The Game of Shepherd and Dawse (26 page)

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Authors: William Shepherd

Tags: #esoteric fiction, #spiritual books spiritual healing personal growth, #understanding the world, #parables for today, #understanding self, #understanding reality

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Playing the Shepherd Player


If you play this role, you will have a very good energy about you. People will enjoy your company and you will have a good selection of friends. You will have been popular in school and you will have achieved an impressive set of grades. You will live in a nice home that is always clean and you will always look presentable. You will achieve many things during your life and you will be drawn to careers that have a philanthropic nature, such as nursing, counselling, emergency services, or working with the disadvantaged and disabled. You will likely be passionate about matters regarding the environment and have a love for animals and all living creatures.


Because of your great energy you will be targeted from time to time by Dawse Players, which can leave you feeling rather bewildered as to why this is happening to you. The Dawse Players will try and hone in on you and cause you as much pain as they can, sometimes to near suicidal points. You are targeted because you are a good force in the world and you make a difference. You help put right what has been put wrong. Most commonly a Shepherd Player will be targeted when they are a child through various forms of abuse, as this is their most effective way of trying to stop you in your tracks before you manage to get out into the world and work your magic.


If as a child, you were very well protected by other Shepherd Players and they couldn’t get to you, the Dawse Players will wait until you are older and try to attack you then. This can come in the form of an abusive relationship, a nasty and spiteful boss, a random attack in the form of rape or assault, or general financial abuse such as theft or burglary. If you’re a Shepherd Player you will be targeted in some way at some point in your life – how you deal with it will depend on the other Shepherd Players you have, and have had, around you.


The Dawse Player


The Dawse Player is a very tricky customer. On the surface they can easily appear to be a Shepherd Player, in as much as the way they present themselves, what they say and the way in which they dress. They can be charming and very convincing. They have a much higher level of intelligence than the Dawse Pawn and use that intellect to great effect when plying their trade of misery. Dawse Players are devious, manipulative, and very conniving. They are the rapists of the world, the paedophiles, the wife beaters, the murderers, the fraudsters, the child abusers, the bullies, and so on. They have one core purpose in life and that is to destroy.


Dawse Players will very often play the long game and disguise their actions well. Very often they gravitate to environments where they can prey on weaker people such as schools, children’s clubs and organizations, nursing homes and care homes and any other place that has easy meat for them. Only when they get caught red handed or make a mistake can they be identified for who they truly are and be removed and punished. Dawse Players will make it their business to attack and hinder as many people as possible who are playing the Shepherd Player. Sometimes their attacks are indiscriminate and sometimes the attacks are quite calculated and they only go up against people who they are sure of being able to beat.


The Shepherd Game Changers


These are the people of the world who make a huge and positive difference. Because of this, they can often be targeted from a very young age and in their early years live a life of turmoil and pain. Those who manage to pull through the early onslaught of attacks go on to become some of the most prominent, loved and respected people on the planet. They are the people who become the artists of the world, the performers, entertainers, activists, the great political and spiritual leaders and such, and they leave behind them a great legacy. Some examples of Shepherd Game Changers would be people like Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, Gianni Versace, Jesus, Muhammad, JFK, Benazir Bhutto, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and all of the great entertainers of the last hundred years.


Those playing high on the Dawse side know how influential these people are and how much joy they can spread in the world. Therefore they make many attempts to kill these revolutionary people or in the least ruin their reputations. You can see from the list above that sometimes Team Dawse succeeds and that history is littered with good people who have died in tragic or suspicious circumstances. The people who come here to be Shepherd Game Changers know the risks but come here nonetheless to carry out their duty and play their part in the game.


The Dawse Game Changers


These people are the personification of evil and spread misery in the world wholesale style. There is nothing they are not capable of doing and they do not possess a shred of compassion, sympathy or empathy. They are the warmongers of the world, they are the dictators, they are the mass murderers and those who ruin the environment on vast scales. War is one of their favourite tools because it affects so many people and causes so much pain in the world, the impacts of which can still be felt many generations after a war has ended.


Notable Dawse Game Changers would be the likes of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, Mao Zedong and quite a few of our western leaders over the years. All of these high profile people were responsible for suffering on an unimaginable scale and many dark deeds would have been done as a result of their own dark deeds being done.


As time progressed and people slowly became more compassionate and caring, the Dawse Game Changers began to assume more covert roles. They moved away from the forefront and spotlight and began wreaking their havoc from behind the scenes instead. They have now become the international bankers of the world, the Bilderbergers, the secret societies, the religious fanatics and the so-called corporate elite. They are the puppet masters of our so-called leaders. They do their bargaining behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, but they still have just one thing in mind: the total enslavement of the planet and absolute and outright victory in The Game of Shepherd and Dawse.


It is relatively easy to work out how much Dawse energy a person has in them, by splitting their personality into 10 parts.






3.Work ethics














10. Skill


If you were to gauge someone from one to 10 in each of the categories, with one being the worst a person can be and 10 being the best a person could be, you would then know what percentage that person was and which team they were playing for.


