The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind (22 page)

BOOK: The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind
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It Works
is the title of a four- by six-inch, 25-page booklet. The author claims he could write 350 normal-sized pages on the subject but the gist can easily be described in only a few pages. The author claims he is well known (he only gives his initials, R.H.J.) and he owes much of his success to the “It Works” method. This method does work and it is easy. Your genie does the work.

The method is this:

Step 1


Write down the things and conditions you want on three-inch by five-inch cards. Write each on a separate card.

Use the principles taught in this course. Be specific. Be descriptive. If you want money, write down how much you want. If you want a car, write down the make, model, and color. As you write this down, imagine yourself driving the car...smell the upholstery...kick the tires...and so on. Attach emotion to your words as you write them down. You even might sketch a picture of the thing you want.

Do not be timid. Do not hesitate to want too much. Amend your cards as necessary.

The author recommends a limit of three cards. Since the subconscious mind can do trillions of things at a time, this limit may be unnecessary. The number of cards you use is up to you.

Step 2


The author says to read the list early in the morning and late at night. He probably picked that up from Emile Couè. Whether the author, or Couè, knew it or not, they are telling you to read the cards while you are in the alpha state. Since you know how to go into the alpha state whenever you want, you can read your cards at times other than just on waking and falling asleep. Do not look at them while you are in the beta state. Your conscious mind will probably be critical and thoughts of failure may arise.

Step 3


Keep your desires to yourself. Sharing only dilutes the power in the subconscious mind and invites criticism and doubt. It also puts unnecessary pressure on you to succeed. Remember, any fear of failure will likely override the will to succeed.

Step 4


Do not tell your genie how to do it.

That’s it. Simple but powerful. A large aerospace company where I worked bought an expensive program for their employees. The program was designed to help employees achieve goals. It was a good program with lessons, slides, tapes, etc. The presentations helped you analyze yourself and select suitable goals. But the bottom line was this:

Once you have determined what your goals are, write them on 3” x 5” cards, one goal per card. Read your cards first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Do not share them with anybody. Do not tell yourself how to accomplish your goals. Sound familiar?

Another man must have also made a fortune selling this method. About 25 years ago he ran full-page ads in major cities in the country. The title was
A Lazy Man’s Way to Riches.
His spiel was mail order selling. But to achieve success he gave these instructions: Write your goals on 3” x 5” cards, one goal per card. Read your cards just after you wake up in the morning and just before you go to sleep. Do not share them with anybody. Do not tell your subconscious mind how to accomplish your goals.

It works! And it is easy!



The purpose of this method is to repeatedly expose your subconscious mind to pictures of the things you want. After a short while your conscious mind will get bored and not pay attention to them, which is good. Every time the pictures come into view they will be noticed by your subconscious mind, which is great. These pictures act as icons in your subconscious mind computer and when activated, trigger your affirmation. This is all done on a subconscious level without interference from your conscious mind.



This method requires a poster board, glue, and scads of old magazines. First, select your goals. Then thumb through the old magazines looking for good pictures of the things you want, or of things that remind you of what you want. For example, if you want a new house, select pictures of new houses. The pictures should be as close as possible to the house you want. Good pictures are colorful, descriptive, emotional, and active.

If you want to publish a book, look for pictures of books, libraries, and a list of the best-selling books. Write the title of your book on the best selling list with your name as author.

If you need a new car, cut out and paste pictures of the car you want on the poster board. Be as accurate as you can be. If you want a Volvo, use pictures of the Volvo you desire. A Volvo dealer would be a good source of pictures.

Display the poster board where only you will see it. You do not want friends asking questions about it. They might question your ability to own a Volvo and plant the seed of doubt. Remember: do not think about how to do it, or how to get it. That is the job of your genie.



Phyllis Diller described her “dream book” in an interview that appeared in a newspaper years ago. She said, “Everyone should own a dream book. I have one and it’s part of the reason I’ve been so successful.” Her dream book—which she never let anyone see—was filled with her hopes and dreams, most of which came true. “I started it years ago when I dreamed of becoming a star. If there was something I wanted, no matter how ridiculous or impossible, I wrote it down or drew a picture in the book.”

A dream book has an advantage over a poster because it is easier to keep private. It is not easy to hide a large poster but it is easy to conceal a scrapbook from friends, and even from your spouse or parent. Diller just wrote and drew pictures, but why not spice yours up with colored pictures from magazines too?



