Read The Fey Online

Authors: Claudia Hall Christian

Tags: #thriller, #suspense, #military, #action adventure, #free, #strong female character

The Fey (27 page)

BOOK: The Fey
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I’d like to take you out,
but you need to know that I can’t have anything serious in my life
right now,” Raz said in quiet tones. Covering Sam’s hand with his
large hand, his thumb stroked the back of her hand. “I travel
almost every week of the year. It makes love impossible. I’m simply
unable to do that.”

What does that mean?” Sam

We’d go out, have a good
time, but I can’t settle down, get married, or even be exclusive.
If you want any of that then we shouldn’t start. I’m simply not
that guy.”

So I’d have to see you
with other people,” Sam said.

You would never see me
with anyone else.” He paused for a moment, then added, “Anything is
possible. You could see me with someone else, by accident. That
could happen. It’s just unlikely. There would be other women in
other places at other times.”

And I could have other
men?” Sam asked.

You are incredibly
beautiful and charming. I would be surprised if you didn’t have
other men,” Raz said. “Of course, there is a level of care that an
adult takes in modern times.”

Of course,” Sam

They were silent for a while.

You should know that I’m
seeing someone in Washington,” Sam said.


Sam laughed. “I’d like to go out with

Let’s get Alex back to
the hotel then see what might be fun.”

Alex’s eyes bounced open. “Boy I don’t feel
good. Sami, would you mind taking me back to the hotel?”

We need to stop and pick
up socks,” Sam said.

Alex made a face. “Tomorrow? Please Sam. I
need your help but I can’t do anymore today.”

Stifling a smile, Raz held Sam’s hand in his

Let’s take the veteran
back for her rest.”

Thank you,” Alex



Two weeks later

September 28 – 10 A.M.

Paris, France


Remind me again why I
cannot come with you?” John asked. He moved to stand behind

It’s a tradition for the
groom not to see the bride’s dress until she walks down the aisle,”
Alex said. She made a face then adjusted her fake blond hair in the
full length mirror. “Don’t you want to be surprised?”

Oh love,” John said. He
pulled her toward him. “Every moment is a surprise.”

They stood looking at each other through the
mirror. They were staying in Max’s apartment in Paris. In a move
that made more sense now, Ben sold his family’s Paris apartment to
JAM properties when Max started working in Europe. The apartment,
which had been in Ben’s family for over seventy years, was small,
two tiny bedrooms and a bathroom, but had a priceless balcony
overlooking the Seine from the tenth floor. Max was staying with
Fran so they took his apartment.

Plus you have your
tailoring appointment,” Alex said. “Dr. Drayson can’t live in
scrubs alone. Max ordered a couple of suits for you. You need to
get them fitted.”

Hmm.” He kissed her neck.
“Why does Max get to go to your fitting? Doesn’t he need to replace
his suits too?”

He did that when he was
here last. He wants to meet…” she turned to look at him, “our

He’s never met

When we’re in Paris
together, we want to be together. I’ve spent a lot of time with
Ben’s family, but he’s never met them.”

Alex kissed John then held him to her.

You seem nervous,” John

I guess I am.” Alex
turned back to the mirror. “It’s the first time I’ve seen Ben since
we found out.”

John kissed her nose. “And?”

And… I’m having trouble
rearranging myself. My father, Patrick, is County Cork Irish, first
generation American, a General turned Senator in the United States
Senate. My father, Ben, is French, well, French-born,
American-raised, and a spy. He can trace his family… no, my family.
See it’s confusing. Ben’s family is from Paris since the cavemen or
something like that. His father worked in Chicago, so Ben and his
brothers grew up there.”

You’re not Irish, you’re
French,” John said. “Half Irish.”

On my mom’s side. Potato
famine Irish,” Alex said. “I’m not a Senator’s daughter. I’m a
spy’s daughter.”

It is a big shift,” John

Alex moved away from him to finish dressing.
She slipped on a pair of comfortable walking shoes and picked up
her jacket.

Kind of like finding out
my husband is Irish, the elusive John Kelly no less,” she said. She
shook her head and shivered. “It’s been an interesting few

John wrapped his arms around her.

Still love

Oddly, yes, I do love
you,” Alex said. “Would you like to see Rita and Tom this

I think we have enough to
deal with. Your mom invited them to the wedding.”

I know,” Alex said. She
kissed him. “Come on. Max is waiting for us.”

Shutting the apartment door, they took the elevator
to the lobby where Max was chatting with the concierge while he
waited for them. Looking up, Max caught Alex’s eyes. They were both
nervous. The twins hugged in greeting. Pressing their foreheads
together, the twins felt immediate relief.

No matter what happened, at least they had each

With Max leading the way, they took a quick
Metro stop. Alex and Max walked John to the tailor shop. Agreeing
to meet him in an hour, the twins took the Metro to the heart of
Paris. Alex and Max walked hand-in-hand down a long narrow street
until they stood at the entrance to a small shop. Alex let out a
breath and raised her hand to knock on the door.

Before she could knock, Ben opened the door
with a lit cigarette in his hand. Max and Alex stood on the
doorstep looking at Ben. He hugged Alex then Max. With an awkward
gesture into the shop, Ben pulled the cigarette from his mouth to
say something. A five-year-old boy sped out from behind him.
Scooping up the little boy, Alex began a loud recitation of his
favorite nonsense poem in French as she moved into the shop. The
boy squealed with laughter.

