The Female Brain (31 page)

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Authors: Louann Md Brizendine

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Psychology & Counseling, #Neuropsychology, #Personality, #Women's Health, #General, #Medical Books, #Psychology, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Women's Studies, #Science & Math, #Biological Sciences, #Biology, #Personal Health, #Professional & Technical, #Medical eBooks, #Internal Medicine, #Neurology, #Neuroscience

BOOK: The Female Brain
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“…at six months postpartum.”:
See Appendix 2, “The Female Brain and Postpartum Depression.”
“…the benefits of nursing.”:
Matthiesen 2001.
“…relaxing waves of hormone.”:
Buhimschi 2004.
“…even waves of panic.”:
Neighbors 2003; Uvnäs-Moberg 2003; Chezem 1997.
“…brain levels of oxytocin.”:
Heinrichs 2001.
“…the bloodstream and brain.”:
Uvnäs-Moberg 2003.
“…circuits of their children.”:
Call 1998.
“…their daughters and granddaughters.”:
Maestripieri 2005; Fleming 2002; Meaney 2001; Francis 1999.
“…genes—type of inheritance.”:
Vassena 2005; Weaver 2004; Fleming 1999.
“…use estrogen and oxytocin.”:
Cushing 2005; Weaver 2005; Vassena 2005; Cameron 2005; Champagne 2001, 2003; Meaney 2001.
“…environment happens before puberty.”:
Weaver 2006, 2005; Cameron 2005; Francis 2002.
“…she mothers your grandchildren.”:
Young 2005.
“…in the succeeding generation.”:
Gutteling 2005; Belsky 2005; Krpan 2005; Maestripieri 2005; Caldji 2000; Francis 1999.
“…able to give their kids.”:
Cameron 2005; Belsky 2002; Repetti 1997; Rosenblum 1994.
“…of their own children.”:
Francis 2002.
“…and fearful as adults.”:
Charmandari 2005; Lederman 2004; Darnaudery 2004; Morley-Fletcher 2004; Fleming 2002; McCormick 1999.
“…stress on PET scans.”:
Pruessner 2004; Hall 2004.
“…from an overstressed mother.”:
Weaver 2006, 2005; Francis 2002.
“…other communities or species.”:
Hrdy 1999.
“…female siblings for care.”:
Glazer 1992.
“…peers in the other environments.”:
Coplan 2005.
“…into adolescence and adulthood.”:
Coplan 2005.
“…allomaternal care from others.”:
Hrdy 2005 personal communication.
“…context in which she mothers.”:
Paris 2002.
“…success as a mother.”:
Taylor 1997; Fleming 1992.

