The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior (33 page)

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Victoria smiled and knew she had planned it right. She stood and everyone bowed, “Rise and sit down.”

Everyone heard the harshness in her tone and everyone sat down. Jon pulled a chair up and Molly sat down beside him. Sara reached over, hugged her, and whispered, “I knew you had a little common sense. I’m glad you found it.”

Molly smiled and looked at a very angry Queen.

Victoria motioned and ten White Warriors entered the room with their armor active. Jon wondered what had Victoria so worked up. She turned to the huge room and said, “Some of you in this room are guilty of treason to the Realm. I’ve thought about finding you and having you executed, but that would have been wrong on a day like today after our great victory over the Dremor. So I’m going to offer everyone in this room a choice and you’ll only get it once. You can choose to walk out of this room with all your sins forgiven, but you walk out without your titles. You walk out a citizen of the Bristone Realm. You will lose all of your rights and privileges but you walk out innocent. Is there any one here that wishes to accept that offer?”

Cassandra stood and said, “I accept the offer, Your Majesty.”

Jon looked quickly at William Dodd and saw the sick expression on his face.

Victoria said, “You may leave.”

Cassandra hugged Juliette, turned and walked out the double doors.

Victoria said, “Is there anyone else?”

William Dodd said, “Your Majesty, it’s a violation of the Succession Covenants to use a telepathic species with Royalty.”

Victoria looked at William and said, “I have no intention of using any telepathic species to see your minds. However, you should understand that the price of treason is a very long prison term for our citizens, but for Royals it’s the death penalty.” Victoria looked out at the room and said, “You know what you’ve done. Make your decision now.”

Jon was shocked when more than half the room stood and walked out. Even William Dodd was stunned. Victoria looked at the Dodds and said, “This offer will end in ten seconds. Is there anyone else?”

Eight more Royals stood and left the room. William and James remained. Victoria looked over at Grainger and he handed her a piece of parchment. She looked at it and handed it to the Captain in command of the White Warriors. The warriors moved out into those still in the room and began arresting those on the list. One of the warriors went to the two Dodds and said, “Please come with me.”

William looked at Victoria, “You have no evidence that I have done anything wrong.”

Victoria looked at William and he heard her in his mind, “I don’t need a telepathic species when I can see your mind. Your statement about assisting the Dremor is what will get you executed.”

William’s mouth fell open and he said, “James has not done anything.”

Victoria said so all could hear, “He agreed to assist the Dremor to save himself. He also knew his father’s plans to have Jon Robbins killed so that he would benefit. The two of you deserve your punishment. You could have saved yourselves but your lust for power kept you here.”

William looked at James, “You said you had no idea what your father was doing.”

“He told me everything. He wanted me to be King so I could have you executed. He hated you.”

Victoria said, “The one that paid the Algean to insert the computer virus in the assignment computer has already been executed. He endangered the Warriors of the Realm and there is no mercy for his actions.”

William pleaded, “Please have mercy, Your Majesty.”

Grainger said, “You are a poison that infects all around you. There will be no mercy.”

Juliette stood and said, “Your Majesty, I am guilty as well.”

Silence crashed down on the room. Victoria said, “You went through all this in an attempt to get your mother to accept responsibility for her actions, did you not?”

“Well, yes. But I knew she had done something that would get her executed.”

Vitoria stared at Juliette and said, “What did she do?”

Juliette stared at Victoria and after a moment she said, “I don’t know what she actually did but I know it had to be serious.”

Victoria smiled, “If you actually knew, you would be right to accept responsibility. But you didn’t know and that makes all the difference. You were trying to make the right thing happen. You are not guilty, Juliette. I hope you’ve learned from this experience.”

Juliette turned and looked at Jon and Molly, “I’ve learned that when you don’t do the right thing, you can lose everything.”

Victoria smiled, “That’s a lesson that you will never forget. Some lessons come hard.”

Juliette turned to Victoria and said, “Yes they do.”

Victoria looked at Jon and said, “We are proud of what you and your Warriors have done. I understand that you don’t want to be in the secession.”

Juliette said, “Your Majesty, he is more qualified than I am. I hope you will hold him to his duty.”

Jon looked at Juliette and smiled. She had found her heart. Jon looked at Victoria and said, “I am a Life Warrior, Your Majesty.” He looked down at Molly and said, “We both are. That is our calling.”

Victoria smiled, “Well I’ll not release you from your duty. But you will probably never have to take the Crown.”

Jon tilted his head, “Why not?”

Victoria reached over had put her hand on Grainger’s, “Because we’re expecting twins. It will be your descendants that might have to take the responsibility.”

The Royals remaining in the room rose and cheered. Victoria stepped down from the throne and walked forward and hugged Jon. She whispered in his ear, “My babies can hear my thoughts. Your sword released my mind and my body. Thank you, Jon.”

Jon smiled and pulled Molly up. He hugged her again and said, “Are you up to a wedding?”

“Yes, I am.”

