The Frankenstein Murders (2 page)

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Authors: Kathlyn Bradshaw

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BOOK: The Frankenstein Murders
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I desire your uncompromised assistance to resolve this matter. You will find enclosed Captain Walton's letters and journal. Do with them what you must in order to initiate an investigation. Confirm the death of the murderer, or find him and bring him to justice.

I remain your most respectful friend and associate, George Clerval

. G


Some months have passed since I left Geneva, and it has been much longer still since last we met. Sadly, our meeting at that time was after the death of my father. What greater burden can there be, sir, than the necessity of communicating unhappy intelligence and knowing the pain it shall impart. How I wish that a situation of a more pleasant nature were the cause of my writing to you now, and can only wonder who should be more greatly pitied, the relater or the receiver of evil tidings. I debated with myself for some time and came upon the conclusion that I had no option but to forward these documents to you. Do with them as you must.

The connection between your family and mine came as a result of the friendship between your son Henry and my eldest brother Victor. It is entirely because of this friendship that I write to you as I do today, although I realize this new remembrance of your son's untimely death will cause you no little distress. Recently, I came into possession of the journal of an English sea captain by the name of Walton. To the contents of his journal, you, above all others, should have access, for indeed the details of Captain Walton's writings refer specifically, and unhappily, to the murder of Henry.

I did indeed ponder if it might not be best for all if I were to destroy the letters, for they bring forward information that is unsettling at the least, and cast no complimentary light upon my family, particularly Victor. After a great deal of reflection, I realized that much of the tragedy that occurred was due to secrecy and hesitation. I determined I should not be found similarly at fault.

Captain Walton's letters contain the story of Victor's life both before and after Henry's murder. The letters explain the strange circumstances surrounding my brother's life, which may have played a role in the death of your son.

Although he maintained a need for the recognition and love of his family, Victor had a strongly private nature. My family was accustomed to and accommodated his need for solitude. He frequently divided his time among his studies of the arts and science, solitary mountain expeditions through the countryside, or sailing. His tendency was to go off on his own perambulations, once for many days, until my parents were beside themselves with worry. Eventually, it was discovered that Victor had gone to our home at Belrive without benefit of staff. Victor had a dual nature, and he was often torn between his need to be with those he loved dearly, such as Henry and our cousin Elizabeth, and his intense need for privacy. The servants and the family were barred from entering his rooms. Not even my father — as you know, a man of strong character — challenged this dictum by my brother.

The intensity and secretiveness of Victor's actions come as no surprise to me, but the true nature of his efforts whilst in Ingolstadt, and the tragic events caused as a result of them, astonish even me, who I dare say knew him better than most. Only by my reading of Captain Walton's journal have I come to be aware of Victor's activities while at university.

I fear I know not what to make of Captain Walton's letters and journal. To say that the story amazes me would only touch on the magnitude of my conflicted emotions.

You, as Henry's father, have the right to know this story and to judge Victor. I am relieved that both my father and mother were spared further pain from Victor's actions. You knew my father well; you understand the integrity with which he undertook his role in his public endeavours. He worked tirelessly. He was well respected. Honour and reputation were his greatest concern. The small consolation that I take, should Captain Walton's story be true, is that Victor's disturbing tale has ended in the cold waters of the far north.

My return to Geneva will not occur for at least another two years, and I am in continual expectation of making another journey. This is why I have elected to send you the packet of documents, although I would have preferred to hand them to you in person. If I may be of any service to you or your family, you have only to ask.

I remain your servant,

Captain Ernest Frankenstein


My dear friend George,

Too much time has passed since we properly corresponded. Our respective present businesses cause us to be brought together less frequently than they have in the past; it has been an age since we last were face-to-face. My great unhappiness on this occasion is that it is due to tragic circumstances that we once again correspond. The news of the death of your son Henry touched us all with great sadness. I felt it particularly, knowing how very close the two of you were. While in London, Henry visited our offices briefly in respect of his India enterprise. At the time, I noted his great resemblance to his pater. It has been a source of continuous distress to me that I was unable to deliver in person my condolences to both you and Mrs. Clerval.

There can be no doubt of my willingness to help you in any way resolve the matter of Henry's death to your satisfaction. I set aside much of my professional demeanour, and hope that in this matter I may act more as friend than as business associate. I have read the letters and journal of Captain Walton and must confess I can make little of them; however, to fulfill your wish for further investigation into the murder of your son and the circumstances surrounding this most unfortunate event, I believe I can provide you with that
which you seek. With the often delicate and private nature of some of our clients' needs, we have had occasion to use the services of a person whose speciality is the investigation of matters requiring the utmost discretion. We are certain you will find Edward Freame satisfactory to your purpose.

Edward Freame's services are often secured by my firm in areas of private and personal nature. In a manner most professional, Freame conducts successful investigations. He is not unaccustomed to cases of a more unusual nature. Most recently, Freame solved the case of the sudden death of a lady of London society. While the authorities were of a mind that the death was the result of natural causes, the lady's daughter was not satisfied. Freame investigated and the truth of the matter was revealed. The death was the result of premeditated murder. The investigation created a sensation. I have included an article from the popular press in which the murder is described so that you may become familiar with Freame's manner of work.

In regard to your requirement for secrecy, I feel I should note that Freame's cases are not as a rule publicized; but, in this instance, once the guilty party had been correctly identified, our client felt no compunction against identifying the culprit and displaying his misdeeds for all to see. The article, I hope, will also give you understanding of Edward Freame's ability to solve cases that are quite out of the ordinary. He is a man of uncommon diligence and intelligence. As you will have no immediate opportunity to judge the man for yourself, I will attempt to provide you my sense of his character.

