The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945 (58 page)

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Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 192.

57 Allen, The Nazi Seizure of Power, 84. For a discussion of the question see Hermann Greive, Geschichte des modernen Antisemitismus in Deutschland (Darmstadt, 1983), 138ff.; Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', 2296.

Arnold Paucker, quoted in Flade, Juden in Wurzburg, 334. For earlier charges see Stefan Lehr, Antisemitismus: Religiose Motive im sozialen Vorurteil (Munich, 1974), 52f

sv Quoted in Flade, Juden in Wurzburg, 3i4. See C. V. [Centralverein-Zeitung], 5 and 12 Apr., io May 1929.

60 BayHStA: MInn 73818: Polizeidirektion Wiirzburg, 6 Aug. 1930.

Quoted in Flade, iuden in Wurzburg, 344.

fit Dieter W. Rockenmaier, Das Dritte Reich and Wurzburg: Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme (Wurzburg, 1983), 34: cf. Flade, luden in Wurzburg, 341-9.

Quoted in Flade, u' den in Wurzburg, 35o.

64 Konrad H. Jarausch, Students, Society, and Politics in Imperial Germany: The Rise of Academic Illiberalism (Princeton, 1982), 355.

Birgitt Grieb-Lohwasser, 'Jiidische Studenten and Antisemitismus an der Universitat Wurzburg in der Weimarer Republik', in Herbert Schultheis (ed.). Ein Streifzug durch Frankens Vergangenheit (Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale, 1982), 262.

`"Ibid. 324ff.

Roland Flade, 'Es kann sein daB wir eine Diktatur brauchen': Rechtsradikalismus and Demokratiefeindschaft in der Weimarer Republik am Beispiel Wurzburg (Wurzburg, 1983). 117.

F4 Schultheis, 34; Pridham, 322.

fi5 Geoffrey J. Giles, Students and National Socialism in Germany (Princeton, 1985), 67-72. For student politics and anti-Semitism see esp. Michael H. Kater. Studentenschaft and Rechtsradikalismus in Deutschland 1918-1933 (Frankfurt, 1975), 145ff•

7' Situation report, 22 Mar. 1933: KLB vi. 3.

72 Helmut Raab, Der Arbeiter im Reich des Hakenkreuzes: Widerstand and Verfolgung in Wurzburg (Wurzburg, [19831).

71 Quoted in Rockenmaier, 36.

74 Werner Dettelbacher, Darnals in Wurzburg (1971: Wurzburg, 1982), 115.

71 Rockenmaier. 33.

75 Michael Meisner, Bekenntnisse eines Auf3enseiters (Wiirzburg, 1985), 158, puts the date at 6 Mar.

,h Quoted in Rockenmaier, 37.

'' Dettelbacher, 115; Rockenmaier, 38.

Rockenmaier. 42: Schultheis, 39: llettelbacher, i i 5.

7' Rockenmaier, 40. quotes Bauer and another Socialist, Gerda Laufer.

Dettelbacher, i i 5.

Dettelbacher, 115ff.

"For remarks on the 'cures' of unemployment see Timothy W. Mason, Arbeiterklasse and Volksgemeinschaft: Dokumente and Materialien zur deutschen Arbeiterpolitik 1936-1939 (Giitersloh, 1975), 46ff.

Quoted ibid. 40.

Rockenmaier, 43.

Meisner, 15 8-9•

NS Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 77.

"' Rockenmaier, 44.

89 Walter Ziegler. KLB iv. Niederbayern and Oberpfalz (1973). 8, report for i6-3o June_1933.

Quoted ibid. 45-7; cf. Bruno Fries et al.. Wurzburg im 111. Reich (Wurzburg, 1983), 33.

vz For the full account see Ulrich von Hehl (ed.), Priester unter Hitlers Terror: Eine biographische and statistische Erhebung, and edn. (Mainz, 11985), 114115 ff. See also Joachim Maier, 'Die katholische Kirche and die Machtergreifung', in Wolfgang Michalka (ed.), Die nationalsozialistische Marcht- ergreifung (Paderborn, 11984), 152 if.

90 Meisner, 16o.

Rockenmaier, 67-8.

93 For an examination of the rise of the NSDAP in the rest of Franconia, see especially Rainer Hambrecht, Der Aufstieg der NSDAP in Mittel- and Oberfranken (1925-1933) (Nuremberg, 1976), 85 ff.

