The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4)
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She sighed, “In my room, Lukas,” she answered.

He rushed through the door and before she could blink he was on her bed and she was in his lap. “Doll...” He paused. “What happened?”

“Do you love me?” she asked on an exhale.

His eyes closed, “I...I can’t say I love you.” He finally answered honestly.

She removed herself from her lap and she began to pace. “Am I just a pawn?”

“Doll, look at me...” he demanded. She did as he demanded, turning to find him now standing as well. “Things are really complicated, and I can’t explain it right now. I can’t tell you I love you, but I care about you more than I’ve cared about anyone ever.” He took some steps towards her, but he didn’t reach for her.

“I got a phone call last night,” she whispered. He reached for her hands holding them in his. “At first I thought it was Raiden, but then I realized it wasn’t his voice. I don’t know who it was.” The tears hit her cheeks. His hands let go of hers and he wiped the tears from her face.

“Let me show you that you are special.” She nodded, and was in Kai’s arms being carried to her bed.



He lay her down on the bed and stared deep into her eyes. Love? Did he? He couldn’t completely say yes but she was special beyond special and he wanted to prove that. He moved his mouth close to hers, “You are special,” he whispered before pressing his lips to hers. His tongue played with the seam of her mouth and when it parted, he slipped his tongue inside. He moved slower than he ever had. She was breathing harder than she ever had when they had sex. He pulled his mouth from hers and stripped her clothes off.

“Wow,” she sighed as he removed his own clothes.

“The best is yet to come,” he promised closing his mouth over his again and slipping inside of her. He didn’t move his cock inside of her at first. He just continued the assault on her mouth.

She pushed against him causing him to break the kiss. “Lukas, move,” she pleaded and Kai felt like a slave to her demand. He began to move slowly inside of her. They didn’t kiss again. Instead, Kai just stared down as she slowly came apart under him.

“Wow.” They breathed together before laughing. He pulled out of her and tucked her close to him.

“You’re staying?” Kai knew she was surprised because he never stayed the night at her place if he wanted her all night she came to him.

“Tonight, I am.” He kissed her forehead, before closing his eyes. The day’s events were flying through his mind. Why a kidnapping? Why did he go along with it? Kai realized that maybe things weren’t what they seemed to be. He had no choice, he had to play the game still until the bitter end, but never again would Gloria be a pawn. She was his and she was going to soon realize that.


She stirred to find herself still in the arms of Kai Lukas. “Mmm...” he moaned and she smiled.

“I need to get ready for work.” He nodded and released her.

“I’ll take you and then tonight you come to me. I’ll make sure you have a car.” She leaned down and kissed his lips briefly.

“Sounds amazing.” She smiled heading for the shower. She secretly hoped he would join her, but knew that wasn’t probably wasn’t a great idea. When she emerged from the shower he was no longer in her room but she heard noise coming from the kitchen.

“So are you a gourmet cook?” She chuckled.

“Fuck no! But I hold my own.” He laughed leaving the kitchen and moving towards her. She laughed as he moved towards her like a lion on the prowl. “Good morning, doll,” he said, gently kissing her cheek.

“Good morning, Lukas,” she answered, returning his cheek kiss.



They walked into the diner and Kai saw Bethany immediately. He knew Raiden would hear soon enough that he was still bringing Gloria to work, and strangely it didn’t bother him, let him know. He shifted his glance from Bethany back to Gloria. “Bye,” he said before softly kissing her lips. He found this new softness even more of a turn on than being hard and rough.

“Bye, Lukas. See you later?” She smiled at him.

He winked, “You know I’ll be waiting,” he responded before leaving her to her work.

As he exited the diner his phone rang. “Hi, dad,” he answered on a small groan.

“Where the fuck are you?!” he snapped.

“On my way home,” he answered.

“Where the hell did you stay last night?” he hollered.

“With a friend.” Kai was going to be honest but vague.

“Get your ass home now!” his father snapped before ending their call.

“Yes sir,” he muttered to himself.
He drove towards the house, unsure of how many questions he would be able to handle from his father. Things were changing for Kai, even if only slowly.



Gloria watched Bethany escape out the back door. She knew she saw her walk in with Kai and she questioned the things he had said to her last night. Maybe she was a pawn. As she got close to the door she heard.

“Kai’s bringing her to work still.” Was she talking with Raiden? Why did they care if Kai was bringing her to work? “For sure, Raiden. Got to get back to work.”

Gloria backed up from the door when Bethany answered the call. She was pissed she didn’t like being talked about. It was something that happened a lot before she left her mother and something that started not long after she moved into Aishan. She had dealt with it her whole life, but it didn’t get easier, luckily for her the bitch was easily found in these situations now.

