The Fell Good Flue (10 page)

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Authors: Robin Miller

BOOK: The Fell Good Flue
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I said, “time and this good smoke has done that, and this tea will help.”
I gave it a sip and the scent brought back memories of old days. She put just enough honey in to offset the bitter and it was not too hot.
Brandy, “this must of come from a vault that had been sealed all these years, it still has the first sent of its flavor with it. He came with but one pack, to give like this he must be sure the rest is a large stash and sure to get back to it.”
I said, “a good find, both his cargo and the man.”
She said, “small things can still carry a lot of weight these days.”
I said, “TT has a good reason to urge him to be part of the grope, and his urges are easy to find a place the way he is going.”
Brandy, “the urges of the two that were there were easy to take care of, others have harder ones that take more time.”
I said, “he will have to deal with those as well when the time comes.”
Brandy, “I was talking about me.”
I said, “then he will have to deal with me.”
She said, “you know where my loyalties lay.”
I said, “the same place mine do, but even boys have dreams of smiles.”
She said, “and they run fast as well, a boys candy is sweet but a man can bring home the meat.” I said, “that’s an old one, and at one time you could say it without seeming to be dirty, but keep quoting things like that to me.”
Brandy, “I will break you of your dirty talking before your son is old enough to understand.” I said, “no problem, I’m writing it all down for him to read later, so put some more thoughts into my head.”
She said, “you already have more thoughts in there than you have time for, drink your tea.” I smiled as she went back to the kitchen with a skip, then relit my smoke. The sun was working its way down the buildings and a red glow gave the day a feel to it. I could hear zip lines humming out there and a few shouts from one roof to another, with greetings or word to come, and a squirrel ran across the windowsill. A flag went up and I waved, then the zip brought another visitor. A thud on the roof later Brandy said, “Jacob, I can tell his thud and step on any roof.”
From the stairs was heard, “greetings, I bring a gift before asking.”
Brandy, “those are the rules, step forward and trade.”
Jacob walked over to the table and put a bag of cookies down saying, “thanks again for last I ate here, may these fill as well.”
Brandy, “gladly accepted, what’s the ask?”
Jacob, “a smoke with Nibor if it’s his wish.”
She said, “you got past me, but the other steps are your own.”
I said, “always welcome my good friend, have a seat.”
He came over and sat down with a, “quite a day, more than one to tell it.”
I said, “then trade on it for as long as you can, you know I will.”
Jacob, “I never let a good trade go to waste, thank you. The party is getting started and looks to be a big one.”
I said, “TT has already got word I will zip in, and a boy traded a bag of candy to Brandy for a smile.”
He said, “it cost me cookies.”
Brandy, “your older than him, I expect more from men.”
I said, “there she goes again, talking dirty to my friends.”
Jacob, “I just write it all down for her son to read when he grows up.”
I said, “so do I, he is going to have a lot to talk to her about.”
Brandy, “the two of you forget that winters get cold, and I am often in need of things to burn.” Jacob, “Nibor, if you get me in trouble with your wife before the party I will not drink with you.” Brandy, “notice he did not say will not smoke with you.”
I handed him the pipe and said, “he knows how to chose his words.”
He took it and said, “after all the years I have known the two of you, I better have a few ways about me, “ and lit the pipe.
Brandy, “and we love you for them.”
I said, “Jacob, don’t forget to put down that she loves your ways. I think it will come in handy one day.”
He exhaled the smoke and said, “got that one in my head to trade often.”
Brandy, “those cookies must be sweet, his words are laced with honey.”
I said, “we have that, and many other things today. What was on your list?”
Brandy, “just trade, setting up the days to come so they flow.”
Jacob, “lots of that going on tonight, and you know the word will be who to go with the new trader. If his stash is as rich as TT thinks it is, only one that needs nothing will be trusted.” I said, “the man came to see me today, and we left him at the pool, I believe he was happy.” Jacob, “happy now, willing to guide later is two different things, easy to come into town with a bag and some words.”
I said, “only time and the wind will know for sure, what part of it I may be is not known to me yet, but things change fast.”
Brandy, “what time would it take?”
Jacob, “my hear is a day and night, that’s with the horse, return would be what cargo and way is.”
