The Female Brain (30 page)

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Authors: Louann Md Brizendine

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Psychology & Counseling, #Neuropsychology, #Personality, #Women's Health, #General, #Medical Books, #Psychology, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Women's Studies, #Science & Math, #Biological Sciences, #Biology, #Personal Health, #Professional & Technical, #Medical eBooks, #Internal Medicine, #Neurology, #Neuroscience

BOOK: The Female Brain
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“…‘at first sight’ more easily than women.”:
Aron 2005; Fisher 2005 personal communication; Fisher 2004.
“…on the test of passionate love.”:
Fisher 2005.
“…intoxication, thirst, and hunger.”:
Aron 2005; Small 2001; Denton 1999.
“…estrogen, oxytocin, and testosterone.”:
Aron 2005.
“…craving the next fix.”:
Insel 2004.
“…are running full blast.”:
Pittman 2005; Debiec 2005; Huber 2005; Kirsch 2005; Bartels 2004.
“…become addicted to love.”:
Insel 2003.
“…tendency to trust the hugger.”:
Light 2005; Grewen 2005; Lim 2005.
“…sexual behavior, especially in females.”:
Young 2005; Cushing 2000; Gingrich 2000; Carter 1997.
“…got a placebo nasal spray.”:
Kosfeld 2005; Zak 2005.
“…the brain’s trust-circuits.”:
Light 2005.
“…oxytocin in the female brain.”:
Uvnäs-Moberg 2003; Turner 1999.
“…out of their brain chemicals.”:
Dreher 2005.
“…caution and aversion circuits.”:
Carter 1998.
“…loving and trusting others.”:
Carter 2003, 2006 personal communication.
“…harder to achieve and sustain.”:
Bowlby 1980, 1988.
“…by additional neurological circuits.”:
Leckman 1999.
“…critical judgment, lit up.”:
Bartels 2000.
“…pituitary and the hypothalamus.”:
Insel 2004.
“…primarily oxytocin and estrogen.”:
Bielsky 2004; Carter 2003.
“…need both these neurohormones.”:
Leckman 1999.
“…when she isn’t present.”:
Lim 2004.
“…woman to release oxytocin.”:
Fisher 2004.
“…form lifelong mating partnerships.”:
Carter 1992.
“…Swedish researcher Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg.”:
Uvnäs-Moberg 2001, 2004.
“…pleasure, comfort, and calm.”:
Taylor 2006; Depue 2005; Uvnäs-Moberg 2003.
“…differences between males and females.”:
Carter 1995.
“…available female he finds.”:
Uvnäs-Moberg 2003.
“…desire when under stress.”:
DeVries 1996.
“…that montane voles lack.”:
Young 2001.
“…may account for this variability.”:
Gray 2004.
“…stay-at-home dads.”:
Young 2005.
“…fertile, and flirtatious female.”:
Hammock 2005.
“…match their social behaviors.”:
Hammock 2005.
“…have the long version of the gene.”:
de Waal 2005.
“…of profound social deficit.”:
Wassink 2004.
“…this gene and in hormones.”:
Gray 2004.
“…know women cheat, too.”:
see Chapter 4, “Sex.”
“…of both men and women.”:
Sabarra 2006; Aron 2005.
“…about losing the beloved.”:
Eisenberger 2004.
“…have revealed their accuracy.”:
Eisenberger 2004.
“…dangers of social separation.”:
Eisenberger 2004.

: T

“…brain—has been deactivated.”:
Holstege 2003.
“…typical man to reach orgasm.”:
Carter 2006 personal communication.
“…dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins.”:
Matthews 2005; McCarthy 1996; Carter 1992.
“…threshold of orgasm easily.”:
Holstege 2003.
“…felt like engaging in sex.”:
Holstege 2003.
“…likely to have easy orgasms.”:
Hill 2002.
“…with a new person.”:
Sprecher 2002.
“…clitoris when it’s aroused.”:
O’Connell 2005.
“…description of the penis.”:
O’Connell 2005.
“…sexual satisfaction for women.”:
Enserink 2005; Harris 2004.
“…allowed to fertilize her eggs.”:
Eberhard 1996; Bellis 1990.
“…brains choose a winner.”:
Colson 2006; Birkhead 1998.
“…had pulled off his condom.”:
Singer 1973; Fox 1970.
“…not have an orgasm.”:
Dawood 2005.
“…parts are more symmetrical.”:
Thornhill 1999.
“…the quality of his genes.”:
Fisher 2005 personal communication; Fisher 2004.
“…sexually active heterosexual couples.”:
Thornhill 1995.
“…the women they date.”:
Thornhill 1995.
“…the use of contraception.”:
Martin-Loeches 2003; Thornhill 1995.
“…female orgasm during copulation.”:
Thornhill 1995.
“…right time of the month.”:
Gangestad 1998.
“…imperceptible effects of male pheromones.”:
Savic 2001; Grammer 1993; Getchell 1991.
“…skin and sweat glands.”:
McClintock 1998, 2005.
“…leads up to ovulation.”:
Getchell 1991; Gangestad 1998.
“…hour of the menstrual cycle.”:
Dreher 2005; Gangestad 1998.
“…their mental focus sharpens.”:
Lundstrom 2003; McClintock 2002; Savic 2001; Graham 2000.
“…certain times of the month.”:
Hummel 2005; Grammer 1993.
“…pheromones and the female brain.”:
Havlicek 2005.
“…and living with their mothers.”:
Arnqvist 2005.
“…feel certain they fathered.”:
Baker 1993.
“…confer a reproductive advantage.”:
Hrdy, 1997.
“…sperm will make it to the egg.”:
Baker 1993.
“…flirtatious time of the month.”:
Pillsworth 2004; Buss 2002.
“…with their stable partners.”:
Thornhill 1995.
“…semen from their secret lovers.”:
Baker 1995.
“…monogamy than men are.”:
Hrdy 1997.
“…ovaries and adrenal glands.”:
Swerdloff 2002.
“…to ‘turn on’ the brain.”:
Swerdloff 2002.
“…equivalent of sexual sassiness.”:
Jenkins 2003.
“…thoughts and more masturbation.”:
Bancroft 1991.
“…predictor of first intercourse.”:
Wells 2005; Halpern 1997.
“…ages nine and fifteen.”:
Styne 2002.
“…will persist through life.”:
Morris 1987.
“…lose sexual interest altogether.”:
See Appendix 1, “The Female Brain and Hormone Therapy.”
“…her with testosterone therapy.”:
See Appendix 1, “The Female Brain and Hormone Therapy.”
“…testosterone in a woman’s system.”:
Pazol 2005; Krueger 2002; Schumacher 2002; Mani 2002.
“…weeks of their menstrual cycle.”:
Panzer 2006; Salonia 2005; Bullivant 2004; Slob 1996.
“…structures in the female brain.”:
see Chapter 1, “The Birth of the Female Brain.”
“…their most fertile days.”:
Bancroft 2005; Laumann 1999, 2005; Lunde 1991.
“…hypothalamus to grow larger.”:
see Chapter 1, “The Birth of the Female Brain.”
“…sex even more than usual.”:
Buss 1989.
“…or perhaps another man.”:
Sprecher 2002; Buss 2002.
“…falling out of love with him.”:
Koch 2005.
“…search for the other man.”:
Rilling 2004.