“Talking to your boyfriend?” she questioned with a hiss.

“No, Raiden had a question.” Gloria was surprised at how easily Bethany answered that.

“He doesn’t love you,” she spat. Gee, where had she heard that? Everything from the last two nights flew at her. Kai admitted he didn’t love her, but said she was special. What did that really mean?

“I’m happy for him. I’m looking forward to being Tai’s Maid of Honor.” Gloria felt her eyes widen as Bethany slid past her. Did Kai know this? Would this change things?

‘Raiden and Tai are engaged.’
She typed to him. She waited only briefly for a reply before returning to work with hundred questions in her mind.





He looked at her text.
‘Raiden and Tai are engaged.’
Did this mean things were over? Somehow Kai didn’t think it would be that easy. He walked through the door to find his father waiting.

“Mind explaining what the hell is going on, son?” his father snapped.

“I failed. Raiden and Tai are engaged. I have no more moves.” Kai said trying to walk past his father.

“No! It’s not over. They’re not married yet. Roy will know what to do.”

Kai shrugged, “Why are we doing this?” Kai asked. It was something he never fully questioned before.

His father grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard, “REDEMPTION!” He shouted in his face before releasing him.

“Yes sir,” he replied. “Call Roy. Whatever his plan is I’ll follow through.” Kai then turned to leave and his father let him.

“I’m sorry, doll. I love you.” He whispered in his room. He collapsed on the bed and the memories of that night his life was decided for him flooded back to him. Something that often happened when his father took that approach with him.

“Redemption. Redemption is key,” he whispered scrubbing his face with his hands.



When she woke in his bed the next morning she kissed his cheek and began to dress. “Where are you going?” he groaned.

She eyed him curiously, “Home, Lukas it’s the morning.”

He shrugged, “Come out with me today.” It was more of a statement.

“Okay, but can I go home first?” she questioned.

He nodded climbing out of bed. Still naked, he crossed over to her. “Pick you up in an hour, doll.” She smiled and kissed his lips. When she pulled back there was a smile on his face she had never seen. Maybe there was hope for them after all.

About two hours later they were strolling through the park arm-in-arm. She was about to ask him about Raiden and everything going on between them when she noticed him staring at someone. She followed his gaze and saw Raiden and Tai. He pulled them in their direction and she hoped he wanted to offer congratulations.

“So, she agreed to marry you, punk ass.” Kai hissed. Gloria tugged on his hand, but got no reaction.

“Yeah, she did, you lose.” You lose? What did that mean? She tugged on Kai’s arm this time with both her hands and still nothing.

“We’ll see. My family will have redemption.” Gloria was confused by the encounter and completely lost when Tai spoke.

“It’s nice to see you again, Gloria.”

“Fine, thank you. Gloria replied not even aware Tai didn’t ask a question. She was too focused on Kai.

“What are you doing, man?” Raiden asked, his nodding in her direction. Gloria looked back and forth between Raiden and Kai waiting for the answer.

“Mind your own fucking business, Wyrick.” Kai snapped and that was it. She was done, this encounter was over.

“Kai, let’s go.” It came out in a whine but she needed his attention and she was on the edge of tears from the encounter. Kai’s focus finally shifted back to her and he pulled her away from Tai and Raiden.

Once they were alone, Kai spoke, “Sorry, he gets on my nerves.” He wasn’t looking at her so she stopped walking forcing him to stop abruptly. “Damn, doll.” He muttered.

“We approached them, Lukas,” she reminded him.

“The point?” he fired back.

“The point is, we could’ve minded our own business.”

“No chance,” he spat.

“Why not? What’s really going on between you and Raiden?”

“No questions,” he hissed.

She pulled away from him. “Go fuck yourself, Lukas!” she fired at him, walking away grateful she wouldn’t have a far to walk home.





He let her walk away. He didn’t have a choice. He raced to his car and followed her though, pulling alongside of her when he finally got the nerve. “Doll, get in,” he demanded gently.

“Go away,” she said, not looking his way.

“Come on, Gloria,” he begged.

“Fine.” She huffed. He stopped the car and she climbed in. “So...” she pressed.

“Look, things are complicated,” he resigned.

She crossed her arms, “I don’t want to be a pawn, Lukas.”

He took her hand, “You aren’t, doll, I promise.” She just nodded. He said no more instead drove her home. “Talk to you, later?” he said in a pleading tone.

“Yeah, okay, Lukas.” She smiled kissing his cheek before climbing out of his car.

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