' Quoted in Flade, Juden in Wurzburg, 354. Cf. Klaus Kirschner, "'Da brennt's in Ermreuth!" Juden and Nazis in einem frankischen Dorf, Frankfurter Hefte, so ('979). 37ff•

4 Kulka and Rodrique, 'The German Population'. 426. See also Otto Dov Kulka, "'Public Opinion" in National Socialist Germany and the "Jewish Question"'. Zion, 40 (1975), p. xliii.

See Helmut Genschel. Die Verdra'ngung der Juden aus der Wirtschaft im Dritten Riech (Gottingen, 1966), 45ff.

Karl A. Schleunes, The Twisted Road to Auschwitz: Nazi Policy toward German Jews 1933-39 (Urbana, III., 1970). 84IT.: Genschel, 5 1f.

" He is quoted in Schleunes, 88. Goebbels, in self-delusion or otherwise, records the 'success' of the boycott in his diary and the direct role Hitler played in the whole affair: see Goebbels, My Part in Germany's Fight, 236ff. For a sample of the publicity leading up to the boycott see Das Schwarzbuch: Tatsachen and Dokumente. Die Lage der Juden in Deutschland 193_3, ed. Comit6 des Delegations Juives (Paris, 1934: repr. Frankfurt, 1983). 292ff•

'GSA: HA/Rep. 9oP: Gestapo Aachen, LB. 5 Sept. 19,35: Gestapo Dusseldorf. LB, 5 May 19 3.5.

Heinrich Uhlig, Die Warenhduser im Dritten Reich (Cologne, 1956). 209. See also Heinrich August Winkler, Mittelstand, Demokratie and Nationalsozialismus (Cologne, 1972), 183IT.

Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 277.

9 Schleunes, 89; Flade. Wurzburger iuden, 264-6; Schultheis, 46-7.

StA W: NSDAP/GL/XII/2, 13 Oct. 1933.

" Ophir and Wiesemann (eds.), 24.

z See e.g. letter of 5 Oct. 1933 in StA W: LRA/3261: Bad Bruckenau.

" Bay HStA: MA 1'06680: RP report. 7 May 1'935, repr. in Broszat et al. (eds.), Bayern in der NS-Zeit, i. 442; cf. LHA Ko: 441/28264: RP report, 5 Dec. 1'935.

" Flade, Wurzburger Juden, 2 76-7.

' GSA: HA/Rep. 9oP: Gestapo Recklinghausen, 6 June 1'935; cf. Gestapo Aachen, 8 May 1'935•

" Bay HStA: MA io6694: RP report io Oct. 1935, repr. in Broszat et al. (eds.), Bayern in der NS-Zeit, i. 456.

"StA W: NSDAP/GL/XII/6: Hundsfeld, 18 June 1937. For nearby Hesse see HHStA: Abt 483/6741: letter to Gestapo Kassel from Landrat Gelnhausen, 3o Nov. 1937.

'" StA W: LRA Bad Neustadt 125/5, GS Bischofsheim, 28 Jan. 1938, also cited in Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 243. In the same village, however, violence against the Jews was occasionally reported: see Bay HStA: MA io6 681: report of RP, io Nov. 1938.

19 StA W: NSDAP/GL/XII/1, 9 Oct. 1934. Thirteen towns and villages are mentioned.

22 See StA W: LRA Bad Neustadt, 125/4.1 Dec. 1936, also in Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 240.

24 See Genschel, 112-13: Adam, /udenpolitik, 123-4.

21 See chs. 5 and 6.

21 StAW: NSDAP/GL/XII/1: GS Geiselbach. 6 Apr. 1935. For similar complaints that antiSemitic signs would backfire see GSA:HA/Rep. 9oP: Gestapo Koblenz, 5 July 1935. See StA W: NSDAP/GL/XII/1 for the Wurzburg ban. For Hess see BAK: Sammlung Schumacher, 240, Il.

23 Genschel, 1o5ff.: Uwe Dietrich Adam, Judenpolitik im Dritten Reich (Dusseldorf, 1972), 1224.

zi Quoted in Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', 2 36.

26 The law is reprinted in Hirsch, Majer, and Meinck (eds.), 350-I.

27 The Times (London), 8 Nov. 1935•

z" See e.g. BAK: R58/6o4: Gestapo Hanover. 4 Mar. 1936.

:v See Abraham Margaliot, The Reaction of the Jewish Public in Germany to the Nuremberg Laws', Yad Vashem Studies, 12 (1977), 75R•

" Bay HStA: MA 106687, i May 1936, also in Broszat et al. (eds.), Bayern in der NS-Zeit, i. 460-1.