: T

“…emotionally sensitive than men?”:
Butler 2005; Wager 2005; Simon 2004; Brebner 2003; Kring 1998, 2000; Brody 1993, 1997; Briton 1995; Grossman 1993; Crawford 1992; Fagot 1989; Brody 1985; Balswick 1977; Allen 1976.
“…hit him on the head?”:
Samter 2002; Feingold 1994.
“…in the human male brain.”:
Orzhekhovskaia 2005; Uddin 2005; Oberman 2005 and 2005 personal communication; Ohnishi 2004.
“…and emotions were hers.”:
Mitchell 2005.
“…sense of this mismatch.”:
Schirmer 2002, 2004, 2005.
“…innermost feelings of others.”:
Brody 1985.
“…of despair and distress.”:
Hall 2004.
“…that men can’t ignore.”:
Campbell 1993, 2005; Levenson 2003; Vingerhoets 2000; Timmers 1998; Wagner 1993; Hoover-Dempsey 1986; Frey 1985.
“…infidelity at a gut level.”:
Naliboff 2003.
“…puberty, they increase.”:
Leresche 2005.
“…pain more than boys do.”:
Lawal 2005; Derbyshire 2002.
“…register in the body.”:
Lawal 2005.
“…to brain scan studies.”:
Butler 2005.
“…is grounded in biology.”:
Levenson 2003.
“…integrating negative emotions.”:
Butler 2005; Pujol 2002.
“…was going on in his brain.”:
Rotter 1988.
“…voice for emotional nuance.”:
Campbell 2005; Rosip 2004; Weinberg 1999.
“…junctures in the therapy.”:
Raingruber 2001.
“…story might be feeling.”:
McClure 2000; Hall 1978, 1984.
“…intuiting what they are feeling.”:
Oberman 2005.
“…kind of emotional mirroring.”:
Singer 2004.
“…the pain of another person.”:
Singer 2004; Idiaka 2001; Zahn-Waxler 2000.
“…were being strongly shocked.”:
Singer 2006; Singer 2004.
“…and protect their children.”:
Taylor 2000; Campbell 1999; Bjorklund 1996; Archer 1996; Buss 1995.
“…to lose sleep than men.”:
Harrison 1999.
“…electrical conductivity in the skin.”:
McManis 2001; Bradley 2001; Nagy 2001; Madden 2000; Hall 2000.
“…and more rational thought.”:
Naliboff 2003; Wrase 2003.
“…discomfort—to a man.”:
Campbell 1993, 2005; Shoan-Golan 2004; Levenson 2003; Frey 1985.
“…interpret emotional meaning.”:
McClure 2004; Lynam 2004; Dahlen 2004; Hall 2000.
“…characteristic of Asperger’s disorder.”:
Campbell 2005; Lim 2005; Baron-Cohen 2002, 2004; Wang 2004; Nagy 2001; Moffitt 2001; Loeber 2001.
“…for them to tolerate.”:
Campbell 1993, 2005; Levenson 2003; Frey 1985.
“…faces—than do boys.”:
McClure 2000.
“…look sad or are hurt.”:
Baron-Cohen 2004; Blair 1999; Eisenberg 1993, 1996; Faber 1994; Kochanska 1994; Zahn-Waxler 1992; Eysenck 1978.
“…90 percent of the time.”:
Erwin 1992.
“…being close to someone sad.”:
Mandal 1985.
“…want to do the same.”:
Cross 1997.
“…remember these early days.”:
Canli 2002.
“…brains of the two sexes.”:
Cahill 2003.
“…men use just one side.”:
Wager 2003.
“…only two lit up in men.”:
Canli 2002; Shirao 2005.
“…them longer than men.”:
Cahill 2003, 2005; Canli 2002; Bremner 2001; Seidlitz 1998; Fujita 1991.
“…not she looked sexy.”:
Horgan 2004.
“…deep within the brain.”:
Zald 2003; Skuse 2003.
“…activated by emotional nuance.”:
Hamann 2005; Hall 2004.
“…storage about the experience.”:
Phelps 2004.
“…three-dimensional, sensory snapshot.”:
Phelps 2004; Giedd 1996.
“…quickly as a woman can.”:
Goos 2002.
“…is clearly greater in men.”:
Campbell 2005; Lovell-Badge 2005; Archer 2004, 2005; Craig 2004; McGinnis 2004; Rowe 2004; Garstein 2003; Ferguson 2000; Kring 2000; Maccoby 1998; Flannery 1993.
“…relatively larger in women.”:
Goldstein 2001, 2005; Gur 2002; Giedd 1996, 1997.
“…push a man’s anger button.”:
Campbell 2005; Sharkin 1993.
“…have short anger fuses.”:
Silverman 2003.
“…response is suddenly quicker.”:
Van Honk 2001.
“…don’t get angry as fast.”:
Giammanco 2005; Kaufman 2005; Muller 2005; Taylor 2000; Qian 2000.
“…conflict arise in a relationship.”:
Parsey 2002; Ferguson 2000; Biver 1996; Campbell 1993; Frodi 1977.
“…the anterior cingulate cortex.”:
Rogers 2004; Gur 2002; Goldstein 2001.
“…the fear of loss or pain.”:
Butler 2005.
“…a trigger-tempered male.”:
Campbell 2002, 2005.
“…access to the coveted toy.”:
Maccoby 1998.
“…anticipation and verbal circuits.”:
Li 2005.
“…angry at a third person.”:
Simon 2004.
“…that a man can’t match.”:
Li 2005.
“…frightened and shuts down.”:
Calder 2001; Thunberg 2000.
“…particular experiences in life.”:
Butler 2005; Mcclure 2004; Wood 1998.
“…anticipation of fear or pain.”:
Butler 2005; Garstein 2003; Cote 2002; Nagy 2001; Brody 1985; Carey 1978.
“…pleasure/reward circuits fire.”:
Etkin 2006 personal communication; Rogan 2005.
“…of danger or pain.”:
Butler 2005.
“…more common in women.”:
Antonijevic 2006; Halbreich 2006; Simon 2004; Johnston 1991.
“…through their reproductive years.”:
Madden 2000.
“…women’s risk of depression.”:
Kendler 2006.
“…turned on by estrogen.”:
Lee 2005; Abraham 2005.
“…run in certain families.”:
Altshuler 2005.
“…threats and severe stress.”:
Staley 2006; Pezawas 2005; Bertolino 2005; Halari 2005; Kaufman 2004; Barr 2004; Caspi 2003; Auger 2001.
“…into a clinical depression.”:
Bertolino 2005.
“…chemical or hormonal rebalancing.”:
Staley 2006; Altshuler 2001; Jensvold 1996.


