The Friar of Carcassonne (43 page)

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The page numbers in this index refer to the print edition of this book.

Page numbers followed by an “n” indicate a note.

Abbeville, Nicolas d', xx, 59–60, 69, 75–77, 80–82

Ablis, Geoffroy d'

biographical info, xvii

and Cathar revival, 165–66, 167–68, 182

and dissent in Carcassonne over

accord, 119, 122–23, 125–27

overview, 116

accord between the Church and


Ablis shares with townspeople, 126–28

attacks on signers of, 128, 130

Bernard's use of accord to incite

townspeople, 115–16, 118–20

Bourg complying with, 85

Dominicans' attempt to arrest the

doomed dozen, 65–67, 69, 75–76

signing of, 60

Agitateur du Languedoc, L'
(Laurens), 1–2

Aigues-–Mortes, Camargue, 224


attack on inquisitor, 54, 234

Castanet's return to, 101–2, 117

and Castanet's sexual proclivities, 93

complaints about Castanet, 93, 96

and secession plan, 157

wounds of inquisition, 69, 73–75, 88–89

See also
prisoners from Albi

Albigensian Crusade

attack of the Cité, 36–37

burning alive 400 people, 37–38

Dominicans as inquisitors, 41–42, 228

and Innocent III, 40–41

overview, 17–18

Toulouse as protagonist, 143

Anagni, Italy, 32–33

Aquitaine, x, 30

Aristotle, 26–27

Arnaud, Guillaume, 55

Aunay, Jean d', xix, 168, 169, 170–71, 254

Autier, Peire

Bernard compared to, 178

biographical info, xxi, 166–67

capture and death of, 182

on inquisitors and inquisition, 175

on opulence of the Church, 167, 175–76, 253
, 256

Autier revival of Cathars, 166–68, 172, 182, 191, 253

Avignon, 14–15, 171–72, 255

Avignonet, 55, 235

Aycelin, Gilles, xvii––xviii, 97, 150, 167

Baluze, Etienne, 258

Battle of the Golden Spurs, 109

Beguins, 178

Benedict XI, Pope

Bernard's prediction of death of, 168–69, 181, 194–95

biographical info, xv, 138–39

bull demanding Bernard's arrest, 161

murder charges against Bernard for death of, 168–69, 194–95

Benedict XII, Pope, 182.
See also

Fournier, Jacques

Bergamo, Bonagratia de, 187–88

Délicieux, Bernard

Bernard of Clairvaux, 46, 231–232

Bernardone, Giovanni Francesco di, xviii, 18, 217
See also
Francis of Assisi

Béziers, convent at, 173, 184–85

Biblical scriptures

on destruction of Jerusalem, 120–21

“foxes in the vineyards of the Lord,” 41

as justification for inquisition, 45–46, 230–231

and resurrection vs. dead or alive cremation, 79

“wolves in sheep's clothing,” 41, 121–22, 138, 190, 228

Boccasini, Niccolò, 138–39.
See also

Benedict XI, Pope

Boniface VIII, Pope

and Bernard, 60, 236

biographical info, xvi, 12–14

Carcassonnais take complaints to, 60

celebration after Battle of the Golden Spurs, 109

and Dante, 33, 223

and Jubilee, 12, 13, 166, 216

and Nogaret, 30, 31–33, 98, 104, 133, 137

and Philip IV, 29–34, 104, 222

on Registers X and XI, 206

and unraveling of the papacy, 14–15

Bourg, the

complying with accord, 85

concern about accord with the

Church, 115–16

marine infantry parachute regiment in, 35, 225

overview, 35–37, 224

and Patrice, 117–18, 119–20, 128, 130

Picquigny review of accord in, 118–19

protests ending inquisition in, 59–60, 65–67, 236
, 237

punishment and hanging for secession plan, 168, 170–71, 254