I said, “a long time on the ground, not a thing I do easy anymore, and my family has needs.” Jacob, “a hand is offered if its needed, the ground has no fear I can’t take for a few days.” I took a sip of my wine and looked at Brandy. She had that you have already made up your mind look on her face, but that it was alright.
I said, “we will see what we learn tonight, but he came to the city with but one horse, two more is a tall order even for TT.”
He said, “I’m nearly as fast as a horse in the woods and make less noise.”
Brandy, ”but you carry less as well, we would not wont you to tire yourself out watching his back.”
Jacob, “I was planning on letting him watch mine.”
I said, “speed is not the way of the ground, the load must be right on the way there as well.” Brandy, “the way the two of you go around packing, it’s just another day of ammo taking a trip, but I put my faith in his sword for the close encounters.”
I said, “still two horses shy of a plan for me, TT will need something more than I am able to give him at the moment, so we will see what the night brings.”
Jacob, “I hope it brings horses.”
Brandy, “I hope it brings rest before dawn, I have a feeling it will be a long one no matter what comes our way.”
I said, “she is rarely wrong about her feelings.”
He said, “I have the same one about the night.”
Brandy, “the night may not let go of Stan before the dawn, or the women he is with, hard to get a body to move after a night like that.”
I said, “either she is stating a fact or making plans, I just can’t tell anymore.”
Jacob, “don’t get me in any more trouble, I just came for a word and a smoke.” I said, “the word is good, how is the smoke?”
He said, “mellow and pain killing, as are your words.”
I said, “don’t forget to write that down as well.”
Brandy, “I’ll get your son ready before he hears any more.”
I said, “he does have a smile on his face, but I think it’s just the sight of you.”
Brandy, “only because I’m bending over him dear, you do the same thing.”
I said, “you give me reason.”
Jacob, “you give me words I cannot repeat.”
Brandy, “you both give me reason to change a dipper,” and off she went.
Jacob took another drag on the pipe and said, “your words cost me more to get into this house each time I come.”
I said, “so your starting to see through the plan, well I better change it before you stop paying up.”
He drained his glass and handed the pipe back, then stood and looked out the window. The squirrel ran by again, then took the wire to the next building, and Jacob said, “on the way here I zipped through a long tailed rat on the line, it jumped so high that I was on the next roof before it got a good hold again, lucky my hands were too slow for it.”
I said, “one day that squirrel will be in here to get a snack and I will make one out of him.” Jacob, “Brandy has it charmed, the critter has not passed the windowsill in a month, and now it smells both bear and wolf on you.”
I said, “I’ll blow smoke until it drops with a smile, then we will see which of us has the lightest feet.”
Jacob, “works on me, TT is passing out the good stuff today and so are you.”
I said, “that’s where I get it from, out winter garden does not have the heat I need yet.” Jacob, “the bear fat will make a good oil, if you need more heat.”
I said, “a barrel or two of coal would burn for awhile as well, the furnace is at the corner for good air.”
Jacob, “digging and hauling takes time, it’s a long way up to this roof, such things are a task best traded for.”
I said, “and a load will be at the party, TT may have one last word of cargo I don’t want to move today, I can’t let it go without something heavy.”
Brandy came back in saying, “what’s heavy?”
I said, “what I’m not bringing back with me from the party.”
Brandy, “then it will not be your son, he is getting to be a load.”
I said, “you know me, once I get a load off I don’t want it back.”
Brandy, “don’t write that one down.”
Jacob, “I’m not hearing this, I’ll see you on the line,” and he went up to the roof. I said, “test them all the way there for me.”
Brandy, “was it something I said?”
I said, “you’re driving him crazy, you know that don’t you.”
She said, “he was that way before you meet him, I just never let him forget it.” We were on the roof before he jumped, and he said, “largest load goes first,” then off he went. I helped Brandy into her harness and she was next. He caught her on the other side and I came zipping in as well. Then it was to the other side of that roof and on another zip-line, with him first and me on the line right behind him. As he turned to give Brandy a hand I chest bumped him and said, “don’t kiss me just yet, I have not had that much to drink.”
Then Brandy zipped in and said, “are the two of you going to unhook or make out?” We both stated to laugh and unhook, then ran for the next line. We stopped to see who was on the other side and Brandy got hook and air by the time we saw she was there. On her way she said, “light loads are faster than old feet.”