Personal computer users clean up their hard drives regularly. During normal operation, files tend to get fragmented and parts of unwanted files get separated and left behind. These fragmented and unwanted files interfere with the operation of the computer. They are counterproductive. Programs are built into Windows to help clean up file fragments and clear out programs that are potentially harmful.

You need to do the same thing with your subconscious mind’s hard disk. There are programs from childhood that are harmful. There are programs from adulthood that are counterproductive and affect your physical and mental health. These programs include jealousies, vengefulness, loss of temper, grudges, etc.

You are aware of some of these programs. The ones you are aware of can be dealt with. Correct the situation with directed activity. Call the person you are angry with, for example, and work it out. If you cannot bring yourself to actually talk to the person, you can do it in your imagination in alpha. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and vivid imagination. Go into alpha and work it out constructively with the person.

Most of the harmful programs in our subconscious mind were acquired in childhood and we are unaware they even exist. Some were acquired in adulthood and, because of the
emotion attached to them, are buried in our subconscious minds. These negative programs can seriously affect your physical and emotional health. They need to be cleared. Actually, you know that programs cannot be erased from your subconscious mind but you can override them with positive ones. That is the purpose of this affirmation.



Get comfortable. If you are sitting, put your feet flat on the floor and lay your hands comfortably on your lap. Raise your eyes up 20 degrees. Looking up is a strain on your eyelids. Your eyelids are getting tired. Your eyelids are tired and they begin to flutter. You now want to close your eyes. Try to keep them open, but you cannot. The harder you try to keep them open, the more they want to close. Allow your eyelids to close. Your eyes are closed.

Imagine you are a life-size weather balloon. Someone has over-filled you with air. You can feel the tension and you want to relax. There is an exhaust valve by your hand. Open it and relieve the pressure. Let all of the air drain out until the balloon is lying flat on the ground. Be aware that it is devoid of tension. It is completely relaxed. All tension has escaped.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Let yourself relax. Relaxation is the easiest thing you can do. Simply let go...just let go. Let your mind drift on pleasant thoughts...peaceful thoughts...happy thoughts. You are safe and secure.

Just let your body relax...completely relax...from head to foot. Search for remnants of tension in your body and then visualize them draining from your body. See these vestiges of tension flowing out of your body and draining harmlessly on the floor. You are relaxed. Every muscle in your body is relaxed...limp...soooo relaxed. You are feeling heavy now. Heavier
and heavier. You are going deeper and deeper into a healthy, natural state of relaxation and peace of mind. You don’t even have to listen to my voice...just relax. Relax and let go. See yourself as that deflated balloon...totally limp...totally relaxed.

Imagine that you are entering an elevator. It is a very safe elevator—well built and well designed. The walls are soft and the lighting is a subdued bluish color. You notice there is an operator...and the operator looks familiar to you. You realize that the operator is your subconscious mind. Your operator knows where you are going. Your operator closes the door and you begin to go down...down. Your operator is taking you to a healthy, deep state of mind...a state where your subconscious mind is open to healthful, positive suggestions...where it only accepts suggestions for your highest good.

Feel the lightness in your body as you descend. You are descending deeper and deeper. You notice that there are 10 floors...and you just passed number 10. The elevator continues descending...safely...steadily. Feel the lightness of your body due to the decent of the elevator. Now you notice that you passed floor 9...and you continue down...downward. And as you descend, you go deeper and deeper asleep...deeper and deeper asleep. The light in the cab grows dimmer and dimmer. The elevator cab grows darker and darker. You are now passing floor floor 7. You are now in a deep healthy state of mind...deeper then you have been before. It is is is calm and wonderful. Floors 6, 5, and 4. You are going to an even deeper level of mind...deeper and deeper. Floors 3 and 2 pass by. You are now at floor 1.

You are now at the deepest level of are at a level where you can easily program your subconscious mind with healthy and loving and positive affirmations. Your subconscious mind eagerly accepts all healthful, positive suggestions. Your subconscious mind is happy to comply with the requests from your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind lovingly works with your conscious mind for your best interests, and best health. Your subconscious mind eagerly accepts the positive affirmations from your conscious mind.

The elevator has stopped and your subconscious mind opens the door. The scene you see is gorgeous...beautiful beyond words. It is a meadow...and the meadow is filled with thousands of wild flowers...of all colors...of all sizes. There are tame animals...deer...foxes...squirrels. All are friendly and harmless. They do not mind your presence. You all seem to be part of the scene...part of nature. You feel like you belong there. You are glad to be there.