Near the end of a hallway, Alex turned to
look at Max. Their eyes held for a moment. Alex encouraged him to
come in with a nod of her head. Max shook his head slightly and
looked at Ben.

A medium-sized woman came from the back of
the shop. Touching Alex’s arm as she past, the woman moved to stand
next to Ben. Looking up at Max with bright blue eyes, she

Claire,” Ben said in
French. “This is my son, Max. Max, this is my wife,

Max startled at the introduction then looked
down with nervous embarrassment. Claire rushed forward. Taking both
of Max’s hands, she kissed each of his cheeks.

I’ve wanted to meet you
for a long time. It is very much my pleasure to meet Max
Hargreaves,” Claire said in English. “Please come into our home.
We’ve been so excited to have you here that… We’re all crazy with

Max nodded.

You and Alex are so
similar,” Claire continued in English. “Except for the new hair and

Yes, we’re identical
twins,” Max replied in French. He followed her into the

We’re excited for
Alexandra to celebrate her marriage,” Claire said in French. “Who
can believe they’ve been married thirteen years in a couple weeks?
You are good friends with her husband?”

Yes,” Max said. Alex
turned and caught his eyes. He smiled.

We will meet him today as
well.” Claire’s hand moved along the long black braid down her
back. “It’s a big day.”

Max nodded.

I would like it if you
felt like this was your home,” Claire said.

In time,” Max

Alexandra, you must
undress. Take that fat suit off. You look awful.”

Alex looked over at Max. Their eyes held for
a moment as they assessed each other. With a smile and a nod, Alex
set the boy down.

Your lingerie and heels
are in the changing room.”

Alex moved behind the curtain. She came out
in a small silk robe and cream pumps.

Come here dear,” Claire

Claire indicated that Alex should stand on a
small raised platform surrounded by mirrors.

I feel a little weird…”
Alex said.

Ben, Eugene, go on,”
Claire said. Ben picked up the boy and went up the stairs. Claire
turned to a corner of the room where a small girl was hiding.

But Alex didn’t say hello
to me,” Camille said in French.

Her large blue eyes glistened with tears
behind black ringlets of hair. She was not quite three years old.
Alex picked up Camille and carried her into the dressing room.
Digging through her jacket, she found the Tootsie Roll sucker she
had placed in her pocket. Camille squealed when she saw the orange

Maman?” Camille

Yes,” Claire

Claire shook her head and laughed at her
daughter’s ability to get her favorite treat. A black haired
teenaged boy flew down the stairs.

Papa said you were here,”
the boy said in English.

Frederec, this is
Alexandra’s brother Max.”

Hey,” Frederec said to
Max. “Alex, did you bring it?”

Max has it,” Alex said
replied in English. “He put a bunch of his favorite Alternative
music on it for you.”

Max pulled an iPOD from his pocket and gave
it to Frederec.

Thanks,” Frederec said.
“Alex says that you have good...”

Taste?” Max

No, relationship with
music?” Frederec said.

I know a lot about
music,” Max said. “I like Alternative. Let me know what you

Cool,” Frederec said.
“Have you seen the dress?”

You have your gadget. Can
you get out of here?” Claire said in French.

Alex!” A young woman with
curly brown hair ran down the stairs.

Helene!” Alex turned to
the young woman.

Did Maman tell you that
we get to come to the wedding? I’m going to look at University,”
Helene said continuing in English. “Papa said that we could look at
school while we are there. Can you come with us?”

I’m not sure,” Alex said.
“I hope so sweetie.”

No matter,” Helene said
beaming. “I’m hoping to go to the school in Boulder so we can be

I’d like that,” Alex said
hugging Helene with her free arm.

Helene, Frederec, go
upstairs. Take Camille,” Claire said in French. “Alexandra wants to
try on her dress.”

We can’t watch?” Helene
asked in French. Helene lifted Camille from Alex’s arms.

Not unless you want to
see all of my Frankenstein scars,” Alex said in French.

Cool,” Frederec said in

Maman, can I die my hair
like Alex’s?” Helene said in French.

Children,” Claire all but
screamed in French.

Ben came out on the walkway upstairs and
glowered down at his children. Helene and Frederec looked from
Claire to Ben. Helene returned her father’s look as she stomped up
the steps. Stuffing the iPOD ear buds into his ears, Frederec
followed his sister up the stairs.

Sorry about that,” Claire
said in French to Max. “Now you’ve met the whole

They are excited,” Alex
said in French. “It’s pretty exciting to come to the States. Is it

We won’t live in fear,”
Claire shrugged. “Stand there.”

She went to a corner of the shop and held up
what looked like loose cream colored silk fabric. She returned with
a strip of fabric.

Since you are such a
cheater, I am going to put this over your eyes,” Claire said.
“Don’t peek.”

Alex felt a brush of air as Claire removed
the small robe.

Those are gruesome scars,
Alexandra,” Claire said. “I am so sorry. We went to the church
every day to pray for you. We practically wore out a

Alex felt the drape of silk, soft against
her skin, and Claire’s professional tugging, pulling and finally
buttons fastening in the back. Alex shifted her head and shoulders,
feeling the weight of the dress. She took a breath and her ribs
pressed against the tight fabric.

Oh Alex,” Max said.
“You’re beautiful.”

It looks nice. Doesn’t
it?” Claire said. “I have a little adjusting. You are a little
bigger in the bust than you were.”

I’ve gained a little
weight since I’ve been home” Alex said.

And lost it again,” Max

Well, the weight looks
good on you,” Claire said. “You’ve been too thin.”

BOOK: The Fey
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