riot after reading of the accord, 127–28

See also
Wall, the


growth of, 15–16, 19, 218

Knights Templar, 20–21, 23–24, 29, 183, 219

Waldenses, 17, 42, 44–45, 116, 217

See also
Cathars; Dominicans; Franciscans; Spiritual Franciscans

Brothers Karamazov, The
(Dostoevsky), 46, 232

Bruges, Flanders, 106, 107–8

Bruges Matins, 108

Brunet, Guilhem, 56, 235

Capetians, 24, 26, 29, 109, 220
, 226–227

capital punishment, 44–45


Bernard's influence in, 5

complaints about Castanet, 93

Dominicans and Franciscans as overseers of the inquisition, 98

effect of inquisition, 89–90

Philip IV's visit, 153–54, 155

Pont Vieux, 37

secession attempt, 156–61, 169–71,

193–94, 254

Trivalle and Faubourg St. Laurent, 36, 65, 225

See also
accord between the Church and Carcassonne; Bourg, the; Cité, the; Wall, the

Castanet, Bernard de

and Albi's wealthy, 75–77, 85, 238

Bernard's plea for removal of, 89, 90, 96, 104

biographical info, xv, 74

and Cathedral of Ste. Cécile, 73–74

charges against Bernard, 188

complaints against, 93, 96

and Philip IV, 93, 101

return to Albi, 101–2, 117

sex rules for married couples, 74–75, 237

and Ste. Cécile Cathedral, 73–74

See also
prisoners from Albi

Castel St. Angelo, Rome, 11, 215


Autier revival, 166–68, 172, 182, 191, 253

beliefs of, 17

Bernard's view of, 68–69, 237

Church opulence vs., 16–17, 174–76, 184, 217
, 256

conclave in St. Félix, 28

sacrament, 78–79, 166

defectors and betrayal, 53–54

growth of, 16

ritual, 49

overview, 6

post-Crusade, 38

Spiritual Franciscans compared to, 178

torture of, 50

See also
Albigensian Crusade; Autier, Peire; inquisition

Celestine V, Pope, xvi, 13, 176, 216

Champagne, Durand de, xvii, 103–4, 169

Charles of Valois, 223

Châtillon, Jacques de, xix, 107–8

Church, the

Cathars on, 167, 253

fear as tool of, 174

the forgiving apology, 205–6, 260

and France, 25, 136–38, 221

as institutional technocracy, 15–16

opposition to literacy among laity, 16

opulence of, 16–17, 174–76, 184, 217
, 256

and Roman
, 39

Truce of God movement, 117

See also
accord between the Church and Carcassonne; papacy

Cité, the

and Albigensian Crusade, 36–37

the bishop's palace, 36, 93, 191–92

overview, 35–36, 224

and prisoners from Albi, 132–34, 191

royal custody of prisoners from Albi, 132–34

trial of Bernard in, 190–98

Clareno, Angelo, xv, 3, 185, 187

Clement V, Pope, xvii, 171–72, 173, 176, 183, 206

Colonna, Sciarra, 32–33

Commercial Revolution, 21–22, 25, 218

Comtat Venaissin, 171, 226–227
See also

Coninck, Pieter de, xxi––xxii, 106, 107, 108, 109, 147

Conradin, 25, 220

sacrament of the Cathars, 78–79, 166

Constantinople, 22, 218

Conventual Franciscans, 176–78, 179, 181–82, 184–85, 187–88

Costa, Bernard, 78, 79, 81–82, 90, 206

Costa, Raimond, xxii, 56, 89, 235

Crusade, the.
Albigensian Crusade

Dante, 11–12, 33, 116, 215
, 223

De Coninck, Pieter, xxi––xxii, 106, 107, 108, 109, 147

Délicieux, Bernard

appointment to convent in Nar-bonne, 102–3

beliefs of, 4

biographical info, 3, 4, 6, 206–7, 214
, 260

and Boniface, 60, 236

current opinion of, 214

and death of Benedict XI, 168–69, 181, 194–95

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