You find that you do not need a path to walk seem to float over the flowers. You are are are are in paradise. Now rest under a shady tree and accept the following affirmations as yours for now and for always...for your good...for your best health...for your best mental being.

Each and every time you want to return to this relaxed, healthy state of mind, count down 3 - 2 - 1 and mentally say and think the word “RELAX.” Each and every time you wish to return to this deep state of mind simply count down and think and mentally say the word “RELAX.” Each time you do this you return to this state faster and easier...faster...easier. Using the word “relax” in normal conversation has no effect on you. Only when you intend to go into this state does it have this effect.

Ordinary sounds act only to deepen your sleep. In any emergency you are naturally wide awake instantly, alert and aware of your surroundings.

Now accept this following affirmation as yours. Let it sink deep into your subconscious mind for your highest good. Imagine you are saying the following words to yourself.

I accept myself as I am. I am what I am now because of my past experiences. All of these past experiences have had value in some way that was not evident to me then. I accept my past...all of a valuable learning experience. Whatever happened in the past happened for a reason and I am better today for it. I am glad for everything that has happened to me. All experiences that seemed unnecessary at the time or seemed hurtful have steeled me...strengthened me...toughened me...made me more compassionate...made me more understanding...made me more
appreciative of myself and of life...made me a better person. I look at these experiences with a positive point of view. I accept each experience for what it was, a learning experience. I visualize a beautiful diamond and realize that it is beautiful and precious and rare because it has been formed by severe pressure and heat. It has used these adverse conditions to become something beautiful and precious.

Right now is the only moment I can live...and I choose to live it fully and joyfully. Today I am alive and I rejoice. Today I love life...I love myself...I love everyone I come in contact with. I find some truth and beauty in every person I meet. I dwell on their positive attributes. Life is good to me. I accept my good and I am very thankful...ever so thankful. And I wish this good for all mankind too. The universe is abundant and can provide for everyone.

Today I release the effect of every negative experience of the past and every negative effect it had on me. I love myself for what I am and I extend this feeling to everyone else. I wish for everyone to have all the good they deserve. I want all the good there is for myself and for everybody. I know that we all share this planet, and we are all a part of Life. I accept everyone as I accept myself.

I act and do what I think is right at that time. Sometimes I may look back and wish I had acted differently. But it is useless to wish I did something differently. I live in the NOW. I only look back when it is of help to me now. I now forgive myself for every mistake I have ever made; and I forgive everyone who has in any way harmed me, because in every experience, as I understand it, good surely comes to me in some way. Each mistake I have made has led to greater understanding and to greater opportunity. I am thankful for every experience of the past. I can release...I do release...I release my resistances to releasing. I now fully release what I thought were mistakes and release their effect on me. I feel much better without the effect they had on me. I completely forgive myself. I completely forgive others who I thought harmed me. They thought they were doing the right thing at that time. Their action taught me a lesson and strengthened me in some way.

I look forward to tomorrow but I live in the now. I am ever aware of myself and my surroundings because I live in the now. I am grateful for my new level of understanding. I now agree with Life. I am born anew. I now eagerly look forward to living every moment. I am aware of every moment...I appreciate every moment.

I now see myself standing in front of a large window. It is difficult to see the meadow, the flowers, and the animals on the other side because the window is dirty. It is covered with years of dirt...negative thoughts...hurts...bad thoughts...slurs...vengeful thoughts...envy...etc.

There is a large sponge and squeegee on a long handle. There is also a bucket of soapy water. I see myself dipping the sponge in the soapy water and washing all the dirt and grime off the window. When it is clean, I see myself taking the squeegee and drying the window. Now I can see through the window clearly. The meadow is crystal clear...the whole world is now clear and beautiful...the world is clean...pure...lovely...loving. I love life and all that lives. All life loves me. I see clearly now. I am free of the effect of past negative experiences. My subconscious mind is free of the effect of all counterproductive programs. My subconscious mind is free to dwell only on the positive...only on healthy thoughts...only on loving live now, in the present. I feel lighter...I feel joy...I feel optimistic.

Now it is time to return to the awake return to full awareness. I return to the elevator and enter it. The operator closes the door and I begin to ascend...1...2...I am waking up...I am returning to the awake state with a renewed outlook...with a totally positive attitude...with a loving attitude toward myself and everyone else. It shows and others sense it. 3...I feel wonderful...I feel lighter...I feel as if a burden has been taken off my shoulders...I feel free...I feel loving...4...5...6...I am refreshed...7...I feel joyful...8...I see clearly the beauty of life...feeling refreshed...9 and 10! I am wide awake!

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