." He was shouting again. "I thought maybe Jason had come back, or that someone had taken you…" Laszlo blew out a breath and plopped down on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Laszlo. I made a mistake. I guess I didn't think…" She sniffled and wiped away tears.

"Shit," he muttered, and then reached for her. She stood in front of him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Trinity hugged him to her. "I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love you, Trinity." He looked up at her. "And like it or not, people are not above using you to get to me. Promise me you will never do anything like this again."

"Okay," she whispered. "I promise."

He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her down onto his lap. Laszlo cupped her cheek in his hand. "God, I love you so much," he whispered as he brought his mouth down to hers. "I wouldn't survive if anything ever happened to you."

Trinity adjusted her body and straddled him. She took his face into her hands. "Nothing's going to happen to me, Laszlo. I'm fine."

"I know." He kissed her softly on the throat, and she moaned, arching into him. His hands slid around her body, and he unhooked her bra. The sight of her perky, bare breasts had his cock thickening. He took each breast into either of his hands before his mouth closed around her nipple. The taste of her was intoxicating. So sweet, so smooth, just so damn perfect. Her breasts, her nipples, he groaned as he took them into his mouth one at a time. Nipping at first; then just suckling, before holding them between his teeth and flicking them with his tongue. "Mmm," he said, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak.

She arched toward him, thrusting her tits deeper into his mouth. "Yeah," she said breathlessly.

"I need you, Trin." There was a certain level of desperation in his voice, but he didn't care. After the scare he'd had tonight…nothing mattered but being with Trinity, holding her, kissing her, making love to her. He left her breast and moved to her lips, his tongue dipped into her mouth, exploring every inch until her taste was permanently ingrained in his memory.

Her fingers clawed at his shirt, yanking, tugging, pulling at it until it broke free from his waistband. She frantically worked at the buttons, undoing each one quickly and deftly until she was able to guide it off his shoulders and down his arms. The feel of her hands and fingers roaming over his chest had him trembling with anticipation. When her hot little mouth started to plant kisses on his bare flesh, and her tongue traced circles around his nipples, he had to fight to control himself. And when she started to rock on his lap, dry humping his highly sensitive, rock hard cock, he nearly lost it.

“Easy, love,” he whispered, grabbing her hips and holding her still before lifting her off his lap and setting her on the floor in front of him. There would be no rushing tonight, only soft, slow, lovemaking. His fingers curled around the waistband of her pants and guided them down her hips. He clutched her hips and kissed her stomach. His hands slowly moved down around towards her ass. He groaned.
He loved it when she wore thongs.

Laszlo stood, scooped her up under her knees, turned, and laid her on her back. He positioned himself over her. His mouth found hers again; his hand roamed the length of her body. Her skin was like heated silk beneath his fingers. “God, you're so beautiful,” he muttered, kissing his way down her body. His fingers curled around the strings of her panties as he slowly pulled them down, revealing the neatly trimmed patch of brown curls guarding her precious goods.

His thumbs pressed into the flesh of her tender thighs as he parted her legs. He was going to taste her, all of her, just like he'd promised this morning. Kissing the crevice of her thighs, he worked his way toward her sex. He assaulted her senses with gentle kisses before sucking her clit into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. Her ass came up off the bed, pushing her pussy into his face. He loved it when she did that.

“Laszlo,” she moaned his name.

His tongue laved her clit again, slowly at first, easy gentle licks and then fast, feverish flicks until she had her fingers twisted in his hair, holding him tight against her pussy. She was fucking his face so hard, so fast he was having trouble keeping her still.

“Easy love,” he said as he gripped her hips and held her still before easing a finger inside the silky saturated folds of her pussy. He stroked the delicate flesh of her womb, his tongue teasing her clit. The taste of her was intoxicating, her sweet nectar an aphrodisiac to his body. He continued to suckle her clit as he worked a second finger inside of her. It made his cock so damn hard he groaned in painful anticipation. The vibrations of his moan had her creaming in his mouth.

"Laszlo," she cried. "God, yes, it's so good."

Hearing her say his name like that, whispery, needy, seductive, it got him every time. He worked his fingers deeper into her, stroking, rubbing, teasing her flesh into a frenzy of pleasure. His mouth, his tongue, they were relentless on her clit, coaxing the swollen nubbin into releasing her pleasure. He looked up under his lashes to see her watching him. “Come for me love. Let me taste you,” he whispered before working another finger into her.

She flung her head back on the bed, arched her body, and fisted his hair between her fingers. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were parted on a sigh. The sight of her like that rocked him to his core. The knowledge that he would be the only man to ever see her like that; the only man to bring her such intense pleasure was better than any drug. Laszlo felt the first signs of her tightening around his fingers. He slowly pulled his fingers from the warmth of her pussy and plunged his tongue deep inside her, his thumb working her clit. She tightened, jerked, relaxed, tightened again, and then released with a flurry of screams and moans. He fucked her with his tongue, sucking her come into his mouth, swallowing and taking more. She was so sweet it made his teeth ache. The taste of her juices coating his tongue, sliding down his throat destroyed him. The fear he'd felt earlier came back with a vengeance.  The thought that he'd almost lost her…it paralyzed him.

She collapsed onto the bed, and he eased his body down on top of her, pressing his erection against her already sensitive sex. One movement, one slight shift in his weight and she’d come apart again. He knew this; he could see it in her eyes. Laszlo smoothed the hair from her face. "I love you so much, Trinity, so much," he said against her lips.

"Make love to me," she muttered, not taking her lips from his.

A deep guttural moan pushed past his lips as she reached between them and started to tug at his pants. He got up long enough to rid himself of them, but before he could get back on the bed, Trinity was kneeling in front of him. Her fingers grasped the base of his shaft, and she looked up at him under her lashes as her tongue barely grazed the head of his cock. His hands gathered her hair to the side, and he gently pulled her away from him. “Trinity, love,” he said, “I want tonight to be for you.”

“I want to do this,” she said as she sucked the head of his dick into her mouth, circling the sensitive skin beneath before popping it out of her mouth.

He watched as her seductive little smile closed around his dick. Her hand stroked his shaft while her mouth laved on the head. Laszlo's head fell back to his shoulders. She was single handedly destroying his self-control. He absolutely loved it when she sucked his cock, but it's not what he wanted tonight. But, god damn it was good. Her mouth was so hot and tight. Trinity's moans of pleasure vibrated through his shaft landing in his balls like a ton of bricks. Just for a minute, he thought. He grabbed her head, holding her in place as he slid his dick in and out of her mouth. He flung his head back and moaned loudly. His ass clenched, and his balls tightened as he tried to stop himself from coming in her mouth. “Baby, please, stop." Just a few more seconds he thought. “Ah, God your mouth is like heaven." Fuck, she was so good at this. But, no, he would not limit their lovemaking to oral. “Stop!” he growled.

Her teeth lightly dragged up his cock until she released him. She licked her red, swollen lips, and smiled up at him. Laszlo captured her lips and kissed her hard, using the force of it to guide her back onto the bed. He couldn’t take much more. His balls were so tight from holding his release he thought he’d die from a stroke if he didn’t bury himself inside of her soon. “So beautiful,” he exhaled. He grabbed the base of his dick and pressed the head of his cock against the opening of her pussy. The warmth of her shot through him, erupting in a full body fever as he slowly pushed his way into her. Inch by agonizing inch, he took his time. Savoring the feel of her spreading for him, stretching around his hard cock as it disappeared inside her pussy.

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