Edward Freame, at seven and twenty years, is not subject to the passions and unclear thinking of youth, nor is he unable to defend himself or to give chase when the need arises. He maintains himself in good physical condition, is no stranger to the boxing ring, and is considered a fine shot. While all about him gape in astonishment and wonder, Freame remains unaffected. He does not
allow his mind to be overwhelmed by that which he has seen or been told.

Edward Freame is the middle child. While still a young man, he visited the home of a school friend and fell in love with the governess in whose charge were the younger children of the family. Freame's own family, to say nothing of those employing the governess, were strongly against the alliance, and so the young couple eloped. As a consequence, Freame was estranged from his family. The elder Mr. Freame died within a year of his son's marriage. Freame, having finished but a portion of his first year reading law at Cambridge, and needing to support his new family, chose to apply his sharp mind to other areas of the law. He worked with Fielding's Bow Street Runners until two years ago — until the sudden death of his young wife. He then left Fielding's group, and has worked almost entirely for this firm ever the since.

Edward Freame's only child resides with an older sister; he is unencumbered and more than qualified to undertake an investigation such as yours. I will notify him at once of your requirements and with your implicit agreement pass on the journal of Captain Robert Walton so that Freame may become acquainted with the details of your case. I would request you forward us immediately the letter you received from the Irish magistrate, Mr. Kirwin, and all other related documents in your possession. Every known intelligence related to Henry's murder must be given to Mr. Freame in order that he may begin his investigation with the utmost assurance and confidence.

Freame has consistently provided my firm with satisfactory results, and I trust you will be equally satisfied with the information he gathers on your behalf. He is possessed of excellent faculties of observation, and in his application of great insight into the evidence provided therefrom is he provided with the ability to solve a case. He will do his best to achieve an outcome that will silence the disquiet that continues to disturb you.

You and I are no longer at an age when travel of any distance is desirable. I could well live easily with this fact, were it not for the sorrow I feel at the physical geography that lies between us. I remain, dear sir, with respectful compliments to your wife and daughters, your well-wisher and friend,

Sir Arthur Gray

Holmwood, Gray, Cameron, and Associates

Murder at 112 Grosvenor Place

The mysterious death of Lady Emilia Chesterlock of Grosvenor Square was solved by Mr. Edward Freame, investigator, employed by Holmwood, Gray, Cameron, and Associates. Lady Chesterlock married Lord Humphrey Chesterlock after the death of her first husband, shipping magnate Mr. Frank Beardsley. Upon the death of her second husband, Lady Chesterlock took up permanent residence at 112 Grosvenor Place. Early in the morning on the eleventh of December, Mrs. Chesterlock's body was found burned beyond recognition in an armchair. Initially, it was believed she had died through strange yet natural causes of combustion, where a body will burn of its own accord.

The night of Lady Chesterlock's death, she had attended a musical soiree. Upon her return home, Lady Chesterlock took a small glass of sherry — her nightly custom. She was not seen again until early the next morning, when the housemaid found her mistress's charred remains in the sitting room. The housemaid went into hysterics at the sight and had to be calmed by the other servants. The butler summoned the police.

Only Lady Chesterlock's right ankle and foot encased in a satin slipper remained; the rest had burned, along with the seat, back, and part of the arms of the chair. Nothing else in the room was damaged, save for pieces of broken glass on the flagstone hearth. After careful consideration, the police agreed that Lady Chesterlock's death was the result of spontaneous combustion; the fire screen was securely
in place, and the matches carefully stowed in a decorative box upon the mantle.

Lady Chesterlock resided alone in the Grosvenor Square house, after her only daughter married Mr. Charles Lowrey of Bath. The house had been bequeathed to her by her late husband, Sir Humphrey, who had been widowed before they met. Sir Humphrey had a son by his first wife. The London house, although still belonging to Sir Humphrey's family, had been willed to the use of his second wife for the duration of her life, after which it would return to the exclusive use of his own family, namely his only son, Sir Ian Chesterlock. Lady Chesterlock's daughter, Mrs. Charles Lowrey of Bath, uneasy because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the strange death of her mother, immediately requested that Holmwood, Gray, Cameron, and Associates investigate the matter further. Mr. Edward Freame was charged with the investigation.

At first, Mr. Freame examined Lady Chesterlock's sitting room, in particular the burnt armchair. He noticed a dark oily spot on the wool carpet at a distance quite removed from those stains beneath the chair and was informed by the housekeeper that the stain had certainly not been there before Lady Chesterlock's death. Mr. Freame took the carpet and tested it by cutting it into pieces and burning both the stained parts and those that were not. He noted that the part of carpet soaked only by the oily substance burned in moments. The rest of the carpet took significantly longer to combust. Mr. Freame then conducted an experiment wherein he took a dead sow, wrapped it in a fabric similar to that of the dress that Lady Chesterlock wore on the night of her death, and placed it in an armchair identical to the ones found in her sitting room. He then doused the sow in lamp oil and lit the oil on fire. The body burnt hotly and quickly, except for the extremities, the bottom halves of the sow's back legs.

Mr. Freame additionally salvaged some of the liquid from the shards of glass on the fireplace, which the police had earlier identified as the remains of Lady Chesterlock's sherry bottle. He fed a small portion of the liquid to a mouse. The mouse immediately went into a deep slumber from which it could not be woken. Through further questioning of the servants, Mr. Freame also discovered that Sir Ian Chesterlock had visited his stepmother earlier that week and had left her a gift of a bottle of her favourite sherry. Mr. Edward Freame also found a London apothecary who remembered Sir Ian Chesterlock, who had complained of insomnia. The apothecary sold Sir Ian Chesterlock a large amount of a potent
sedative. Upon inspection of several pairs of Sir Ian Chesterlock's gloves, Mr. Freame identified that they were soaked in the same oil as that which had been found on the carpet at 112 Grosvenor Place.

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