I was next on the line with Jacob close behind me, and when we got to the other side of the roof Brandy was talking to a guard. We ran up as he said, “she tells me the two of you are loaded, but I see no cargo.”
I said, “that’s not what she was talking about or true, she runs too much to make sense at times.”
He said, “I see the cargo now, those years were behind you but just caught up.” Jacob said, “he’s not talking about me without a hook on the line.”
I said, “years have wisdom, maybe in a few you will as well.”
Brandy, “you men say the nicest things around me, now talk like Sage can understand you.” I said, “he can, look at that smile.”
Billy said, “rooftop guard is not where I want to be right now, send a pretty girl with some food.”
Brandy hooked up and said, “food is not what you want, but I’ll look for a girl for you,” and she was off.
Jacob, “I best be next before she tells the women I have a rash,” and he was off. I said, “people are in such a hurry these days, how is the wolf?”
Billy, “resting well last I saw, with Laurence building a fence inside of the one behind him, it will have a gate to the entryway and full top for shade. I have not seen him make so many things in a long time, and even the water is on.”
I said, “he is as proud of that wolf as I am, nice to hear the news, good luck with what comes your way,” and I was off.
On top of a short roof that overlooked the courtyard Brandy was taking her harness off as Jacob held the baby. I walked over taking mine off and said, “Laurence built a yard for the wolf, with a roof on it, so I guess no dog for the wolf tonight.”
Brandy, “he’s good at those kind of things, or the wolf would have had his goats a long time ago.”
Then we walked down some stairs to the square, where we were greeted by many people wanting to hear about the wolf and the bear. Brandy made her way over to the fire pit as I talked to some of them there, and asked what was out to trade. Seeing the cart of coal she said to the one at the shovel, “where is TT, it’s not like him to hide with so much on?” He said, “dragged over there by another I have not seen for a great time, talking about something in a whisper, but my hands are too busy to listen to whispers.”
Brandy, “that’s a heavy load you have there, I should help you with it by having Nibor move some for you.”
He said, “I’ll move enough to keep this fire right, but move will need moving later, I’m sure you would like it to be the top of your roof.”
Brandy, “that depends on how much I can get him to not move, tell TT when he comes out of the shadows.”
He said, “those words are light to carry and may lighten my load later as well, I will pass them on free of charge.”
Brandy, “any words that can lighten your load are mine to give, and word has it Laurence has a new pet, and he is looking for the right blanket to tuck him in with before coming to the party.” He said, “I doubt he will be tucking that one in, but there has been a lot of banging from over there.”
Brandy, ”word is a new yard, with a roof for the new guard. I only have word in my head about the blanket.”
He said, “a yard with a roof, that’s a lot of work for less than a short time, both in deed and investment. Maybe there is more in his hart than he lets on, and the same goes for your husband.”
Brandy, “giving comes easy for him, both in life and death, both beast got what was in store for them. What comes next is only another day, I hope it brings my man home safe.” He said, “each feels the same, may your travels be safe as well, thanks for the words.” She then went over to talk to some others, as I made my way toward the fire. I saw her move and TT in the background talking to another man, and changed my step to slip behind a wall that ran down this side of the courtyard. A small garden of flowers had a start that was moving in all this, and the torches gave a nice flicker in the light breeze. On a bench I took a seat to rest for a moment to myself, and hear the voices in the wind. From the other side of the wall I could hear TT say, “it’s a lot to ask for, but I think it will work best. If on time, I will pay what is needed in due course and be happy in it, but one delay in a way that proves to cause a loss and there will be none to do business with.”
The other said, “my word is how I trade and stay in trade, if I’m not on time there is none of either.”
They then moved off behind the wall and I just listened to the sound of the party for a moment. The drums were playing a strong beat and horns were blown into the soon night, a flock of ducks came over head on their way to a pond for the night, and the thought of travel was on my mind. The rapping on a steel pipe told of others that were on their way, and the smell of food cooking got my attention. I got up and walked back around the wall to find TT at the end of it waiting for me. He smiled as he said, “you can’t hide from me, I know you too well, you always look for a place you can sit down before you go into battle.”

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