The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior

BOOK: The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior
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Life Warrior

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Excerpt from: The Fight for Creation – Scout Warrior

Books by Saxon Andrew

About Saxon Andrew

Chapter One

he thousands of Zord flew in and saw that they had arrived too late. Billions of dried out husks covered the planet’s surface. The Dremor had attacked the planet in force and none of the population survived. Vremel felt his anguish at the brutality of the invaders and worried that they were growing in strength and expanding their conquests into the galaxy this planet was in. The billions of dark, dried out, husks were everywhere and he listened and didn’t hear any thoughts in the huge, lifeless city he had flown into. He saw three husks on the sidewalk , with a larger one next to two smaller piles of minerals. Even children were killed without compassion. A Cat arrived and looked around the dead city. Vremel thought, “I guess fighting the Demons was just a warm up for the really dangerous forces we’re now facing; this is appalling.”

The Cat gave a mental shrug and thought, “The Demons were also very dangerous.”

“They weren’t even in the same league as the Dremor.”

The giant cat shrugged, “That’s true. We still have a difficult struggle to win and the fight is just really getting started. The forces arrayed against us are growing in strength and starting to work together against us.” The Cat paused and said, “Why does the destruction of this planet bother you so much?”

Vremel continued to stare at the three husks, “They all bother me.”

“But not as much as this one; why?”

Vremel slowly shook his head, “This planet was originally settled by settlers that left the Stars Realm in its early history long before it fell. This planet was inhabited by Human, Cainth, and Glod settlers that built a peaceful civilization. They lived together and this planet was an example of what the Realm was like in its glory days. They didn’t deserve this.”

“None of them do.”

Vremel nodded and they both heard, “I’ve found something. Get over here.” The Cat and the Zord looked at each other and teleported to the other side of the planet where they arrived at a house just outside another huge city where another Zord Warrior stood. The Cat said, “What?”

“Listen, you can barely hear it.”

The Cat and Zord listened and the Cat slowly shook his head, “I don’t hear anything.”

“Don’t try to hear it. Just clear you mind and tell me what you sense.”

The two closed their eyes and after a moment they heard it. Vremel said, “Someone survived.”

The Cat nodded and looked to his left, “They’re in the house.”

The three rushed forward, ripped the front of the house away, and rushed in. They looked around and saw six husks lying under the three windows. They stopped, listened again, looked at the floor, as the Cat took its giant paws and began ripping the flooring apart. After a minute they found a passage way under the house that was too small for them to enter. The three giant creatures called in a White Warrior. He teleported in and deactivated his armor. He ran into the passage, and after a few moments he returned and began handing three infants up to the two Zord and Cat. There were three infants; a Human, Cainth, and Glod that were crying from hunger. The Warrior went back down the passage and came out holding a small disc. He climbed out and inserted it into a disc player on a table. They saw three couples in the room with five of them firing their lasers out the windows. A Human female said, “We’re hiding our babies under the house. If you find them, please take care of them.”

Vremel looked at the three crying infants and said, “There’s no possible way these children could have not been detected by the Dremor.”

The Cat looked at the three infants, “We didn’t detect them either.”

They stared at the three babies and wondered what had allowed them to survive. No one had ever survived a Dremor attack. The three infants suddenly stopped crying at the same moment and the White Warrior saw the babies’ eyes were open as they looked at the beings surrounding them. The Cat said, “These three are obviously linked mentally. I can’t detect how they’re doing it.”

The Zord and Warrior knew that if the Cat couldn’t detect it; no one could. What was going on? The White Warrior said, “I’m taking this to a higher authority.”

• • •

The King and Queen of the Bristone Realm listened as the White Warrior and Admiral stood and reported how the three infants were found. The Admiral played the recording of the infant’s discovery as well as the recording that was made by the mother of the Human infant.

The King frowned after viewing the videos and turned to the Admiral, “How did the Dremor not find them?”

“We have no idea, Your Majesty. There were inhabitants on the planet that were deep under the planet’s surface in reinforced silos that were still found and killed. The children were in a small passageway under the house with no shielding or other protection.”

The Queen looked at the King and then turned to the Admiral, “Why was that passageway there? That planet has been at peace for thousands of years. What reason did the parents have for making it?”

The Admiral shook his head, “We have no way of knowing and it really doesn’t make sense. We’ve done a scan of all the other houses on the planet and none of them had hidden passages under them. That house was unique.” The Admiral paused and said, “The Dremor entered that house and killed the children’s parents. They were less than thirty feet from the children but did not detect their presence. The Dremor can sense life forms thousands of miles away, yet these infants were not seen.”

The Queen pondered that statement and then said, “So what happens to them now?”

“There has been a massive response from the Cainth and Glod since the story of their survival and discovery got out. The Glod and Cainth want the infant of their species sent to them to place in a good family.”

The King nodded for the Admiral to continue.

“We tried to send the Glod baby to their home world but as soon as we took the child outside the room of the other two, all three began having hysterics. We tried numerous times to make the move, but even if we moved one when they were all asleep, they would immediately awaken and start crying uncontrollably.” The Admiral paused and said, “We even drugged the three of them into unconsciousness and moved one of them out of the room. Before we could move more than a mile away, all three were wide awake and screaming.”