Victoria looked at Juliette and raised her eyebrows. Juliette came over and hugged Molly, “I’ve wanted to wear that dress since the reception. Let’s go swap.”

“Only if you’ll be the maid of honor.”

Juliette said, “You’re killing me. But I’ll do it.”

Molly and Juliette ran back up the aisle and Jon linked with Teg and Dern, “You need to get here.”


I’m about to be married.”

“To who?”

“Who do you think?”

“If it’s not Molly we’re bringing the troops to drag you out of there.”

Jon shook his head. “You have always known the best path.”

Dern yelled, “It’s Molly!!! Ask the Queen if the Regiment can attend?”

Victoria laughed out loud, “The more the merrier. There’s plenty of room now.”

Jon laughed and said, “They have one hour to get here.”

Dern said, “See you in fifty minutes.”

Jon looked at his parents and they were smiling. Robert said, “I agree with your brother. If it wasn’t Molly, I’d drag you out of here.”

Jon stared at his father, “How did you hear my brothers?”

Sara smiled, “We’ve always been telepathic. We just don’t show off with it.”

Jon started laughing and heard the music grow louder. Much louder.

The End

Excerpt from:
The Fight for Creation – Scout Warrior

he Grogat Fleet Controller watched the Swarm Fleet enter the atmosphere of the planet they were attacking and heard, “We have an Enemy Fleet in the home system!”

He stood and yelled, “Enter the return coordinates. Notify me when all ships are ready. Thirty five seconds later his fleet arrived ten hours out from the planet and watched the massive explosions taking place around the planet. He whipped around pointing a hand laser at his drive controller and yelled, “Why have you stopped here.”

The drive controller yelled, “There is a field preventing us from jumping closer! All our fleets are stopped here!”

He spun around and looked at the display and saw hundreds of thousands of ships appearing around his fleet. “Start us moving in at maximum speed.” The twenty thousand ships in his fleet hit full thrusters and accelerated toward the inner planets. More than a million ships fell in behind his fleet and raced toward the planet being attacked.

• • •

The Grogat Fleet raced away from the planet toward the enemy fleet which turned and moved away at a matching speed. The Fleet Controller watched and said, “Increase speed. Prepare to jump to the enemy’s coordinates.”

“We have ten thousand enemy transports jumping in next to the planet and entering atmosphere.”

“Jump back to the planet, NOW!”

“Our jump drives are inoperative, Controller. There is some kind of frequency being broadcast that is suppressing the drives.”

The Fleet Controller looked at his display and saw two things at once; thousands of Grogat ships were appearing at the limiting band and the enemy fleet had stopped and was now roaring in on his ships at a tremendous closing speed. “Slow down and fire from formation.” The Fleet controller watched his fleet begin to slow but the enemy fleet was on him in an instant and the battle degenerated into a ship to ship contest. The explosions of dying ships filled the sector where the two fleets slammed together.

• • •

Admiral Donaldson said, “I want four ships on each of the advanced Grogat Warships. Take them from behind when possible. Donaldson watched eight hundred of his main battleships explode as they approached the Grogat formations. The faster Algean Attack Craft split into two formations and went over and under the Grogat fleet and turned into the middle of the dark ships. Grogat ships began exploding in waves. The battle took on a new level of frenzy as ships fought to survive in the millions of beams and missiles haunting the killing ground.

The Fleet Controller looked at the secondary display showing the planet and did not see the transports. What he did see was tremendous explosions on the planet’s surface. His pilot jerked the ship vertical and came over the top of his ships. Six Algean ships roared in on him and he prayed the Empire’s fleets would arrive in time to save his ships. He could not retreat and leave the planet open to attack. He would survive or die holding this enemy away. The issue was settled ten seconds later when the surviving three Algean Attack Craft blasted the entire front half of the ship into rubble. The following explosion killed three more ships. Two of them were Bristone Warships.

Books by Saxon Andrew
The Annihilation Series:

Love Conquers All

The Power of a Queen

A Rose Grows in Weeds

Tommy’s Tale


Demon’s Sacrifice

Finding Keepers

Ashes of the Realm:

Juliette’s Dream

Greyson’s Revenge

Death of an Empire

The Return of the Realm

Lens of Time:

The Pyramid Builders

Planet Predators

Pray for the Prey

The End of Time

The Fight for Creation

Life Warrior

Scout Warrior (2013)

About Saxon Andrew

axon Andrew is the author of the number one bestselling Annihilation Series. All seven books of the series have been a number one bestseller on Amazon’s kindle Science Fiction Series. Ashes of the Realm is the second series created by him and continues the history of the Stars Realm after its destruction. A third series, The Lens of Time, will be published in early 2012.

His books are written so that anyone can enjoy them and not worry about their children picking them up. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife and looks forward to each day so he can write the stories that his fans enjoy.

Copyright © 2012 by Saxon Andrew. All rights reserved. Screen Writers Guild no. VQEA3E380432.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author or publisher.

First Electronic Edition: November 2012

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