“…certain times of the month.”:
Protopopescu 2005; Morgan 2004.
“…flood her so quickly anymore.”:
Labouvie-Vief 2003.
“…oxytocin is down, too.”:
Yamamoto 2006; Taylor 2006; Light 2005; Matthews 2005; Morgan 2004.
“…attentive to others’ personal needs.”:
Light 2005; Tang 2005.
“…help those around her.”:
Light 2005.
“…who we ought to be.”:
Winfrey 2005.
“…tending hormone—also dropped.”:
Yamamoto 2006; Light 2005; Motzer 2004; Tang 2003.
“…her newly found balance.”:
Protopopescu 2005; Motzer 2004; Morgan 2004; Labouvie-Vief 2003.
“…functioning of their brains.”:
Kirsch 2005; Tang 2005; Windle 2004.
“…pain to anxiety and depression.”:
Soares 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005; Schmidt 2004.
“…sensitivity in the brain itself.”:
Weiss 2004.
“…rocket fuel for sex drive.”:
Burger 2002.
“…a rocky ride for some women.”:
See Appendix 1, “The Female Brain and Hormone Therapy.”
“…experience estrogen withdrawal.”:
Lobo 2000.
“…cravings for sweets and carbs.”:
Ratka 2005; Joffe 1998, 2002, 2003.
“…PMS and postpartum hypothyroidism.”:
Duval 1999.
“…already passed through menopause.”:
Guthrie 2003; see Appendix 1, “The Female Brain and Hormone Therapy.”
“…plummet at this time too.”:
Burger 2002; see Appendix 1, “The Female Brain and Hormone Therapy.”
“…more extreme than most.”:
Davison 2005.
“…it was barely present.”:
Davis 2005.
“…slapped it on that very day.”:
Braunstein 2005; Bolour 2005; Goldstat 2003; Shifren 2000.
“…less frequent and intense.”:
Laumann 1999, 2005; see Chapter 4, “Sex,” and Appendix 1, “The Female Brain and Hormone Therapy.”
“…had at age twenty.”:
Davison 2005.
“…gels—that are now available.”:
Wang 2004; Shifren 2000.
“…or their sexual interest.”:
Davis 2005.
“…are now set free.”:
Taylor 2006.
“…pups died as a result.”:
Stern 1989, 1993; Morgan 1992; Xerri 1994.
“…is important to them.”:
Shellenbarger 2005.
“…she was really mad.”:
Helson 1992.
“…more like a man’s.”:
Lobo 2000.
“…interaction of their relationship.”:
Swaab 1995, 2001; Kruijver 2001; Fernandez-Guasti 2000.

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