74 Otto Dov Kulka is preparing an edition of these records. For a critique of the material see his 'Die Niirnberger Rassengesetze and die deutsche Bevolkerung im Lichte Geheimer NS-Lage- and Stimmungsberichte'. VJZ 32 (1984). 582f

LHA Ko: 441/28267, Gestapo Koblenz report, 4 Oct. 1935.

3z Sopade, ii. (Aug. 1935), 996-7.

KLB vi. 84.

17 Ibid.: Gestapo Aachen, 5 Sept. 1935; cf. ibid.: Gestapo Recklinghausen, 6 June '935.

GSA:HA/Rep. 9oP: Gestapo Osnabruck, 4 Sept. 1935.

S~' Ibid.: Gestapo Munster, 6 Nov. 1935.

" See ibid.: Gestapo Munster (Oct. report); Dortmund (Sept. report): and Nov. reports from Magdeburg and Kassel.

Bay HStA: MA io6697, 3 Apr. 1936: also in Broszat et al. (eds.), Bayern in der NS-Zeit, i. 460•

41 Bay HStA: MA io668o, 8 Oct. 1935•

4' GSA: HA/Rep. 9oP: Gestapo Potsdam, report for Nov. 19 3.5.

14 BAK: 858/531: Gestapo Aachen, 7 Oct. 1935. This was a reaction very similar to that in Cologne and Dusseldorf.

41 BAK: R58/671, Gestapo Munich, 3 Oct. 1935.

*z BAK: R58/529.

47 StA W: Gestapo 9073; in Gestapo 10210 an arrest for 'race defilement' was made on 30 Aug. 1935. For an example from elsewhere see GSA: HA/Rep. 9oP: Gestapo Dusseldorf, July 1935.

'5 Ibid. 534: Gestapo Trier, 5 Oct. 1935•

Ibid. 656: Gestapo Trier, 5 Mar. 1936.

av Ibid.: Gestapo 9100, letter of 25 Feb. 1936. There are even more examples from areas with a tradition of anti-Semitism, e.g. around Marburg, Hesse (StA Marburg: LRA/18x/4829).

StA W: Gestapo 8989.

51 See Adam, Judenpolitik, 204ff. For additional background see Rita Thalmann and Emmanuel Feinermann, Crystal Night 9-io November 1938 (New York, 1974), 11ff.; Hermann Graml, Der 9 November 1938: 'Reichskristallnacht', 4th edn. (Bonn, 1956), 4R•

sz For all of the above see BAK: R58/276, 124ff. See also Uwe Dietrich Adam, 'Wie spontan war der Pogrom?', in Walter H. Pehle (ed.), Der Judenpogrom 1938 (Frankfurt, 1938), 74R.

'' Adam, Judenpolitik, 207; Schleunes, i36fl.

Kershaw, Popular Opinion. 261-2. The same pattern, in fact, was to be seen in the Palatinate, the district just across the River Rhine to the west of Lower Franconia. See Karl Heinz Debus, 'Die Reichskristallnacht in der Pfalz: SchuldbewuBtsein and Ermittlung', Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte des Oberrheins, 129 (1981), 445R•, and Kurt Duwell, Die Rheingebiete in der Judenpolitik des Nationalsozialismus vor 1942 (Bonn, 1968), 175ff.

54 Ophir and Wiesemann (eds.), 29T-3.

ss Bay HStA: MA io6681: report, io Jan. 1939.

56 0 phir and Wiesemann (eds.). 247-8.

See ibid. 247ff.

"' Full account in StA W: NSDAP/GL/XII/6: report of GS i i Nov. 1938.

57 Ibid. 275-8.

Ibid. 394-5.

fi' See Ophir and Wiesemann (eds.), 247ff. There is no information on several of the very smallest communities.

b2 Ibid. 259.

For the reports see StA W: LRA 2260 IV: Aschaffenburg.

See ibid.: LRA 112 1: Bad Kissingen.

5 Ibid. See also Schultheis, 359ff.

fi' BAK: R58/276. 136.

17 Schultheis, p. 79.

69 Heinz Lauber, Judenpogrom 'Reichskristalinacht' November 1938 in Grol3deutschland (Gerlingen, 1981), 123-4.

The articles are reprinted in Schultheis, 71ff.; Bay HStA: MA io668i, also in Broszat et al. (eds.), Bayern in der NS-Zeit, i. 475.