“How did that happen?”

“We don’t know. Somehow the drugs in their systems were neutralized.”

The Queen looked at the King who said, “What do the Cats say about this?”

“They don’t know how this is happening. They know the three are mentally linked but they can’t determine how it’s being done.”

The Queen that had been listening to the back and forth interrupted, “Something about that bothers you, Admiral?”

The Admiral took a deep breath and nodded, “The Cats are in tune with the Creative Force. One of them told me that the link being used by the three babies is not from the one that created everything. This is being done by something from outside of their existence. They are of the opinion that these three children are not a part of our creation.” The King and Queen looked at each other and the Admiral said, “The Cats don’t know if this is a good or bad thing.”

“Do the children have psychic abilities?”

“Not that we’ve been able to detect. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t. The Cats and the Zord are blind when it comes to the three infants.”

The King looked at the Admiral and said, “What’s the bottom line?”

The Admiral slowly shook his head and said, “The Cats call the Creative Force Mother. They tell me that their Mother did not create those three children. If she didn’t create them, they must have come from another place.”

The King looked at the Queen and she knew what he was thinking. She shook her head and he turned to the Admiral, “Move the three of them to a planet where they can be cared for and closely monitored and I do mean closely. I don’t want that planet near any of our important commerce or military centers.”

The Admiral bowed and left the Conference Room. The King looked at the Queen, “It might be best to remove this problem.”

“If we start killing children, we become what we’re fighting.”

“We’re fighting for Creation and these children are evidently not part of it.”

“Well, until we know what they are, we will follow our principles. Killing children is not one of them.”

The King stared at her and then looked out the huge glass wall at the capital on New Bristone. The massive city stretched out of view in the distance. He shook his head; they were also charged to defend the Realm. However, the Queen made the final decisions in the current secession. He hoped she was doing the right thing. He wasn’t willing to take the risk.

• • •

Pride watched Vremel fly in to the education clearing on El Prado. Vremel saw the giant Northern Mountain Cat lying in the sun as he teleported in high above the planet and began gliding toward the clearing. Pride raised his head and slowly sat up. Vremel smiled, “You look like age has taken hold of your joints.”

Pride grimaced, “Tell me about it.” He looked at Vremel, lied back on the ground, and said, “It’s been a long time since we fought the Demons.”

Vremel smiled and said, “Those were the days. I miss them. It seems like yesterday instead of hundreds of years.”

“We didn’t miss them when they were happening.”

“That’s true. But that was because we thought they were our most powerful and evil foe. We thought our worst enemy was defeated.”

Pride sighed and said, “Now we know better.”

“Yes we do; why have you asked me here?”

“They are placing the three infants in an orphanage on Lizella.”

“I know.”

“We’re uncertain about whether we should allow them to live.”

Vremel stared at the giant cat and said, “Do you sense they’re a danger to us?”

“That’s just it; we don’t sense anything about them and that is why we think it might be better to remove them.”

“You must have a reason other than that one?”

Pride paused and said, “I’ve been asked before who created the one that made creation. Have you ever been asked that?”

“If you mean who created the creator; I have.”

“We and our Mother have operated on the premise that she was the first and only one; now that idea has been totally shattered.”

“Because these children came from another place?”

“Yes, and if we know that everything seeks balance; what does that say about the infant’s creator? We know our Mother is good. It would be in keeping with balance that the infant’s creator might not be like our mother.”

Vremel looked at the Cat and said, “So you think that to balance good, the other creator must be bad?”

“Or evil; it amounts to the same thing.” Vremel frowned and the Cat quickly added, “If we could read the thoughts of the children we could find reassurance about what they are; but they are a blank page to us.”

Vremel thought about the issue and after ten minutes he looked at the Cat, “Do you believe that evil can recognize others that are evil?”

“I do. You should know that. It’s been proven hundreds of times in the past.”

“Then I cannot go along with your idea to kill these children.”

“Why not?”

“Because one of the most evil species in creation should have been able to see them and didn’t. If these children are as evil as you suspect, the Dremor would have seen them for what they are and either killed them or taken them to use against us. They did neither.”

The Cat closed his eyes and raised his head. After a long moment he opened his eyes and tilted his head to the right, “Our Mother is surprised at your insight. Your warrior was able to sense their presence and that has to mean something about what they are. We will keep them in our attention. However, we will act if we suspect they are evil.”

Vremel said, I only ask you discuss it with me before you take action.” The Cat nodded. Vremel spread his wings and lifted off the ground to fly over the planet that had once been his ancestor’s home. He saw the three mountains in the distance and felt what his species felt centuries before when the communities had fought to save the children of his species. He smiled and thought about the names given to the three mountains, “White Hair and the Two Bows. Our promise is being kept.” He turned and flew low over the central plateau and saw the billions of Torg grazing below. Once long ago they would have run from fear of a Zord. Now they didn’t know what he was. He relived the memories of those that lived and died on El Prado during the creation of the Bristone Empire. He felt their energy and it revitalized him for the fight ahead. He finally teleported away, reenergized by the planet that started the Zord’s commitment to a power larger than themselves. Every Zord Warrior should return here to remember their promise.

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