“…and, in many ways, irreversibly.”:
Lonstein 2005; O’Day 2001; Morgan 1992.
“…physical contact with my child.”:
Soldin 2005; Stern 1989, 1993; Morgan 1992.
“…ensure their own survival.”:
Martel 1993; Buntin 1984.
“…closeness with her child.”:
Johns 2004; Fleming 1997; De Wied 1997.
“…daily contact with an infant.”:
Lambert 2005.
“…huge increases of oxytocin.”:
Fries 2005; Carter 2003; Kinsley 1999; Morgan 1992.
“…responses and priorities in life.”:
Pawluski 2006; Gatewood 2005; Bodensteiner 2006; Routtenberg 2005.
“…thing from her mind.”:
Story 2005.
“…that induces baby lust.”:
McClintock 2002.
“…her fetus and placenta.”:
Soldin 2005.
“…brain are flooded with them.”:
Kaiser 2005; Brunton 2005; Strauss 2004.
“…feeling of stress during pregnancy.”:
Kajantie 2006.
“…of her changing reality during pregnancy.”:
Richardson 2006; Darnaudery 2004.
“…woman’s brain is actually shrinking.”:
Oatridge 2002.
“…months after giving birth.”:
Furuta 2005.
“…flexibility of female brains.”:
Kinsley 2006; Hamilton 1977.
“…metabolic changes going on.”:
Holdcroft 2005.
“…networks of maternal circuits.”:
Pawluski 2006.
“…uterus to start contracting.”:
Mann 2005.
“…touch, sight, and smell.”:
Insel 2001.
“…odor of her newborn.”:
Kendrick 1992.
“…about 90 percent accuracy.”:
Fleming 1997; Fleming 1993.
“…tattooed on her brain.”:
Lonstein 2005; Pedersen 2003; Kendrick 2000.
“…and tracking her baby.”:
Li 2003.
“…efficient in catching prey.”:
Bodensteiner 2006; Lambert 2005.
“…maintain the mommy brain.”:
Bridges 2005; Featherstone 2000; Morgan 1992.
“…of their pregnant mates.”:
Carter 2004; Berg 2002; Storey 2000.
“…pregnancy with their partners.”:
Masoni 1994.
“…nurturing and lactation hormone.”:
Fleming 2002.
“…climbs higher than usual.”:
Gray 2004.
“…cries of babies better.”:
Fleming 2002.
“…when a baby screams.”:
Seifritz 2003.
“…sex drive during this time.”:
Gray 2004.
“…interact with their babies.”:
Storey 2000; Masoni 1994.
“…mechanisms of the mommy brain.”:
Sherman 2003; Neff 2003; Buchan 2003.
“…in response to both photos.”:
Bartels 2004.
“…of exhilaration and attachement.”:
Amdam 2006; Fisher 2005; Bartels 2004; Leibenluft 2004; Nitschke 2004; see Chapter 3, “Love and Trust.”
“…looking at a loved one.”:
Bartels 2004.
“…brain by estrogen and oxytocin.”:
Miller 2005; Byrnes 2002.
“…the first year postpartum.)”:
Mass 1998.
“…baby is close physically.”:
Uvnäs-Moberg 2003; Carter 1997; Xerri 1994; Morgan 1992.
“…of cocaine every time.”:
Ferris 2005.
“…feelings for your baby.”:
Uvnäs-Moberg 1998, 2003.
“…desire for her partner.”:
DeJudicibus 2002; Alder 1989; Reamy 1987.
“…mellow, mildly unfocused state.”:
Heinrichs 2002, 2001; Buckwalter 1999.

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