71 BAK: R7/2170, 10.

" Ophir and Wiesemann (eds.), 446.

72 For the decrees see Bruno Blau, Das Ausnahmerecht Jur die Juden in Deutschland 1933-1945 (Dusseldorf, 1954), 55ff.: for the record of the meeting see IMT xxviii. 499ff., doc. PS-18i6.

7 1 BAK: R58/1o94: SD annual report (1938), 35.

71 See Flade, Wurzburger Juden. 3 12ff.

75 IMT xx. 292-3.

" See the testimony of Karl Kaufmann of Hamburg, ibid. 38ff. See also Donald McKale. The Nazi Party Courts (Lawrence, Kans., 1974), 163ff.

77 See Earl R. Beck, Under the Bombs: The German Home Front 1942-1945 (Lexington, 1986), 151ff.

"Steinert, 3 7.Cf. Anselm Faust, Die Kristallnacht im Rhineland: Dokumente zum Judenpogrom im November 1938 (Dusseldorf, 1987), 41ff.

Otto Dov Kulka, "'Public Opinion" in Nazi Germany and the " Jewish Question"', Jerusalem Quarterly 25 (1982), 138.

si For a local example see StA Marburg: LRA i8o: Gestapo Kassel to Landrat in Marburg, 13 Jan. 1939. See also McKale, 163ff.

"See also William S. Allen, 'Die deutsche Offentlichkeit and die "Reichskristallnacht": Konflikte zwischen Werthierarchie and Propaganda im Dritten Reich', in Peukert and Reulecke (eds.), 397ff., who remarks that many who disliked the pogrom approach held private property in great esteem, others put economizing and thriftiness first, and many put a premium on the sanctity of religion, while still others set great store by 'law and order', and so on. Von Eberstein said that in so far as the SS did not participate in the pogrom, it was not because of any philo-Semitism: 'I can only say that the SS, just like the Party, was anti-Semitic, but quite apart from any material loss [which undoubtedly resulted from the pogrom] ... we considered this indecent and the SS did not participate in it' (IMT xx. 294).

Meisner, 169.

See the oft-cited remarks of the United States Consul-General in Stuttgart reprinted in Paul Sauer (ed.), Dokumente fiber die Verfolgung der judischen Burger in Baden-Wurttemberg durch das nationalsozialistische Regime 1933-1945 (Stuttgart, 1966), ii. 33ff.; he simplifies the categories of response into those who were in favour of the pogrom (20%) and those against it (80%), whereas more differentiation is required.

Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 268-9.

85 Ruth Andreas-Friedrich, Der Schattenmann: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, 1938-1945 (1947; Berlin, 1983), 32-3. Cf. Reck-Malleczewen, 7o.

" Inge Deutschkron. Ich trug den gelben Stern (1978; Cologne, 1983), 35.

'7 Quoted in Gerhard Hay, 'Das Jahr 1938 im Spiegel der NS-Literatur', in Franz Knipping and Klaus-Jurgen Muller (eds.), Machtbewultsein in Deutschland am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkrieges (Paderborn, 1984), 326.

Herbert and Sibylle Obenaus (eds.), 'Schreiben wie es wirklich war!' Aufzeichnungen Karl Dar- kefaldens aus den Jahren 1933-1945 (Hanover, 1985), 85.

sy Sopade, v (Nov. 1938), 12o6.

Y2 See LA Speyer: H33/1270, 2 Dec. 1938 (from Neumarkt i.d. Oberpfalz, KLB iv. 224). Cf. Muller, 245.

StAL: Kill 0/44: SD report for the last quarter of 1938.

vu KLB ii. 300. 309.

91 Ibid. VI. I46ff. 92 0.._ r n i __ r

" Burkhard van Schewick, 'Katholische Kirche and nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik'. in Klaus Gotto and Konrad Repgen (eds.). Kirche, Katholiken and Nationalsozialismus (Mainz, 1980), 91.

Gordon C. Zahn, German Catholics and Hitler's Wars (New York, 1969), 72.

J. R. C. Wright, 'Above Parties': The Political Attitudes of the German Protestant Church Leadership 1918-1933 (Oxford, 1974), 145. See the critical remarks in Richard Gutteridge, Open thy Mouth for the Dumb: The German Evangelical Church and the Jews 1870-1950 (Oxford, 1976), 186ff.

17 Kulka and Rodrique, 426.

98 Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 277.

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