The Half and Half’s


Some of the most challenging people to deal with are the people known as the Half and Half’s. That is to say, they possess an equal amount of Dawse energy and an equal amount of Shepherd energy. On one hand they seem like a great person and the sort of person you could have in your life, then suddenly they do something that totally shocks you. They are the sort of people who seems to constantly let themselves down, yet despite this you can’t help thinking that there is a good person inside them desperately trying to break out.


These Half and Half’s are often the most fought over, on a universal scale, because they have 50% of each type of energy which can easily swing to either side, depending on the experiences they have in their lives and depending on the type of people who surround them. Because good people very rarely become bad and bad people very rarely become good, it is the Half and Half’s who witness the thick of the battle. While they will have many people throughout their lives to help and assist them, they will also have many people try to temp them into darker ways.


We are now midway through this game of games, which has been playing out for the past 13,000 years. The spirit of Darkness and its Dawsey soldiers have had the upper hand all this while and have been winning the game quite comfortably. This is not surprising, really, as their early victories coincide with the first part of the Precession of the Equinoxes (the time it takes our planet to fully orbit our galaxy) which is considered the dark side of the galaxy.


Naturally, the spirit of Darkness would do better with this sort of home court advantage. But there is a change happening on our planet right here, right now. Earth is beginning its precession into the other half of our galaxy, which is considered the light side. It will follow this path for the next 13,000 years, at which point this great game will finally reach its culmination.


So to all the good people of the world, now is our time to shine and see what stuff we’re made of.


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Coming Next…




Bridal Manor is the place we’d all like to go. It’s the place dreams are made of – a place where you can be free to explore every sense of the mind and body, a place where you can be everything you ever wanted to be and more. But membership at Bridal Manor comes at a cost and only those who fulfil that cost may enter. You don’t find Bridal Manor. Bridal Manor finds you. And very few who enter ever leave.


Penny Crabtree is more important than she could ever have imagined, and her life is turned upside down the day she meets the devilishly gorgeous Astra Coutts. Astra takes Penny on a journey of self-discovery, sexual liberation and spiritual enlightenment. This is a relationship that is as deep as it is mysterious. This is the story of Penny Crabtree and how she ended up at Bridal Manor.










“You mark my words, girl. If you ever end up like I have, you’ll know all about suffering”!! Penny Crabtree’s ever-demanding mother spoke in her thickest of northern accents, in a way that demanded sympathy, servitude and loyal obedience.


Penny Crabtree was the only child of Maude Crabtree. Penny was a fatherless child who, by her own mother’s admission, was totally to blame for her father’s absenteeism in both of their lives. Yes, this was a burden that poor Penny Crabtree was to shoulder, as well as the unbearable burden of an incontinent, tyrannical disabled mother. Penny was in some ways blissfully unaware of the unjust lot that had been bestowed upon her by the powers that be and as a rule would just get on with the daily grind of the daily grind.


Penny Crabtree was on the wrong side of 29 and was very much looking forward to becoming 30. It would be a proper birthday party this time, Penny often thought to herself, and not the usual lamer than lame cheap Asda cake, four sherries and Barry from next door, with miserable mother as compare for the evening.


That being said, if there were a prize to be given for the most miserable compare for a miserable little party bash, then mother would indeed win hands down. Whether winning such a prestigious prize as this would make mother more miserable or actually happy for once was the great universal question that always amused Penny when she would think about it.


Maude Crabtree had been a tyrannical mother for as long as Penny could remember, but had become even more heartless and cruel since the slipping accident in the new Asda super store that had just been built nearby. The slip had left Maude with very little feeling from the waist down, which matched the very little feeling that she had from the waist up for her only child.


Maude Crabtree had very much expected a huger than huge compensation pay-out from the supermarket giant, but fortunately for Asda the local manger was an expert with health and safety issues and made sure that each of his staff was drilled everyday on the topic in such a way that even a drill sergeant would have been proud (though much to the annoyance of everyone who worked there). Until, that is, the day when Compo Chaser (as Maude became known by all who worked at Asda) had entered their store and had her accident.


Maude did get a pay-out of sorts, but not the one she was expecting. Asda had offered her £20,000 as a good will gesture to show the public how much they cared about their customers, even though all of the precautionary measures had been taken to stop such an incident from happening in the first place. From a legal standpoint, her solicitor informed Maude that Asda didn’t actually have to offer her anything and had it gone through the courts, she likely wouldn’t win or get any money. For Maude, it was a victory as hollow as the love she had for her long suffering daughter.


But Maude Crabtree was more than intent on making up for lost ground and milked her situation to anyone and everyone who would ever get within ear shot of her legendary ramblings about the suffering that disabled people go through on a daily basis. At the local council offices she had become known as Moany Maude and the staff would all pick short straws as to who had to take the next weekly rant of a phone call, and it was a weekly affair at the very least. The council had spent many thousands of pounds converting the council house that Maude and Penny lived in to turn it into a handicap-friendly abode with the star prize being the very cleverly designed chair that was actually a commode. None of these things for Maude were anywhere near the standard that she demanded and fully expected, of course, even though no expense had been spared by the council and Maude was in fact on full disability allowance with her daughter being paid as her sole carer.

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